gitbucket.core.util.Authenticator.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package gitbucket.core.util
import gitbucket.core.controller.ControllerBase
import gitbucket.core.service.{AccountService, RepositoryService}
import gitbucket.core.model.Role
import RepositoryService.RepositoryInfo
import Implicits._
* Allows only oneself and administrators.
trait OneselfAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase =>
protected def oneselfOnly(action: => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def oneselfOnly[T](action: T => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form)) }
private def authenticate(action: => Any) = {
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) if (x.isAdmin) => action
case Some(x) if (request.paths(0) == x.userName) => action
case _ => Unauthorized()
* Allows only the repository owner and administrators.
trait OwnerAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase with RepositoryService with AccountService =>
protected def ownerOnly(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def ownerOnly[T](action: (T, RepositoryInfo) => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form, _)) }
private def authenticate(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = {
val userName = params("owner")
val repoName = params("repository")
getRepository(userName, repoName).map { repository =>
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) if (x.isAdmin) => action(repository)
case Some(x) if (repository.owner == x.userName) => action(repository)
// TODO Repository management is allowed for only group managers?
case Some(x) if (getGroupMembers(repository.owner).exists { m =>
m.userName == x.userName && m.isManager
}) =>
case Some(x) if (getCollaboratorUserNames(userName, repoName, Seq(Role.ADMIN)).contains(x.userName)) =>
case _ => Unauthorized()
} getOrElse NotFound()
* Allows only signed in users.
trait UsersAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase =>
protected def usersOnly(action: => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def usersOnly[T](action: T => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form)) }
private def authenticate(action: => Any) = {
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) => action
case None => Unauthorized()
* Allows only administrators.
trait AdminAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase =>
protected def adminOnly(action: => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def adminOnly[T](action: T => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form)) }
private def authenticate(action: => Any) = {
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) if (x.isAdmin) => action
case _ => Unauthorized()
* Allows only guests and signed in users who can access the repository.
trait ReferrerAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase with RepositoryService with AccountService =>
protected def referrersOnly(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def referrersOnly[T](action: (T, RepositoryInfo) => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form, _)) }
private def authenticate(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = {
val userName = params("owner")
val repoName = params("repository")
getRepository(userName, repoName).map { repository =>
if (isReadable(repository.repository, context.loginAccount)) {
} else {
} getOrElse NotFound()
* Allows only signed in users who have read permission for the repository.
trait ReadableUsersAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase with RepositoryService with AccountService =>
protected def readableUsersOnly(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def readableUsersOnly[T](action: (T, RepositoryInfo) => Any) = (form: T) => {
authenticate(action(form, _))
private def authenticate(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = {
val userName = params("owner")
val repoName = params("repository")
getRepository(userName, repoName).map { repository =>
if (isReadable(repository.repository, context.loginAccount) || !repository.repository.isPrivate) {
} else {
} getOrElse NotFound()
* Allows only signed in users who have write permission for the repository.
trait WritableUsersAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase with RepositoryService with AccountService =>
protected def writableUsersOnly(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def writableUsersOnly[T](action: (T, RepositoryInfo) => Any) = (form: T) => {
authenticate(action(form, _))
private def authenticate(action: (RepositoryInfo) => Any) = {
val userName = params("owner")
val repoName = params("repository")
getRepository(userName, repoName).map { repository =>
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) if (x.isAdmin) => action(repository)
case Some(x) if (userName == x.userName) => action(repository)
case Some(x) if (getGroupMembers(repository.owner).exists(_.userName == x.userName)) => action(repository)
case Some(x)
if (getCollaboratorUserNames(userName, repoName, Seq(Role.ADMIN, Role.DEVELOPER))
.contains(x.userName)) =>
case _ => Unauthorized()
} getOrElse NotFound()
* Allows only the group managers.
trait GroupManagerAuthenticator { self: ControllerBase with AccountService =>
protected def managersOnly(action: => Any) = { authenticate(action) }
protected def managersOnly[T](action: T => Any) = (form: T) => { authenticate(action(form)) }
private def authenticate(action: => Any) = {
context.loginAccount match {
case Some(x) if x.isAdmin => action
case Some(x) if x.userName == request.paths(0) => action
case Some(x) if (getGroupMembers(request.paths(0)).exists { member =>
member.userName == x.userName && member.isManager
}) =>
case _ => Unauthorized()