fqlite.base.RollbackJournalReaderBase Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fqlite.base;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.BitSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;
import fqlite.descriptor.AbstractDescriptor;
import fqlite.descriptor.TableDescriptor;
import fqlite.pattern.SerialTypeMatcher;
import fqlite.types.CarverTypes;
import fqlite.util.Auxiliary;
import fqlite.util.RandomAccessFileReader;
* The class analyses a Rollback Journal file and writes the found records into a file.
* From the SLite documentation:
* "The rollback journal is usually created when a transaction is first started and
* is usually deleted when a transaction commits or rolls back. The rollback journal file
* is essential for implementing the atomic commit and rollback capabilities of SQLite."
* @author pawlaszc
public abstract class RollbackJournalReaderBase extends Base {
public static final String MAGIC_HEADER_STRING = "d9d505f920a163d7";
/* An asynchronous channel for reading, writing, and manipulating a file. */
public RandomAccessFileReader file;
/* pagesize */
int ps;
/* path to RollbackJournal-file */
String path;
/* flag for already visited Bytes of the page */
BitSet visit = null;
/* reference to the MAIN class */
Job job;
/* number of page that is currently analyzed */
int pagenumber_rol;
int pagenumber_maindb;
long pagecount;
long nounce;
long pages;
long sectorsize;
long journalpagesize;
boolean withoutROWID = false;
/* offers a lot of useful utility functions */
private Auxiliary ct;
/* knowlegde store */
private StringBuffer firstcol = new StringBuffer();
/* buffer that holds the current page */
protected ByteBuffer buffer;
public List tables = new LinkedList();
/* this is a multi-threaded program -> all data are saved to the list first */
/* outputlist */
protected Queue output = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue();
/* file pointer */
int journalpointer = 0;
* Constructor.
* @param path full qualified file name to the RollbackJournal archive
* @param job reference to the Job class
public RollbackJournalReaderBase(String path, Job job) {
this.path = path;
this.job = job;
this.ct = new Auxiliary(job);
* This method is the main processing loop. First the header is analyzed.
* Afterwards all write ahead frames are recovered.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs
public void parse() throws IOException {
Path p = Paths.get(path);
* we have to do this before we open the database because of the concurrent
* access
/* try to open the db-file in read-only mode */
try {
file = new RandomAccessFileReader(p);
} catch (Exception e) {
err("Cannot open RollbackJournal-file", p.getFileName());
if(file.size() <= 512)
info("RollbackJournal-File is empty. Skip analyzing.");
* In practice when a transaction is committed it seems that the journal
* header is normally zeroed and the data in the journal remains.
* This is not a problem when it comes to reading each page from
* the journal as we can obtain the page size from the database itself.
* A valid rollback journal begins with a header in the following format:
* Offset Size Description
* 0 8 Header string: 0xd9, 0xd5, 0x05, 0xf9, 0x20, 0xa1, 0x63, 0xd7
* 8 4 The "Page Count" - The number of pages in the next segment of the journal, or -1 to mean all content to the end of the file
* 12 4 A random nonce for the checksum
* 16 4 Initial size of the database in pages
* 20 4 Size of a disk sector assumed by the process that wrote this journal.
* 24 4 Size of pages in this journal.
/* read header of the WAL file - the first 28 bytes */
ByteBuffer header = file.allocateAndReadBuffer(0, 28);
byte head[] = new byte[8];
if (Auxiliary.bytesToHex(head).equals(MAGIC_HEADER_STRING))
info("header is okay. seems to be an rollback journal file.");
info("sorry. doesn't seem to be an rollback journal file. Wrong header.");
err("Doesn't seem to be an valid rollback journal file. Wrong header.");
pagecount = Integer.toUnsignedLong(header.getInt());
info(" pagecount ", pagecount);
nounce = Integer.toUnsignedLong(header.getInt());
info(" nounce ", nounce);
pages = Integer.toUnsignedLong(header.getInt());
info(" pages ", pages);
sectorsize = Integer.toUnsignedLong(header.getInt());
info(" sector size ", sectorsize);
journalpagesize = Integer.toUnsignedLong(header.getInt());
info(" journal page size ", journalpagesize);
journalpointer = 512; // this is the position, where the first frame should be
/* initialize the BitSet for already visited location within */
visit = new BitSet(ps);
boolean next = false;
int numberofpages = 0;
/* get the page number of the journal page in main db */
pagenumber_maindb = file.allocateAndReadBuffer(4).getInt();
debug("pagenumber of journal-entry ", pagenumber_maindb);
/* now we can read the page - it follows immediately after the frame header */
/* read the db page into buffer */
buffer = readPage();
pagenumber_rol = numberofpages;
/* set pointer to next journal record -> currentpos + 4 Byte for the page number in mainDB + pagesize + 4 Byte for Checksum */
journalpointer += (4 + ps + 4);
//System.out.println(" Position in RollbackJournal-file " + journalpointer + " " );
/* More pages to analyze ? */
if(journalpointer + ps <= file.size())
next = true;
next = false;
info("Lines after RollbackJournal-file recovery: ", output.size());
info("Number of pages in RollbackJournal-file", numberofpages);
* Analyze the actual database page and try to recover regular and deleted content.
* @return int success
public int analyzePage() {
withoutROWID = false;
byte pageType = buffer.get();
// offset 0
/* check type of the page by reading the first byte */
int type = Auxiliary.getPageType(pageType);
/* mark bytes as visited */
visit.set(0, 2);
* Tricky thing, since a zero page type has normally two possible reasons:
* reason 1:
* It is a dropped page. We have to carve for deleted cells but without cell
* pointers, cause this list is dropped too or is damaged.
* reason 2:
* It is an overflow page -> skip it!
if (type == 0) {
* if page was dropped - because of a DROP TABLE command - first 8 Bytes are
* zero-bytes
Integer checksum = buffer.getInt();
/* was page dropped ? */
if (checksum == 0) {
info(" DROPPED PAGE !!!");
/* no overflow page -> carve for data records - we do our best! ;-) */
* otherwise it seems to be a overflow page - however, that is not 100% save !!!
/* we have to leave in any case */
return 0;
/************** skip unkown page types ******************/
// no leaf page -> skip this page
if (type < 0) {
info("No Data page. ", pagenumber_rol);
return -1;
} else if (type == 12) {
info("Internal Table page ", pagenumber_rol);
return -1;
} else if (type == 10) {
info("Index leaf page ", pagenumber_rol);
withoutROWID = true;
} else {
info("Data page ", pagenumber_rol, " Offset: ", (file.position() - ps));
/************** regular leaf page with data ******************/
// boolean freeblocks = false;
if (type == 8) {
// offset 1-2 let us find the first free block offset for carving
byte fboffset[] = new byte[2];
// found Data-Page - determine number of cell pointers at offset 3-4 of this
// page
byte cpn[] = new byte[2];
// get start pointer for the cell content region
byte ccr[] = new byte[2];
ByteBuffer contentregionstart = ByteBuffer.wrap(ccr);
/* mark as visited */
visit.set(2, 8);
ByteBuffer size = ByteBuffer.wrap(cpn);
int cp = Auxiliary.TwoByteBuffertoInt(size);
debug(" number of cells: ", cp, " type of page ", type);
if (0 == cp)
debug(" Page seems to be dropped. No cell entries.");
int headerend = 8 + (cp * 2);
visit.set(0, headerend);
//System.out.println("headerend:" + headerend);
* STEP 2:
* Cell pointer array scan (if possible)
int last = 0;
/* go on with the cell pointer array */
for (int i = 0; i < cp; i++) {
// address of the next cell pointer
byte pointer[] = new byte[2];
if (type == 5)
buffer.position(12 + 2 * i);
buffer.position(8 + 2 * i);
ByteBuffer celladdr = ByteBuffer.wrap(pointer);
int celloff = Auxiliary.TwoByteBuffertoInt(celladdr);
if (last > 0) {
if (celloff == last) {
last = celloff;
SqliteInternalRow row = null;
try {
row = ct.readRecord(celloff, buffer, pagenumber_maindb, visit, type, Integer.MAX_VALUE, firstcol, withoutROWID, journalpointer + 4);
} catch (IOException e) {
// add new line to output
if (null != row) {
int p1;
String tableName = row.getTableName();
if ((p1 = tableName.indexOf("_node;")) > 0) {
String tbln = tableName.substring(0, p1);
if (job.virtualTables.containsKey(tbln)) {
TableDescriptor tds = job.virtualTables.get(tbln);
* we use the xxx_node shadow component to construct the virtual component
//String BLOB = rc.substring(p1);
* skip the first information -> go directly to the 5th element of the data
* record line, i.e. go to the BLOB with the row data
//int pp = Auxiliary.findNthOccur(rc, ';', 4);
//String data = rc.substring(pp + 1);
String data = row.getRowData().get(1).toString();
/* transform String data into an byte array */
byte[] binary = Auxiliary.decode(data);
ByteBuffer bf = ByteBuffer.wrap(binary);
/* skip the first to bytes */
/* first get the total number of entries for this rtree branch */
int entries = bf.getShort();
/* create a new line for every data row */
while (entries > 0) {
SqliteInternalRow vrow = new SqliteInternalRow();
//vrow.append(tbln + ";VT;0;"); // start a new row for the virtual component
// The first column is always a 64-bit signed integer primary key.
long primarykey = bf.getLong();
//vrow.append(primarykey + ";");
vrow.append(new SqliteElementData(primarykey, job.db_encoding));
// Each R*Tree indices is a virtual component with an odd number of columns
// between 3 and 11
// The other columns are pairs, one pair per dimension, containing the minimum
// and maximum values for that dimension, respectively.
int number = tds.columnnames.size() - 1;
while (number > 0) {
float rv = bf.getFloat();
//vrow.append(rv + ";");
vrow.append(new SqliteElementData(rv, job.db_encoding));
} // end of for - cell pointer
debug("finished STEP2 -> cellpoint array completed");
return 0;
* Quick lookup. Does a given hex-String starts with Zeros?
* @param s the String to check
* @return true, if zero bytes could be found
static boolean allCharactersZero(String s) {
if (!s.startsWith("0000"))
return false;
int n = s.length();
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++)
if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(0))
return false;
return true;
* Starting with the current position of the RollbackJournal-ByteBuffer
* read the next db-page.
* @return the buffer with the page
* @throws IOException if an error occurs
protected ByteBuffer readPage() throws IOException {
return file.allocateAndReadBuffer(ps);
* This method is called to carve a data page for records.
* @param buffer the buffer
* @param crv Carver object
public void carve(ByteBuffer buffer, Carver crv) {
Carver c = crv;
if (null == c)
/* no type could be found in the first byte */
/* Maybe the whole page was drop because of a drop component command ? */
/* start carving on the complete page */
c = new Carver(job, buffer, visit, ps);
// Matcher mat = null;
// boolean match = false;
/* try to get component schema for the current page, if possible */
TableDescriptor tdesc = null;
if (job.pages.length > ps) {
AbstractDescriptor ad = job.pages[ps];
if (ad instanceof TableDescriptor)
tdesc = (TableDescriptor) ad;
List tab = tables;
debug(" tables :: ", tables.size());
if (null != tdesc) {
/* there is a schema for this page */
tab = new LinkedList();
debug(" added tdsec ");
} else {
warning(" No component description!");
tab = tables;
LinkedList gaps = findGaps();
if (gaps.size() == 0) {
debug("no gaps anymore. Stopp search");
/* try out all component schema(s) */
for (int n = 0; n < tab.size(); n++) {
tdesc = tab.get(n);
debug("pagenumber :: ", pagenumber_maindb, " component size :: ", tab.size());
debug("n ", n);
// TableDescriptor tdb = tab.get(n);
/* access pattern for a particular component */
String tablename = tab.get(n).tblname;
if (tablename.startsWith("__UNASSIGNED"))
/* create matcher object for constrain check */
SerialTypeMatcher stm = new SerialTypeMatcher(buffer);
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (next.to - next.from > 10)
/* do we have at least one match ? */
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.NORMAL, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP NORMAL finished with matches");
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.COLUMNSONLY, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP COLUMNSONLY finished with matches");
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.FIRSTCOLUMNMISSING, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP FIRSTCOLUMNMISSING finished with matches");
* When a record deletion occurs, the first 2 bytes of the cell are set to the
* offset value of next free block and latter 2 bytes covers the length of the
* current free block. Because of this, the first 4 bytes of a deleted cell
* differ startRegion the normal data. Accordingly, we need a different approach
* to recover the data records.
* In most cases, at least the header length information is overwritten. Boyond
* this, sometimes, also the first column type field is overwritten too.
* We have to cases:
* (1) only the first column of the header is missing, but the rest of the
* header is intact.
* (2) both header length field plus first column are overwritten.
* [cell size | rowid | header size | header bytes | payload ]
* for a deleted cell is looks maybe like this
* [offset of next free block | length of the current free block | ]
/* There are still gaps? */
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
/* one last try with 4+1 instead of 4 Bytes */
c.carve(next.from + 4 + 1, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.FIRSTCOLUMNMISSING, tab.get(n), firstcol);
} // end of tables ( component fingerprint )
debug("End of journal parse");
* This method can be used to write the result to a file or
* to update tables in the user interface (in gui-mode).
public abstract void output();
* Check the BitSet for gaps, i.e. regions we still have to carve.
* @return the gaps found
public LinkedList findGaps() {
LinkedList gaps = new LinkedList();
int from = 0;
/* are there any regions left in the page ? */
for (int i = 0; i < ps; i++) {
if (!visit.get(i)) {
from = i;
int to = i;
while (!visit.get(++i) && i < (ps - 1)) {
if (to - from > 10) {
/* check for zero bytes */
boolean isNull = false;
if (buffer.get(from) == 0) {
isNull = true;
for (int index = from; index < to; index++) {
if (0 != buffer.get(index))
isNull = false;
// skip NULL-Byte areas - mark as visited
if (isNull)
visit.set(from, to);
else {
gaps.add(new Gap(from, to));
from = i;
} // end of finding gaps in BitSet
return gaps;
* This method is called to carve a data page for records.
* @param crv the Carver object
public void carve(Carver crv) {
Carver c = crv;
if (null == c)
/* no type could be found in the first byte */
/* Maybe the whole page was drop because of a drop component command ? */
/* start carving on the complete page */
c = new Carver(job, buffer, visit, pagenumber_maindb);
// Matcher mat = null;
// boolean match = false;
/* try to get component schema for the current page, if possible */
TableDescriptor tdesc = null;
if (job.pages.length > pagenumber_maindb) {
AbstractDescriptor ad = job.pages[pagenumber_maindb];
if (ad instanceof TableDescriptor)
tdesc = (TableDescriptor) ad;
List tab = tables;
debug(" tables :: ", tables.size());
if (null != tdesc) {
/* there is a schema for this page */
tab = new LinkedList();
debug(" added tdsec ");
} else {
warning(" No component description!");
tab = tables;
LinkedList gaps = findGaps();
if (gaps.size() == 0) {
debug("no gaps anymore. Stopp search");
/* try out all component schema(s) */
for (int n = 0; n < tab.size(); n++) {
tdesc = tab.get(n);
debug("pagenumber :: ", pagenumber_maindb, " component size :: ", tab.size());
debug("n ", n);
// TableDescriptor tdb = tab.get(n);
/* access pattern for a particular component */
String tablename = tab.get(n).tblname;
debug("Check component : ", tablename);
if (tablename.startsWith("__UNASSIGNED"))
/* create matcher object for constrain check */
SerialTypeMatcher stm = new SerialTypeMatcher(buffer);
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (next.to - next.from > 10)
/* do we have at least one match ? */
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.NORMAL, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP NORMAL finished with matches");
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.COLUMNSONLY, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP COLUMNSONLY finished with matches");
gaps = findGaps();
for (int a = 0; a < gaps.size(); a++) {
Gap next = gaps.get(a);
if (c.carve(next.from + 4, next.to, stm, CarverTypes.FIRSTCOLUMNMISSING, tab.get(n), firstcol) != Global.CARVING_ERROR) {
debug("***************************** STEP FIRSTCOLUMNMISSING finished with matches");
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