io.fmq.poll.Poller.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package io.fmq.poll
import java.io.IOException
import java.nio.channels._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import cats.Monad
import cats.data.NonEmptyList
import cats.effect.kernel.Sync
import cats.syntax.applicative._
import cats.syntax.applicativeError._
import cats.syntax.order._
import cats.syntax.flatMap._
import cats.syntax.functor._
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import zmq.ZError
import zmq.poll.{PollItem => ZPollItem}
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
final class Poller[F[_]: Sync] private (private[fmq] val selector: Selector) {
* In the case of [[PollTimeout.Infinity]] the thread will be '''blocked''' until at least one socket
* can either receive or send a message (according to the type of a socket).
* @return total number of available events
def poll(items: NonEmptyList[PollEntry[F]], timeout: PollTimeout): F[Int] =
for {
polling <- items.map(item => (item, toZmqPollItem(item))).toList.pure[F]
events <- pollInternal(polling.toMap.values.toList, timeout)
_ <- polling.traverse((dispatchItem _).tupled)
} yield events
private def pollInternal(items: List[ZPollItem], timeout: PollTimeout): F[Int] =
(Sync[F].delay(attachItemsToSelector(selector, items)) >> doPoll(timeout)).recoverWith {
case _: ClosedSelectorException => Sync[F].pure(-1)
case _: ClosedChannelException => Sync[F].pure(-1)
case e: IOException => Sync[F].raiseError(new ZError.IOException(e))
private def doPoll(timeout: PollTimeout): F[Int] =
Monad[F].tailRecM[(Long, Long, Boolean), Int]((0L, 0L, true)) { case (now, end, firstPass) =>
val waitMillis: Long =
if (firstPass) 0L
else if (timeout.value === 0L || timeout === PollTimeout.Infinity) -1L
else {
val diff = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(end - now)
if (diff === 0L) 1L else diff
Sync[F].interruptible(many = false)(readyKeys(waitMillis)).flatMap {
case nevents if nevents > 0 =>
case nevents if timeout.value === 0L =>
// At this point we are meant to wait for events but there are none.
// If timeout is infinite we can just loop until we get some events.
case _ if timeout === PollTimeout.Infinity =>
Sync[F].pure(Left((now, end, false)))
// The timeout is finite and there are no events. In the first pass
// we get a timestamp of when the polling have begun. (We assume that
// first pass have taken negligible time). We also compute the time
// when the polling should time out.
case nevents if firstPass =>
val now = zmq.util.Clock.nowNS()
val end = now + TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toNanos(timeout.value)
Sync[F].pure(Either.cond(now === end, nevents, (now, end, false)))
// Find out whether timeout have expired.
case nevents =>
val now = zmq.util.Clock.nowNS()
Sync[F].pure(Either.cond(now >= end, nevents, (now, end, false)))
private def attachItemsToSelector(selector: Selector, items: List[ZPollItem]): Unit = {
val saved = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[SelectableChannel, SelectionKey]
for (key <- selector.keys().asScala if key.isValid) saved.put(key.channel(), key)
for (item <- items) {
val ch = item.getChannel // mailbox channel if ZMQ socket
saved.remove(ch) match {
case Some(key) =>
if (key.interestOps() =!= item.interestOps()) {
val _ = key.interestOps(item.interestOps())
case None =>
ch.register(selector, item.interestOps(), item)
if (saved.nonEmpty) {
for (deprecated <- saved.values)
private def readyKeys(waitMillis: Long): Int = {
@SuppressWarnings(Array("org.wartremover.warts.TraversableOps", "org.wartremover.warts.AsInstanceOf"))
def loop(keys: Set[SelectionKey], counter: Int, rc: Int): Int =
if (keys.nonEmpty) {
val key = keys.head
val item = key.attachment().asInstanceOf[ZPollItem]
val ready = item.readyOps(key, rc)
if (ready < 0) -1
else if (ready === 0) loop(keys.tail, counter, rc)
else loop(keys.tail, counter + 1, rc)
} else {
val rc =
if (waitMillis < 0) selector.select(0)
else if (waitMillis === 0) selector.selectNow()
else selector.select(waitMillis)
val result = loop(selector.keys().asScala.toSet, 0, rc)
if (result >= 0) {
private def dispatchItem(entity: PollEntry[F], item: ZPollItem): F[Unit] = {
val availableEvents = item.readyOps()
Sync[F].whenA(availableEvents > 0) {
entity match {
case PollEntry.Read(socket, handler) => handler.run(socket)
case PollEntry.Write(socket, handler) => handler.run(socket)
private def toZmqPollItem(pollItem: PollEntry[F]): ZPollItem =
pollItem match {
case PollEntry.Read(socket, _) => new ZPollItem(socket.socket.base, zmq.ZMQ.ZMQ_POLLIN)
case PollEntry.Write(socket, _) => new ZPollItem(socket.socket.base, zmq.ZMQ.ZMQ_POLLOUT)
object Poller {
def fromSelector[F[_]: Sync](selector: Selector): Poller[F] =
new Poller[F](selector)
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