Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.wisetrack.sdk
import android.annotation.SuppressLint
import android.content.Context
import com.wisetrack.sdk.Constants.Companion.ONE_SECOND
import com.wisetrack.sdk.scheduler.SingleThreadCachedScheduler
import com.wisetrack.sdk.scheduler.ThreadExecutor
import com.wisetrack.sdk.scheduler.TimerOnce
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
import java.lang.reflect.Method
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
class InstallReferrer
private val context: Context,
* Referrer callback.
private val referrerCallback: InstallReferrerReadListener
) : InvocationHandler {
companion object {
* Android install referrer library package name.
private const val PACKAGE_BASE_NAME = ""
* Play Store service is not connected now - potentially transient state.
private const val STATUS_SERVICE_DISCONNECTED = -1
* Play Store service connection success.
private const val STATUS_OK = 0
* Could not initiate connection to the install referrer service.
private const val STATUS_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 1
* Install Referrer API not supported by the installed Play Store app.
private const val STATUS_FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 2
* General errors caused by incorrect usage.
private const val STATUS_DEVELOPER_ERROR = 3
* Retry time interval.
private val retryWaitTime: Int = (ONE_SECOND * 3).toInt()
* Number of retries attempted to connect to service.
private var retries = 0
* Boolean indicating whether service should be tried to read.
* Either because it has not yet tried,
* or it did and it was successful
* or it did, was not successful, but it should not retry
private var shouldTryToRead: AtomicBoolean? = null
private var logger: ILogger? = null
* InstallReferrer class instance.
private var referrerClient: Any? = null
* Timer which fires retry attempts.
private var retryTimer: TimerOnce? = null
private var playInstallReferrer: Any? = null
private var executor: ThreadExecutor? = null
init {
logger = WiseTrackFactory.getLogger()
playInstallReferrer = createInstallReferrer(context, referrerCallback, logger!!)
shouldTryToRead = AtomicBoolean(true)
retries = 0
retryTimer = TimerOnce({ startConnection() }, "InstallReferrer")
executor = SingleThreadCachedScheduler("InstallReferrer")
private fun createInstallReferrer(
context: Context,
referrerCallback: InstallReferrerReadListener,
logger: ILogger
): Any? {
return Reflection.createInstance(
"", arrayOf(,,
context, referrerCallback, logger
* Start connection with install referrer service.
fun startConnection() {
if (playInstallReferrer != null) {
try {
Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(playInstallReferrer!!, "startConnection", null)
} catch (e: Exception) {
logger!!.error("Call to Play startConnection error: ${e.message!!}")
logger!!.report("Call to Play startConnection error: ${e.message!!}")
if (!WiseTrackFactory.tryInstallReferrer) {
if (!shouldTryToRead!!.get()) {
logger!!.debug("Should not try to read Install referrer")
referrerClient = createInstallReferrerClient(context)
if (referrerClient == null) {
val listenerClass = getInstallReferrerStateListenerClass() ?: return
val listenerProxy: Any = createProxyInstallReferrerStateListener(listenerClass) ?: return
startConnection(listenerClass, listenerProxy)
* Get object instance for given class (InstallReferrerStateListener in this case).
* @param installReferrerStateListenerClass Class object
* @return Instance of Class type object.
private fun createProxyInstallReferrerStateListener(installReferrerStateListenerClass: Class<*>): Any? {
var proxyInstance: Any? = null
try {
proxyInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(
} catch (ex: IllegalArgumentException) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer proxy violating parameter restrictions")
logger!!.report("InstallReferrer proxy violating parameter restrictions")
} catch (ex: NullPointerException) {
logger!!.error("Null argument passed to InstallReferrer proxy")
logger!!.report("Null argument passed to InstallReferrer proxy")
return proxyInstance
* Initialise connection with install referrer service.
* @param listenerClass Callback listener class type
* @param listenerProxy Callback listener object instance
private fun startConnection(listenerClass: Class<*>, listenerProxy: Any) {
try {
} catch (ex: InvocationTargetException) {
// Check for an underlying root cause in the stack trace
if (Util.hasRootCause(ex)) {
Util.getRootCause(ex)?.let {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer encountered an InvocationTargetException $it")
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger!!.error("startConnection error (${ex.message!!}) thrown by (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("startConnection error (${ex.message!!}) thrown by (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
* Create InstallReferrerClient object instance.
* @param context App context
* @return Instance of InstallReferrerClient. Defaults to null if failed to create one.
private fun createInstallReferrerClient(context: Context): Any? {
try {
val builder: Any? = Reflection.invokeStaticMethod(
PACKAGE_BASE_NAME + "api.InstallReferrerClient",
arrayOf(, context
return builder?.let {
Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(it, "build", null)
} catch (ex: ClassNotFoundException) {
logger!!.warn("InstallReferrer not integrated in project (${ex.message!!}) thrown by (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger!!.error("createInstallReferrerClient error (${ex.message!!}) from (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("createInstallReferrerClient error (${ex.message!!}) from (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return null
* {@inheritDoc}
override fun invoke(proxy: Any?, method: Method?, args: Array?): Any? {
executor!!.submit {
try {
invokeI(proxy, method, args)
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
logger!!.error("invoke error (${throwable.message!!}) thrown by (${throwable.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("invoke error (${throwable.message!!}) thrown by (${throwable.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return null
private fun invokeI(proxy: Any?, method: Method?, args: Array?): Any? {
var args: Array? = args
if (method == null) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer invoke method null")
return null
val methodName =
if (methodName.isNullOrEmpty()) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer invoke method name null")
return null
// Prints the method being invoked
logger!!.debug("InstallReferrer invoke method name: $methodName")
if (args == null) {
logger!!.warn("InstallReferrer invoke args null")
args = arrayOfNulls(0)
for (arg in args) {
logger!!.debug("InstallReferrer invoke arg: $arg!!")
// if the method name equals some method's name then call your method
if (methodName == "onInstallReferrerSetupFinished") {
if (args.size != 1) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer invoke onInstallReferrerSetupFinished args length not 1: ${args.size}")
return null
val arg = args[0]
if (arg !is Int) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer invoke onInstallReferrerSetupFinished arg not int")
return null
val responseCode = arg as Int?
if (responseCode == null) {
logger!!.error("InstallReferrer invoke onInstallReferrerSetupFinished responseCode arg is null")
return null
} else if (methodName == "onInstallReferrerServiceDisconnected") {
logger!!.debug("Connection to install referrer service was lost. Retrying ...")
return null
* Get InstallReferrerStateListener class object.
* @return Class object for InstallReferrerStateListener class.
private fun getInstallReferrerStateListenerClass(): Class<*>? {
try {
return Class.forName(PACKAGE_BASE_NAME + "api.InstallReferrerStateListener")
} catch (ex: Exception) {
logger!!.error("getInstallReferrerStateListenerClass error (${ex.message!!}) from (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("getInstallReferrerStateListenerClass error (${ex.message!!}) from (${ex.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return null
* Check and process response from install referrer service.
* @param responseCode Response code from install referrer service
private fun onInstallReferrerSetupFinishedIntI(responseCode: Int) {
var retryAtEnd = false
when (responseCode) {
// Connection established
try {
// Extract referrer
val referrerDetails = getInstallReferrer()
val clickTime = getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installBegin = getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installVersion = getStringInstallVersion(referrerDetails)
val clickTimeServer = getReferrerClickTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installBeginServer = getInstallBeginTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails)
val googlePlayInstant = getBooleanGooglePlayInstantParam(referrerDetails)
"installVersion: ${installVersion}, clickTimeServer: ${clickTimeServer}, " +
"installBeginServer: ${installBeginServer}, googlePlayInstant: $googlePlayInstant"
logger!!.debug("Install Referrer read successfully. Closing connection")
val installReferrer =
getStringInstallReferrer(referrerDetails, googlePlayInstant, installVersion)
?: ("\'utm_source=" + getStoreName() + "&utm_medium=organic\'")
val installReferrerDetails = ReferrerDetails(
clickTime, installBegin, clickTimeServer, installBeginServer,
installVersion, googlePlayInstant
// Stuff successfully read, try to send it.
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
"Couldn't get install referrer from client (%s). Retrying...",
retryAtEnd = true
// API not available on the current Play Store app
logger!!.debug("Install Referrer API not supported by the installed Play Store app. Closing connection")
// Connection could not be established
logger!!.debug("Could not initiate connection to the Install Referrer service. Retrying...")
retryAtEnd = true
// Play Store service is not connected now - potentially transient state
logger!!.debug("Play Store service is not connected now. Retrying...")
retryAtEnd = true
logger!!.debug("Install Referrer API general errors caused by incorrect usage. Retrying...")
retryAtEnd = true
else -> logger!!.debug("Unexpected response code of install referrer response: $responseCode. Closing connection")
if (retryAtEnd) {
} else {
* Get ReferrerDetails object (response).
* @return ReferrerDetails object
private fun getInstallReferrer(): Any? {
if (referrerClient == null) {
return null
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerClient!!, "getInstallReferrer", null
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
logger!!.error("getInstallReferrer error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("getInstallReferrer error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return null
* Get install referrer string value.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Install referrer string value.
private fun getStringInstallReferrer(
referrerDetails: Any?,
googlePlayInstance: Boolean?,
installVersion: String?
): String? {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return null
try {
// This code retrieves the application's metadata using PackageManager and
// ApplicationInfo. It specifically fetches the value associated with the key
// "wisetrack_storeName" from the metadata bundle, which presumably contains
// information related to the source store. It then uses reflection to invoke
// the "getInstallReferrer" method from the provided "referrerDetails" object,
// which likely handles obtaining the installation referrer information.
// The obtained store name and referrer are stored in the variables "storeName"
// and "referrer" respectively for further processing.
val ai: ApplicationInfo = context!!.getPackageManager()
.getApplicationInfo(context!!.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA)
val bundle = ai.metaData
val storeName = bundle.getString("wisetrack_storeName")
val referrer = Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getInstallReferrer", null
) as String?
// This conditional block is responsible for processing the referrer URL based on
// the presence or absence of a "storeName" parameter. If "storeName" is not null,
// it replaces any occurrence of "google-play" in the referrer with the provided
// store name. If "storeName" is null, it checks whether "googlePlayInstance" is
// not null. If it's not null, it checks whether "googlePlayInstance" is false
// and "installVersion" is null. If both conditions are true, it replaces
// "google-play" with "other". Otherwise, it returns the referrer unchanged.
if (storeName != null)
return referrer!!.replace("google-play", storeName)
else {
googlePlayInstance?.let {
if (!googlePlayInstance && installVersion == null)
return referrer!!.replace("google-play", "other")
return referrer
} ?: return referrer
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
logger!!.error("getStringInstallReferrer error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("getStringInstallReferrer error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return null
* Get redirect URL click timestamp.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Redirect URL click timestamp.
private fun getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails: Any?): Long {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return -1
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds", null
) as Long
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
logger!!.error("getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return -1
* Get Play Store app INSTALL button click timestamp.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Play Store app INSTALL button click timestamp.
private fun getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails: Any?): Long {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return -1
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds", null
) as Long
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
logger!!.error("getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds error (%${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds error (%${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
return -1
* Get install version string value.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Install version string value.
private fun getStringInstallVersion(referrerDetails: Any?): String? {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return null
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getInstallVersion", null
) as String?
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
// not logging the error as this is expected to happen below v2.0
return null
* Get redirect URL click timestamp server.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Redirect URL click timestamp server.
private fun getReferrerClickTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails: Any?): Long {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return -1
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getReferrerClickTimestampServerSeconds", null
) as Long
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
// not logging the error as this is expected to happen below v2.0
return -1
* Get Play Store app INSTALL button click timestamp server.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Play Store app INSTALL button click timestamp server.
private fun getInstallBeginTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails: Any?): Long {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return -1
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getInstallBeginTimestampServerSeconds", null
) as Long
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
// not logging the error as this is expected to happen below v2.0
return -1
* Get google play instant boolean value.
* @param referrerDetails ReferrerDetails object
* @return Google play instant boolean value.
private fun getBooleanGooglePlayInstantParam(referrerDetails: Any?): Boolean? {
if (referrerDetails == null) {
return null
try {
return Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(
referrerDetails, "getGooglePlayInstantParam", null
) as Boolean
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
// not logging the error as this is expected to happen below v2.0
return null
* Retry connection to install referrer service.
private fun retryI() {
if (!shouldTryToRead!!.get()) {
logger!!.debug("Should not try to read Install referrer")
// Check increase retry counter
if (retries + 1 > Constants.MAX_INSTALL_REFERRER_RETRIES) {
logger!!.debug("Limit number of retry of ${Constants.MAX_INSTALL_REFERRER_RETRIES} for install referrer surpassed")
val firingIn = retryTimer!!.getFireIn()
if (firingIn > 0) {
logger!!.debug("Already waiting to retry to read install referrer in $firingIn milliseconds")
logger!!.debug("Retry number $retries to connect to install referrer API")
* Terminate connection to install referrer service.
private fun closeReferrerClient() {
if (referrerClient == null) {
try {
Reflection.invokeInstanceMethod(referrerClient!!, "endConnection", null)
logger!!.debug("Install Referrer API connection closed")
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
logger!!.error("closeReferrerClient error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
logger!!.report("closeReferrerClient error (${e.message!!}) thrown by (${e.javaClass.canonicalName})")
referrerClient = null
* Get store name value string.
private fun getStoreName(): String? {
// get store name of meta-data that user add to yourself project's manifest file
val ai: ApplicationInfo = context!!.getPackageManager()
.getApplicationInfo(context!!.getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA)
val bundle = ai.metaData
val storeName = bundle.getString("wisetrack_storeName")
if (storeName != null)
return storeName
return "other"
* Generate ReferrerDetails object by manually
fun getManuallyInstallReferrerDetail(): ReferrerDetails? {
try {
// Extract referrer
val referrerDetails = getInstallReferrer()
val clickTime = getReferrerClickTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installBegin = getInstallBeginTimestampSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installVersion = getStringInstallVersion(referrerDetails)
val clickTimeServer = getReferrerClickTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails)
val installBeginServer = getInstallBeginTimestampServerSeconds(referrerDetails)
val googlePlayInstant = getBooleanGooglePlayInstantParam(referrerDetails)
val installReferrer =
getStringInstallReferrer(referrerDetails, googlePlayInstant, installVersion)
?: "utm_source=" + getStoreName() + "&utm_medium=organic"
val installReferrerDetails = ReferrerDetails(
clickTime, 0, 0, 0,
installVersion, googlePlayInstant
return installReferrerDetails
} catch (e: java.lang.Exception) {
"Couldn't get install referrer from client (%s) by manually. Retrying...",
return null
return null
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