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 * Validation[E, A] is the result of a validation, where E is the type of each error, and A is the type of the result if the validation is successful
 * The only two possible implementations are Success[E, A](value: A), or Failure[E, A](errors: Seq[E])
sealed trait Validation[+E, +A] { self =>

   * [use case] Builds a new Validation by applying a function to the value of this validation if it's a Success
   * {{{
   *   val f: Int => Int = _ + 2
   *   Success(5).map(f) == Success(7)
   *   Failure(Seq("error")).map(f) == Failure(Seq("error"))
   * }}}
   * @param f the function to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return the result of applying the function
  def map[X](f: A => X): Validation[E, X] = this match {
    case Success(v) => Success(f(v))
    case Failure(e) => Failure(e)

  def isSuccess = this match {
    case Success(_) => true
    case Failure(_) => false

  def isFailure = !isSuccess

  def viaEither[EE, AA](f: Either[Seq[E], A] => Either[Seq[EE], AA]): Validation[EE, AA] =
    f(asEither).fold(Failure.apply, Success.apply)

   * Applies `invalid` if this is a Failure or `valid` if this is a Success.
   * @param invalid the function to apply if this is a `Failure`
   * @param valid the function to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return the results of applying the function
  def fold[X](invalid: Seq[E] => X, valid: A => X): X = this match {
    case Success(v) => valid(v)
    case Failure(e) => invalid(e)

  def filterNot[EE >: E](error: EE)(p: A => Boolean): Validation[EE, A] =
    viaEither { _.right.flatMap { a => if (p(a)) Left(Seq(error)) else Right(a) } }

  def filterNot(p: A => Boolean): Validation[E, A] =
    viaEither { _.right.flatMap { a => if (p(a)) Left(Nil) else Right(a) } }

   * filter Successful Validation if it does not match the predicate `p`
   * @param p the predicate to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return a Success if this was a Success and the predicate matched, a Failure otherwise
  def filter(p: A => Boolean): Validation[E, A] =
    viaEither { _.right.flatMap { a => if (p(a)) Right(a) else Left(Nil) } }

   * filter Successful Validation if it does not match the predicate `p`
   * {{{
   *   val isFive: Int => Boolean = _ == 5
   *   Success(5).filter("Not five")(isFive) == Success(5)
   *   Success(7).filter("Not five")(isFive) == Failure(Seq("Not five"))
   *   Failure(Seq("error")).filter("Not five")(isFive) == Failure(Seq("error"))
   * }}}
   * @param otherwise the error to return if the predicate `p` is not verified
   * @param p the predicate to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return a Success if this was a Success and the predicate matched, a Failure otherwise
  def filter[EE >: E](otherwise: EE)(p: A => Boolean): Validation[EE, A] =
    viaEither { _.right.flatMap { a => if (p(a)) Right(a) else Left(Seq(otherwise)) } }

   * Like `map`, but for partial function. If `p` us not defined for the value, it return a Failure
   * {{{
   *   val p: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case 5 => "High five!" }
   *   Success(5).collect("OOoops")(p) == Success("High five!")
   *   Success(7).collect("OOoops")(p) == Failure(Seq("OOoops"))
   *   Failure(Seq("error")).collect("OOoops")(p) == Failure(Seq("error"))
   * }}}
   * @param otherwise the error to return if the `p` is not defined
   * @param p the partial function to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return a Success if this was a Success and `p` was defined, a Failure otherwise
  def collect[EE >: E, B](otherwise: EE)(p: PartialFunction[A, B]): Validation[EE, B] = viaEither {
    _.right.flatMap {
      case t if p.isDefinedAt(t) => Right(p(t))
      case _ => Left(Seq(otherwise))

   * Applies the given function `f` if this is a Success, otherwise returns Unit if this is a Failure
   * @param f the function to apply if this is a `Success`
   * @return Unit
  def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = this match {
    case Success(a) => f(a)
    case _ => ()

   * Creates a non-strict filter of this Validation.
   *  Note: the difference between `c filter p` and `c withFilter p` is that
   *        the former creates a new vlaidation, whereas the latter only
   *        restricts the domain of subsequent `map`, `flatMap`, `foreach`,
   *        and `withFilter` operations.
   *  @param p   the predicate used to test value.
   *  @return    an object of class `WithFilter`, which supports
   *             `map`, `flatMap`, `foreach`, and `withFilter` operations.
   *             All these operations apply to the value of this Validation
   *             which satisfy the predicate `p`.
  def withFilter(p: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(p)

  final class WithFilter(p: A => Boolean) {
    def map[B](f: A => B): Validation[E, B] = self match {
      case Success(a) =>
        if (p(a)) Success(f(a))
        else Failure(Nil)
      case Failure(errs) => Failure(errs)
    def flatMap[EE >: E, B](f: A => Validation[EE, B]): Validation[EE, B] = self match {
      case Success(a) =>
        if (p(a)) f(a)
        else Failure(Nil)
      case Failure(errs) => Failure(errs)
    def foreach(f: A => Unit): Unit = self match {
      case Success(a) if p(a) => f(a)
      case _ => ()
    def withFilter(q: A => Boolean) = new WithFilter(a => p(a) && q(a))

   * Returns the value from this Success or throws the exception if this is a Failure.
  def get: A

   * Returns the value from this Success or returns `t` if this is a Failure.
  def getOrElse[AA >: A](t: => AA): AA = this match {
    case Success(a) => a
    case Failure(_) => t

   * Returns this Validation if it is a Success or returns `t` if it is a Failure.
  def orElse[EE >: E, AA >: A](t: => Validation[EE, AA]): Validation[EE, AA] = this match {
    case s @ Success(_) => s
    case Failure(_) => t

   * Returns None if this is a Failure or a Some containing the value if this is a Success.
  def asOpt: Option[A] = this match {
    case Success(v) => Some(v)
    case Failure(_) => None

   * Returns Left containing the errors if this is a Failure or a Right containing the value if this is a Success.
  def asEither: Either[Seq[E], A] = this match {
    case Success(v) => Right(v)
    case Failure(e) => Left(e)

   * Applies the given  partial function `errManager` if this is a Failure, otherwise returns this if this is a Success.
  def recover[AA >: A](errManager: PartialFunction[Failure[E, A], AA]): Validation[E, AA] = this match {
    case Success(v) => Success(v)
    case e @ Failure(_) => if (errManager isDefinedAt e) Success(errManager(e)) else this

   * Applies the given  function `errManager` if this is a Failure, otherwise returns this if this is a Success.
  def recoverTotal[AA >: A](errManager: Failure[E, A] => AA): AA = this match {
    case Success(v) => v
    case e @ Failure(_) => errManager(e)

  // TODO: rename (keepAnd ?)
  def *>[EE >: E, B](o: Validation[EE, B]): Validation[EE, B] = (this, o) match {
    case (Success(_), Success(v)) => Success(v)
    case (Success(_), Failure(e)) => Failure(e)
    case (Failure(e), Success(_)) => Failure(e)
    case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => Failure((e1: Seq[E]) ++ (e2: Seq[EE])) // dafuk??? why do I need to force types ?

  def fail = FailProjection(this)
  def success = SuccessProjection(this)

object Validation {

  def sequence[E, A](vs: Seq[Validation[E, A]]): Validation[E, Seq[A]] = {
    vs.foldLeft[Validation[E, Seq[A]]](Success(Nil)) {
      case (Success(as), Success(b)) => Success(as ++ Seq(b))
      case (Success(_), Failure(e)) => Failure(e)
      case (Failure(e), Success(_)) => Failure(e)
      case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => Failure(e1 ++ e2)

  import play.api.libs.functional._
  import scala.language.reflectiveCalls

  implicit def functorValidation[I] = new Functor[({ type λ[O] = Validation[I, O] })#λ] {
    def fmap[A, B](m: Validation[I, A], f: A => B): Validation[I, B] = Validation.applicativeValidation[I].map(m, f)

  implicit def applicativeValidation[E] = new Applicative[({ type λ[A] = Validation[E, A] })#λ] {

    def pure[A](a: A): Validation[E, A] = Success(a)

    def map[A, B](m: Validation[E, A], f: A => B): Validation[E, B] =

    def apply[A, B](mf: Validation[E, A => B], ma: Validation[E, A]): Validation[E, B] = (mf, ma) match {
      case (Success(f), Success(a)) => Success(f(a))
      case (Failure(e1), Failure(e2)) => Failure.merge(Failure(e1), Failure(e2))
      case (Failure(e), _) => Failure(e)
      case (_, Failure(e)) => Failure(e)

  // XXX: Helps the compiler a bit
  import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
  implicit def cba[E] = functionalCanBuildApplicative[({ type λ[A] = Validation[E, A] })#λ]
  implicit def validationFbo[I, O] = toFunctionalBuilderOps[({ type λ[O] = Validation[I, O] })#λ, O] _

final case class FailProjection[+E, +A](v: Validation[E, A]) {
  def map[F](f: Seq[E] => Seq[F]): Validation[F, A] = v match {
    case Success(v) => Success(v)
    case Failure(e) => Failure(f(e))
final case class SuccessProjection[+E, +A](v: Validation[E, A]) {
  def map[B](f: A => B): Validation[E, B] = v match {
    case Success(v) => Success(f(v))
    case Failure(e) => Failure(e)

// Those classes should be final, but we neeed to inherit
// from them for backward compatibility of JsSuccess and JsError
class Success[+E, +A](val value: A) extends Validation[E, A] {
  def get: A = value
  override def toString = s"Success($value)"
  override def hashCode = value.hashCode
  override def equals(o: Any) = {
    if (canEqual(o)) {
      val j = o.asInstanceOf[Success[E, A]]
      this.value == j.value
    } else

  def canEqual(o: Any) = o.isInstanceOf[Success[E, A]]
class Failure[+E, +A](val errors: Seq[E]) extends Validation[E, A] {
  def get: Nothing = throw new NoSuchElementException("Failure.get")
  override def toString = s"Failure($errors)"
  override def hashCode = errors.hashCode
  override def equals(o: Any) = {
    if (canEqual(o)) {
      val j = o.asInstanceOf[Failure[E, A]]
      this.errors == j.errors
    } else
  def canEqual(o: Any) = o.isInstanceOf[Failure[E, A]]

object Success {
  def apply[E, A](v: A): Success[E, A] = new Success(v)
  def unapply[E, A](s: Success[E, A]): Option[A] = Some(s.value)

object Failure {
  import play.api.libs.functional.Monoid

  def apply[E, A](errors: Seq[E]): Failure[E, A] = new Failure(errors)
  def unapply[E, A](f: Failure[E, A]): Option[Seq[E]] = Some(f.errors)

  def merge[E, A](e1: Failure[E, A], e2: Failure[E, A]): Failure[E, A] = {
    Failure(e1.errors ++ e2.errors)

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