gitbucket.core.model.Priorities.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package gitbucket.core.model
trait PriorityComponent extends TemplateComponent { self: Profile =>
import profile.api._
lazy val Priorities = TableQuery[Priorities]
class Priorities(tag: Tag) extends Table[Priority](tag, "PRIORITY") with PriorityTemplate {
override val priorityId = column[Int]("PRIORITY_ID", O AutoInc)
override val priorityName = column[String]("PRIORITY_NAME")
val description = column[String]("DESCRIPTION")
val ordering = column[Int]("ORDERING")
val isDefault = column[Boolean]("IS_DEFAULT")
val color = column[String]("COLOR")
def * =
(userName, repositoryName, priorityId, priorityName, description.?, isDefault, ordering, color).mapTo[Priority]
def byPrimaryKey(owner: String, repository: String, priorityId: Int) = byPriority(owner, repository, priorityId)
def byPrimaryKey(userName: Rep[String], repositoryName: Rep[String], priorityId: Rep[Int]) =
byPriority(userName, repositoryName, priorityId)
case class Priority(
userName: String,
repositoryName: String,
priorityId: Int = 0,
priorityName: String,
description: Option[String],
isDefault: Boolean,
ordering: Int = 0,
color: String
) {
val fontColor = {
val r = color.substring(0, 2)
val g = color.substring(2, 4)
val b = color.substring(4, 6)
if (Integer.parseInt(r, 16) + Integer.parseInt(g, 16) + Integer.parseInt(b, 16) > 408) {
} else {