org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca.LongCompactor.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableLongArray
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.floor
* Compresses the given ints into a long array, at the given lengthInBits bitrate.
* lengthInBits must be at least 1
fun compress(data: IntArray, lengthInBits: Int): ImmutableLongArray {
val compacted = LongArray(ceil(data.size*lengthInBits/64.0).toInt())
var bitIndex = 0
val maxMask = (1L shl lengthInBits) -1
for(i in data.indices) {
val value = data[i] and 0b11111_1111
val beginLongIndex = bitIndex / 64
val endLongIndex = (bitIndex + lengthInBits-1) / 64
if(beginLongIndex != endLongIndex) { // split over two longs
val overshoot = (bitIndex+lengthInBits) % 64
val highMask = (1 shl overshoot) -1
val mask = ((1 shl lengthInBits-overshoot)-1).toLong()
compacted[beginLongIndex] = compacted[beginLongIndex] and (maxMask shl bitIndex%64).inv() or (value.toLong() and mask shl (bitIndex%64))
compacted[endLongIndex] = compacted[endLongIndex] or ((value.toLong() and maxMask shr (64-(bitIndex%64))) and highMask.toLong())
} else {
compacted[beginLongIndex] = compacted[beginLongIndex] and (maxMask shl bitIndex%64).inv() or (value.toLong() and maxMask shl (bitIndex%64))
bitIndex += lengthInBits
return ImmutableLongArray(*compacted)
* Decompresses compressed 'data' into a int array, with lengthInBits bits per int.
fun decompress(data: ImmutableLongArray, lengthInBits: Int): IntArray {
var bitIndex = 0
val count = (data.size.toLong()*64 / lengthInBits).toInt()
val result = IntArray(count)
val maxMask = (1L shl lengthInBits) -1
for(i in result.indices) {
val beginLongIndex = bitIndex / 64
val endLongIndex = (bitIndex + lengthInBits-1) / 64
val value: Int = if(beginLongIndex != endLongIndex) { // split over two longs
val overshoot = (bitIndex+lengthInBits) % 64
val lowMask = (1L shl lengthInBits-overshoot) -1
val highMask = (1L shl overshoot) -1
val low = data[beginLongIndex] shr (bitIndex % 64) and lowMask
val high = data[endLongIndex] and highMask
(low or (high shl lengthInBits-overshoot)).toInt()
} else {
((data[beginLongIndex] shr (bitIndex%64)) and maxMask).toInt()
result[bitIndex/lengthInBits] = value
bitIndex += lengthInBits
return result
* Unpacks int values of 'lengthInBits' bits from a long array.
* Contrary to decompress, this method will produce unused bits and do not overflow remaining bits to the next long.
* (ie 2 >32 bit long values will produce two longs, but the highest bits of each long will be unused)
fun unpack(longs: ImmutableLongArray, lengthInBits: Int): IntArray {
val intPerLong = floor(64.0 / lengthInBits)
val intCount = ceil(longs.size * intPerLong).toInt()
val ints = IntArray(intCount)
val intPerLongCeil = ceil(intPerLong).toInt()
val mask = (1 shl lengthInBits)-1L
for(i in ints.indices) {
val longIndex = i / intPerLongCeil
val subIndex = i % intPerLongCeil
val value = ((longs[longIndex] shr (subIndex*lengthInBits)) and mask).toInt()
ints[i] = value
return ints
* Packs ints into a long array. Produces unused bits and does not partially overflow to next long on boundaries.
fun pack(ints: IntArray, lengthInBits: Int): ImmutableLongArray {
val intPerLong = floor(64.0 / lengthInBits).toInt()
val longCount = ceil(ints.size / intPerLong.toDouble()).toInt()
val longs = LongArray(longCount)
val mask = (1 shl lengthInBits)-1L
for(i in longs.indices) {
var long = 0L
for(intIndex in 0 until intPerLong) {
val bitIndex = intIndex * lengthInBits
val intActualIndex = intIndex+i*intPerLong
if(intActualIndex < ints.size) {
val value = (ints[intActualIndex].toLong() and mask) shl bitIndex
long = long or (value)
longs[i] = long
return ImmutableLongArray(*longs)