commonMain.UUIDCreator.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import kotlin.random.Random
* Time-based UUID
fun uuidV1(): UUID {
val timestamp = gregorian()
// 构造最高有效位(MSB)
val timeLow = (timestamp shl 32)
val timeMid = (timestamp ushr 16) and (MASK_16 shl 16)
val timeHiAndVersion = (timestamp ushr 48) and MASK_12
val msb = timeLow or timeMid or timeHiAndVersion
// 构造最低有效位(LSB)
val lsb = Random.nextLong() or MULTICAST
return version(msb, lsb, 1)
* Returns a DCE Security unique identifier (UUIDv2).
* @param localDomain a custom local domain byte
* @param localIdentifier a local identifier
* @return a uuid v2
fun uuidV2(localDomain: Byte, localIdentifier: Int): UUID {
val uuidV1 = uuidV1()
val msb = (uuidV1.mostSigBits and MASK_32) or ((localIdentifier.toLong() and MASK_32) shl 32)
val lsb =
(uuidV1.leastSigBits and 0x3f00_ffff_ffff_ffffL) or ((localDomain.toLong() and MASK_08) shl 48)
return version(msb, lsb, 2)
* Returns a name-based unique identifier that uses MD5 hashing (UUIDv3).
* Usage:
* val uuid: UUID = uuidV3([NAMESPACE_SDS], "")
* @param namespace a UUID
* @param name a string
* @return a UUID
fun uuidV3(namespace: UUID, name: String): UUID {
return hash(3, null, namespace, name);
* Returns a random-based unique identifier (UUIDv4).
* It is an extremely fast and non-blocking alternative to
* {@link UUID#randomUUID()}.
* It employs [Random.Default] which works very well, although not
* cryptographically strong.
* @return a UUID
fun uuidV4(): UUID {
val random = Random.Default
val msb = random.nextLong()
val lsb = random.nextLong()
return version(msb, lsb, 4)
* Returns a name-based unique identifier that uses SHA-1 hashing (UUIDv5).
* Usage:
* val uuid: UUID = uuidV3([NAMESPACE_SDS], "")
* @param namespace a UUID
* @param name a string
* @return a UUID
fun uuidV5(namespace: UUID, name: String): UUID {
return hash(5, null, namespace, name)
* Returns a reordered gregorian time-based unique identifier (UUIDv6).
* The clock sequence and node bits are reset to a pseudo-random value for each
* new UUIDv6 generated.
* @return a GUID
fun uuidV6(): UUID {
val time = gregorian()
val msb = ((time and MASK_12.inv()) shl 4) or (time and MASK_12)
val lsb = Random.Default.nextLong() or MULTICAST
return version(msb, lsb, 6)
* Returns a Unix epoch time-based unique identifier (UUIDv7).
* @return a GUID
fun uuidV7(): UUID {
val time =
val random = Random.Default
val msb = (time shl 16) or (random.nextLong() and MASK_16)
val lsb = random.nextLong()
return version(msb, lsb, 7)
private fun hash(
version: Int,
hashSpace: UUID?,
namespace: UUID,
name: String
): UUID {
val hasher = getHasher(version)
if (hashSpace != null) {
val ns = ByteArray(16)
putLongToByteArray(ns, 0, hashSpace.mostSigBits)
putLongToByteArray(ns, 8, hashSpace.leastSigBits)
val ns = ByteArray(16)
putLongToByteArray(ns, 0, namespace.mostSigBits)
putLongToByteArray(ns, 8, namespace.leastSigBits)
val hash = hasher.digest()
val msb = getLongFromByteArray(hash, 0)
val lsb = getLongFromByteArray(hash, 8)
return version(msb, lsb, version)
private fun version(hi: Long, lo: Long, version: Int): UUID {
// set the 4 most significant bits of the 7th byte
val msb =
(hi.toULong() and 0xffff_ffff_ffff_0ffFU) or ((version.toULong() and MASK_04.toULong()) shl 12)
// set the 2 most significant bits of the 9th byte to 1 and 0
val lsb = (lo.toULong() and 0x3fff_ffff_ffff_ffffU) or (0x8000_0000_0000_0000U)
return UUID(msb.toLong(), lsb.toLong())
private const val MULTICAST = 0x0000_0100_0000_0000L
private const val MASK_04 = 0x0000_0000_0000_000fL
private const val MASK_08 = 0x0000_0000_0000_00ffL
private const val MASK_12 = 0x0000_0000_0000_0fffL
private const val MASK_16 = 0x0000_0000_0000_ffffL
private const val MASK_32 = 0x0000_0000_ffff_ffffL