fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.math.value_range.ValueWrapper.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.math.value_range
import java.util.*
import kotlin.reflect.full.*
import kotlinx.serialization.*
import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.*
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.*
import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.concept.*
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.error.ErrorCode
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.math.*
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.math.ordinary.*
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.operator.*
import fuookami.ospf.kotlin.utils.functional.*
internal typealias GlobalInfinity = Infinity
internal typealias GlobalNegativeInfinity = NegativeInfinity
class ValueWrapperSerializer(
private val valueSerializer: KSerializer,
internal val constants: RealNumberConstants
) : KSerializer> where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
companion object {
inline operator fun invoke(): ValueWrapperSerializer where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
val serializer = T::class.serializer()
val constants = (T::class.companionObjectInstance!! as RealNumberConstants)
return ValueWrapperSerializer(serializer, constants)
@OptIn(InternalSerializationApi::class, ExperimentalSerializationApi::class)
override val descriptor: SerialDescriptor = buildSerialDescriptor("ValueWrapper", PolymorphicKind.SEALED) {
element("Value", valueSerializer.descriptor)
element("Infinity", PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("Infinity", PrimitiveKind.DOUBLE))
element("NegativeInfinity", PrimitiveSerialDescriptor("NegativeInfinity", PrimitiveKind.DOUBLE))
override fun serialize(encoder: Encoder, value: ValueWrapper) {
require(encoder is JsonEncoder)
val element = when (value) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> encoder.json.encodeToJsonElement(valueSerializer, value.value)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> encoder.json.encodeToJsonElement(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> encoder.json.encodeToJsonElement(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
override fun deserialize(decoder: Decoder): ValueWrapper {
require(decoder is JsonDecoder)
val element = decoder.decodeJsonElement()
return when (element.jsonPrimitive.doubleOrNull) {
else -> {
ValueWrapper.Value(decoder.json.decodeFromJsonElement(valueSerializer, element), constants)
sealed class ValueWrapper(
val constants: RealNumberConstants
) : Cloneable, Copyable>, Ord>, Eq>,
Plus, ValueWrapper>, Minus, ValueWrapper>,
Times, ValueWrapper>, Div, ValueWrapper>
where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
companion object {
inline operator fun invoke(
value: T
): Ret> where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return invoke(value, (T::class.companionObjectInstance!! as RealNumberConstants))
operator fun invoke(
value: T,
constants: RealNumberConstants
): Ret> where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return when (value) {
constants.infinity -> Ok(Infinity(constants))
constants.negativeInfinity -> Ok(NegativeInfinity(constants))
constants.nan -> Failed(ErrorCode.IllegalArgument, "Illegal argument NaN for value range!!!")
else -> Ok(Value(value, constants))
inline operator fun invoke(
_inf: GlobalInfinity
): ValueWrapper where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return Infinity((T::class.companionObjectInstance!! as RealNumberConstants))
operator fun invoke(
_inf: GlobalInfinity,
constants: RealNumberConstants
): ValueWrapper where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return Infinity(constants)
inline operator fun invoke(
_negInf: GlobalNegativeInfinity
): ValueWrapper where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return NegativeInfinity((T::class.companionObjectInstance!! as RealNumberConstants))
operator fun invoke(
_negInf: GlobalNegativeInfinity,
constants: RealNumberConstants
): ValueWrapper where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
return NegativeInfinity(constants)
val isInfinity get() = this is Infinity
val isNegativeInfinity get() = this is NegativeInfinity
val isInfinityOrNegativeInfinity by lazy { isInfinity || isNegativeInfinity }
abstract operator fun plus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper
abstract operator fun minus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper
abstract operator fun times(rhs: T): ValueWrapper
abstract operator fun div(rhs: T): ValueWrapper
abstract fun toFlt64(): Flt64
fun unwrap(): T {
return when (this) {
is Value -> {
is Infinity -> {
is NegativeInfinity -> {
fun unwrapOrNull(): T? {
return when (this) {
is Value -> {
is Infinity -> {
is NegativeInfinity -> {
infix fun eq(rhs: T): Boolean {
return when (rhs) {
constants.infinity -> this is Infinity
constants.negativeInfinity -> this is NegativeInfinity
constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Illegal argument NaN for value range!!!")
else -> (this as? Value)?.value?.eq(rhs) == true
class Value(val value: T, constants: RealNumberConstants) :
ValueWrapper(constants) where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
init {
assert(value != constants.infinity)
assert(value != constants.negativeInfinity)
assert(value != constants.nan)
override fun copy() = Value(value.copy(), constants)
public override fun clone() = copy()
override fun partialEq(rhs: ValueWrapper): Boolean = when (rhs) {
is Value -> value.eq(rhs.value)
else -> false
override fun partialOrd(rhs: ValueWrapper) = when (rhs) {
is Value -> value.ord(rhs.value)
is Infinity -> orderOf(-1)
is NegativeInfinity -> orderOf(1)
override fun plus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = ValueWrapper(value + rhs, constants).value!!
override fun plus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Value(value + rhs.value, constants)
is Infinity -> Infinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
override fun minus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = ValueWrapper(value - rhs, constants).value!!
override fun minus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Value(value - rhs.value, constants)
is Infinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> Infinity(constants)
override fun times(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = ValueWrapper(value * rhs, constants).value!!
override fun times(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Value(value * rhs.value, constants)
is Infinity -> if (value < constants.zero) {
} else if (value > constants.zero) {
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> if (value < constants.zero) {
} else if (value > constants.zero) {
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
override fun div(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = ValueWrapper(value / rhs, constants).value!!
override fun div(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Value(value / rhs.value, constants)
is Infinity -> if (value < constants.zero) {
Value(-constants.epsilon, constants)
} else if (value > constants.zero) {
Value(constants.epsilon, constants)
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> if (value < constants.zero) {
Value(constants.epsilon, constants)
} else if (value > constants.zero) {
Value(-constants.epsilon, constants)
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
override fun toString() = "$value"
override fun toFlt64() = value.toFlt64()
class Infinity(constants: RealNumberConstants) :
ValueWrapper(constants) where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
override fun copy() = Infinity(constants)
public override fun clone() = copy()
override fun partialEq(rhs: ValueWrapper): Boolean = rhs is Infinity
override fun partialOrd(rhs: ValueWrapper) = when (rhs) {
is Infinity -> orderOf(0)
else -> orderOf(1)
override fun plus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between inf and -inf!!!")
else -> Infinity(constants)
override fun plus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Infinity(constants)
is Infinity -> Infinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between inf and -inf!!!")
override fun minus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between inf and inf!!!")
else -> Infinity(constants)
override fun minus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> Infinity(constants)
is Infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between inf and inf!!!")
is NegativeInfinity -> Infinity(constants)
override fun times(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid times between inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
rhs.constants.infinity -> Infinity(constants)
rhs.constants.zero -> Value(constants.zero, constants)
else -> if (rhs < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
override fun times(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> if (rhs.value < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else if (rhs.value > rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
is Infinity -> Infinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
override fun div(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and inf!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and -inf!!!")
rhs.constants.zero -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and 0!!!")
else -> if (rhs < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
override fun div(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> if (rhs.value < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else if (rhs.value > rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and 0!!!")
is Infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and inf!!!")
is NegativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between inf and -inf!!!")
override fun toString() = "inf"
override fun toFlt64() = Flt64.infinity
class NegativeInfinity(constants: RealNumberConstants) :
ValueWrapper(constants) where T : RealNumber, T : NumberField {
override fun copy() = Infinity(constants)
public override fun clone() = copy()
override fun partialEq(rhs: ValueWrapper): Boolean = rhs is NegativeInfinity
override fun partialOrd(rhs: ValueWrapper) = when (rhs) {
is NegativeInfinity -> orderOf(0)
else -> orderOf(-1)
override fun plus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between -inf and inf!!!")
else -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
override fun plus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
is Infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid plus between -inf and inf!!!")
is NegativeInfinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
override fun minus(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between -inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between -inf and -inf!!!")
else -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
override fun minus(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
is Infinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid minus between -inf and -inf!!!")
override fun times(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid times between -inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> Infinity(constants)
rhs.constants.infinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
rhs.constants.zero -> Value(constants.zero, constants)
else -> if (rhs < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
override fun times(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> if (rhs.value < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else if (rhs.value > rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
Value(constants.zero, constants)
is Infinity -> NegativeInfinity(constants)
is NegativeInfinity -> Infinity(constants)
override fun div(rhs: T): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
rhs.constants.nan -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and nan!!!")
rhs.constants.negativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and -inf!!!")
rhs.constants.infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and inf!!!")
rhs.constants.zero -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and 0!!!")
else -> if (rhs < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
override fun div(rhs: ValueWrapper): ValueWrapper = when (rhs) {
is Value -> if (rhs.value < rhs.constants.zero) {
} else if (rhs.value > rhs.constants.zero) {
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and 0!!!")
is Infinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and inf!!!")
is NegativeInfinity -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid div between -inf and -inf!!!")
override fun toString() = "-inf"
override fun toFlt64() = Flt64.negativeInfinity
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
operator fun ValueWrapper.unaryMinus() = when (this) {
is ValueWrapper.Value -> ValueWrapper.Value(-value, constants)
is ValueWrapper.Infinity -> ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity(constants)
is ValueWrapper.NegativeInfinity -> ValueWrapper.Infinity(constants)
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