org.openscience.cdk.tools.ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder for CDK
* ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder for CDK
* Copyright (c) 2023 Sebastian Fritsch, Stefan Neumann, Jonas Schaub, Christoph Steinbeck, and Achim Zielesny
* Source code is available at
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see .
package org.openscience.cdk.tools;
import org.openscience.cdk.graph.ConnectedComponents;
import org.openscience.cdk.graph.GraphUtil;
import org.openscience.cdk.graph.GraphUtil.EdgeToBondMap;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtom;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IBond.Order;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ILonePair;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IPseudoAtom;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.ISingleElectron;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
* Finds and extracts a molecules's functional groups in a purely rule-based manner.
* This class implements Peter Ertl's algorithm for the automated detection and extraction
* of functional groups in organic molecules
* [Ertl P. An algorithm to identify functional groups in organic molecules. J Cheminform. 2017; 9:36.].
* @author Sebastian Fritsch, Jonas Schaub
* @version 1.2
public class ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder {
private static ILoggingTool log = LoggingToolFactory.createLoggingTool(ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder.class);
private static final String CARBONYL_C_MARKER = "Carbonyl-C";
private final Set nonmetalAtomicNumbers;
private final Mode mode;
private EdgeToBondMap bondMap;
private int[][] adjList;
private HashSet markedAtoms;
private HashMap aromaticHeteroAtoms; // key: atom idx, value: isInGroup
private Map> environmentsMap;
* Defines the working mode.
public static enum Mode{
* Default mode including the generalization step.
* Skips the generalization step. Functional groups will keep their full "environment".
private enum EnvironmentCalCType { C_AROMATIC, C_ALIPHATIC };
* Describes one carbon atom in the environment of a marked atom. It can either be aromatic
* or aliphatic and also contains a clone of its connecting bond.
private class EnvironmentalC{
private EnvironmentCalCType type;
private int bondIndex;
private IBond.Order bondOrder;
private IBond.Stereo bondStereo;
private boolean[] bondFlags;
public EnvironmentalC(EnvironmentCalCType type, IBond bond, int indexInBond) {
this.type = type;
bondIndex = indexInBond;
bondOrder = bond.getOrder();
bondStereo = bond.getStereo();
bondFlags = bond.getFlags();
public EnvironmentCalCType getType() {
return type;
public IBond createBond(IAtom targetAtom, IAtom cAtom) {
IBond bond = targetAtom.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class);
if(bondIndex == 0) {
bond.setAtoms(new IAtom[] {cAtom, targetAtom});
else {
bond.setAtoms(new IAtom[] {targetAtom, cAtom});
return bond;
* Default constructor for ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder.
public ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder() {
* Constructor for ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder.
* @param mode working mode (see {@code ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder.Mode}).
public ErtlFunctionalGroupsFinder(Mode mode) {
this.mode = mode;
// init non-metal and non-metalloid atom numbers
nonmetalAtomicNumbers = Set.of(1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 34, 35, 36, 53, 54, 86); //ImmutableSet.of(1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 34, 35, 36, 53, 54, 86);
* Find all functional groups contained in a molecule.
* NOTE: The input must consist of one connected structure and may not contain charged atoms, metals or metalloids.
* @param container the molecule which contains the functional groups (may not contain charged atoms, metals,
* metalloids or unconnected components!)
* @return a list with all functional groups found in the molecule.
public List find(IAtomContainer container){
return find(container, true);
* Find all functional groups contained in a molecule.
* NOTE: The input must consist of one connected structure and may not contain charged atoms, metals or metalloids.
* @param container the molecule which contains the functional groups (may not contain charged atoms, metals,
* metalloids or unconnected components!)
* @param clone Use 'false' to reuse the input container's bonds and atoms in the extraction of the functional
* groups. This may speed up the extraction and lower the memory consumption for processing large
* amounts of data but corrupts the original input container.
* Use 'true' to work with a clone and leave the input container intact (default).
* @return a list with all functional groups found in the molecule.
public List find(IAtomContainer container, boolean clone){
// work with a clone?
IAtomContainer mol;
try {
mol = container.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Atom container could not be cloned");
mol = container;
// init GraphUtil & EdgeToBondMap
bondMap = EdgeToBondMap.withSpaceFor(mol);
adjList = GraphUtil.toAdjList(mol, bondMap);
// atom marking
// extract raw groups
List groups = extractGroups(mol);
// handle environment
if(mode == Mode.DEFAULT) {
else if (mode == Mode.NO_GENERALIZATION) {
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown mode.");
// clear fields
bondMap = null;
adjList = null;
markedAtoms = null;
aromaticHeteroAtoms = null;
environmentsMap = null;
return groups;
* Mark all atoms and store them in a set for further processing.
* @param molecule Molecule with atoms to mark
private void markAtoms(IAtomContainer molecule) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Starting search for atoms to mark ... ##########");
// store marked atoms
markedAtoms = new HashSet(molecule.getAtomCount()); //Sets.newHashSetWithExpectedSize(molecule.getAtomCount());
// store aromatic heteroatoms
aromaticHeteroAtoms = new HashMap<>();
for(int idx = 0; idx < molecule.getAtomCount(); idx++) {
// skip atoms that already got marked in a previous iteration
if(markedAtoms.contains(idx)) {
IAtom cAtom = molecule.getAtom(idx);
// skip aromatic atoms but add them to set
if(cAtom.isAromatic()) {
if(isHeteroatom(cAtom)) {
aromaticHeteroAtoms.put(idx, false);
int atomicNr = cAtom.getAtomicNumber();
// if C...
if(atomicNr == 6) {
boolean isMarked = false; // to detect if foor loop ran with or without marking the C atom
int oNSCounter = 0; // count for the number of connected O, N & S atoms
for(int connectedIdx : adjList[idx]) {
IAtom connectedAtom = molecule.getAtom(connectedIdx);
IBond connectedBond = bondMap.get(idx, connectedIdx);
// if connected to Heteroatom or C in aliphatic double or triple bond... [CONDITIONS 2.1 & 2.2]
if(connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() != 1 && ((connectedBond.getOrder() == Order.DOUBLE
|| connectedBond.getOrder() == Order.TRIPLE) && !connectedBond.isAromatic())) {
// set the connected atom as marked
if(markedAtoms.add(connectedIdx)) {
String connectedAtomCondition = connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 6 ? "2.1/2.2" : "1";
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition %s",
connectedIdx, connectedAtom.getSymbol(), connectedAtomCondition));
// set the current atom as marked and break out of connected atoms
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 2.1/2.2",
idx, cAtom.getSymbol()));
isMarked = true;
// but check for carbonyl-C before break
if(connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 8 && connectedBond.getOrder() == Order.DOUBLE
&& adjList[idx].length == 3) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" - was flagged as Carbonly-C");
cAtom.setProperty(CARBONYL_C_MARKER, true);
// if connected to O/N/S in single bond...
else if((connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 7
|| connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 8
|| connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 16)
&& connectedBond.getOrder() == Order.SINGLE){
// if connected O/N/S is not aromatic...
if(!connectedAtom.isAromatic()) {
// set the connected O/N/S atom as marked
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 1",
connectedIdx, connectedAtom.getSymbol()));
// if "acetal C" (2+ O/N/S in single bonds connected to sp3-C)... [CONDITION 2.3]
boolean isAllSingleBonds = true;
for(int connectedInSphere2Idx : adjList[connectedIdx]) {
IBond sphere2Bond = bondMap.get(connectedIdx, connectedInSphere2Idx);
if(sphere2Bond.getOrder() != Order.SINGLE) {
isAllSingleBonds = false;
if(isAllSingleBonds) {
if(oNSCounter > 1 && adjList[idx].length + cAtom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == 4) {
// set as marked and break out of connected atoms
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 2.3",
idx, cAtom.getSymbol()));
isMarked = true;
// if part of oxirane, aziridine and thiirane ring... [CONDITION 2.4]
for(int connectedInSphere2Idx : adjList[connectedIdx]) {
IAtom connectedInSphere2Atom = molecule.getAtom(connectedInSphere2Idx);
if(connectedInSphere2Atom.getAtomicNumber() == 6) {
for(int connectedInSphere3Idx : adjList[connectedInSphere2Idx]) {
IAtom connectedInSphere3Atom = molecule.getAtom(connectedInSphere3Idx);
if(connectedInSphere3Atom.equals(cAtom)) {
// set connected atoms as marked
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 2.4",
connectedInSphere2Idx, connectedInSphere2Atom.getSymbol()));
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 2.4",
connectedInSphere3Idx, connectedInSphere3Atom.getSymbol()));
// set current atom as marked and break out of connected atoms
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 2.4",
idx, cAtom.getSymbol()));
isMarked = true;
if(isMarked) {
// if none of the conditions 2.X apply, we have an unmarked C (not relevant here)
// if H...
else if (atomicNr == 1){
// convert to implicit H
IAtom connectedAtom;
try {
connectedAtom = molecule.getAtom(adjList[idx][0]);
catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
if(connectedAtom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == null) {
else {
connectedAtom.setImplicitHydrogenCount(connectedAtom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() + 1);
// if heteroatom... (CONDITION 1)
else {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Marking Atom #%d (%s) - Met condition 1", idx, cAtom.getSymbol()));
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("########## End of search. Marked %d/%d atoms. ##########", markedAtoms.size(), molecule.getAtomCount()));
* Searches the molecule for groups of connected marked atoms and extracts each as a new functional group.
* The extraction process includes marked atom's "environments". Connected H's are captured implicitly.
* @param molecule the molecule which contains the functional groups
* @return a list of all functional groups (including "environments") extracted from the molecule
private List extractGroups(IAtomContainer molecule) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Starting identification & extraction of functional groups... ##########");
environmentsMap = new HashMap>(molecule.getAtomCount());//Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(molecule.getAtomCount());
int[] atomIdxToFGMap = new int[molecule.getAtomCount()];
Arrays.fill(atomIdxToFGMap, -1);
int fGroupIdx = -1;
while(!markedAtoms.isEmpty()) {
// search for another functional group
// get next markedAtom as the starting node for the search
int beginIdx = markedAtoms.iterator().next();
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Searching new functional group from atom #%d (%s)...", beginIdx, molecule.getAtom(beginIdx).getSymbol()));
// do a BFS from there
Queue queue = new ArrayDeque<>();
while(!queue.isEmpty()) {
int currentIdx = queue.poll();
// we are only interested in marked atoms that are not yet included in a group
// if it isn't...
IAtom currentAtom = molecule.getAtom(currentIdx);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" visiting marked atom: #%d (%s)", currentIdx, currentAtom.getSymbol()));
// add its index to the functional group
atomIdxToFGMap[currentIdx] = fGroupIdx;
// also scratch the index from markedAtoms
// and take look at the connected atoms
List currentEnvironment = new ArrayList<>();
for(int connectedIdx : adjList[currentIdx]) {
// add connected marked atoms to queue
if(markedAtoms.contains(connectedIdx)) {
// ignore already handled connected atoms
if(atomIdxToFGMap[connectedIdx] >= 0){
// add unmarked connected aromatic heteroatoms
IAtom connectedAtom = molecule.getAtom(connectedIdx);
if(isHeteroatom(connectedAtom) && connectedAtom.isAromatic()) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" added connected aromatic heteroatom " + connectedAtom.getSymbol());
atomIdxToFGMap[connectedIdx] = fGroupIdx;
// note that this aromatic heteroatom has been added to a group
aromaticHeteroAtoms.put(connectedIdx, true);
// add unmarked connected atoms to current marked atom's environment
IBond connectedBond = bondMap.get(currentIdx, connectedIdx);
EnvironmentCalCType type;
if (connectedAtom.getAtomicNumber() == 6) {
type = EnvironmentCalCType.C_AROMATIC;
type = EnvironmentCalCType.C_ALIPHATIC;
else {
// aromatic heteroatom, so just ignore
currentEnvironment.add(new EnvironmentalC(type, connectedBond, connectedBond.getBegin() == connectedAtom ? 0 : 1));
environmentsMap.put(currentAtom, currentEnvironment);
// debug logging
if(isDbg()) {
int cAromCount = 0, cAliphCount = 0;
for(EnvironmentalC comp : currentEnvironment) {
if(comp.getType() == EnvironmentCalCType.C_AROMATIC)
else if(comp.getType() == EnvironmentCalCType.C_ALIPHATIC)
log.debug(String.format(" logged marked atom's environment: C_ar:%d, C_al:%d (and %d implicit hydrogens)", cAromCount, cAliphCount, currentAtom.getImplicitHydrogenCount()));
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" search completed.");
// also create FG for lone aromatic heteroatoms, not connected to a FG yet.
for(int atomIdx : aromaticHeteroAtoms.keySet()) {
if(!aromaticHeteroAtoms.get(atomIdx)) {
atomIdxToFGMap[atomIdx] = fGroupIdx;
if(isDbg()) log.debug("Created FG for lone aromatic heteroatom: " + molecule.getAtom(atomIdx).getSymbol());
List fGs = partitionIntoGroups(molecule, atomIdxToFGMap, fGroupIdx + 1);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("########## Found & extracted %d functional groups. ##########", fGroupIdx + 1));
return fGs;
* Generalizes the full environments of functional groups, providing a good balance between preserving
* meaningful detail and generalization.
* @param fGroups the list of functional groups including "environments"
private void expandGeneralizedEnvironments(List fGroups){
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Starting generalization of functional groups... ##########");
for(IAtomContainer fGroup : fGroups) {
int atomCount = fGroup.getAtomCount();
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Generalizing functional group (%d atoms)...", atomCount));
// prechecking for special cases...
if(fGroup.getAtomCount() == 1) {
IAtom atom = fGroup.getAtom(0);
List environment = environmentsMap.get(atom);
if(environment != null) {
int envCCount = environment.size();
// for H2N-C_env & HO-C_env -> do not replace H & C_env by R!
if((atom.getAtomicNumber() == 8 && envCCount == 1)
|| (atom.getAtomicNumber() == 7 && envCCount == 1)){
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - found single atomic N or O FG with one env. C. Expanding environment...", atom.getSymbol()));
expandEnvironment(atom, fGroup);
int hCount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
if(hCount != 0) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - adding %d hydrogens...", hCount));
addHydrogens(atom, hCount, fGroup);
// for HN-(C_env)-C_env & HS-C_env -> do not replace H by R! (only C_env!)
if((atom.getAtomicNumber() == 7 && envCCount == 2)
|| (atom.getAtomicNumber() == 16 && envCCount == 1)) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" - found sec. amine or simple thiol");
int hCount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
if(hCount != 0) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - adding %d hydrogens...", hCount));
addHydrogens(atom, hCount, fGroup);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" - expanding environment...");
expandEnvironmentGeneralized(atom, fGroup);
else if(isHeteroatom(atom)) {
int rAtomCount = atom.getValency();
Integer hCount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
if(hCount != null && hCount != 0) {
String atomTypeName = atom.getAtomTypeName();
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - found single aromatic heteroatom (%s, Atomtype %s). Adding %d R-Atoms...", atom.getSymbol(), atomTypeName, rAtomCount));
addRAtoms(atom, rAtomCount, fGroup);
// get atoms to process
List fGroupAtoms = new ArrayList(fGroup.getAtomCount());//Lists.newArrayList(fGroup.atoms());
// process atoms...
for(IAtom atom : fGroupAtoms) {
List environment = environmentsMap.get(atom);
if(environment == null) {
if(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() != 0) {
int rAtomCount = atom.getValency() - 1;
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - found connected aromatic heteroatom (%s). Adding %d R-Atoms...", atom.getSymbol(), rAtomCount));
addRAtoms(atom, rAtomCount, fGroup);
// processing carbons...
if(atom.getAtomicNumber() == 6) {
if(atom.getProperty(CARBONYL_C_MARKER) == null) {
if(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() != 0) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" - ignoring environment for marked carbon atom");
else {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" - found carbonyl-carbon. Expanding environment...");
expandEnvironmentGeneralized(atom, fGroup);
// processing heteroatoms...
else {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - found heteroatom (%s). Expanding environment...", atom.getSymbol()));
expandEnvironmentGeneralized(atom, fGroup);
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Generalization of functional groups completed. ##########");
* Expands the full environments of functional groups, converted into atoms and bonds.
* @param fGroups the list of functional groups including "environments"
private void expandFullEnvironments(List fGroups) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Starting expansion of full environments for functional groups... ##########");
for(IAtomContainer fGroup : fGroups) {
int atomCount = fGroup.getAtomCount();
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format("Expanding environment on functional group (%d atoms)...", atomCount));
for(int i = 0; i < atomCount; i++) {
IAtom atom = fGroup.getAtom(i);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - Atom #%d - Expanding environment...", i));
expandEnvironment(atom, fGroup);
int hCount = atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
if(hCount != 0) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" - adding %d hydrogens...", hCount));
addHydrogens(atom, hCount, fGroup);
if(isDbg()) log.debug("########## Expansion of full environments for functional groups completed. ##########");
private void expandEnvironment(IAtom atom, IAtomContainer container) {
List environment = environmentsMap.get(atom);
if(environment == null || environment.isEmpty()) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" found no environment to expand.");
int cAromCount = 0, cAliphCount = 0;
for(EnvironmentalC envC : environment) {
IAtom cAtom = atom.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtom.class, "C");
if(envC.getType() == EnvironmentCalCType.C_AROMATIC) {
else {
IBond bond = envC.createBond(atom, cAtom);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" expanded environment: %dx C_ar and %dx C_al", cAromCount, cAliphCount));
// only call this on marked heteroatoms / carbonyl-C's!
private void expandEnvironmentGeneralized(IAtom atom, IAtomContainer container) {
List environment = environmentsMap.get(atom);
if(environment == null) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" found no environment to expand.");
int rAtomCount = environment.size();
int rAtomsForCCount = rAtomCount;
if(atom.getAtomicNumber() == 8 && atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == 1) {
addHydrogens(atom, 1, container);
if(isDbg()) log.debug(" expanded hydrogen on connected OH-Group");
else if(isHeteroatom(atom)) rAtomCount += atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount();
addRAtoms(atom, rAtomCount, container);
if(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() != 0) {
if(isDbg()) log.debug(String.format(" expanded environment: %dx R-atom (incl. %d for H replacement)", rAtomCount, rAtomCount - rAtomsForCCount));
private static final boolean isHeteroatom(IAtom atom) {
int atomicNr = atom.getAtomicNumber();
return atomicNr != 1 && atomicNr != 6;
private final boolean isNonmetal(IAtom atom) {
return nonmetalAtomicNumbers.contains(atom.getAtomicNumber());
private void addHydrogens(IAtom atom, int number, IAtomContainer container) {
for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
IAtom hydrogen = atom.getBuilder().newInstance(IAtom.class, "H");
container.addBond(atom.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, atom, hydrogen, Order.SINGLE));
private void addRAtoms(IAtom atom, int number, IAtomContainer container) {
for(int i = 0; i < number; i++) {
IPseudoAtom rAtom = atom.getBuilder().newInstance(IPseudoAtom.class, "R");
container.addBond(atom.getBuilder().newInstance(IBond.class, atom, rAtom, Order.SINGLE));
private List partitionIntoGroups(IAtomContainer sourceContainer, int[] atomIdxToFGMap, int fGroupCount) {
List groups = new ArrayList<>(fGroupCount);
for(int i = 0; i < fGroupCount; i++) {
Map atomtoFGMap = new HashMap(sourceContainer.getAtomCount());//Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(sourceContainer.getAtomCount());
// atoms
for(int atomIdx = 0; atomIdx < sourceContainer.getAtomCount(); atomIdx++) {
int fGroupId = atomIdxToFGMap[atomIdx];
if(fGroupId == -1) {
IAtom atom = sourceContainer.getAtom(atomIdx);
IAtomContainer myGroup = groups.get(fGroupId);
atomtoFGMap.put(atom, myGroup);
// bonds
for(IBond bond : sourceContainer.bonds()) {
IAtomContainer beginGroup = atomtoFGMap.get(bond.getBegin());
IAtomContainer endGroup = atomtoFGMap.get(bond.getEnd());
if(beginGroup == null || endGroup == null || beginGroup != endGroup)
// single electrons
for (ISingleElectron electron : sourceContainer.singleElectrons()) {
IAtomContainer group = atomtoFGMap.get(electron.getAtom());
if(group != null)
// lone pairs
for (ILonePair lonePair : sourceContainer.lonePairs()) {
IAtomContainer group = atomtoFGMap.get(lonePair.getAtom());
if(group != null)
return groups;
private boolean isDbg() {
return log.isDebugEnabled();
private boolean checkConstraints(IAtomContainer molecule) {
for(IAtom atom : molecule.atoms()) {
if(atom.getFormalCharge() != null && atom.getFormalCharge() != 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input molecule must not contain any charges.");
if(!isNonmetal(atom)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input molecule must not contain metals or metalloids.");
if(atom.getImplicitHydrogenCount() == null) {
ConnectedComponents cc = new ConnectedComponents(adjList);
if(cc.nComponents() != 1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input molecule must consist of only a single connected stucture.");
return true;
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