org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca.Heightmap.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableLongArray
* Represents a heightmap for a 16x16 area. Heights are assumed to be in the range in 0..255
class Heightmap() {
private var heights = IntArray(16*16)
* Constructs the heightmap from a compressed heightmap (36 longs long)
constructor(compactVersion: ImmutableLongArray, version: SupportedVersion = SupportedVersion.Latest): this() {
when {
version == SupportedVersion.MC_1_15 -> {
if(compactVersion.size != 36) { // 16x16
throw AnvilException("Wrong length for 1.15 compacted heightmap (found ${compactVersion.size}, expected 36)")
heights = decompress(compactVersion, 9)
version >= SupportedVersion.MC_1_16 -> {
if(compactVersion.size != 37) { // 16x16
throw AnvilException("Wrong length for 1.16 compacted heightmap (found ${compactVersion.size}, expected 37)")
heights = unpack(compactVersion, 9)
* Gets the height saved at the given coordinates. Coordinates must be in 16x16 square
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the coordinates are not inside the heightmap
operator fun get(x: Int, z: Int): Int {
checkBounds(x, z)
return heights[z*16+x]
* Sets the height saved at the given coordinates. Coordinates must be in 16x16 square
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the coordinates are not inside the heightmap
operator fun set(x: Int, z: Int, height: Int) {
checkBounds(x, z)
heights[z*16+x] = height
* Creates a compressed version of this heightmap, to be transferred over network, or saved to disk.
* (9bit heights saved in longs, resulting in a long array of 36 longs)
fun compact(version: SupportedVersion = SupportedVersion.Latest): ImmutableLongArray {
return when {
version == SupportedVersion.MC_1_15 -> compress(heights, 9)
version >= SupportedVersion.MC_1_16 -> pack(heights, 9)
else -> throw AnvilException("Unsupported data version for heightmap: $version")
private fun checkBounds(x: Int, z: Int) {
if(x !in 0..15)
throw IllegalArgumentException("x must be in 0..15")
if(z !in 0..15)
throw IllegalArgumentException("z must be in 0..15")