All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository. Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 Copyright @FabioZumbi12

 This class is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any
  damages arising from the use of this class.

 Permission is granted to anyone to use this class for any purpose, including commercial plugins, and to alter it and
 redistribute it freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 1 - The origin of this class must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you
 use this class in other plugins, an acknowledgment in the plugin documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
 2 - Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original class.
 3 - This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.

 Esta classe é fornecida "como está", sem qualquer garantia expressa ou implícita. Em nenhum caso os autores serão
 responsabilizados por quaisquer danos decorrentes do uso desta classe.

 É concedida permissão a qualquer pessoa para usar esta classe para qualquer finalidade, incluindo plugins pagos, e para
 alterá-lo e redistribuí-lo livremente, sujeito às seguintes restrições:
 1 - A origem desta classe não deve ser deturpada; você não deve afirmar que escreveu a classe original. Se você usar esta
  classe em um plugin, uma confirmação de autoria na documentação do plugin será apreciada, mas não é necessária.
 2 - Versões de origem alteradas devem ser claramente marcadas como tal e não devem ser deturpadas como sendo a
 classe original.
 3 - Este aviso não pode ser removido ou alterado de qualquer distribuição de origem.


import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;

import java.util.*;

public class UCCommentedConfig {
    private final HashMap comments;

    UCCommentedConfig() {
        this.comments = new HashMap<>();

    public void addDefaults() {
        File config = new File(UChat.get().getDataFolder(), "config.yml");
        if (config.exists()) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException | InvalidConfigurationException e) {

        setDefault("config-version", 1.6, "Dont touch <3");

        setDefault("debug.messages", false, null);
        setDefault("debug.timings", false, null);

        setDefault("language", "EN-US", "Available languages: EN-US, PT-BR, FR-FR, FR-ES, HU-HU, RU, SP-ES and ZH-CN");

        setDefault("jedis", null, "Jedis configuration.\nUse Jedis to send messages between other servers running Jedis.\nConsider a replecement as Bungeecoord.");
        setDefault("jedis.enable", false, null);
        setDefault("jedis.server-id", "&e[ChangeThis]&r ", "Change to a unique identification and use on tags with {jedis-id}.");
        setDefault("jedis.ip", "localhost", null);
        setDefault("jedis.port", 6379, null);
        setDefault("jedis.pass", "", null);

        setDefault("discord", null, "Enable the two way chat into discord and minecraft.\nGenerate your bot token following this instructions:");
        setDefault("discord.use", false, null);
        setDefault("discord.update-status", true, null);
        setDefault("", "DEFAULT", "The default status of bot. Available status: DEFAULT, LISTENING, WATCHING and STREAMING\"");
        setDefault("discord.twitch", "", "If game-type = STREAMING, set the twitch url.");
        setDefault("discord.token", "", "Follow this instructions to generate your token:");
        setDefault("discord.log-channel-id", "", null);
        setDefault("discord.tell-channel-id", "", "Channel id to spy private messages");
        setDefault("discord.log-ignored-commands", new ArrayList<>(), "In-Game commands to do not send to discord\nThis is the commands names, not aliases without arguments and without \\");
        setDefault("discord.commands-channel-id", "", "Channel id to send commands issued by players.");
        setDefault("discord.vanish-perm", "essentials.vanish", "Set your vanish plugin pemrissions here to do not announce player join/leave players with this permission.");
        setDefault("discord.server-commands", null, "Put the id on 'commands-channel-id' option or/and enable server commands on channel configuration to use this.");
        setDefault("discord.server-commands.alias", "!cmd", "This alias is not needed if using the channel set on 'commands-channel-id' option.");
        setDefault("discord.server-commands.whitelist", new ArrayList(), null);
        setDefault("discord.server-commands.blacklist", Arrays.asList("stop", "whitelist"), null);

        setDefault("api", null, "UChat Api configs.");
        setDefault("api.format-console-messages", false, "Using uchat api, format messages sent to console?");
        setDefault("api.legendchat-tags", new ArrayList(), "If using tag plugins from legendchat, put the tags here.");

        setDefault("mention", null, "Use mentions on chat to change the player name color and play a sound on mention.");
        setDefault("mention.enable", true, null);
        setDefault("mention.color-template", "&e@{mentioned-player}{group-suffix}", null);
        setDefault("mention.playsound", "note_pling", "May change if using old minecraft version.");
        setDefault("mention.hover-message", "&e{playername} mentioned you!", null);

        setDefault("general.URL-template", "&3Click to open &n{url}&r", "Template to show when players send links or urls.");
        setDefault("general.muted-deny-cmds", Collections.singletonList("mail"), "Deny muted players to use this commands.");
        setDefault("general.console-tag", "&6 {console}&3", "Tag to show when sent messages from console to channels.");
        setDefault("general.remove-from-chat", Arrays.asList("[]", "&7[]", "&7[&7]"), "Remove this from chat (like empty tags)");
        setDefault("general.remove-unnused-placeholderapi", true, "Remove not converted PlaceholdersAPI from tags.");
        setDefault("", "channel, ch", null);
        setDefault("general.umsg-cmd-aliases", "upv", "Aliases to send commands from system to players (without any format, good to send messages from other plugins direct to players)");
        setDefault("general.json-events", true, "False if your server don't support json or if /tellraw is not available.");

        //add def channels to worlds
        if (UChat.get().getConfig().contains("general.default-channel")) {
            String def = UChat.get().getConfig().getString("general.default-channel");
            setDefault("general.default-channels.default-channel", def, "Default channel for new added worlds");
            UChat.get().getConfig().set("general.default-channel", null);
        setDefault("general.default-channels.default-channel", "l", "Default channel for new added worlds");

        setDefault("general.default-channels.worlds", null, "Default channel for each world. The channel must exist.");
        for (World w : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
            String def = UChat.get().getConfig().getString("general.default-channels.default-channel");
            setDefault("general.default-channels.worlds." + w.getName() + ".channel", def, null);
            setDefault("general.default-channels.worlds." + w.getName() + ".force", false, "Force player to join this channel on change world?");

        setDefault("general.spy-format", "&c&o[Spy] {output}", "Chat spy format.");
        setDefault("general.spy-enable-onjoin", true, "Enable Spy on join?");
        setDefault("general.dont-show-groups", Collections.singletonList("default"), "If using the placeholder \"{group-all-prefixes/suffixes}\", exclude this groups from tags.");
        setDefault("general.use-channel-tag-builder", true, "Use the tag builder from channel configuration and ignore this tag builder.");
        setDefault("general.default-tag-builder", "world,marry-tag,ch-tags,clan-tag,factions,group-prefix,nickname,group-suffix,message", "" +
                "This is the main tag builder.\n" +
                "Change the order of this tags to change how tag is displayed on chat.\n" +
                "This tags represent the names of tag in this configuration.");
        setDefault("general.enable-tags-on-messages", false, "Enable to allow parse tags and placeholders on messages.");
        setDefault("general.persist-channels", true, "Remember the channel the player is when logout/login until server restart?");
        setDefault("general.item-hand.enable", true, null);
        setDefault("general.item-hand.format", "&6[{hand-amount} {hand-type}]{group-suffix}", "Text to show on chat when using @hand.\n" +
                "Placeholders: {hand-amount}, {hand-type}, {hand-name}");
        setDefault("general.item-hand.placeholder", "@hand", "Placeholder to use on chat by players to show your item in hand.");
        setDefault("general.item-hand.blacklist", Collections.singletonList("SHULKER_BOX"), "Blacklisted itens for hand command.");

        setDefault("", null, "Example alias for rename world name to other name. Support color codes.");
        if (!UChat.get().getConfig().contains("")) {
            setDefault("", "&4Hell&r", null);
            setDefault("", "&5The-End&r", null);
        setDefault("", null, "Example alias for rename Group name to other name. Support color codes.");
        if (!UChat.get().getConfig().contains("")) {
            setDefault("", "&4Admin&r", null);
            setDefault("", "&2Mod&r", null);
        setDefault("general.check-channel-change-world", false, "This will make a check if the player channel is available on destination world and put on the world channel if is not available.");

        setDefault("tell.cmd-aliases", "tell,t,w,m,msg,private,priv,r", null);
        setDefault("tell.prefix", "&6[&c{playername} &6-> &c{receivername}&6]: ", null);
        setDefault("tell.format", "{message}", null);
        setDefault("tell.hover-messages", new ArrayList<>(), null);

        setDefault("bungee.server-id", "&4ChangeMe", "Change to a unique identification, and use on tags with {bungee-id}.");

        setDefault("broadcast.enable", true, "Enable custom broadcasts.");
        setDefault("broadcast.on-hover", "hover:", "Tag to use on broadcast message to set a hover message.");
        setDefault("broadcast.on-click", "click:", "Tag to use on broadcast message to set a click event.");
        setDefault("broadcast.suggest", "suggest:", "Tag to use on broadcast message to suggest a command.");
        setDefault("broadcast.url", "url:", "Tag to use on broadcast message to set a website url on click (with www).");
        setDefault("broadcast.permission", "perm:", "Permission check for receivers.");
        setDefault("broadcast.aliases", "ubroad,uannounce,usay,uaction,all,anunciar,todos", "Aliases to use for broadcast.");

        setDefault("tags", null, "" +
                "This is where you will create as many tags you want.\n" +
                "You can use the tag \"custom-tag\" as base to create your own tags.\n" +
                "When finish, get the name of your tag and put on \"general.default-tag-build\" \n" +
                "or on channel builder on \"channels\" folder.");
        setDefault("", "&7[{group-prefix}&7]&r", null);
        setDefault("", Collections.singletonList("&bRank: &e{prim-group}"), null);

        setDefault("tags.playername.format", "{playername}", null);
        setDefault("", "tpa {playername}", null);
        setDefault("tags.playername.hover-messages", Collections.singletonList("&7Click to send teleport request"), null);

        setDefault("tags.nickname.format", "{nickname}", null);
        setDefault("tags.nickname.hover-messages", Collections.singletonList("&6Realname: {playername}"), null);

        setDefault("", "&r{group-suffix}: ", null);

        setDefault("", "&7[{world}&7]&r", null);
        setDefault("", "&7[{world}]&r", null);

        setDefault("tags.message.format", "{message}", null);

        setDefault("", "{ch-color}[{ch-alias}]&r", null);
        setDefault("", "ch {ch-alias}", null);
        setDefault("", Arrays.asList("&3Channel name: {ch-color}{ch-name}", "&bClick to go to this channel!"), null);

        setDefault("tags.clan-tag.format", "{clan-tag}", null);
        setDefault("", "clan search {playername}", null);
        setDefault("tags.clan-tag.hover-messages", Arrays.asList("" +
                        "&bClan Tag: &7{clan-tag}",
                "&bClan Name: &7{clan-name}",
                "&bClan KDR: &7{clan-totalkdr}",
                "&bPlayer KDR: &7{clan-kdr}",
                "&bPlayer Rank: &7{clan-rank}",
                "&bIs Leader: &7{clan-isleader}",
                "&3Click for more info about this player"), null);

        setDefault("tags.marry-tag.format", "{marry-prefix}{marry-suffix}", null);
        setDefault("tags.marry-tag.hover-messages", Collections.singletonList("&cMarried with {marry-partner}"), null);

        setDefault("tags.admin-chat.format", "&b[&r{playername}&b] ", null);

        setDefault("tags.bungee.format", "&7[{world}]{ch-color}[bungee-{bungee-id}] {playername}: &7", null);
        setDefault("tags.bungee.hover-messages", Collections.singletonList("{ch-color}Sent from server -{bungee-id}-"), null);

        setDefault("tags.factions.format", "&7[{fac-relation-color}{fac-relation-name}&7]&r", null);
        setDefault("tags.factions.hover-messages", Arrays.asList("&7Faction name: {fac-relation-color}{fac-name}", "&7Motd: &a{fac-motd}", "&7Description: {fac-description}"), null);

        setDefault("tags.jedis.format", "{jedis-id}", null);
        setDefault("tags.jedis.hover-messages", Arrays.asList("&7Server: {jedis-id}", "&cChange me on configuration!"), null);

        setDefault("tags.custom-tag", null, "Use this tag as reference to create other new tags.");
        setDefault("tags.custom-tag.format", "&7[&2MyTag&7]&r", null);
        setDefault("", "", null);
        setDefault("", "", null);
        setDefault("tags.custom-tag.suggest-cmd", "", null);
        setDefault("tags.custom-tag.permission", "any-name-perm.custom-tag", null);
        setDefault("tags.custom-tag.hover-messages", new ArrayList<>(), null);
        setDefault("", new ArrayList<>(), null);
        setDefault("tags.custom-tag.hide-in-worlds", new ArrayList<>(), null);

    private void setDefault(String key, Object def, String comment) {
        if (def != null) {
            UChat.get().getConfig().set(key, UChat.get().getConfig().get(key, def));
        if (comment != null) {
            setComment(key, comment);

    private void setComment(String key, String comment) {
        comments.put(key, comment);

    public void saveConfig() {
        StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();

        String lang = UChat.get().getConfig().getString("language");
        if (lang.equalsIgnoreCase("EN-US")) {
                    + "# Uchat configuration file\n"
                    + "# Author: FabioZumbi12\n"
                    + "# We recommend you to use NotePad++ to edit this file and avoid TAB errors!\n"
                    + "# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
                    + "# Tags is where you can customize what will show on chat, on hover or on click on tag.\n"
                    + "# To add a tag, you can copy an existent and change the name and the texts.\n"
                    + "# After add and customize your tag, put the tag name on 'general > default-tag-builder'.\n"
                    + "# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Available replacers:\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# uChat:\n"
                    + "#  - {default-format-full}: Use this tag to see all plugin tags using the default bukkit format. "
                    + "# Normally used by 'myth' plugins and temporary tags."
                    + "# If you want to use only of this tags you can use the replacer bellow and get number of tag separated by spaces;\n"
                    + "#  - {default-format-0}: use this tag to show only one of the tags described on '{default-format-full}'. "
                    + "# The number is the posiotion separated by spaces;\n"
                    + "#  - {world}: Replaced by sender world;\n"
                    + "#  - {message}: Message sent by player;\n"
                    + "#  - {playername}: The name of player;\n"
                    + "#  - {nickname}: The nickname of player. If not set, will show realname;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-name}: Channel name;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-alias}: Channel alias;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-color}: Channel color;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-type}: Item type;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-name}: Item name;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-amount}: Item quantity;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-lore}: Item description (lore);\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-durability}: Item durability;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-enchants}: Item enchantments;\n"
                    + "#  - {time-now}: Prints the time now on server;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Vault:\n"
                    + "#  - {group-prefix}: Get group prefix;\n"
                    + "#  - {group-all-prefixes}: Get all player group prefixes and show on chat;\n"
                    + "#  - {group-suffix}: Get group suffix;\n"
                    + "#  - {group-all-suffixes}: Get all player group suffixes and show on chat;\n"
                    + "#  - {balance}: Get the sender money;\n"
                    + "#  - {prim-group}: Get the primary group tag;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups}: Get all groups names the sender has;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups-prefixes}: Get all group prefixes the sender has;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups-suffixes}: Get all group suffixes the sender has;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Simpleclans:\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-tag}: Clan tag without colors;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-fulltag}: Clan tag with brackets, colors and separator;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-ctag}: Clan with colors;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-name}: Clan name;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-kdr}: Player clan KDR;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-isleader}: The player is leader;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-rank}: Player rank on Clan;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-totalkdr}: Clan KDR (not player kdr);\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Marry Plugins:\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-partner}: Get the partner name;\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-prefix}: Get the married prefix tag, normally the heart;\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-suffix}: Get the married suffix tag, or male tag for Marriage Reloaded;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# BungeeCord:\n"
                    + "# - {bungee-id}: Server ID from sender;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Jedis (redis):\n"
                    + "# - {jedis-id}: This server id;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Factions:\n"
                    + "# Gets the info of faction to show on chat.\n"
                    + "# - {fac-id}: Faction ID;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-name}: Faction Name;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-motd}: Faction MOTD;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-description}: Faction Description;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-relation-name}: Faction name in relation of reader of tag;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-relation-color}: Faction color in relation of reader of tag;\n"
                    + "\n");
        if (lang.equalsIgnoreCase("PT-BR")) {
                    + "# Arquivo de configuração do Uchat\n"
                    + "# Autor: FabioZumbi12\n"
                    + "# Recomando usar o Notepad++ para editar este arquivo!\n"
                    + "# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
                    + "# Tags é onde voce vai personalizar os textos pra aparecer no chat, ao passar o mouse ou clicar na tag.\n"
                    + "# Para adicionar uma tag, copie uma existente e troque o nome para um de sua escolha.\n"
                    + "# Depois de criar e personalizar a tag, adicione ela em 'general > default-tag-builder'.\n"
                    + "# ------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Replacers disponíveis:\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# uChat:\n"
                    + "#  - {default-format-full}: Use esta tag para ver todas tags de plugins que estão usando o formato padrão do bukkit. "
                    + "# Normalmente usado por plugins de 'mito' e tags temporárias. "
                    + "# Caso queira apenas usar uma delas elas são separadas por espaços e abaixo vc pode usar apenas uma de cada.\n"
                    + "#  - {default-format-0}: Use esta tag para usar apenas uma tag das descritas acima. O numero é a posição dela entre os espaços;\n"
                    + "#  - {world}: O mundo de quem enviou a mensagem;\n"
                    + "#  - {message}: Mensagem enviada;\n"
                    + "#  - {playername}: O nome de quem enviou;\n"
                    + "#  - {nickname}: O nick de quem enviou. Se o nick não foi definido irá mostrar o nome;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-name}: Nome do canal;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-alias}: Atalho do canal;\n"
                    + "#  - {ch-color}: Cor do canal;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-type}: Tipo do item;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-name}: Nome do item;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-amount}: Quantidade do item;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-lore}: Descrição do item(lore);\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-durability}: Durabilidade do item;\n"
                    + "#  - {hand-enchants}: Encantamentos do item;\n"
                    + "#  - {time-now}: Mostra a hora atual(real) no servidor;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Vault:\n"
                    + "#  - {group-prefix}: Prefixo do grupo do player;\n"
                    + "#  - {group-suffix}: Sufixo do grupo do player;\n"
                    + "#  - {balance}: Dinheiro do player;\n"
                    + "#  - {prim-group}: Tag do grupo primário;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups}: Lista todos grupos que o player faz parte;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups-prefixes}: Lista todo prefixes dos grupos que o player esta;\n"
                    + "#  - {player-groups-suffixes}: Lista todo suffixes dos grupos que o player esta;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Simpleclans:\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-tag}: Tag do Clan sem cores;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-fulltag}: Tag do clan com os colchetes, cores e separador;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-ctag}: Tag do Clan com cores;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-name}: Nome do Clan;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-kdr}: KDR do player do Clan;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-isleader}: O player é lider;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-rank}: Rank do player no Clan;\n"
                    + "#  - {clan-totalkdr}: Clan KDR (não do player);\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Marry Plugins:\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-partner}: Mostra o nome do(a) parceiro(a);\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-prefix}: Pega a tag de prefixo, normalmente o coração;\n"
                    + "#  - {marry-suffix}: Pega a tag de sufixo, ou simbolo masculino do Marriage Reloaded;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# BungeeCord:\n"
                    + "# - {bungee-id}: O ID do Server de quem enviou;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Jedis (redis):\n"
                    + "# - {jedis-id}: O ID deste server;\n"
                    + "\n"
                    + "# Factions:\n"
                    + "# Pega as informações das Factions pra mostrar no chat.\n"
                    + "# - {fac-id}: Faction ID;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-name}: Nome da Faction;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-motd}: MOTD da faction;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-description}: Descrição da Faction;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-relation-name}: Nome da Faction em relação á quem ta lendo a tag;\n"
                    + "# - {fac-relation-color}: Cor da Faction em relação á quem ta lendo a tag;\n"
                    + "\n");

        for (String line : UChat.get().getConfig().getKeys(true)) {
            String[] key = line.split("\\" + UChat.get().getConfig().options().pathSeparator());
            StringBuilder spaces = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
                if (i == 0) continue;
                spaces.append("  ");
            if (comments.containsKey(line)) {
                if (spaces.length() == 0) {
                    b.append("\n# ").append(comments.get(line).replace("\n", "\n# ")).append('\n');
                } else {
                    b.append(spaces).append("# ").append(comments.get(line).replace("\n", "\n" + spaces + "# ")).append('\n');
            Object value = UChat.get().getConfig().get(line);
            if (!UChat.get().getConfig().isConfigurationSection(line)) {
                if (value instanceof String) {
                    b.append(spaces).append(key[key.length - 1]).append(": '").append(value).append("'\n");
                } else if (value instanceof List) {
                    if (((List) value).isEmpty()) {
                        b.append(spaces).append(key[key.length - 1]).append(": []\n");
                    } else {
                        b.append(spaces).append(key[key.length - 1]).append(":\n");
                        for (Object lineCfg : (List) value) {
                            if (lineCfg instanceof String) {
                                b.append(spaces).append("- '").append(lineCfg).append("'\n");
                            } else {
                                b.append(spaces).append("- ").append(lineCfg).append("\n");
                } else {
                    b.append(spaces).append(key[key.length - 1]).append(": ").append(value).append("\n");
            } else {
                b.append(spaces).append(key[key.length - 1]).append(":\n");

        try {
            Files.write(b, new File(UChat.get().getDataFolder(), "config.yml"), Charsets.UTF_8);
        } catch (IOException e) {

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