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io.github.factoryfx.soap.SOAPClient Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.factoryfx.soap;
public class SOAPClient {
// private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SOAPClient.class);
// private final Class soapInterface;
// private final URI endpoint;
//// private final Client client;
//// private final SOAPProtocol soapProtocol;
// private final PROTOCOL_VERSION version;
// private final Object interceptor;
// private final Function filterFunction;
public enum PROTOCOL_VERSION {
_1_1, _1_2,;
public SOAPClient(Class soapInterface, URI endpoint, PROTOCOL_VERSION version, Integer connectTimeout, Integer readTimeout, Object interceptor) {
// this.soapInterface = soapInterface;
// this.endpoint = endpoint;
// ClientConfig configuration = new ClientConfig();
//, connectTimeout);
//, readTimeout);
// this.client = ClientBuilder.newBuilder().withConfig(configuration).build().register(new Soap12Provider()).register(new Soap11Provider());
//// this.soapProtocol = new SOAPProtocol(soapInterface);
// this.version = version;
// this.interceptor = interceptor;
// this.filterFunction = interceptor == null ? Function.identity() : this::filterRequest;
// @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
// public T getClient() {
// return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[] { soapInterface }, (proxy, method, args) -> {
// if (method.getName().equals("toString")) { return "ProxyInstance " + soapInterface.getSimpleName(); }
// return call(args[0]);
// });
// }
// private Object call(Object param) throws GeneratedJAXBException {
// param = filterFunction.apply(param);
//// Logging.logRequest(soapInterface.getSimpleName(), param, LoggerFactory.getLogger("webservice.out." + soapInterface.getSimpleName()));
// boolean is12 = version == PROTOCOL_VERSION._1_2;
// SOAPMessage messageOut = is12 ? soapProtocol.createSoap12Message(param) : soapProtocol.createSoap11Message(param);
// Response response =, is12 ? "application/soap+xml" : "text/xml"));
// if (response.getStatusInfo().getFamily() == Response.Status.Family.SUCCESSFUL) {
// SOAPMessage messageIn = response.readEntity(SOAPMessage.class);
// final Object r = soapProtocol.unboxSOAPBody(messageIn);
//// Logging.logRequest(soapInterface.getSimpleName(), r, LoggerFactory.getLogger("webservice.out." + soapInterface.getSimpleName()));
// return r;
// }
// throw new RuntimeException("Bad http return code: " + response.getStatus() + "\n" + response.readEntity(String.class));
// }
// private Object filterRequest(Object object) {
// if (interceptor == null) {
// return object;
// }
// Class> clazz = object.getClass();
// Optional filterMethodOpt =
// .filter(method -> Stream.of(method.getParameterTypes()).collect(Collectors.toList()).contains(clazz))
// .findAny();
// if (!filterMethodOpt.isPresent()) {
// return object;
// }
// Method filterMethod = filterMethodOpt.get();
// try {
// return filterMethod.invoke(interceptor, object);
// } catch (IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// logger.error("Error while filtering outbound request ({}.{})", soapInterface.getSimpleName(), filterMethod.getName(), e);
// }
// return object;
// }
// public Object unboxSOAPBody(SOAPMessage messageIn) throws GeneratedJAXBException {
// try {
// Unmarshaller unmarshaller = createJxbContext().createUnmarshaller();
// SOAPFault soapFault = messageIn.getSOAPBody().getFault();
// if (soapFault != null) {
// DetailEntry next = soapFault.getDetail().getDetailEntries().next();
// Object unmarshalledExceptionElement = unmarshaller.unmarshal(soapFault.getDetail().getDetailEntries().next());
// Class> elementClass;
// Object exceptionElement;
// if (unmarshalledExceptionElement instanceof JAXBElement) {
// JAXBElement jaxbElement = (JAXBElement) unmarshalledExceptionElement;
// elementClass = jaxbElement.getDeclaredType();
// exceptionElement = jaxbElement.getValue();
// } else {
// elementClass = unmarshalledExceptionElement.getClass();
// exceptionElement = unmarshalledExceptionElement;
// }
// throw (GeneratedJAXBException) soapExceptionMap.get(elementClass)
// .getConstructor(String.class, elementClass)
// .newInstance(soapFault.getFaultString(), elementClass.cast(exceptionElement));
// } else {
// return unmarshaller.unmarshal(messageIn.getSOAPBody().getFirstChild());
// }
// } catch (JAXBException | SOAPException | NoSuchMethodException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | InvocationTargetException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// private JAXBContext createJxbContext() {
// JAXBContext fromCache = jxbCache.get(resourceClass);
// if (fromCache != null)
// return fromCache;
// Set> classes = new HashSet<>();
// dispatchMap.forEach((c,m)->{
// classes.add(m.getReturnType());
// classes.add(m.getParameterTypes()[0]);
// for (Class> exClass : m.getExceptionTypes()) {
// if (exClass.getAnnotation(WebFault.class) != null) {
// try {
// classes.add(exClass.getMethod("getFaultInfo").getReturnType());
// } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// }
// });
// try {
// JAXBContext jxb = JAXBContext.newInstance(classes.toArray(new Class[0]));
// jxbCache.put(resourceClass,jxb);
// return jxb;
// } catch (JAXBException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }
// public SOAPMessage createSoap11Message(Object param) {
// return createSoapMessage(param, messageFactory11);
// }
// public SOAPMessage createSoap12Message(Object param) {
// return createSoapMessage(param, messageFactory12);
// }
// private SOAPMessage createSoapMessage(Object param, MessageFactory messageFactory) {
// try {
// SOAPMessage converted = messageFactory.createMessage();
// final Object o;
// Class> clazz = param.getClass();
// XmlRootElement r = clazz.getAnnotation(XmlRootElement.class);
// if (r == null) {
// // we need to infer the errorName
// o = new JAXBElement(new QName(Introspector.decapitalize(clazz.getSimpleName())), clazz, param);
// } else {
// o = param;
// }
// Marshaller marshaller = jxb.createMarshaller();
// DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
// org.w3c.dom.Document document = db.newDocument();
// marshaller.marshal(o, document);
// org.w3c.dom.Node importedNode = converted.getSOAPBody().getOwnerDocument().importNode(document.getChildNodes().item(0), true);
// converted.getSOAPBody().appendChild(importedNode);
// return converted;
// } catch (SOAPException | JAXBException | ParserConfigurationException e) {
// throw new RuntimeException(e);
// }
// }