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import java.nio.ByteBuffer
class GrowableSource: DataSource {
private var cursor: Long = 0
private var size: Long = 0
private var internalBuffer = ByteArray(0)
override fun seek(position: Long) {
cursor = position
override fun length(): Long {
return size
private fun realloc(length: Long) {
val oldBuffer = internalBuffer
internalBuffer = ByteArray(length.toInt())
val l = minOf(size, length)
oldBuffer.copyInto(internalBuffer, 0, 0, l.toInt())
size = length
private fun resizeIfNeeded(targetCursor: Long) {
if(targetCursor > size) {
override fun setLength(newLength: Long) {
override fun writeByte(pos: Long, b: Byte) {
internalBuffer[pos.toInt()] = b
override fun writeByte(v: Int) {
internalBuffer[(cursor++).toInt()] = v.toByte()
override fun writeBytes(pos: Long, bytes: ByteArray) {
bytes.copyInto(internalBuffer, pos.toInt(), 0, bytes.size)
override fun write(b: ByteArray) {
resizeIfNeeded(cursor + b.size)
writeBytes(cursor, b)
cursor += b.size
override fun writeBytes(s: String) {
override fun writeInt(pos: Long, int: Int) {
writeBytes(pos, ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putInt(0, int).array())
override fun writeInt(v: Int) {
writeInt(cursor, v)
cursor += 4
override fun readBytes(pos: Long, destination: ByteArray) {
resizeIfNeeded(pos + destination.size)
internalBuffer.copyInto(destination, 0, pos.toInt(), pos.toInt()+destination.size)
override fun readByte(pos: Long): Byte {
return internalBuffer[pos.toInt()]
override fun readByte(): Byte {
return internalBuffer[(cursor++).toInt()]
private fun readByteBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer, pos: Long) {
if(pos + buf.remaining() > size)
throw EOFException()
buf.put(internalBuffer, pos.toInt(), buf.remaining())
override fun readInt(pos: Long): Int {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
readByteBuffer(buf, pos)
return buf.getInt(0)
override fun readInt(): Int {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 4
return buf.getInt(0)
override fun readFully(b: ByteArray) {
readFully(b, 0, b.size)
override fun readFully(b: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int) {
internalBuffer.copyInto(b, off, cursor.toInt(), (cursor+len).toInt())
cursor += len
override fun skipBytes(n: Int): Int {
val startCursor = cursor
cursor += n
cursor = cursor.coerceAtMost(size)
return (size - startCursor).toInt()
override fun readBoolean(): Boolean {
return readByte() != 0.toByte()
override fun readUnsignedByte(): Int {
return readByte().toInt() and 0xFF
override fun readShort(): Short {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 2
return buf.getShort(0)
override fun readUnsignedShort(): Int {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 2
return buf.getShort(0).toInt() and 0xFFFF
override fun readChar(): Char {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(2)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 2
return buf.getChar(0)
override fun readLong(): Long {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 8
return buf.getLong(0)
override fun readFloat(): Float {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(4)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 4
return buf.getFloat(0)
override fun readDouble(): Double {
val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(8)
readByteBuffer(buf, cursor)
cursor += 8
return buf.getDouble(0)
override fun readLine(): String {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun readUTF(): String {
val length = readShort()
val start = cursor
cursor += length
if(cursor > size)
throw EOFException()
return String(internalBuffer, start.toInt(), length.toInt())
override fun write(b: Int) {
override fun write(b: ByteArray, off: Int, len: Int) {
for (i in off until (off+len)) {
override fun writeBoolean(v: Boolean) {
write(if(v) 1 else 0)
private fun writeByteBuffer(byteBuffer: ByteBuffer) {
for(i in 0 until byteBuffer.remaining())
writeByte(byteBuffer.get().toInt() and 0xFF)
override fun writeShort(v: Int) {
writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(2).putShort(0, v.toShort()))
override fun writeChar(v: Int) {
override fun writeLong(v: Long) {
writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putLong(0, v))
override fun writeFloat(v: Float) {
writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(4).putFloat(0, v))
override fun writeDouble(v: Double) {
writeByteBuffer(ByteBuffer.allocate(8).putDouble(0, v))
override fun writeChars(s: String) {
for(c in s)
override fun writeUTF(s: String) {
override fun close() {
internalBuffer = ByteArray(0)
cursor = 0
size = 0