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package org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.Options
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableByteArray
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca.AnvilException.Companion.missing
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mcdata.Biome
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mcdata.*
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.*
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.mutable.MutableNBTCompound
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
* 16x256x16 (XYZ) area of the world. Consists of 16 ChunkSections vertically stacked.
class ChunkColumn {
companion object {
private fun SectionName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "Sections" else "sections"
private fun EntitiesName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "Entities" else "entities"
private fun BlockEntitiesName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "TileEntities" else "block_entities"
private fun StructuresName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "Structures" else "structures"
private fun BlockTicksName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "TileTicks" else "block_ticks"
private fun FluidTicksName(version: SupportedVersion) = if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) "LiquidTicks" else "fluid_ticks"
* chunk coordinate on X axis (world absolute)
var x: Int = 0
private set
* chunk coordinate on Z axis (world absolute)
var z: Int = 0
private set
* Min Y value available in this chunk (block Y)
var minY: Int = VanillaMinY
private set
* Max Y value available in this chunk (block Y)
var maxY: Int = VanillaMaxY
private set
* Minecraft Version this chunk comes from. You can modify it, but you should make sure your data is compatible!
var version: SupportedVersion = SupportedVersion.Latest
* Data version this chunk is in. You can modify it, but you should make sure your data is compatible!
var dataVersion = version.lowestDataVersion
var generationStatus: GenerationStatus = GenerationStatus.Empty
var lastUpdate: Long = 0L
var inhabitedTime: Long = 0L
var motionBlockingHeightMap = Heightmap()
var worldSurfaceHeightMap = Heightmap()
var motionBlockingNoLeavesHeightMap: Heightmap? = null
var worldSurfaceWorldGenHeightMap: Heightmap? = null
var oceanFloorHeightMap: Heightmap? = null
var oceanFloorWorldGenHeightMap: Heightmap? = null
var entities: NBTList = NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
var tileEntities: NBTList = NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
var tileTicks: NBTList = NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
var liquidTicks: NBTList = NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
var structures: NBTCompound? = null
var lights: NBTList>? = null
@Deprecated("liquidsToBeTicked no longer exists in 1.18+ worlds", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
var liquidsToBeTicked: NBTList>? = null
@Deprecated("toBeTicked no longer exists in 1.18+ worlds", level = DeprecationLevel.WARNING)
var toBeTicked: NBTList>? = null
var postProcessing: NBTList>? = null
* Chunk sections of this chunk. Empty sections are non-null but have their 'empty' field set to true.
* @see ChunkSection
val sections = ConcurrentHashMap()
var airCarvingMask: ImmutableByteArray? = null
var liquidCarvingMask: ImmutableByteArray? = null
var lightOn = true
val logicalHeight get()= maxY - minY +1
private val biomeArraySize get()= logicalHeight * 4 * 4 * 4
constructor(x: Int, z: Int, minY: Int = VanillaMinY, maxY: Int = VanillaMaxY) {
this.x = x
this.z = z
this.minY = minY
this.maxY = maxY
* minY and maxY are ignored for 1.18+ worlds, as the information can be deduced from the NBT data
constructor(chunkData: NBTCompound, minY: Int = VanillaMinY, maxY: Int = VanillaMaxY) {
dataVersion = chunkData.getInt("DataVersion") ?: missing("DataVersion")
version = SupportedVersion.closest(dataVersion)
val levelData =
when {
version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4 -> {
chunkData.getCompound("Level") ?: missing("Level")
else -> {
this.x = levelData.getInt("xPos") ?: missing("xPos")
this.z = levelData.getInt("zPos") ?: missing("zPos")
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
if( && version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_17_0) {
if(minY != 0) {
System.err.println("Pre 1.17 chunks do not support minY != 0")
if(maxY != 255) {
System.err.println("Pre 1.17 chunks do not support maxY != 255")
this.minY = 0
this.maxY = 255
} else {
this.minY = (levelData.getInt("yPos") ?: missing("yPos")).sectionToBlock()
this.maxY = minY
if(minY > maxY)
throw AnvilException("minY must be <= maxY")
lastUpdate = levelData.getLong("LastUpdate") ?: missing("LastUpdate")
inhabitedTime = levelData.getLong("InhabitedTime") ?: missing("InhabitedTime")
generationStatus = GenerationStatus.fromID(levelData.getString("Status") ?: missing("Status"))
if(generationStatus.ordinal >= GenerationStatus.Heightmaps.ordinal) {
val heightmaps = levelData.getCompound("Heightmaps") ?: missing("Heightmaps")
motionBlockingHeightMap = Heightmap(heightmaps.getLongArray("MOTION_BLOCKING") ?: missing("MOTION_BLOCKING"), version)
worldSurfaceHeightMap = Heightmap(heightmaps.getLongArray("WORLD_SURFACE") ?: missing("WORLD_SURFACE"), version)
motionBlockingNoLeavesHeightMap = heightmaps.getLongArray("MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES")?.let { Heightmap(it, version) }
worldSurfaceWorldGenHeightMap = heightmaps.getLongArray("WORLD_SURFACE_WG")?.let { Heightmap(it, version) }
oceanFloorHeightMap = heightmaps.getLongArray("OCEAN_FLOOR")?.let { Heightmap(it, version) }
oceanFloorWorldGenHeightMap = heightmaps.getLongArray("OCEAN_FLOOR_WG")?.let { Heightmap(it, version) }
} else {
// chunk is under construction, generate empty heightmaps
motionBlockingHeightMap = Heightmap()
worldSurfaceHeightMap = Heightmap()
// we allow empty lists for these
entities = levelData.getList(EntitiesName(version)) ?: NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
tileEntities = levelData.getList(BlockEntitiesName(version)) ?: NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
tileTicks = levelData.getList(BlockTicksName(version)) ?: NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
liquidTicks = levelData.getList(FluidTicksName(version)) ?: NBT.List(NBTType.TAG_Compound)
structures = levelData.getCompound(StructuresName(version))
val carvingMasks = levelData.getCompound("CarvingMasks")
if(carvingMasks != null) {
airCarvingMask = carvingMasks.getByteArray("AIR")
liquidCarvingMask = carvingMasks.getByteArray("LIQUID")
lights = levelData.getList("Lights")
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
liquidsToBeTicked = levelData.getList("LiquidsToBeTicked")
toBeTicked = levelData.getList("ToBeTicked")
} else {
lightOn = levelData.getBoolean("isLightOn") ?: missing("isLightOn")
postProcessing = levelData.getList("PostProcessing")
val sectionsNBT = levelData.getList(SectionName(version)) ?: missing(SectionName(version))
for(nbt in sectionsNBT) {
val sectionY = nbt.getByte("Y") ?: missing("Y")
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_17_0) {
if(sectionY !in 0..15)
sections[sectionY] = ChunkSection(nbt, version)
if(version >= SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
this.maxY = maxOf(this.maxY, sectionY.toInt().sectionToBlock()+15)
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
val biomes = levelData.getIntArray("Biomes")
if(biomes != null) {
val biomeNamespaces =
for ((sectionY, section) in sections) {
val offset = sectionY * 4 * 4 * 4
section.biomes = Array(4*4*4) { Biome.UnknownBiome }
biomeNamespaces.copyInto(section.biomes!!, startIndex = offset, endIndex = offset + 4 * 4 * 4)
* Gets the section at the given section Y (basically blockY / 16) value.
* If no section is present in the column at this position, a new one is created and added
fun getSection(sectionY: Byte): ChunkSection {
return sections.computeIfAbsent(sectionY, ::ChunkSection)
* Sets the block state at the given position in the chunk.
* X,Y,Z must be in chunk coordinates (ie x&z in 0..15, y in minY..maxY)
* If y lands in an empty section, the section is created and considered to be filled with air
fun setBlockState(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, state: BlockState) {
checkBounds(x, y, z)
val sectionY = y.blockToSection()
val section = getSection(sectionY)
section[x.blockInsideSection(), y.blockInsideSection(), z.blockInsideSection()] = state
* Returns the block state at the given position in the chunk.
* X,Y,Z must be in chunk coordinates (ie x&z in 0..15, y in minY..maxY)
fun getBlockState(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): BlockState {
checkBounds(x, y, z)
val sectionY = y.blockToSection()
val section = getSection(sectionY)
if(section.empty) {
return BlockState.AIR
return section[x.blockInsideSection(), y.blockInsideSection(), z.blockInsideSection()]
private fun checkBounds(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) {
if(x !in 0..15)
throw IllegalArgumentException("x ($x) is not in 0..15")
if(z !in 0..15)
throw IllegalArgumentException("z ($z) is not in 0..15")
if(y !in minY..maxY)
throw IllegalArgumentException("y ($y) is not in $minY..$maxY")
* Sets the biome stored inside this column at the given position, looking into the corresponding section
* If biome data did not exist before calling this method, the section's biome array is created then filled with UnknownBiome
fun setBiome(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, biomeID: String) {
checkBounds(x, y, z)
val section = getSection(y.blockToSection())
section.setBiome(x.blockInsideSection(), y.blockInsideSection(), z.blockInsideSection(), biomeID)
* Returns the biome stored inside this column at the given position, looking into the corresponding section
* Be aware that biome data may not be present inside the section, in that case, this method returns UnknownBiome
fun getBiome(x: Int, y:Int, z: Int): String {
checkBounds(x, y, z)
val section = getSection(y.blockToSection())
return section.getBiome(x.blockInsideSection(), y.blockInsideSection(), z.blockInsideSection())
* Converts this ChunkColumn into its NBT representation.
* Not passing a SupportedVersion parameter will make the chunk write to its format version.
* It is *NOT* allowed to give a version lower than this chunk's, because new data cannot be converted back to old formats
fun toNBT(version: SupportedVersion = this.version): NBTCompound = NBT.Kompound {
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_17_0) {
if(minY != 0 || maxY != 255)
throw IllegalArgumentException("Versions prior to 1.17 do not support chunks with Y outside of 0-255 range. Current is $minY - ${maxY}")
this["DataVersion"] = NBT.Int(version.lowestDataVersion)
val writeLevelData = { mutableCompound: MutableNBTCompound ->
mutableCompound.apply {
this["xPos"] = NBT.Int(x)
this["zPos"] = NBT.Int(z)
this["LastUpdate"] = NBT.Long(lastUpdate)
this["InhabitedTime"] = NBT.Long(inhabitedTime)
this["Status"] = NBT.String(
if(version >= SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
this["yPos"] = NBT.Int(minY.blockToSection().toInt())
for (sectionY in minY.blockToSection() .. maxY.blockToSection()) {
getSection(sectionY.toByte()) // 1.18+ seems to always save all sections
} else {
var biomes: IntArray? = null
for(section in sections.values) {
if(section.hasBiomeData()) {
if(biomes == null) {
biomes = IntArray(biomeArraySize)
val offset = section.y * 4 * 4 *4
section.biomes!!.forEachIndexed { index, id ->
val oldBiome = Biome.fromNamespaceID(id)
biomes[offset + index] = oldBiome.numericalID
if(biomes != null) {
this["Biomes"] = NBT.IntArray(*biomes)
this["Heightmaps"] = NBT.Kompound {
this["MOTION_BLOCKING"] = NBT.LongArray(motionBlockingHeightMap.compact(version))
motionBlockingNoLeavesHeightMap?.let { this["MOTION_BLOCKING_NO_LEAVES"] = NBT.LongArray(it.compact(version)) }
oceanFloorHeightMap?.let { this["OCEAN_FLOOR"] = NBT.LongArray(it.compact(version)) }
oceanFloorWorldGenHeightMap?.let { this["OCEAN_FLOOR_WG"] = NBT.LongArray(it.compact(version)) }
this["WORLD_SURFACE"] = NBT.LongArray(worldSurfaceHeightMap.compact(version))
worldSurfaceWorldGenHeightMap?.let { this["WORLD_SURFACE_WG"] = NBT.LongArray(it.compact(version)) }
val sections = NBT.List(
[email protected]
.filter { !it.empty }
.map { it.toNBT(version) }
this[SectionName(version)] = sections
this[EntitiesName(version)] = entities
this[BlockEntitiesName(version)] = tileEntities
this[BlockTicksName(version)] = tileTicks
this[FluidTicksName(version)] = liquidTicks
if(structures != null) {
this[StructuresName(version)] = structures!!
if(airCarvingMask != null || liquidCarvingMask != null) {
this["CarvingMasks"] = NBT.Kompound {
airCarvingMask?.let { this["AIR"] = NBT.ByteArray(it) }
liquidCarvingMask?.let { this["LIQUID"] = NBT.ByteArray(it) }
if(lights != null) {
this["Lights"] = lights!!
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
if(liquidsToBeTicked != null) {
this["LiquidsToBeTicked"] = liquidsToBeTicked!!
if(toBeTicked != null) {
this["ToBeTicked"] = toBeTicked!!
} else {
this["isLightOn"] = NBT.Boolean(lightOn)
if(postProcessing != null) {
this["PostProcessing"] = postProcessing!!
if(version < SupportedVersion.MC_1_18_PRE_4) {
this["Level"] = NBT.Kompound { writeLevelData(this) }
} else {
enum class GenerationStatus(val id: String) {
companion object {
fun fromID(id: String): GenerationStatus {
return values().firstOrNull { == id } ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid id: $id")