org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.NBT.kt Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Contract
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableByteArray
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableIntArray
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.collections.ImmutableLongArray
import org.jglrxavpok.hephaistos.nbt.mutable.MutableNBTCompound
* Most basic representation of a NBTTag
sealed interface NBT {
* ID of this tag type
val ID: NBTType
* Writes the contents of the tag to the given destination. The tag ID is supposed to be already written
* @throws IOException if an error occurred during writing
fun writeContents(destination: DataOutputStream)
fun toByteArray(): ByteArray = ByteArrayOutputStream().also { writeContents(DataOutputStream(it)) }.toByteArray()
* Produces the stringified version of this NBT (or SNBT version). Is empty for TAG_End
fun toSNBT(): String
// TODO @Throws(NBTException::class)
//fun parseSNBT(snbt: String)
* Produces a human-readable version of this tag. Must be the same as `toSNBT()`, except for TAG_End which returns ""
override fun toString(): String
companion object {
* Static constant of an empty [NBTCompound].
* Equivalent to `NBT.Compound()`
val EMPTY = NBTCompound()
* Static constant of a [NBTByte] set to 1
* Equivalent to `NBT.Byte(1)`
val TRUE = Byte(1)
* Static constant of a [NBTByte] set to 0
* Equivalent to `NBT.Byte(0)`
val FALSE = Byte(0)
* Convenience method to get an [NBTByte] equivalent to the byte value of the [flag]
* @param flag The flag check against
* @return [TRUE] if [flag] is true, [FALSE] if [flag] is false
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Boolean(flag: Boolean): NBTByte = if (flag) TRUE else FALSE
* Creates an [NBTByte] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTByte]
* @return An [NBTByte] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Byte(value: Byte) = NBTByte(value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Byte(value: Int) = NBTByte(value.toByte())
@Contract(pure = true)
fun ByteArray(vararg value: Byte) = NBTByteArray(ImmutableByteArray(*value))
@Contract(pure = true)
fun ByteArray(vararg value: Int) = NBTByteArray(ImmutableByteArray(* { it.toByte() }.toByteArray()))
@Contract(pure = true)
fun ByteArray(array: ImmutableByteArray) = NBTByteArray(array)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Compound(lambda: CompoundBuilder) = MutableNBTCompound().also { }.toCompound()
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Compound(tags: Map = mapOf()) = NBTCompound(tags)
@Contract(pure = true)
inline fun Kompound(crossinline lambda: MutableNBTCompound.() -> Unit) = Compound { lambda(it) }
* Creates an [NBTDouble] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTDouble]
* @return An [NBTDouble] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Double(value: Double) = NBTDouble(value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Entry(key: String, value: NBT) = NBTCompound.entry(key, value)
* Creates an [NBTFloat] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTFloat]
* @return An [NBTFloat] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Float(value: Float) = NBTFloat(value)
* Creates an [NBTShort] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTShort]
* @return An [NBTShort] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Short(value: Short) = NBTShort(value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Short(value: Int) = NBTShort(value.toShort())
* Creates an [NBTInt] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTInt]
* @return An [NBTInt] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Int(value: Int) = NBTInt(value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun IntArray(vararg value: Int) = NBTIntArray(ImmutableIntArray(*value))
@Contract(pure = true)
fun IntArray(array: ImmutableIntArray) = NBTIntArray(array)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun List(subtagType: NBTType, tags: List = listOf()) = NBTList(subtagType, tags)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun List(subtagType: NBTType, vararg tags: Tag) = NBTList(subtagType, tags.toList())
@Contract(pure = true)
fun List(subtagType: NBTType, length: Int, generator: NBTListGenerator) = NBTList(subtagType, List(length) {
* Creates an [NBTLong] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTLong]
* @return An [NBTLong] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun Long(value: Long) = NBTLong(value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun LongArray(vararg value: Long) = NBTLongArray(*value)
@Contract(pure = true)
fun LongArray(array: ImmutableLongArray) = NBTLongArray(array)
* Creates an [NBTString] with the value of [value]
* @param value The value to pass to [NBTString]
* @return An [NBTString] containing passed [value]
@Contract(pure = true)
fun String(value: String) = NBTString(value)