org.netbeans.modeler.router.OrthogonalSearchRouterCore Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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package org.netbeans.modeler.router;
import org.netbeans.api.visual.anchor.Anchor;
import org.netbeans.api.visual.widget.Scene;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.netbeans.modeler.router.OrthogonalSearchRouter.Solution;
* @author David Kaspar
* @author Gaurav Gupta (custom max depth)
final class OrthogonalSearchRouterCore {
private static final int MAXIMAL_DEPTH = 5; // 6 is too slow for 10+ nodes and 10+ links
private static final int CORNER_LENGTH = 200;
private static final boolean UPDATE_COLLISION_LISTS = true; // set true for faster computation but not optimal results
private static final boolean UPDATE_COLLISION_LISTS_REMOVE = true;
static final boolean IGNORE_LINKS_WITH_ACTUAL_PORTS = false; // cause links to try to merge as a bus, multilinks are merged too
private static final boolean OPTIMALIZE_REGIONS = false;
private Scene scene;
private ArrayList verticalCollisions;
private ArrayList horizontalCollisions;
private Point sourcePoint;
private Anchor.Direction sourceDirection;
private Point targetPoint;
private Anchor.Direction targetDirection;
private Point sourceBoundaryPoint;
private Point targetBoundaryPoint;
private final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion[] regions;// = new OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion[MAXIMAL_DEPTH + 1];
private Point[] bestControlPoints;
private int bestControlPointsPrice;
private int maxDepth;
public OrthogonalSearchRouterCore(Scene scene, ArrayList verticalCollisions,
ArrayList horizontalCollisions, Point sourcePoint, Anchor.Direction sourceDirection,
Point targetPoint, Anchor.Direction targetDirection,
int maxDepth) {
this.scene = scene;
this.verticalCollisions = verticalCollisions;
this.horizontalCollisions = horizontalCollisions;
this.sourcePoint = sourcePoint;
this.sourceDirection = sourceDirection;
this.targetPoint = targetPoint;
this.targetDirection = targetDirection;
this.maxDepth = maxDepth;
regions = new OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion[maxDepth + 1];
public OrthogonalSearchRouter.Solution route () {
sourceBoundaryPoint = findBoundaryPoint(sourcePoint, sourceDirection);
targetBoundaryPoint = findBoundaryPoint(targetPoint, targetDirection);
//fixing a routing bug. If the x or y coordinates are on top of each other,
// it causes a division by zero later on. So i force them to be slightly
// offset at all times.
if (sourceBoundaryPoint.x == targetBoundaryPoint.x) {
targetBoundaryPoint.x += 1;
if (sourceBoundaryPoint.y == targetBoundaryPoint.y) {
targetBoundaryPoint.y += 1;
OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion region =
new OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion(sourceBoundaryPoint.x, sourceBoundaryPoint.y,
0, 0, sourceDirection, 0);
//something went wrong in the search
if (bestControlPoints == null) return null ;
Solution solution =
new OrthogonalSearchRouter.Solution(bestControlPointsPrice, Arrays.asList(bestControlPoints)) ;
return solution ;
private Point findBoundaryPoint (Point point, Anchor.Direction direction) {
point = new Point (point);
ArrayList collisions;
switch (direction) {
case LEFT:
case RIGHT:
collisions = horizontalCollisions;
case BOTTOM:
case TOP:
collisions = verticalCollisions;
return point;
boolean changed = true;
while (changed) {
changed = false;
switch (direction) {
case LEFT:
for (Rectangle rectangle : collisions) {
if (rectangle.contains (point)) {
point.x = rectangle.x - 1;
changed = true;
case RIGHT:
for (Rectangle rectangle : collisions) {
if (rectangle.contains (point)) {
point.x = rectangle.x + rectangle.width;
changed = true;
case BOTTOM:
for (Rectangle rectangle : collisions) {
if (rectangle.contains (point)) {
point.y = rectangle.y + rectangle.height;
changed = true;
case TOP:
for (Rectangle rectangle : collisions) {
if (rectangle.contains (point)) {
point.y = rectangle.y - 1;
changed = true;
return point;
private void search (OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion region) {
Rectangle inter = region.intersection (scene.getMaximumBounds ());
region = new OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion (inter.x, inter.y, inter.width, inter.height, region.getDirection (), region.getDepth ());
if (region.width < 0 || region.height < 0)
assert region.x >= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION;
assert region.y >= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION;
assert region.x + region.width <= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION;
assert region.y + region.height <= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION;
// System.out.println ("REG: " + region);
int depth = region.getDepth ();
if (depth >= maxDepth) // too deeply
region.extendToInfinity ();
regions[depth] = region;
List collisions = region.isHorizontal () ? horizontalCollisions : verticalCollisions;
ArrayList subRegions = region.parseSubRegions (collisions);
boolean updatedCollissions = false;
if (! region.isEmpty ()) {
// addRectangle (link, region);
Rectangle updateCollisionsRect = new Rectangle (region);
horizontalCollisions.add (updateCollisionsRect);
verticalCollisions.add (updateCollisionsRect);
updatedCollissions = true;
if (region.containsInsideEdges (targetBoundaryPoint)) {
// TODO - not true - point could lay on right or bottom edge ! - this is not checked yet
// System.out.println ("FOUND");
constructControlPoints (depth);
// if not correct direction then
// reuse the same pathRegion rectangle and correct the direction
// return the path as the best
} else {
// try left and/or right
if (region.getLength () > 0) {
search (region.cloneWithCounterClockwiseEdge ());
search (region.cloneWithClockwiseEdge ());
// tryNearestSubRegion and maybeOthersSubRegions
if (! subRegions.isEmpty ()) {
for (OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion subRegion : subRegions) {
search (subRegion);
if (updatedCollissions && UPDATE_COLLISION_LISTS_REMOVE) {
horizontalCollisions.remove (horizontalCollisions.size () - 1);
verticalCollisions.remove (verticalCollisions.size () - 1);
private void constructControlPoints (int depth) {
Anchor.Direction desiredDirection;
switch (targetDirection) {
case LEFT:
desiredDirection = Anchor.Direction.RIGHT;
case RIGHT:
desiredDirection = Anchor.Direction.LEFT;
case TOP:
desiredDirection = Anchor.Direction.BOTTOM;
case BOTTOM:
desiredDirection = Anchor.Direction.TOP;
throw new IllegalArgumentException ();
if (desiredDirection != regions[depth].getDirection ()) {
final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion region = regions[depth];
regions[depth] = new OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion (region.x, region.y, region.width, region.height, desiredDirection, depth);
Point[] controlPoints = new Point[depth + 4];
controlPoints[0] = new Point (sourcePoint);
controlPoints[1] = new Point (sourceBoundaryPoint);
for (int a = 2; a < depth + 2; a ++)
controlPoints[a] = new Point ();
controlPoints[depth + 2] = new Point (targetBoundaryPoint);
controlPoints[depth + 3] = new Point (targetPoint);
for (int a = 0; a < depth; a ++) {
final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion region = regions[a];
Point previousPoint = controlPoints[a + 1];
Point currentPoint = controlPoints[a + 2];
if (region.isHorizontal ()) {
int yy;
if (a > 0) {
final int y1 = region.y;
final int y2 = region.y + region.height;
if (y1 <= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION && y2 < OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION)
yy = y2 - OrthogonalSearchRouter.SPACING_EDGE;
else if (y1 > OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION && y2 >= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION)
yy = y1 + OrthogonalSearchRouter.SPACING_EDGE;
yy = region.y + region.height / 2;
} else
yy = previousPoint.y;
previousPoint.y = currentPoint.y = yy;
} else {
int xx;
if (a > 0) {
final int x1 = region.x;
final int x2 = region.x + region.width;
if (x1 <= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION && x2 < OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION)
xx = x2 - OrthogonalSearchRouter.SPACING_EDGE;
else if (x1 > OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MIN_INT_REGION && x2 >= OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion.MAX_INT_REGION)
xx = x1 + OrthogonalSearchRouter.SPACING_EDGE;
xx = region.x + region.width / 2;
} else
xx = previousPoint.x;
previousPoint.x = currentPoint.x = xx;
if (regions[depth].isHorizontal ())
controlPoints[depth + 1].y = controlPoints[depth + 2].y;
controlPoints[depth + 1].x = controlPoints[depth + 2].x;
//KRIS: this is never used since OPTIMALIZE_REGIONS is false always
// for (int a = depth; a > 0; a --) {
//// if (infiniteY[a]) {
// final int newY = controlPoints[a + 3].y;
// final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion regionY = regions[a];
// final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion regionY1 = regions[a - 1];
// if (newY >= regionY.y && newY < regionY.y + regionY.height && newY >= regionY1.y && newY < regionY1.y + regionY1.height)
// controlPoints[a + 1].y = controlPoints[a + 2].y = newY;
//// }
//// if (infiniteX[a]) {
// final int newX = controlPoints[a + 3].x;
// final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion regionX = regions[a];
// final OrthogonalSearchRouterRegion regionX1 = regions[a - 1];
// if (newX >= regionX.x && newX < regionX.x + regionX.width && newX >= regionX1.x && newX < regionX1.x + regionX1.width)
// controlPoints[a + 1].x = controlPoints[a + 2].x = newX;
//// }
// }
// }
int controlPointsLength = removeDuplicateControlPoints (controlPoints);
int price = calculatePrice (controlPointsLength, controlPoints);
if (bestControlPoints == null || bestControlPointsPrice > price) {
if (controlPointsLength < controlPoints.length) {
bestControlPoints = new Point[controlPointsLength];
System.arraycopy (controlPoints, 0, bestControlPoints, 0, controlPointsLength);
} else
bestControlPoints = controlPoints;
bestControlPointsPrice = price;
// System.out.println ("BEST");
// clearRectangle ();
// for (int i = 0; i <= depth; i++)
// addRectangle (regions[i]);
// }
private int removeDuplicateControlPoints (Point[] controlPoints) {
int newPointsLength = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < controlPoints.length - 1; a++) {
Point p0 = controlPoints[newPointsLength];
Point p1 = controlPoints[a];
Point p2 = controlPoints[a + 1];
int epsilon = 2 ;
if (Math.abs (p0.x - p1.x) < epsilon && Math.abs (p1.x - p2.x) < epsilon) {
if (Math.abs (p0.y - p1.y) < epsilon && Math.abs (p1.y - p2.y) < epsilon) {
if (newPointsLength != a) {
controlPoints[newPointsLength] = p1;
if (newPointsLength < controlPoints.length - 1) {
controlPoints[newPointsLength++] = controlPoints[controlPoints.length - 1];
return newPointsLength;
private int calculatePrice (int controlPointsLength, Point[] controlPoints) {
int price = 0;
int numberOfLegs = controlPointsLength - 1 ;
//add the lengths of the legs (cheap distance formula) and a corner value
//for each control point (each turn).
for (int a = 1; a < controlPointsLength; a++) {
final Point p1 = controlPoints[a - 1];
final Point p2 = controlPoints[a];
price += Math.abs(p2.y - p1.y) + Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x) + CORNER_LENGTH;
//paths that have leg lengths out of proportion (non-square'ish), have a
//higher price.
if (controlPointsLength > 0) {
int average = price / numberOfLegs ;
int diff = 0;
for (int a = 1; a < controlPointsLength; a++) {
final Point p1 = controlPoints[a - 1];
final Point p2 = controlPoints[a];
diff += Math.abs(Math.abs(p2.y - p1.y) + Math.abs(p2.x - p1.x) - average);
diff /= numberOfLegs;
price += diff;
return price;
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