classes.state.BlackjackState.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Scala library for card-playing functionality, including games Blackjack and Thirty-One
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package cards.classes.state
import cards.classes.state.{ PlayerState, GameState, PlayerSummary, PlayerSummaries }
import cards.classes.{ Card, Rank, Suit, Deck }
import cards.classes.Rank._
import cards.classes.Suit._
import cards.classes.hand.Hand
import cards.classes.options.blackjack.BlackjackOptions
import cards.classes.actions.{ Action, BlackjackAction }
import cards.classes.actions.BlackjackAction._
import cards.classes.bettingstrategy.BlackjackBettingStrategy._
import play.api.libs.json.{ Json, Format }
// id: player's unique identifier
// bank: player's available tokens
// handsAndBets: player has 1 or more Hands, with each Hand containing its cards as well as players' bets placed on the hand
// minBetMultiplier: (only applicable to non-players) when betting normally, how many times the minimum bet should the player bet
// maxBet: (only applicable to non-players) when specified, maximum bet a player wishes to make for any hand
// bettingStrategy: one of Steady, Martingale, Oscars, PositiveProgression, NegativeProgression
// * Steady - always bet same amount, regardless of wins or losses
// * Martingale - always bet set amount after a win; this amount is multiplied x2 after 1 loss, x4 after 2 losses, x8 after 3 losses, etc...
// * Oscars - always bet set amount after a loss; after every win, allow the won amount to ride, to double it after 2 wins;
// end when a specific goal is met
// * PositiveProgression - always bet same amount after a loss; increase this amount after wins, but to in no specific intervals
// * NegativeProgression - always bet same amound after a win; increase amount after losses, but unlike Martingale does not have
// to increase by a doubled amount after each loss
// oscarsGoalMultiplier: only applicable for Oscar's betting strategy, player's bank multiplied by this value is the incremental
// goal of Oscar's betting
// oscarsGoal: only applicable for Oscar's betting strategy, intermediate goal to be achieved
// alternateBettingStrategy: whether to change betting strategies to a randomly selected different strategy when bank has lost an
// unacceptable amount
// bankedLastBettingAmountUpdate: to be reset every 25 games to update to bank amount, used to determine whether to increase or decrease
// player's minimum bet, based on whether bank increases or decreases after 25 games
// bankedLastStrategyUpdate: to be reset every 250 games to update to current bank amount, used to determine whether to change betting strategy,
// based on whether bank increases by 15% after 250 games
// completedHands: starts at 0 and increases with every hand won or lost, the number of completed hands is used to track updating every 25 and 250
// hands to determine when to refresh bankEvery25Hands and bankEvery250Hands
// highestBank: tracks the highest bank amount ever achieved by the player
// rounds: tracks the number of rounds played by the player
// goal: overall goal upon which reaching player would leave the table
case class BlackjackPlayerState(
override val id: String,
override val bank: Int = 200,
handsAndBets: Seq[Hand] = Nil,
minBetMultiplier: Double = 1.0,
maxBet: Option[Int] = None,
bettingStrategy: BlackjackBettingStrategy = NegativeProgression,
oscarsGoalMultiplier: Double = 1.25,
oscarsGoal: Int = 0,
alternateBettingStrategy: Boolean = true,
bankedLastBettingAmountUpdate: Int = 1,
bankedLastStrategyUpdate: Int = 1,
completedHands: Int = 0,
override val highestBank: Int = 0,
override val rounds: Int = 0,
goal: Int = 30000) extends PlayerState {
val hands: Seq[Seq[Card]] = handsAndBets.map(_.hand)
val oscarsGoalMet: Boolean = bank >= oscarsGoal
require(minBetMultiplier >= 1.0)
require(oscarsGoalMultiplier >= 1.0)
def updateHand(beforeCards: Seq[Card], updatedCards: Seq[Card]): BlackjackPlayerState = updatedCards match {
case Nil => this // in blackjack, cards are only ever added but are never discarded, so don't allow update to empty hand
case _ => this.copy(handsAndBets = handsAndBets.map { h =>
if (h.hand.sorted == beforeCards.sorted)
h.copy(hand = updatedCards)
def clearHands(): BlackjackPlayerState = this.copy(handsAndBets = Nil)
object BlackjackPlayerState {
def apply(hands: Seq[Seq[Card]], id: String, bank: Int): BlackjackPlayerState = BlackjackPlayerState(id, bank, handsAndBets = hands.map(h => Hand(h)))
def apply(id: String, hand: Seq[Card], bank: Int): BlackjackPlayerState = BlackjackPlayerState(Seq(hand), id, bank)
def apply(summary: PlayerSummary): BlackjackPlayerState = BlackjackPlayerState(summary.id, Nil, summary.bank)
// dealer's hand's head is the face-up card, all other cards are face down
// completedPlayers: players who have left the table due to either insufficient funds or reaching the goal
case class BlackjackGameState(
override val players: Seq[BlackjackPlayerState] = Nil,
override val currentPlayerIndex: Option[Int] = None,
override val history: Seq[Action[BlackjackAction]] = Nil,
override val deck: Deck = Deck(Seq(Card(LeftBower, Joker), Card(RightBower, Joker)), 1),
currentHandIndex: Option[Int] = None,
options: BlackjackOptions = BlackjackOptions(),
dealerHand: Hand = Hand.empty, // bets are only placed on dealer's hand when purchasing insurance
minimumBet: Int = 20,
maximumBet: Int = 999999,
round: Int = 1,
completedPlayers: Seq[BlackjackPlayerState] = Nil) extends GameState[BlackjackPlayerState, BlackjackAction] {
def currentCards(): Seq[Card] = current(currentPlayer().hands, currentHandIndex)
def nextHandIndex(): Int = nextIndex(currentPlayer().hands, currentHandIndex)
// TODO: this is not used anywhere other than in a unit test, should this be removed?
def isLastHand(): Boolean =
currentPlayerIndex.isDefined && currentPlayer().hands.length > 0 && currentHandIndex == Some(currentPlayer().hands.length - 1)
def currentHand(): Hand = players.flatMap(_.handsAndBets).filter(_.hand == currentCards()).head
// to next hand (or player) based on whether current action is Stand or Surrender, or if current hand busted
def toNextHand(action: BlackjackAction, busted: Boolean): BlackjackGameState = {
if (!busted || !Seq(Stand, Surrender).contains(action)) {
// no bust and last action was not Stand or Surrender, so no change
// else bust occurred or last action was Stand or Surrender, so iterate to the next hand
(currentPlayerIndex, currentHandIndex, isLastHand()) match {
case (None, _, _) => this // no current player, nothing to iterate
// current hand index is undefined, and we're not yet at the last player, so iterate to next player
case (Some(n), None, _) if (n < players.length - 1) => this.copy(currentPlayerIndex = Some(n + 1))
// current hand index is undefined and we're at last player, so current player index is now undefined
case (Some(_), None, _) => this.copy(currentPlayerIndex = None)
// player's last hand, and this is not the last player so iterate to next player and set current hand index to 0
case (Some(n), Some(h), true) if (n < players.length - 1) => this.copy(currentPlayerIndex = Some(n + 1), currentHandIndex = Some(0))
// player's last hand, and this the last player, so current player index is now undefined
case (Some(_), Some(h), true) => this.copy(currentPlayerIndex = None, currentHandIndex = Some(0))
// player's not yet at last hand, so iterate to the next hand
case (Some(_), Some(h), false) => this.copy(currentHandIndex = Some(h + 1))
def currentBettingStrategy(): Option[String] = currentPlayerIndex match {
case None => None
case Some(i) => Some(currentPlayer().bettingStrategy.toString())
def currentBetMultiplier(): Option[Double] = currentPlayerIndex match {
case None => None
case Some(i) => Some(currentPlayer().minBetMultiplier)
def playerHistory(playerId: String): Seq[Action[BlackjackAction]] = history.filter(a => a.playerId == playerId)
// true indicates a win, false indicates a loss; order is in the original order played, so most recent is last item
def winningHistory(playerId: String): Seq[Boolean] = {
.filter ( a => a.playerId == playerId && Seq(Win, Blackjack, Lose, Bust).contains(a.action))
.map ( a => a.action match {
case Win => true
case Blackjack => true
case Lose => false
case Bust => false
// game summary
case class CompletedBlackjack(players: PlayerSummaries, history: Seq[Action[BlackjackAction]]) {
override def toString(): String = s"""{"blackjack": {"players": ${players.toString()}, "history": ${history.mkString("[", ", ", "]")}}}"""
object CompletedBlackjack {
def apply(game: BlackjackGameState): CompletedBlackjack = {
CompletedBlackjack(PlayerSummaries((game.completedPlayers ++ game.players).map(PlayerSummary(_)).distinct), game.history)
implicit val format: Format[CompletedBlackjack] = Json.format[CompletedBlackjack]
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