kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2023-2023 etspaceman
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kinesis4cats.producer
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.time.Instant
import cats.effect.syntax.all._
import cats.effect.{Async, Ref}
import cats.syntax.all._
import org.typelevel.log4cats.StructuredLogger
import kinesis4cats.Utils
import kinesis4cats.logging.{LogContext, LogEncoder}
import kinesis4cats.models._
/** A cache of shards for a stream, which can be used to predict the shard ID
* for a given record's partition key
* @param config
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.Config ShardMapCache.Config]]
* @param logger
* [[org.typelevel.log4cats.StructuredLogger StructuredLogger]]
* @param shardMapRef
* [[cats.effect.Ref Ref]] of [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMap ShardMap]]
* @param shardMapF
* F that supplies a new [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMap ShardMap]]
* @param F
* [[cats.effect.Async Async]]
* @param LE
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.LogEncoders ShardMapCache.LogEncoders]]
private[kinesis4cats] class ShardMapCache[F[_]] private (
config: ShardMapCache.Config,
logger: StructuredLogger[F],
shardMapRef: Ref[F, ShardMap],
shardMapF: F[Either[ShardMapCache.Error, ShardMap]]
F: Async[F],
LE: ShardMapCache.LogEncoders
) {
import LE._
/** Predicts a shard that a record will land on given its partition key
* @param partitionKey
* The partition key for the record
* @return
* Either a
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.Error ShardMapCache.Error]] or
* [[kinesis4cats.models.ShardId ShardId]]
def shardForPartitionKey(
partitionKey: String
): F[Either[ShardMapCache.Error, ShardId]] =
/** Refresh the shard cache by running shardMapF
def refresh(): F[Either[ShardMapCache.Error, Unit]] = {
val ctx = LogContext()
for {
newMap <- shardMapF
res <- newMap.bitraverse(
e =>
.error(ctx.context, e)("Error retrieving newest shard map")
x =>
for {
_ <- logger.debug(ctx.context)(
"Successfully retrieved new shard map"
_ <- logger.trace(ctx.addEncoded("shardMap", x).context)(
"Logging shard map"
_ <- shardMapRef.set(x)
} yield ()
} yield res
/** Start the cache
private def start() = for {
_ <- refresh().toResource
_ <- F
.flatMap(_ => refresh())
} yield ()
object ShardMapCache {
/** Construct a ShardMapCache
* @param config
* ShardMapCache
* @param shardMapF
* F that supplies a new [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMap ShardMap]]
* @param loggerF
* F of [[org.typelevel.log4cats.StructuredLogger StructuredLogger]]
* @param F
* [[cats.effect.Async Async]]
* @param LE
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMapCache.LogEncoders ShardMapCache.LogEncoders]]
* @return
def apply[F[_]](
config: Config,
shardMapF: F[Either[Error, ShardMap]],
loggerF: F[StructuredLogger[F]]
F: Async[F],
LE: ShardMapCache.LogEncoders
) = for {
logger <- loggerF.toResource
ref <- Ref.of[F, ShardMap](ShardMap.empty).toResource
service = new ShardMapCache[F](config, logger, ref, shardMapF)
_ <- service.start()
} yield service
/** [[kinesis4cats.logging.LogEncoder LogEncoder]] instances for the
* ShardMapCache
* @param shardMapLogEncoder
* [[kinesis4cats.logging.LogEncoder LogEncoder]] instance for
* [[kinesis4cats.producer.ShardMap]]
final class LogEncoders(implicit val shardMapLogEncoder: LogEncoder[ShardMap])
/** Configuration for the ShardMapCache
* @param refreshInterval
* How often to refresh the shard cache
final case class Config(refreshInterval: FiniteDuration)
object Config {
/** Default configuration for the ShardMapCache
val default = Config(1.hour)
/** Errors that can be received in the ShardMapCache
* @param msg
* Error message
sealed abstract class Error(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
/** Error for when the partition key cannot be matched to a shard
* @param partitionKey
* partition key that was not matched
final case class ShardForPartitionKeyNotFound(partitionKey: String)
extends Error(s"Could not find shard for partition key ${partitionKey}")
/** Error for when the cache could not list the shards
* @param e
* Underlying error
final case class ListShardsError(e: Throwable) extends Error(e.getMessage())
final case class ShardMap(shards: List[ShardMapRecord], lastUpdated: Instant) {
def shardForPartitionKey(
partitionKey: String
): Either[ShardMapCache.Error, ShardId] = {
val hashBytes = Utils.md5(partitionKey.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))
val hashKey = BigInt.apply(1, hashBytes)
ShardMap.findShard(partitionKey, hashKey, shards)
object ShardMap {
def findShard(
partitionKey: String,
hashKey: BigInt,
shards: List[ShardMapRecord]
): Either[ShardMapCache.Error, ShardId] = shards match {
case Nil => Left(ShardMapCache.ShardForPartitionKeyNotFound(partitionKey))
case h :: t =>
if (h.hashKeyRange.isBetween(hashKey)) Right(h.shardId)
else findShard(partitionKey, hashKey, t)
def empty = ShardMap(List.empty,
final case class ShardMapRecord(shardId: ShardId, hashKeyRange: HashKeyRange)
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