io.github.humbleui.skija.Path Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.humbleui.skija;
import java.lang.ref.*;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.*;
import io.github.humbleui.skija.impl.*;
import io.github.humbleui.types.*;
* Path contain geometry. Path may be empty, or contain one or more verbs that
* outline a figure. Path always starts with a move verb to a Cartesian coordinate,
* and may be followed by additional verbs that add lines or curves.
* Adding a close verb makes the geometry into a continuous loop, a closed contour.
* Path may contain any number of contours, each beginning with a move verb.
* Path contours may contain only a move verb, or may also contain lines,
* quadratic beziers, conics, and cubic beziers. Path contours may be open or
* closed.
* When used to draw a filled area, Path describes whether the fill is inside or
* outside the geometry. Path also describes the winding rule used to fill
* overlapping contours.
* Internally, Path lazily computes metrics likes bounds and convexity. Call
* {@link #updateBoundsCache()} to make Path thread safe.
public class Path extends Managed implements Iterable {
static { Library.staticLoad(); }
public static class _FinalizerHolder {
public static final long PTR = _nGetFinalizer();
* Constructs an empty Path. By default, Path has no verbs, no {@link Point}, and no weights.
* FillMode is set to {@link PathFillMode#WINDING}.
public Path() {
public static Path makeFromSVGString(String svg) {
long res = _nMakeFromSVGString(svg);
if (res == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Failed to parse SVG Path string: " + svg);
return new Path(res);
* Compares this path and o; Returns true if {@link PathFillMode}, verb array, Point array, and weights
* are equivalent.
* @param other Path to compare
* @return true if this and Path are equivalent
@ApiStatus.Internal @Override
public boolean _nativeEquals(Native other) {
try {
return _nEquals(_ptr, Native.getPtr(other));
} finally {
* Returns true if Path contain equal verbs and equal weights.
* If Path contain one or more conics, the weights must match.
* {@link #conicTo(float, float, float, float, float)} may add different verbs
* depending on conic weight, so it is not trivial to interpolate a pair of Path
* containing conics with different conic weight values.
* @param compare Path to compare
* @return true if Path verb array and weights are equivalent
* @see
public boolean isInterpolatable(Path compare) {
try {
return _nIsInterpolatable(_ptr, Native.getPtr(compare));
} finally {
* Interpolates between Path with {@link Point} array of equal size.
* Copy verb array and weights to out, and set out Point array to a weighted
* average of this Point array and ending Point array, using the formula:
{@code (Path Point * weight) + ending Point * (1 - weight)}
weight is most useful when between zero (ending Point array) and
* one (this Point_Array); will work with values outside of this
* range.
* interpolate() returns null if Point array is not
* the same size as ending Point array. Call {@link #isInterpolatable(Path)} to check Path
* compatibility prior to calling interpolate().
* @param ending Point array averaged with this Point array
* @param weight contribution of this Point array, and
* one minus contribution of ending Point array
* @return interpolated Path if Path contain same number of Point, null otherwise
* @see
public Path makeLerp(Path ending, float weight) {
try {
long ptr = _nMakeLerp(_ptr, Native.getPtr(ending), weight);
if (ptr == 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Point array is not the same size as ending Point array");
return new Path(ptr);
} finally {
public PathFillMode getFillMode() {
try {
return PathFillMode._values[_nGetFillMode(_ptr)];
} finally {
public Path setFillMode(PathFillMode fillMode) {
_nSetFillMode(_ptr, fillMode.ordinal());
return this;
* Returns true if the path is convex. If necessary, it will first compute the convexity.
* @return true or false
public boolean isConvex() {
try {
return _nIsConvex(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns oval bounds if this path is recognized as an oval or circle.
* @return bounds is recognized as an oval or circle, null otherwise
* @see
public Rect isOval() {
try {
return _nIsOval(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns {@link RRect} if this path is recognized as an oval, circle or RRect.
* @return bounds is recognized as an oval, circle or RRect, null otherwise
* @see
public RRect isRRect() {
try {
return _nIsRRect(_ptr);
} finally {
* Sets Path to its initial state.
* Removes verb array, Point array, and weights, and sets FillMode to {@link PathFillMode#WINDING}.
* Internal storage associated with Path is released.
* @return this
* @see
public Path reset() {
return this;
* Sets Path to its initial state, preserving internal storage.
* Removes verb array, Point array, and weights, and sets FillMode to kWinding.
* Internal storage associated with Path is retained.
* Use {@link #rewind()} instead of {@link #reset()} if Path storage will be reused and performance
* is critical.
* @return this
* @see
public Path rewind() {
return this;
* Returns if Path is empty.
* Empty Path may have FillMode but has no {@link Point}, {@link PathVerb}, or conic weight.
* {@link Path()} constructs empty Path; {@link #reset()} and {@link #rewind()} make Path empty.
* @return true if the path contains no Verb array
public boolean isEmpty() {
try {
return _nIsEmpty(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns if contour is closed.
* Contour is closed if Path Verb array was last modified by {@link #closePath()}. When stroked,
* closed contour draws {@link PaintStrokeJoin} instead of {@link PaintStrokeCap} at first and last Point.
* @return true if the last contour ends with a {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}
* @see
public boolean isLastContourClosed() {
try {
return _nIsLastContourClosed(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns true for finite Point array values between negative Float.MIN_VALUE and
* positive Float.MAX_VALUE. Returns false for any Point array value of
* @return true if all Point values are finite
public boolean isFinite() {
try {
return _nIsFinite(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns true if the path is volatile; it will not be altered or discarded
* by the caller after it is drawn. Path by default have volatile set false, allowing
* {@link Surface} to attach a cache of data which speeds repeated drawing. If true, {@link Surface}
* may not speed repeated drawing.
* @return true if caller will alter Path after drawing
public boolean isVolatile() {
try {
return _nIsVolatile(_ptr);
} finally {
* Specifies whether Path is volatile; whether it will be altered or discarded
* by the caller after it is drawn. Path by default have volatile set false, allowing
* SkBaseDevice to attach a cache of data which speeds repeated drawing.
* Mark temporary paths, discarded or modified after use, as volatile
* to inform SkBaseDevice that the path need not be cached.
* Mark animating Path volatile to improve performance.
* Mark unchanging Path non-volatile to improve repeated rendering.
* raster surface Path draws are affected by volatile for some shadows.
* GPU surface Path draws are affected by volatile for some shadows and concave geometries.
* @param isVolatile true if caller will alter Path after drawing
* @return this
public Path setVolatile(boolean isVolatile) {
_nSetVolatile(_ptr, isVolatile);
return this;
* Tests if line between Point pair is degenerate.
* Line with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; it is
* treated as a point.
* exact changes the equality test. If true, returns true only if p1 equals p2.
* If false, returns true if p1 equals or nearly equals p2.
* @param p1 line start point
* @param p2 line end point
* @param exact if false, allow nearly equals
* @return true if line is degenerate; its length is effectively zero
* @see
public static boolean isLineDegenerate(Point p1, Point p2, boolean exact) {
return _nIsLineDegenerate(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, exact);
* Tests if quad is degenerate.
* Quad with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; it is
* treated as a point.
* @param p1 quad start point
* @param p2 quad control point
* @param p3 quad end point
* @param exact if true, returns true only if p1, p2, and p3 are equal;
* if false, returns true if p1, p2, and p3 are equal or nearly equal
* @return true if quad is degenerate; its length is effectively zero
public static boolean isQuadDegenerate(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, boolean exact) {
return _nIsQuadDegenerate(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, p3._x, p3._y, exact);
* Tests if cubic is degenerate.
* Cubic with no length or that moves a very short distance is degenerate; it is
* treated as a point.
* @param p1 cubic start point
* @param p2 cubic control point 1
* @param p3 cubic control point 2
* @param p4 cubic end point
* @param exact if true, returns true only if p1, p2, p3, and p4 are equal;
* if false, returns true if p1, p2, p3, and p4 are equal or nearly equal
* @return true if cubic is degenerate; its length is effectively zero
public static boolean isCubicDegenerate(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4, boolean exact) {
return _nIsCubicDegenerate(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, p3._x, p3._y, p4._x, p4._y, exact);
* Returns array of two points if Path contains only one line;
* Verb array has two entries: {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, {@link PathVerb#LINE}.
* Returns null if Path is not one line.
* @return Point[2] if Path contains exactly one line, null otherwise
* @see
public Point[] getAsLine() {
try {
return _nMaybeGetAsLine(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns the number of points in Path.
* Point count is initially zero.
* @return Path Point array length
* @see
public int getPointsCount() {
try {
return _nGetPointsCount(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns Point at index in Point array. Valid range for index is
* 0 to countPoints() - 1.
* Returns (0, 0) if index is out of range.
* @param index Point array element selector
* @return Point array value or (0, 0)
* @see
public Point getPoint(int index) {
try {
return _nGetPoint(_ptr, index);
} finally {
* Returns all points in Path.
* @return Path Point array length
* @see
public Point[] getPoints() {
Point[] res = new Point[getPointsCount()];
getPoints(res, res.length);
return res;
* Returns number of points in Path. Up to max points are copied.
* points may be null; then, max must be zero.
* If max is greater than number of points, excess points storage is unaltered.
* @param points storage for Path Point array. May be null
* @param max maximum to copy; must be greater than or equal to zero
* @return Path Point array length
* @see
public int getPoints(Point[] points, int max) {
try {
assert points == null ? max == 0 : true;
return _nGetPoints(_ptr, points, max);
} finally {
* Returns the number of verbs: {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, {@link PathVerb#LINE}, {@link PathVerb#QUAD}, {@link PathVerb#CONIC},
* {@link PathVerb#CUBIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}; added to Path.
* @return length of verb array
* @see
public int getVerbsCount() {
try {
return _nCountVerbs(_ptr);
} finally {
public PathVerb[] getVerbs() {
PathVerb[] res = new PathVerb[getVerbsCount()];
getVerbs(res, res.length);
return res;
* Returns the number of verbs in the path. Up to max verbs are copied.
* @param verbs storage for verbs, may be null
* @param max maximum number to copy into verbs
* @return the actual number of verbs in the path
* @see
public int getVerbs(PathVerb[] verbs, int max) {
try {
assert verbs == null ? max == 0 : true;
byte[] out = verbs == null ? null : new byte[max];
int count = _nGetVerbs(_ptr, out, max);
if (verbs != null)
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(count, max); ++i)
verbs[i] = PathVerb._values[out[i]];
return count;
} finally {
* Returns the approximate byte size of the Path in memory.
* @return approximate size
public long getApproximateBytesUsed() {
try {
return _nApproximateBytesUsed(_ptr);
} finally {
* Exchanges the verb array, Point array, weights, and FillMode with other.
* Cached state is also exchanged. swap() internally exchanges pointers, so
* it is lightweight and does not allocate memory.
* @param other Path exchanged by value
* @return this
* @see
public Path swap(Path other) {
try {
_nSwap(_ptr, Native.getPtr(other));
return this;
} finally {
* Returns minimum and maximum axes values of Point array.
* Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if Path contains no points. Returned bounds width and height may
* be larger or smaller than area affected when Path is drawn.
* Rect returned includes all Point added to Path, including Point associated with
* {@link PathVerb#MOVE} that define empty contours.
* @return bounds of all Point in Point array
public Rect getBounds() {
try {
return _nGetBounds(_ptr);
} finally {
* Updates internal bounds so that subsequent calls to {@link #getBounds()} are instantaneous.
* Unaltered copies of Path may also access cached bounds through {@link #getBounds()}.
* For now, identical to calling {@link #getBounds()} and ignoring the returned value.
* Call to prepare Path subsequently drawn from multiple threads,
* to avoid a race condition where each draw separately computes the bounds.
* @return this
public Path updateBoundsCache() {
return this;
* Returns minimum and maximum axes values of the lines and curves in Path.
* Returns (0, 0, 0, 0) if Path contains no points.
* Returned bounds width and height may be larger or smaller than area affected
* when Path is drawn.
* Includes Point associated with {@link PathVerb#MOVE} that define empty
* contours.
* Behaves identically to {@link #getBounds()} when Path contains
* only lines. If Path contains curves, computed bounds includes
* the maximum extent of the quad, conic, or cubic; is slower than {@link #getBounds()};
* and unlike {@link #getBounds()}, does not cache the result.
* @return tight bounds of curves in Path
* @see
public Rect computeTightBounds() {
try {
return _nComputeTightBounds(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns true if rect is contained by Path.
* May return false when rect is contained by Path.
* For now, only returns true if Path has one contour and is convex.
* rect may share points and edges with Path and be contained.
* Returns true if rect is empty, that is, it has zero width or height; and
* the Point or line described by rect is contained by Path.
* @param rect Rect, line, or Point checked for containment
* @return true if rect is contained
* @see
public boolean conservativelyContainsRect(Rect rect) {
try {
return _nConservativelyContainsRect(_ptr, rect._left, rect._top, rect._right, rect._bottom);
} finally {
* Grows Path verb array and Point array to contain extraPtCount additional Point.
* May improve performance and use less memory by
* reducing the number and size of allocations when creating Path.
* @param extraPtCount number of additional Point to allocate
* @return this
* @see
public Path incReserve(int extraPtCount) {
_nIncReserve(_ptr, extraPtCount);
return this;
* Adds beginning of contour at Point (x, y).
* @param x x-axis value of contour start
* @param y y-axis value of contour start
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path moveTo(float x, float y) {
_nMoveTo(_ptr, x, y);
return this;
* Adds beginning of contour at Point p.
* @param p contour start
* @return this
public Path moveTo(Point p) {
return moveTo(p._x, p._y);
* Adds beginning of contour relative to last point.
* If Path is empty, starts contour at (dx, dy).
* Otherwise, start contour at last point offset by (dx, dy).
* Function name stands for "relative move to".
* @param dx offset from last point to contour start on x-axis
* @param dy offset from last point to contour start on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path rMoveTo(float dx, float dy) {
_nRMoveTo(_ptr, dx, dy);
return this;
* Adds line from last point to (x, y). If Path is empty, or last Verb is
* {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding line.
* lineTo() appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed.
* lineTo() then appends {@link PathVerb#LINE} to verb array and (x, y) to Point array.
* @param x end of added line on x-axis
* @param y end of added line on y-axis
* @return this
* @see
public Path lineTo(float x, float y) {
_nLineTo(_ptr, x, y);
return this;
* Adds line from last point to Point p. If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is
* {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding line.
* lineTo() first appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed.
* lineTo() then appends {@link PathVerb#LINE} to verb array and Point p to Point array.
* @param p end Point of added line
* @return reference to Path
public Path lineTo(Point p) {
return lineTo(p._x, p._y);
* Adds line from last point to vector (dx, dy). If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is
* {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding line.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed;
* then appends {@link PathVerb#LINE} to verb array and line end to Point array.
* Line end is last point plus vector (dx, dy).
* Function name stands for "relative line to".
* @param dx offset from last point to line end on x-axis
* @param dy offset from last point to line end on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
* @see
* @see
* @see
public Path rLineTo(float dx, float dy) {
_nRLineTo(_ptr, dx, dy);
return this;
* Adds quad from last point towards (x1, y1), to (x2, y2).
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0)
* before adding quad.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed;
* then appends {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array; and (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
* to Point array.
* @param x1 control Point of quad on x-axis
* @param y1 control Point of quad on y-axis
* @param x2 end Point of quad on x-axis
* @param y2 end Point of quad on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path quadTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) {
_nQuadTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2);
return this;
* Adds quad from last point towards Point p1, to Point p2.
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0)
* before adding quad.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed;
* then appends {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array; and Point p1, p2
* to Point array.
* @param p1 control Point of added quad
* @param p2 end Point of added quad
* @return reference to Path
public Path quadTo(Point p1, Point p2) {
return quadTo(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y);
* Adds quad from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), to vector (dx2, dy2).
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb}
* is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding quad.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array,
* if needed; then appends {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array; and appends quad
* control and quad end to Point array.
* Quad control is last point plus vector (dx1, dy1).
* Quad end is last point plus vector (dx2, dy2).
* Function name stands for "relative quad to".
* @param dx1 offset from last point to quad control on x-axis
* @param dy1 offset from last point to quad control on y-axis
* @param dx2 offset from last point to quad end on x-axis
* @param dy2 offset from last point to quad end on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
* @see
* @see
* @see
* @see
public Path rQuadTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2) {
_nRQuadTo(_ptr, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2);
return this;
* Adds conic from last point towards (x1, y1), to (x2, y2), weighted by w.
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0)
* before adding conic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed.
* If w is finite and not one, appends {@link PathVerb#CONIC} to verb array;
* and (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to Point array; and w to conic weights.
* If w is one, appends {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array, and
* (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to Point array.
* If w is not finite, appends {@link PathVerb#LINE} twice to verb array, and
* (x1, y1), (x2, y2) to Point array.
* @param x1 control Point of conic on x-axis
* @param y1 control Point of conic on y-axis
* @param x2 end Point of conic on x-axis
* @param y2 end Point of conic on y-axis
* @param w weight of added conic
* @return reference to Path
public Path conicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w) {
_nConicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, w);
return this;
* Adds conic from last point towards Point p1, to Point p2, weighted by w.
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0)
* before adding conic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed.
* If w is finite and not one, appends {@link PathVerb#CONIC} to verb array;
* and Point p1, p2 to Point array; and w to conic weights.
* If w is one, appends {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array, and Point p1, p2
* to Point array.
* If w is not finite, appends {@link PathVerb#LINE} twice to verb array, and
* Point p1, p2 to Point array.
* @param p1 control Point of added conic
* @param p2 end Point of added conic
* @param w weight of added conic
* @return reference to Path
public Path conicTo(Point p1, Point p2, float w) {
return conicTo(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, w);
* Adds conic from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), to vector (dx2, dy2),
* weighted by w. If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb}
* is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding conic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array,
* if needed.
* If w is finite and not one, next appends {@link PathVerb#CONIC} to verb array,
* and w is recorded as conic weight; otherwise, if w is one, appends
* {@link PathVerb#QUAD} to verb array; or if w is not finite, appends {@link PathVerb#LINE}
* twice to verb array.
* In all cases appends Point control and end to Point array.
* control is last point plus vector (dx1, dy1).
* end is last point plus vector (dx2, dy2).
* Function name stands for "relative conic to".
* @param dx1 offset from last point to conic control on x-axis
* @param dy1 offset from last point to conic control on y-axis
* @param dx2 offset from last point to conic end on x-axis
* @param dy2 offset from last point to conic end on y-axis
* @param w weight of added conic
* @return reference to Path
public Path rConicTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2, float w) {
_nRConicTo(_ptr, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, w);
return this;
* Adds cubic from last point towards (x1, y1), then towards (x2, y2), ending at
* (x3, y3). If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to
* (0, 0) before adding cubic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed;
* then appends {@link PathVerb#CUBIC} to verb array; and (x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)
* to Point array.
* @param x1 first control Point of cubic on x-axis
* @param y1 first control Point of cubic on y-axis
* @param x2 second control Point of cubic on x-axis
* @param y2 second control Point of cubic on y-axis
* @param x3 end Point of cubic on x-axis
* @param y3 end Point of cubic on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
public Path cubicTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) {
_nCubicTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3);
return this;
* Adds cubic from last point towards Point p1, then towards Point p2, ending at
* Point p3. If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to
* (0, 0) before adding cubic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array, if needed;
* then appends {@link PathVerb#CUBIC} to verb array; and Point p1, p2, p3
* to Point array.
* @param p1 first control Point of cubic
* @param p2 second control Point of cubic
* @param p3 end Point of cubic
* @return reference to Path
public Path cubicTo(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) {
return cubicTo(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, p3._x, p3._y);
* Adds cubic from last point towards vector (dx1, dy1), then towards
* vector (dx2, dy2), to vector (dx3, dy3).
* If Path is empty, or last {@link PathVerb}
* is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}, last point is set to (0, 0) before adding cubic.
* Appends {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to verb array and (0, 0) to Point array,
* if needed; then appends {@link PathVerb#CUBIC} to verb array; and appends cubic
* control and cubic end to Point array.
* Cubic control is last point plus vector (dx1, dy1).
* Cubic end is last point plus vector (dx2, dy2).
* Function name stands for "relative cubic to".
* @param dx1 offset from last point to first cubic control on x-axis
* @param dy1 offset from last point to first cubic control on y-axis
* @param dx2 offset from last point to second cubic control on x-axis
* @param dy2 offset from last point to second cubic control on y-axis
* @param dx3 offset from last point to cubic end on x-axis
* @param dy3 offset from last point to cubic end on y-axis
* @return reference to Path
public Path rCubicTo(float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2, float dx3, float dy3) {
_nRCubicTo(_ptr, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dx3, dy3);
return this;
* Appends arc to Path. Arc added is part of ellipse
* bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. Both startAngle and
* sweepAngle are measured in degrees, where zero degrees is aligned with the
* positive x-axis, and positive sweeps extends arc clockwise.
* arcTo() adds line connecting Path last Point to initial arc Point if forceMoveTo
* is false and Path is not empty. Otherwise, added contour begins with first point
* of arc. Angles greater than -360 and less than 360 are treated modulo 360.
* @param oval bounds of ellipse containing arc
* @param startAngle starting angle of arc in degrees
* @param sweepAngle sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; treated modulo 360
* @param forceMoveTo true to start a new contour with arc
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path arcTo(Rect oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean forceMoveTo) {
_nArcTo(_ptr, oval._left, oval._top, oval._right, oval._bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle, forceMoveTo);
return this;
* Appends arc to Path, after appending line if needed. Arc is implemented by conic
* weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is contained by tangent from
* last Path point to (x1, y1), and tangent from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). Arc
* is part of circle sized to radius, positioned so it touches both tangent lines.
* If last Path Point does not start Arc, tangentArcTo appends connecting Line to Path.
* The length of Vector from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2) does not affect Arc.
* Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if
* tangents are nearly parallel, tangentArcTo appends Line from last Path Point to (x1, y1).
* tangentArcTo appends at most one Line and one conic.
* tangentArcTo implements the functionality of PostScript arct and HTML Canvas tangentArcTo.
* @param x1 x-axis value common to pair of tangents
* @param y1 y-axis value common to pair of tangents
* @param x2 x-axis value end of second tangent
* @param y2 y-axis value end of second tangent
* @param radius distance from arc to circle center
* @return reference to Path
* @see
* @see
* @see
public Path tangentArcTo(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius) {
_nTangentArcTo(_ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, radius);
return this;
* Appends arc to Path, after appending line if needed. Arc is implemented by conic
* weighted to describe part of circle. Arc is contained by tangent from
* last Path point to p1, and tangent from p1 to p2. Arc
* is part of circle sized to radius, positioned so it touches both tangent lines.
* If last Path Point does not start arc, tangentArcTo() appends connecting line to Path.
* The length of vector from p1 to p2 does not affect arc.
* Arc sweep is always less than 180 degrees. If radius is zero, or if
* tangents are nearly parallel, tangentArcTo() appends line from last Path Point to p1.
* tangentArcTo() appends at most one line and one conic.
* tangentArcTo() implements the functionality of PostScript arct and HTML Canvas tangentArcTo.
* @param p1 Point common to pair of tangents
* @param p2 end of second tangent
* @param radius distance from arc to circle center
* @return reference to Path
public Path tangentArcTo(Point p1, Point p2, float radius) {
return tangentArcTo(p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, radius);
/** Appends arc to Path. Arc is implemented by one or more conics weighted to
* describe part of oval with radii (rx, ry) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc
* curves from last Path Point to (x, y), choosing one of four possible routes:
* clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger.
* Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. ellipticalArcTo() appends line to (x, y) if
* either radii are zero, or if last Path Point equals (x, y). ellipticalArcTo() scales radii
* (rx, ry) to fit last Path Point and (x, y) if both are greater than zero but
* too small.
* ellipticalArcTo() appends up to four conic curves.
* ellipticalArcTo() implements the functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value
* is opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for clockwise,
* while {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE} cast to int is zero.
* @param rx radius on x-axis before x-axis rotation
* @param ry radius on y-axis before x-axis rotation
* @param xAxisRotate x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are clockwise
* @param arc chooses smaller or larger arc
* @param direction chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc
* @param x end of arc
* @param y end of arc
* @return reference to Path
public Path ellipticalArcTo(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotate, PathEllipseArc arc, PathDirection direction, float x, float y) {
_nEllipticalArcTo(_ptr, rx, ry, xAxisRotate, arc.ordinal(), direction.ordinal(), x, y);
return this;
* Appends arc to Path. Arc is implemented by one or more conic weighted to describe
* part of oval with radii (r.fX, r.fY) rotated by xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves
* from last Path Point to (xy.fX, xy.fY), choosing one of four possible routes:
* clockwise or counterclockwise, and smaller or larger.
* Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. ellipticalArcTo() appends line to xy if either
* radii are zero, or if last Path Point equals (xy.fX, xy.fY). ellipticalArcTo() scales radii r to
* fit last Path Point and xy if both are greater than zero but too small to describe
* an arc.
* ellipticalArcTo() appends up to four conic curves.
* ellipticalArcTo() implements the functionality of SVG arc, although SVG sweep-flag value is
* opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG sweep-flag uses 1 for clockwise, while
* {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE} cast to int is zero.
* @param r radii on axes before x-axis rotation
* @param xAxisRotate x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are clockwise
* @param arc chooses smaller or larger arc
* @param direction chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc
* @param xy end of arc
* @return reference to Path
public Path ellipticalArcTo(Point r, float xAxisRotate, PathEllipseArc arc, PathDirection direction, Point xy) {
return ellipticalArcTo(r._x, r._y, xAxisRotate, arc, direction, xy._x, xy._y);
* Appends arc to Path, relative to last Path Point. Arc is implemented by one or
* more conic, weighted to describe part of oval with radii (rx, ry) rotated by
* xAxisRotate degrees. Arc curves from last Path Point to relative end Point:
* (dx, dy), choosing one of four possible routes: clockwise or
* counterclockwise, and smaller or larger. If Path is empty, the start arc Point
* is (0, 0).
* Arc sweep is always less than 360 degrees. rEllipticalArcTo() appends line to end Point
* if either radii are zero, or if last Path Point equals end Point.
* rEllipticalArcTo() scales radii (rx, ry) to fit last Path Point and end Point if both are
* greater than zero but too small to describe an arc.
* rEllipticalArcTo() appends up to four conic curves.
* rEllipticalArcTo() implements the functionality of svg arc, although SVG "sweep-flag" value is
* opposite the integer value of sweep; SVG "sweep-flag" uses 1 for clockwise, while
* {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE} cast to int is zero.
* @param rx radius before x-axis rotation
* @param ry radius before x-axis rotation
* @param xAxisRotate x-axis rotation in degrees; positive values are clockwise
* @param arc chooses smaller or larger arc
* @param direction chooses clockwise or counterclockwise arc
* @param dx x-axis offset end of arc from last Path Point
* @param dy y-axis offset end of arc from last Path Point
* @return reference to Path
public Path rEllipticalArcTo(float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotate, PathEllipseArc arc, PathDirection direction, float dx, float dy) {
_nREllipticalArcTo(_ptr, rx, ry, xAxisRotate, arc.ordinal(), direction.ordinal(), dx, dy);
return this;
* Appends {@link PathVerb#CLOSE} to Path. A closed contour connects the first and last Point
* with line, forming a continuous loop. Open and closed contour draw the same
* with {@link PaintMode#FILL}. With {@link PaintMode#STROKE}, open contour draws
* {@link PaintStrokeCap} at contour start and end; closed contour draws
* {@link PaintStrokeJoin} at contour start and end.
* closePath() has no effect if Path is empty or last Path {@link PathVerb} is {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}.
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path closePath() {
return this;
* Approximates conic with quad array. Conic is constructed from start Point p0,
* control Point p1, end Point p2, and weight w.
* Quad array is stored in pts; this storage is supplied by caller.
* Maximum quad count is 2 to the pow2.
* Every third point in array shares last Point of previous quad and first Point of
* next quad. Maximum pts storage size is given by: {@code (1 + 2 * (1 << pow2)).
* Returns quad count used the approximation, which may be smaller
* than the number requested.
* conic weight determines the amount of influence conic control point has on the curve.
* w less than one represents an elliptical section. w greater than one represents
* a hyperbolic section. w equal to one represents a parabolic section.
* Two quad curves are sufficient to approximate an elliptical conic with a sweep
* of up to 90 degrees; in this case, set pow2 to one.
* @param p0 conic start Point
* @param p1 conic control Point
* @param p2 conic end Point
* @param w conic weight
* @param pow2 quad count, as power of two, normally 0 to 5 (1 to 32 quad curves)
* @return number of quad curves written to pts
public static Point[] convertConicToQuads(Point p0, Point p1, Point p2, float w, int pow2) {
return _nConvertConicToQuads(p0._x, p0._y, p1._x, p1._y, p2._x, p2._y, w, pow2);
* Returns Rect if Path is equivalent to Rect when filled.
* rect may be smaller than the Path bounds. Path bounds may include {@link PathVerb#MOVE} points
* that do not alter the area drawn by the returned rect.
* @return bounds if Path contains Rect, null otherwise
* @see
public Rect isRect() {
try {
return _nIsRect(_ptr);
} finally {
* Adds Rect to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, three {@link PathVerb#LINE}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE},
* starting with top-left corner of Rect; followed by top-right, bottom-right,
* and bottom-left.
* @param rect Rect to add as a closed contour
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRect(Rect rect) {
return addRect(rect, PathDirection.CLOCKWISE, 0);
* Adds Rect to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, three {@link PathVerb#LINE}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE},
* starting with top-left corner of Rect; followed by top-right, bottom-right,
* and bottom-left if dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}; or followed by bottom-left,
* bottom-right, and top-right if dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}.
* @param rect Rect to add as a closed contour
* @param dir Direction to wind added contour
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRect(Rect rect, PathDirection dir) {
return addRect(rect, dir, 0);
* Adds Rect to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, three {@link PathVerb#LINE}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}.
* If dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, Rect corners are added clockwise; if dir is
* {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}, Rect corners are added counterclockwise.
* start determines the first corner added.
* @param rect Rect to add as a closed contour
* @param dir Direction to wind added contour
* @param start initial corner of Rect to add. 0 for top left, 1 for top right, 2 for lower right, 3 for lower left
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRect(Rect rect, PathDirection dir, int start) {
_nAddRect(_ptr, rect._left, rect._top, rect._right, rect._bottom, dir.ordinal(), start);
return this;
* Adds oval to path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, four {@link PathVerb#CONIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}.
* Oval is upright ellipse bounded by Rect oval with radii equal to half oval width
* and half oval height. Oval begins at (oval.fRight, oval.centerY()) and continues
* clockwise.
* @param oval bounds of ellipse added
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addOval(Rect oval) {
return addOval(oval, PathDirection.CLOCKWISE, 1);
* Adds oval to path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, four {@link PathVerb#CONIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}.
* Oval is upright ellipse bounded by Rect oval with radii equal to half oval width
* and half oval height. Oval begins at (oval.fRight, oval.centerY()) and continues
* clockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, counterclockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}.
* @param oval bounds of ellipse added
* @param dir Direction to wind ellipse
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addOval(Rect oval, PathDirection dir) {
return addOval(oval, dir, 1);
* Adds oval to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE}, four {@link PathVerb#CONIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}.
* Oval is upright ellipse bounded by Rect oval with radii equal to half oval width
* and half oval height. Oval begins at start and continues
* clockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, counterclockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}.
* @param oval bounds of ellipse added
* @param dir Direction to wind ellipse
* @param start index of initial point of ellipse. 0 for top, 1 for right, 2 for bottom, 3 for left
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addOval(Rect oval, PathDirection dir, int start) {
_nAddOval(_ptr, oval._left, oval._top, oval._right, oval._bottom, dir.ordinal(), start);
return this;
* Adds circle centered at (x, y) of size radius to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE},
* four {@link PathVerb#CONIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}. Circle begins at: (x + radius, y)
* Has no effect if radius is zero or negative.
* @param x center of circle
* @param y center of circle
* @param radius distance from center to edge
* @return reference to Path
public Path addCircle(float x, float y, float radius) {
return addCircle(x, y, radius, PathDirection.CLOCKWISE);
* Adds circle centered at (x, y) of size radius to Path, appending {@link PathVerb#MOVE},
* four {@link PathVerb#CONIC}, and {@link PathVerb#CLOSE}. Circle begins at: (x + radius, y), continuing
* clockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, and counterclockwise if dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}.
* Has no effect if radius is zero or negative.
* @param x center of circle
* @param y center of circle
* @param radius distance from center to edge
* @param dir Direction to wind circle
* @return reference to Path
public Path addCircle(float x, float y, float radius, PathDirection dir) {
_nAddCircle(_ptr, x, y, radius, dir.ordinal());
return this;
* Appends arc to Path, as the start of new contour. Arc added is part of ellipse
* bounded by oval, from startAngle through sweepAngle. Both startAngle and
* sweepAngle are measured in degrees, where zero degrees is aligned with the
* positive x-axis, and positive sweeps extends arc clockwise.
* If sweepAngle ≤ -360, or sweepAngle ≥ 360; and startAngle modulo 90 is nearly
* zero, append oval instead of arc. Otherwise, sweepAngle values are treated
* modulo 360, and arc may or may not draw depending on numeric rounding.
* @param oval bounds of ellipse containing arc
* @param startAngle starting angle of arc in degrees
* @param sweepAngle sweep, in degrees. Positive is clockwise; treated modulo 360
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addArc(Rect oval, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) {
_nAddArc(_ptr, oval._left, oval._top, oval._right, oval._bottom, startAngle, sweepAngle);
return this;
* Adds rrect to Path, creating a new closed contour. RRect starts at top-left of the lower-left corner and
* winds clockwise.
* After appending, Path may be empty, or may contain: Rect, Oval, or RRect.
* @param rrect bounds and radii of rounded rectangle
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRRect(RRect rrect) {
return addRRect(rrect, PathDirection.CLOCKWISE, 6);
* Adds rrect to Path, creating a new closed contour. If
* dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, rrect starts at top-left of the lower-left corner and
* winds clockwise. If dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}, rrect starts at the bottom-left
* of the upper-left corner and winds counterclockwise.
* After appending, Path may be empty, or may contain: Rect, Oval, or RRect.
* @param rrect bounds and radii of rounded rectangle
* @param dir Direction to wind RRect
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRRect(RRect rrect, PathDirection dir) {
return addRRect(rrect, dir, dir == PathDirection.CLOCKWISE ? 6 : 7);
* Adds rrect to Path, creating a new closed contour. If dir is {@link PathDirection#CLOCKWISE}, rrect
* winds clockwise; if dir is {@link PathDirection#COUNTER_CLOCKWISE}, rrect winds counterclockwise.
* start determines the first point of rrect to add.
* @param rrect bounds and radii of rounded rectangle
* @param dir Direction to wind RRect
* @param start index of initial point of RRect. 0 for top-right end of the arc at top left,
* 1 for top-left end of the arc at top right, 2 for bottom-right end of top right arc, etc.
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addRRect(RRect rrect, PathDirection dir, int start) {
_nAddRRect(_ptr, rrect._left, rrect._top, rrect._right, rrect._bottom, rrect._radii, dir.ordinal(), start);
return this;
* Adds contour created from line array, adding (pts.length - 1) line segments.
* Contour added starts at pts[0], then adds a line for every additional Point
* in pts array. If close is true, appends {@link PathVerb#CLOSE} to Path, connecting
* pts[pts.length - 1] and pts[0].
* If pts is empty, append {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to path.
* @param pts array of line sharing end and start Point
* @param close true to add line connecting contour end and start
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addPoly(Point[] pts, boolean close) {
float[] flat = new float[pts.length * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < pts.length; ++i) {
flat[i * 2] = pts[i]._x;
flat[i * 2 + 1] = pts[i]._y;
return addPoly(flat, close);
* Adds contour created from line array, adding (pts.length / 2 - 1) line segments.
* Contour added starts at (pts[0], pts[1]), then adds a line for every additional pair of floats
* in pts array. If close is true, appends {@link PathVerb#CLOSE} to Path, connecting
* (pts[count - 2], pts[count - 1]) and (pts[0], pts[1]).
* If pts is empty, append {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to path.
* @param pts flat array of line sharing end and start Point
* @param close true to add line connecting contour end and start
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path addPoly(float[] pts, boolean close) {
assert pts.length % 2 == 0 : "Expected even amount of pts, got " + pts.length;
_nAddPoly(_ptr, pts, close);
return this;
* Appends src to Path.
* src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src) {
return addPath(src, false);
* Appends src to Path.
* If extend is false, src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered. If extend is true, add line before appending
* verbs, Point, and conic weights.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @param extend if should add a line before appending verbs
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src, boolean extend) {
try {
_nAddPath(_ptr, Native.getPtr(src), extend);
return this;
} finally {
* Appends src to Path, offset by (dx, dy).
* Src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @param dx offset added to src Point array x-axis coordinates
* @param dy offset added to src Point array y-axis coordinates
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src, float dx, float dy) {
return addPath(src, dx, dy, false);
* Appends src to Path, offset by (dx, dy).
* If extend is false, src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered. If extend is true, add line before appending
* verbs, Point, and conic weights.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @param dx offset added to src Point array x-axis coordinates
* @param dy offset added to src Point array y-axis coordinates
* @param extend if should add a line before appending verbs
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src, float dx, float dy, boolean extend) {
try {
_nAddPathOffset(_ptr, Native.getPtr(src), dx, dy, extend);
return this;
} finally {
* Appends src to Path, transformed by matrix. Transformed curves may have different
* verbs, Point, and conic weights.
* Src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @param matrix transform applied to src
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src, Matrix33 matrix) {
return addPath(src, matrix, false);
* Appends src to Path, transformed by matrix. Transformed curves may have different
* verbs, Point, and conic weights.
* If extend is false, src verb array, Point array, and conic weights are
* added unaltered. If extend is true, add line before appending
* verbs, Point, and conic weights.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @param matrix transform applied to src
* @param extend if should add a line before appending verbs
* @return reference to Path
public Path addPath(Path src, Matrix33 matrix, boolean extend) {
try {
_nAddPathTransform(_ptr, Native.getPtr(src), matrix.getMat(), extend);
return this;
} finally {
* Appends src to Path, from back to front.
* Reversed src always appends a new contour to Path.
* @param src Path verbs, Point, and conic weights to add
* @return reference to Path
* @see
public Path reverseAddPath(Path src) {
try {
_nReverseAddPath(_ptr, Native.getPtr(src));
return this;
} finally {
* Offsets Point array by (dx, dy). Path is replaced by offset data.
* @param dx offset added to Point array x-axis coordinates
* @param dy offset added to Point array y-axis coordinates
* @return this
public Path offset(float dx, float dy) {
return offset(dx, dy, null);
* Offsets Point array by (dx, dy). Offset Path replaces dst.
* If dst is null, Path is replaced by offset data.
* @param dx offset added to Point array x-axis coordinates
* @param dy offset added to Point array y-axis coordinates
* @param dst overwritten, translated copy of Path; may be null
* @return this
* @see
public Path offset(float dx, float dy, Path dst) {
try {
_nOffset(_ptr, dx, dy, Native.getPtr(dst));
return this;
} finally {
* Transforms verb array, Point array, and weight by matrix.
* transform may change verbs and increase their number.
* Path is replaced by transformed data.
* @param matrix matrix to apply to Path
* @return this
public Path transform(Matrix33 matrix) {
return transform(matrix, null, true);
* Transforms verb array, Point array, and weight by matrix.
* transform may change verbs and increase their number.
* Path is replaced by transformed data.
* @param matrix matrix to apply to Path
* @param applyPerspectiveClip whether to apply perspective clipping
* @return this
public Path transform(Matrix33 matrix, boolean applyPerspectiveClip) {
return transform(matrix, null, applyPerspectiveClip);
* Transforms verb array, Point array, and weight by matrix.
* transform may change verbs and increase their number.
* Transformed Path replaces dst; if dst is null, original data
* is replaced.
* @param matrix matrix to apply to Path
* @param dst overwritten, transformed copy of Path; may be null
* @return this
* @see
public Path transform(Matrix33 matrix, Path dst) {
return transform(matrix, dst, true);
* Transforms verb array, Point array, and weight by matrix.
* transform may change verbs and increase their number.
* Transformed Path replaces dst; if dst is null, original data
* is replaced.
* @param matrix matrix to apply to Path
* @param dst overwritten, transformed copy of Path; may be null
* @param applyPerspectiveClip whether to apply perspective clipping
* @return this
* @see
public Path transform(Matrix33 matrix, Path dst, boolean applyPerspectiveClip) {
try {
_nTransform(_ptr, matrix.getMat(), Native.getPtr(dst), applyPerspectiveClip);
return this;
} finally {
* Returns last point on Path in lastPt. Returns null if Point array is empty.
* @return point if Point array contains one or more Point, null otherwise
* @see
public Point getLastPt() {
try {
return _nGetLastPt(_ptr);
} finally {
* Sets last point to (x, y). If Point array is empty, append {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to
* verb array and append (x, y) to Point array.
* @param x set x-axis value of last point
* @param y set y-axis value of last point
* @return this
* @see
public Path setLastPt(float x, float y) {
_nSetLastPt(_ptr, x, y);
return this;
* Sets the last point on the path. If Point array is empty, append {@link PathVerb#MOVE} to
* verb array and append p to Point array.
* @param p set value of last point
* @return this
public Path setLastPt(Point p) {
return setLastPt(p._x, p._y);
* Returns a mask, where each set bit corresponds to a SegmentMask constant
* if Path contains one or more verbs of that type.
* Returns zero if Path contains no lines, or curves: quads, conics, or cubics.
* getSegmentMasks() returns a cached result; it is very fast.
* @return SegmentMask bits or zero
* @see PathSegmentMask#LINE
* @see PathSegmentMask#QUAD
* @see PathSegmentMask#CONIC
* @see PathSegmentMask#CUBIC
public int getSegmentMasks() {
try {
return _nGetSegmentMasks(_ptr);
} finally {
public PathSegmentIterator iterator() {
return iterator(false);
public PathSegmentIterator iterator(boolean forceClose) {
return PathSegmentIterator.make(this, forceClose);
* Returns true if the point (x, y) is contained by Path, taking into
* account {@link PathFillMode}.
* @param x x-axis value of containment test
* @param y y-axis value of containment test
* @return true if Point is in Path
* @see
public boolean contains(float x, float y) {
try {
return _nContains(_ptr, x, y);
} finally {
* Returns true if the point is contained by Path, taking into
* account {@link PathFillMode}.
* @param p point of containment test
* @return true if Point is in Path
* @see
public boolean contains(Point p) {
return contains(p._x, p._y);
* Writes text representation of Path to standard output. The representation may be
* directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point values are written
* with limited precision; it may not be possible to reconstruct original Path
* from output.
* @return this
* @see
public Path dump() {
return this;
* Writes text representation of Path to standard output. The representation may be
* directly compiled as C++ code. Floating point values are written
* in hexadecimal to preserve their exact bit pattern. The output reconstructs the
* original Path.
* Use instead of {@link dump()} when submitting
* @return this
* @see
public Path dumpHex() {
return this;
* Writes Path to byte buffer.
* Writes {@link PathFillMode}, verb array, Point array, conic weight, and
* additionally writes computed information like path convexity and bounds.
* Use only be used in concert with {@link makeFromBytes(byte[])};
* the format used for Path in memory is not guaranteed.
* @return serialized Path; length always a multiple of 4
* @see
public byte[] serializeToBytes() {
try {
return _nSerializeToBytes(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns Path that is the result of applying the Op to the first path and the second path.
The resulting path will be constructed from non-overlapping contours.
The curve order is reduced where possible so that cubics may be turned
* into quadratics, and quadratics maybe turned into lines.
* @param one The first operand (for difference, the minuend)
* @param two The second operand (for difference, the subtrahend)
* @param op The operator to apply.
* @return Path if operation was able to produce a result, null otherwise
public static Path makeCombining(@NotNull Path one, @NotNull Path two, PathOp op) {
try {
long ptr = _nMakeCombining(Native.getPtr(one), Native.getPtr(two), op.ordinal());
return ptr == 0 ? null : new Path(ptr);
} finally {
Initializes Path from byte buffer. Returns null if the buffer is
* data is inconsistent, or the length is too small.
* Reads {@link PathFillMode}, verb array, Point array, conic weight, and
* additionally reads computed information like path convexity and bounds.
* Used only in concert with {@link serializeToBytes()};
* the format used for Path in memory is not guaranteed.
* @param data storage for Path
* @return reconstructed Path
* @see
public static Path makeFromBytes(byte[] data) {
return new Path(_nMakeFromBytes(data));
* Returns a non-zero, globally unique value. A different value is returned
* if verb array, Point array, or conic weight changes.
* Setting {@link PathFillMode} does not change generation identifier.
* Each time the path is modified, a different generation identifier will be returned.
* {@link PathFillMode} does affect generation identifier on Android framework.
* @return non-zero, globally unique value
* @see
* @see
public int getGenerationId() {
try {
return _nGetGenerationId(_ptr);
} finally {
* Returns if Path data is consistent. Corrupt Path data is detected if
* internal values are out of range or internal storage does not match
* array dimensions.
* @return true if Path data is consistent
public boolean isValid() {
try {
return _nIsValid(_ptr);
} finally {
public Path(long ptr) {
super(ptr, _FinalizerHolder.PTR);
public static native long _nGetFinalizer();
public static native long _nMake();
public static native long _nMakeFromSVGString(String s);
public static native boolean _nEquals(long aPtr, long bPtr);
public static native boolean _nIsInterpolatable(long ptr, long comparePtr);
public static native long _nMakeLerp(long ptr, long endingPtr, float weight);
public static native int _nGetFillMode(long ptr);
public static native void _nSetFillMode(long ptr, int fillMode);
public static native boolean _nIsConvex(long ptr);
public static native Rect _nIsOval(long ptr);
public static native RRect _nIsRRect(long ptr);
public static native void _nReset(long ptr);
public static native void _nRewind(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nIsEmpty(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nIsLastContourClosed(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nIsFinite(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nIsVolatile(long ptr);
public static native void _nSetVolatile(long ptr, boolean isVolatile);
public static native boolean _nIsLineDegenerate(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, boolean exact);
public static native boolean _nIsQuadDegenerate(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, boolean exact);
public static native boolean _nIsCubicDegenerate(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, boolean exact);
public static native Point[] _nMaybeGetAsLine(long ptr);
public static native int _nGetPointsCount(long ptr);
public static native Point _nGetPoint(long ptr, int index);
public static native int _nGetPoints(long ptr, Point[] points, int max);
public static native int _nCountVerbs(long ptr);
public static native int _nGetVerbs(long ptr, byte[] verbs, int max);
public static native long _nApproximateBytesUsed(long ptr);
public static native void _nSwap(long ptr, long otherPtr);
public static native Rect _nGetBounds(long ptr);
public static native void _nUpdateBoundsCache(long ptr);
public static native Rect _nComputeTightBounds(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nConservativelyContainsRect(long ptr, float l, float t, float r, float b);
public static native void _nIncReserve(long ptr, int extraPtCount);
public static native void _nMoveTo(long ptr, float x, float y);
public static native void _nRMoveTo(long ptr, float dx, float dy);
public static native void _nLineTo(long ptr, float x, float y);
public static native void _nRLineTo(long ptr, float dx, float dy);
public static native void _nQuadTo(long ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2);
public static native void _nRQuadTo(long ptr, float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2);
public static native void _nConicTo(long ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w);
public static native void _nRConicTo(long ptr, float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2, float w);
public static native void _nCubicTo(long ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3);
public static native void _nRCubicTo(long ptr, float dx1, float dy1, float dx2, float dy2, float dx3, float dy3);
public static native void _nArcTo(long ptr, float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float startAngle, float sweepAngle, boolean forceMoveTo);
public static native void _nTangentArcTo(long ptr, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float radius);
public static native void _nEllipticalArcTo(long ptr, float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotate, int size, int direction, float x, float y);
public static native void _nREllipticalArcTo(long ptr, float rx, float ry, float xAxisRotate, int size, int direction, float dx, float dy);
public static native void _nClosePath(long ptr);
public static native Point[] _nConvertConicToQuads(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float w, int pow2);
public static native Rect _nIsRect(long ptr);
public static native void _nAddRect(long ptr, float l, float t, float r, float b, int dir, int start);
public static native void _nAddOval(long ptr, float l, float t, float r, float b, int dir, int start);
public static native void _nAddCircle(long ptr, float x, float y, float r, int dir);
public static native void _nAddArc(long ptr, float l, float t, float r, float b, float startAngle, float sweepAngle);
public static native void _nAddRRect(long ptr, float l, float t, float r, float b, float[] radii, int dir, int start);
public static native void _nAddPoly(long ptr, float[] coords, boolean close);
public static native void _nAddPath(long ptr, long srcPtr, boolean extend);
public static native void _nAddPathOffset(long ptr, long srcPtr, float dx, float dy, boolean extend);
public static native void _nAddPathTransform(long ptr, long srcPtr, float[] matrix, boolean extend);
public static native void _nReverseAddPath(long ptr, long srcPtr);
public static native void _nOffset(long ptr, float dx, float dy, long dst);
public static native void _nTransform(long ptr, float[] matrix, long dst, boolean applyPerspectiveClip);
public static native Point _nGetLastPt(long ptr);
public static native void _nSetLastPt(long ptr, float x, float y);
public static native int _nGetSegmentMasks(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nContains(long ptr, float x, float y);
public static native void _nDump(long ptr);
public static native void _nDumpHex(long ptr);
public static native byte[] _nSerializeToBytes(long ptr);
public static native long _nMakeCombining(long onePtr, long twoPtr, int op);
public static native long _nMakeFromBytes(byte[] data);
public static native int _nGetGenerationId(long ptr);
public static native boolean _nIsValid(long ptr);