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package org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mca
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.mcdata.*
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.CompressedProcesser
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTCompound
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTReader
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBTWriter
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap
import kotlin.math.ceil
* Constructs a Region linked to the given file. Will initialize file contents if the file is not big enough.
* That means it is valid to pass a newly created and empty file to this constructor, and RegionFile will start filling it.
* The RandomAccessFile is ALWAYS sought to the beginning of the file during construction.
* [Code based on Mojang source code](
* [also based on the Minecraft Wiki "Region File format page"](
class RegionFile @Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class) @JvmOverloads constructor(val dataSource: DataSource, val regionX: Int, val regionZ: Int, val minY: Int = VanillaMinY, val maxY: Int = VanillaMaxY): Closeable {
companion object {
private const val GZipCompression: Byte = 1
private const val ZlibCompression: Byte = 2
private const val NoCompression: Byte = 3
private const val MaxEntryCount = 1024
private const val SectorSize = 4096
private const val Sector1MB = 1024*1024 / SectorSize
private const val HeaderLength = MaxEntryCount*2 * 4 // 2 4-byte field per entry
fun createFileName(regionX: Int, regionZ: Int): String {
return "r.$regionX.$regionZ.mca"
private val locations = IntArray(MaxEntryCount)
private val timestamps = IntArray(MaxEntryCount)
private val freeSectors: MutableList
private val columnCache = ConcurrentHashMap()
val logicalHeight = maxY - minY +1
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class) @JvmOverloads constructor(file: RandomAccessFile, regionX: Int, regionZ: Int, minY: Int = VanillaMinY, maxY: Int = VanillaMaxY):
this(RandomAccessFileSource(file), regionX, regionZ, minY, maxY)
init {
if(minY > maxY)
throw AnvilException("minY must be <= maxY")
if(dataSource.length() < HeaderLength) { // new file, fill in data
// fill with 8kib of data
repeat(HeaderLength) {
// prepare sectors
val availableSectors = dataSource.length() / SectorSize
// fill array with trues
freeSectors = MutableList(availableSectors.toInt()) { true }.also {
it[0] = false // chunk offset table
it[1] = false // timestamp table
// read chunk locations
for(i in 0 until MaxEntryCount) {
val location = dataSource.readInt()
locations[i] = location
// mark already allocated sectors as taken.
// location 0 means the chunk is *not* stored in the file
if(location != 0 && sectorOffset(location) + sizeInSectors(location) <= freeSectors.size) {
for (sectorIndex in 0 until sizeInSectors(location)) {
freeSectors[sectorIndex + sectorOffset(location)] = false
// read chunk timestamps
for(i in 0 until MaxEntryCount) {
timestamps[i] = dataSource.readInt()
* Gets the chunk inside this RegionFile. Coordinates are absolute.
* The returned ChunkColumn is a cached column extracted from this region file.
* Ie two calls with the same argument will return the same ChunkColumn object
* @see RegionFile.getOrCreateChunk
* @throws AnvilException if the given coordinates are not inside the region
* @return Can return null if the requested chunk is not present in the file
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class)
fun getChunk(x: Int, z: Int): ChunkColumn? {
if(out(x, z)) throw AnvilException("Out of RegionFile: $x,$z (chunk)")
if(!hasLoadedChunk(x, z)) return null
return columnCache.computeIfAbsent(index(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion())) { readColumn(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion()) }
* Gets the NBT representation of the chunk inside this RegionFile. Coordinates are absolute.
* Values are NOT cached (contrary to getChunk)
* @see RegionFile.getOrCreateChunk
* @throws AnvilException if the given coordinates are not inside the region
* @return Can return null if the requested chunk is not present in the file
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class)
fun getChunkData(x: Int, z: Int): NBTCompound? {
if(out(x, z)) throw AnvilException("Out of RegionFile: $x,$z (chunk)")
if(!hasLoadedChunk(x, z)) return null
return readColumnData(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion())
* Gets the chunk inside this RegionFile. Coordinates are absolute.
* The returned ChunkColumn is a cached column extracted from this region file.
* (If no such column exists, a new one is created, cached, and returned)
* Ie two calls with the same argument will return the same ChunkColumn object
* @see RegionFile.getChunk
* @throws AnvilException if the given coordinates are not inside the region
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class)
fun getOrCreateChunk(x: Int, z: Int): ChunkColumn {
if(out(x, z)) throw AnvilException("Out of RegionFile: $x,$z (chunk)")
// already in file
if(hasChunk(x, z)) return getChunk(x, z)!!
// not in file, but already in memory
val index = index(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion())
if(columnCache.containsKey(index)) {
return columnCache[index]!!
// neither in file nor memory, create a new column
val column = ChunkColumn(x, z, minY, maxY)
columnCache[index] = column
return column
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class)
private fun readColumnData(x: Int, z: Int): NBTCompound {
val offset = fileOffset(x, z)
val length = readInt(offset.toLong())
val compressionType = readByte(offset+4L)
val rawData = ByteArray(length-1)
readBytes(offset+5L, rawData)
val reader = NBTReader(rawData, when(compressionType) {
GZipCompression -> CompressedProcesser.GZIP
ZlibCompression -> CompressedProcesser.ZLIB
NoCompression -> CompressedProcesser.NONE
else -> throw AnvilException("Invalid compression type: $compressionType (only 1 and 2 known)")
val chunkData =
if(chunkData !is NBTCompound) {
throw AnvilException("Chunk root tag must be TAG_Compound")
return chunkData
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IOException::class)
private fun readColumn(x: Int, z: Int): ChunkColumn {
return ChunkColumn(readColumnData(x, z), minY, maxY)
* Writes a column to the file. The X,Z coordinates are based on the ones inside the given column.
* The column does not have to be loaded from this file, but not doing so may generate inconsistencies in the world
* (ie chunks that look out of place). That means that "handcrafting" a ChunkColumn from one
* one instanced on their own, and passing it to writeColumn *is* valid.
fun writeColumn(column: ChunkColumn) {
if(column.minY < minY)
throw AnvilException("ChunkColumn minY must be >= to RegionFile minY")
if(column.maxY > maxY)
throw AnvilException("ChunkColumn maxY must be <= to RegionFile maxY")
val x = column.x
val z = column.z
if(out(x, z)) throw AnvilException("Out of RegionFile: $x,$z (chunk)")
val nbt = column.toNBT()
val dataOut = ByteArrayOutputStream()
NBTWriter(dataOut, CompressedProcesser.ZLIB).use {
it.writeNamed("", nbt)
val dataSize = dataOut.size()
val sectorCount = ceil(dataSize.toDouble() / SectorSize).toInt()
if(sectorCount >= Sector1MB) {
throw AnvilException("Sorry, but your ChunkColumn totals over 1MB of data, impossible to save it inside a RegionFile.")
val location = index(column.x, column.z)
val previousSectorCount = sizeInSectors(locations[index(x, z)])
val previousSectorStart = sectorOffset(locations[index(x, z)])
// start by saving to free sectors, before cleaning up the old data
var appendToEnd = false
var position: Long
var sectorStart: Int
synchronized(dataSource) {
sectorStart = findAvailableSectors(sectorCount)
if (sectorStart == -1) { // we need to allocate sectors
val eof = dataSource.length()
position = eof
sectorStart = (eof / SectorSize).toInt()
// fill up sectors
for (i in 0 until sectorCount) {
writeBytes(eof+i*SectorSize, ByteArray(SectorSize) {0})
appendToEnd = true
} else {
position = (sectorStart * SectorSize).toLong()
for (i in sectorStart until sectorStart + sectorCount) {
if (i < freeSectors.size) {
freeSectors[i] = false
} else {
freeSectors += false // increase size of freeSectors
writeInt(position, dataSize)
writeByte(position+4, ZlibCompression)
writeBytes(position+5, dataOut.toByteArray())
if(appendToEnd) { // we are at the EOF, we may have to add some padding
locations[location] = buildLocation(sectorStart, sectorCount)
writeLocation(column.x, column.z)
timestamps[location] = System.currentTimeMillis().toInt()
writeTimestamp(column.x, column.z)
// the data has been written, now free previous storage
for (i in previousSectorStart until previousSectorStart+previousSectorCount) {
freeSectors[i] = true
private fun addPadding() {
synchronized(dataSource) {
val missingPadding = dataSource.length() % SectorSize
// file is not a multiple of 4kib, add padding
if(missingPadding > 0) {
dataSource.setLength(dataSource.length()+ (SectorSize-missingPadding))
* Writes the chunk data location for a given chunk inside the file
private fun writeLocation(x: Int, z: Int) {
writeInt(index(x, z) * 4L, locations[index(x, z)])
private fun writeByte(pos: Long, b: Byte) {
dataSource.writeByte(pos, b)
private fun writeBytes(pos: Long, bytes: ByteArray) {
dataSource.writeBytes(pos, bytes)
private fun writeInt(pos: Long, int: Int) {
dataSource.writeInt(pos, int)
private fun readBytes(pos: Long, destination: ByteArray) {
return dataSource.readBytes(pos, destination)
private fun readByte(pos: Long): Byte {
return dataSource.readByte(pos)
private fun readInt(pos: Long): Int {
return dataSource.readInt(pos)
* Writes the chunk timestamp for a given chunk inside the file
private fun writeTimestamp(x: Int, z: Int) {
writeInt(index(x, z) * 4L + 4096, timestamps[index(x, z)])
* Finds the first location in freeSectors which has sectorCount consecutive free sectors. If none can be found in the file, returns -1. That means allocations will have to take place
private fun findAvailableSectors(sectorCount: Int): Int {
for (start in 0 until freeSectors.size-sectorCount) {
var found = true
for(i in 0 until sectorCount) {
if(!freeSectors[i+start]) {
found = false
return start
return -1
* Does this file contain the given chunk column? If 'false' is returned, it is still possible that the column is in
* memory but not on disk.
* Coordinates are absolute.
* @see hasLoadedChunk
fun hasChunk(x: Int, z: Int): Boolean {
if(out(x, z)) throw AnvilException("Out of RegionFile: $x,$z (chunk)")
return locations[index(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion())] != 0
* Does this region contain the given chunk column? Contrary to `hasChunk`, this method also checks cached chunks in
* memory (created by `getOrCreateChunk`)
* @see hasChunk
* @see getOrCreateChunk
fun hasLoadedChunk(x: Int, z: Int): Boolean {
if(hasChunk(x, z)) return true
return columnCache.containsKey(index(x.chunkInsideRegion(), z.chunkInsideRegion()))
* Sets the block state at the given position.
* Creates any necessary chunk or section.
* Will NOT save the results to disk, use flushCachedChunks or writeColumn
* X,Y,Z are in absolute coordinates
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x,y,z is not a valid position inside this region
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun setBlockState(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, blockState: BlockState) {
if(out(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())) throw IllegalArgumentException("Out of region $x;$z (block)")
if(y !in 0..255) throw IllegalArgumentException("y ($y) must be in 0..255")
val chunk = getOrCreateChunk(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())
chunk.setBlockState(x.blockInsideChunk(), y, z.blockInsideChunk(), blockState)
* Returns the block state present at the given position.
* Does not create any necessary chunk or section. Will throw AnvilException if the chunk does not exist (an empty section is considered full of air)
* X,Y,Z are in absolute coordinates
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x,y,z is not a valid position inside this region
* @throws AnvilException if the chunk corresponding to x,z does not exist in this region (ie not loaded by the game, nor created and waiting for saving with this lib)
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun getBlockState(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): BlockState {
if(out(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())) throw IllegalArgumentException("Out of region $x;$z (block)")
if(y !in 0..255) throw IllegalArgumentException("y ($y) must be in 0..255")
val chunk = getChunk(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk()) ?: throw AnvilException("No chunk at $x,$y,$z")
return chunk.getBlockState(x.blockInsideChunk(), y, z.blockInsideChunk())
* Sets the biome at the given position.
* Creates any necessary chunk or section.
* Will NOT save the results to disk, use flushCachedChunks or writeColumn
* X,Y,Z are in absolute coordinates
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x,y,z is not a valid position inside this region
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun setBiome(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int, biomeID: String) {
if(out(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())) throw IllegalArgumentException("Out of region $x;$z (block)")
if(y !in 0..255) throw IllegalArgumentException("y ($y) must be in 0..255")
val chunk = getOrCreateChunk(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())
chunk.setBiome(x.blockInsideChunk(), y, z.blockInsideChunk(), biomeID)
* Returns the biome present at the given position.
* Does not create any necessary chunk or section. Will throw AnvilException if the chunk does not exist (an empty section is considered full of air)
* As biome data might not be present inside the file, this method may return -1 for unknown biomes (ie biomes not in the file).
* X,Y,Z are in absolute coordinates
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if x,y,z is not a valid position inside this region
* @throws AnvilException if the chunk corresponding to x,z does not exist in this region (ie not loaded by the game, nor created and waiting for saving with this lib)
@Throws(AnvilException::class, IllegalArgumentException::class)
fun getBiome(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int): String {
if(out(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk())) throw IllegalArgumentException("Out of region $x;$z (block)")
if(y !in 0..255) throw IllegalArgumentException("y ($y) must be in 0..255")
val chunk = getChunk(x.blockToChunk(), z.blockToChunk()) ?: throw AnvilException("No chunk at $x,$y,$z")
return chunk.getBiome(x.blockInsideChunk(), y, z.blockInsideChunk())
* Writes all cached chunks to the disk, empties the cache.
* Useful when writing data directly from RegionFile via setBlockState for instance
fun flushCachedChunks() {
synchronized(columnCache) {
columnCache.values.parallelStream().forEach {
// even if inlining will not be that beneficial thanks to JIT, these functions would be called very frequently if
// this lib is used to load chunks in real time.
// better save off a few cycles when possible
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun out(x: Int, z: Int) = x.chunkToRegion() != regionX || z.chunkToRegion() != regionZ
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun sizeInSectors(location: Int) = (location and 0xFF)
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun sectorOffset(location: Int) = location ushr 8
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun index(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int) = (chunkX.chunkInsideRegion() and 31) + (chunkZ.chunkInsideRegion() and 31) * 32
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun fileOffset(chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int) = sectorOffset(locations[index(chunkX, chunkZ)]) * SectorSize
@Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun buildLocation(start: Int, length: Int) = ((start shl 8) or (length and 0xFF)) and 0xFFFFFFFF.toInt()
* Closes the given RandomAccessFile, and clears the column cache at the same time.
* This will NOT flush columns that are in the cache but not yet savec to disk. Use flushCachedChunks
* @see flushCachedChunks
override fun close() {
synchronized(columnCache) {
* Unloads from memory the given column. Allows to relieve the JVM memory.
* This DOES NOT save the chunk column.
* One should no longer use the column object.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the column was not previously inside this region
fun forget(column: ChunkColumn) {
val index = index(column.x, column.z)
if(columnCache[index] == column) {
} else {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Tried to remove column that is not inside the region")