com.radiance.tonclient.Processing Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package com.radiance.tonclient;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
* This module incorporates functions related to complex messageprocessing scenarios.
public class Processing {
public static class ResultOfProcessMessage {
public ResultOfProcessMessage(Object transaction, String[] outMessages, DecodedOutput decoded, Tvm.TransactionFees fees) {
this.transaction = transaction;
this.outMessages = outMessages;
this.decoded = decoded;
this.fees = fees;
public ResultOfProcessMessage(Object transaction, String[] outMessages, DecodedOutput decoded) {
this.transaction = transaction;
this.outMessages = outMessages;
this.decoded = decoded;
public ResultOfProcessMessage(Object transaction, String[] outMessages) {
this.transaction = transaction;
this.outMessages = outMessages;
public ResultOfProcessMessage(Object transaction) {
this.transaction = transaction;
public ResultOfProcessMessage() {
private Object transaction;
* In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a`boc` field encoded with `base64` which contains sourcetransaction BOC.
public Object getTransaction() {
return transaction;
* In addition to the regular transaction fields there is a`boc` field encoded with `base64` which contains sourcetransaction BOC.
public void setTransaction(Object value) {
this.transaction = value;
private String[] outMessages;
* Encoded as `base64`
public String[] getOutMessages() {
return outMessages;
* Encoded as `base64`
public void setOutMessages(String[] value) {
this.outMessages = value;
private DecodedOutput decoded;
public DecodedOutput getDecoded() {
return decoded;
public void setDecoded(DecodedOutput value) {
this.decoded = value;
private Tvm.TransactionFees fees;
public Tvm.TransactionFees getFees() {
return fees;
public void setFees(Tvm.TransactionFees value) {
this.fees = value;
public String toString() {
return "{"+Stream.of((transaction==null?null:("\"transaction\":"+transaction)),(outMessages==null?null:("\"out_messages\":\""+Arrays.toString(outMessages)+"\"")),(decoded==null?null:("\"decoded\":"+decoded)),(fees==null?null:("\"fees\":"+fees))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}";
public static class DecodedOutput {
public DecodedOutput(Abi.DecodedMessageBody[] outMessages, Object output) {
this.outMessages = outMessages;
this.output = output;
public DecodedOutput(Abi.DecodedMessageBody[] outMessages) {
this.outMessages = outMessages;
public DecodedOutput() {
private Abi.DecodedMessageBody[] outMessages;
* If the message can't be decoded, then `None` will be stored inthe appropriate position.
public Abi.DecodedMessageBody[] getOutMessages() {
return outMessages;
* If the message can't be decoded, then `None` will be stored inthe appropriate position.
public void setOutMessages(Abi.DecodedMessageBody[] value) {
this.outMessages = value;
private Object output;
public Object getOutput() {
return output;
public void setOutput(Object value) {
this.output = value;
public String toString() {
return "{"+Stream.of((outMessages==null?null:("\"out_messages\":"+Arrays.toString(outMessages))),(output==null?null:("\"output\":"+output))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}";
public static class ResultOfSendMessage {
public ResultOfSendMessage(String shardBlockId, String[] sendingEndpoints) {
this.shardBlockId = shardBlockId;
this.sendingEndpoints = sendingEndpoints;
public ResultOfSendMessage(String shardBlockId) {
this.shardBlockId = shardBlockId;
public ResultOfSendMessage() {
private String shardBlockId;
* This block id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
public String getShardBlockId() {
return shardBlockId;
* This block id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
public void setShardBlockId(String value) {
this.shardBlockId = value;
private String[] sendingEndpoints;
* This list id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
public String[] getSendingEndpoints() {
return sendingEndpoints;
* This list id must be used as a parameter of the`wait_for_transaction`.
public void setSendingEndpoints(String[] value) {
this.sendingEndpoints = value;
public String toString() {
return "{"+Stream.of((shardBlockId==null?null:("\"shard_block_id\":\""+shardBlockId+"\"")),(sendingEndpoints==null?null:("\"sending_endpoints\":\""+Arrays.toString(sendingEndpoints)+"\""))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}";
private TONContext context;
public Processing(TONContext context) {
this.context = context;
* Sends message to the network and returns the last generated shard block of the destination accountbefore the message was sent. It will be required later for message processing.
* @param message
* @param abi If this parameter is specified and the message has the`expire` header then expiration time will be checked againstthe current time to prevent unnecessary sending of already expired message.The `message already expired` error will be returned in thiscase.
Note, that specifying `abi` for ABI compliant contracts isstrongly recommended, so that proper processing strategy can bechosen.
* @param sendEvents
public CompletableFuture sendMessage(String message, Abi.ABI abi, Boolean sendEvents, Consumer consumer) {
return context.requestJSONCallback("processing.send_message", "{"+Stream.of((message==null?null:("\"message\":\""+message+"\"")),(abi==null?null:("\"abi\":"+abi)),(sendEvents==null?null:("\"send_events\":"+sendEvents))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}", (event,type)->consumer.accept(event), SendMessageEvent.class)
.thenApply(json -> TONContext.convertValue(json, ResultOfSendMessage.class));
* `send_events` enables intermediate events, such as `WillFetchNextBlock`,`FetchNextBlockFailed` that may be useful for logging of new shard blocks creationduring message processing.Note, that presence of the `abi` parameter is critical for ABIcompliant contracts. Message processing uses drasticallydifferent strategy for processing message for contracts whichABI includes "expire" header.
When the ABI header `expire` is present, the processing uses`message expiration` strategy:- The maximum block gen time is set to `message_expiration_timeout + transaction_wait_timeout`.- When maximum block gen time is reached, the processing will be finished with `MessageExpired` error.
When the ABI header `expire` isn't present or `abi` parameterisn't specified, the processing uses `transaction waiting`strategy:- The maximum block gen time is set to `now() + transaction_wait_timeout`.
- If maximum block gen time is reached and no result transaction is found,the processing will exit with an error.
* @param abi If it is specified, then the output messages' bodies will bedecoded according to this ABI.
The `abi_decoded` result field will be filled out.
* @param message Encoded with `base64`.
* @param shardBlockId You must provide the same value as the `send_message` has returned.
* @param sendEvents
* @param sendingEndpoints Use this field to get more informative errors.Provide the same value as the `send_message` has returned.If the message was not delivered (expired), SDK will log the endpoint URLs, used for its sending.
public CompletableFuture waitForTransaction(Abi.ABI abi, String message, String shardBlockId, Boolean sendEvents, String[] sendingEndpoints, Consumer consumer) {
return context.requestJSONCallback("processing.wait_for_transaction", "{"+Stream.of((abi==null?null:("\"abi\":"+abi)),(message==null?null:("\"message\":\""+message+"\"")),(shardBlockId==null?null:("\"shard_block_id\":\""+shardBlockId+"\"")),(sendEvents==null?null:("\"send_events\":"+sendEvents)),(sendingEndpoints==null?null:("\"sending_endpoints\":\""+Arrays.toString(sendingEndpoints)+"\""))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}", (event,type)->consumer.accept(event), WaitForTransactionEvent.class)
.thenApply(json -> TONContext.convertValue(json, ResultOfProcessMessage.class));
* Creates ABI-compatible message,sends it to the network and monitors for the result transaction.Decodes the output messages' bodies.If contract's ABI includes "expire" header, thenSDK implements retries in case of unsuccessful message delivery within the expirationtimeout: SDK recreates the message, sends it and processes it again.
The intermediate events, such as `WillFetchFirstBlock`, `WillSend`, `DidSend`,`WillFetchNextBlock`, etc - are switched on/off by `send_events` flagand logged into the supplied callback function.
The retry configuration parameters are defined in the client's `NetworkConfig` and `AbiConfig`.
If contract's ABI does not include "expire" headerthen, if no transaction is found within the network timeout (see config parameter ), exits with error.
* @param abi
* @param address Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
* @param deploySet Must be specified in case of deploy message.
* @param callSet Must be specified in case of non-deploy message.
In case of deploy message it is optional and contains parametersof the functions that will to be called upon deploy transaction.
* @param signer
* @param processingTryIndex Used in message processing with retries (if contract's ABI includes "expire" header).
Encoder uses the provided try index to calculate messageexpiration time. The 1st message expiration time is specified inClient config.
Expiration timeouts will grow with every retry.Retry grow factor is set in Client config:<.....add config parameter with default value here>
Default value is 0.
* @param sendEvents
public CompletableFuture processMessage(Abi.ABI abi, String address, Abi.DeploySet deploySet, Abi.CallSet callSet, Abi.Signer signer, Number processingTryIndex, Boolean sendEvents, Consumer consumer) {
return context.requestJSONCallback("processing.process_message", "{"+Stream.of("\"message_encode_params\":"+"{"+Stream.of((abi==null?null:("\"abi\":"+abi)),(address==null?null:("\"address\":\""+address+"\"")),(deploySet==null?null:("\"deploy_set\":"+deploySet)),(callSet==null?null:("\"call_set\":"+callSet)),(signer==null?null:("\"signer\":"+signer)),(processingTryIndex==null?null:("\"processing_try_index\":"+processingTryIndex))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}",(sendEvents==null?null:("\"send_events\":"+sendEvents))).filter(_f -> _f != null).collect(Collectors.joining(","))+"}", (event,type)->consumer.accept(event), ProcessMessageEvent.class)
.thenApply(json -> TONContext.convertValue(json, ResultOfProcessMessage.class));