tsec.cipher.symmetric.jca.AESGCM.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package tsec.cipher.symmetric.jca
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger
import cats.effect.Sync
import tsec.cipher.common.padding.NoPadding
import tsec.cipher.symmetric._
import tsec.cipher.symmetric.jca.primitive.JCAAEADPrimitive
sealed abstract class AESGCM[A] extends JCAAEAD[A, GCM, NoPadding] with AES[A] with JCAKeyGen[A] {
implicit val ae: AESGCM[A] = this
implicit def genEncryptor[F[_]: Sync](implicit c: AES[A]): AADEncryptor[F, A, SecretKey] =
JCAAEADPrimitive.sync[F, A, GCM, NoPadding]
/** Our default Iv strategy for GCM mode
* produces randomized IVs
def defaultIvStrategy[F[_]: Sync](implicit c: AES[A]): IvGen[F, A] = GCM.randomIVStrategy[F, A]
/** An incremental iv strategy, as referenced in the
* nist recommendations for the GCM mode of operation
* http://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/SP/nistspecialpublication800-38d.pdf
* where:
* The fixed field(nonce) is the leftmost 4 bytes of the IV
* The invocation field starts as a zeroed out array as the rightmost 8 bytes
def incrementalIvStrategy[F[_]](implicit F: Sync[F]): CounterIvGen[F, A] =
new CounterIvGen[F, A] {
private val delta = 1000000
private val maxVal: Int = Int.MaxValue - delta
private val fixedCounter: Array[Byte] = Array.fill[Byte](8)(0.toByte)
private val atomicNonce: AtomicInteger = new AtomicInteger(Int.MinValue)
def refresh: F[Unit] = F.delay(atomicNonce.set(Int.MinValue))
def counterState: F[Long] = F.delay(unsafeCounterState)
def unsafeCounterState: Long = atomicNonce.get().toLong
def genIv: F[Iv[A]] =
def genIvUnsafe: Iv[A] =
if (atomicNonce.get() >= maxVal)
throw IvError("Maximum safe nonce number reached")
else {
val nonce = atomicNonce.incrementAndGet()
val iv = new Array[Byte](12) //GCM optimal iv len
iv(0) = (nonce >> 24).toByte
iv(1) = (nonce >> 16).toByte
iv(2) = (nonce >> 8).toByte
iv(3) = nonce.toByte
System.arraycopy(fixedCounter, 0, iv, 4, 8)
def ciphertextFromConcat(rawCT: Array[Byte]): Either[CipherTextError, CipherText[A]] =
CTOPS.ciphertextFromArray[A, GCM, NoPadding](rawCT)
sealed trait AES128GCM
object AES128GCM extends AESGCM[AES128GCM] with AES128[AES128GCM]
sealed trait AES192GCM
object AES192GCM extends AESGCM[AES192GCM] with AES192[AES192GCM]
sealed trait AES256GCM
object AES256GCM extends AESGCM[AES256GCM] with AES256[AES256GCM]