Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Play provides you a `Map[String, Seq[String]]` (aliased as `UrlFormEncoded`) in request body for urlFormEncoded requests.
* It's generally a lot more convenient to work on `Map[Path, Seq[String]]` to define Rules.
* This object contains methods used to convert `Map[String, Seq[String]]` <-> `Map[Path, Seq[String]]`
* @note We use the alias `UrlFormEncoded`, which is just a `Map[String, Seq[String]]`
object PM {
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.{ Parsers, RegexParsers }
* A parser converting a key of a Map[String, [Seq[String]]] to a Path instance
* `[0].baz` becomes `Path \ "foo" \ "bar" \ 0 \ "baz"`
object PathParser extends RegexParsers {
override type Elem = Char
def int = """\d""".r ^^ { _.toInt }
def idx = "[" ~> int <~ "]" ^^ { IdxPathNode(_) }
def key = rep1(not("." | idx) ~> ".".r) ^^ { ks => KeyPathNode(ks.mkString) }
def node = key ~ opt(idx) ^^ { case k ~ i => k :: i.toList }
def path = (opt(idx) ~ repsep(node, ".")) ^^ { case i ~ ns => Path(i.toList ::: ns.flatten) }
def parse(s: String) = parseAll(path, new scala.util.parsing.input.CharArrayReader(s.toArray))
type PM = Map[Path, String]
* Find a sub-Map of all the elements at a Path starting with `path`
* @param path The prefix to look for
* @param data The map in which you want to lookup
* @return a sub Map. If no key of `data` starts with `path`, this map will be empty
def find(path: Path)(data: PM): PM = data.flatMap {
case (p, v) if p.path.startsWith(path.path) =>
Map(Path(p.path.drop(path.path.length)) -> v)
case _ =>
Map.empty[Path, String]
* Apply `f` to all the keys of `m`
def repathPM(m: PM, f: Path => Path): PM = { case (p, v) => f(p) -> v }
* Apply `f` to all the keys of `m`
def repath(m: UrlFormEncoded, f: Path => Path): UrlFormEncoded = toM(repathPM(toPM(m), f))
* Convert a Map[String, Seq[String]] to a Map[Path, Seq[String]]
def toPM(m: UrlFormEncoded): PM =
m.toSeq.flatMap {
case (p, vs) =>
if( p.endsWith("[]") ) { { case (v, i) => (asPath(p.dropRight(2)) \ i) -> v }
} else { { asPath(p) -> _ }.toSeq
* Convert a Map[Path, Seq[String]] to a Map[String, Seq[String]]
def toM(m: PM): UrlFormEncoded = { case (p, v) => asKey(p) -> Seq(v) }
private def asNodeKey(n: PathNode): String = n match {
case IdxPathNode(i) => s"[$i]"
case KeyPathNode(k) => k
* Convert a Path to a String key
* @param p The path to convert
* @return A String representation of `p`
def asKey(p: Path): String = ++ p.path.tail.foldLeft("") {
case (path, n @ IdxPathNode(i)) => path + asNodeKey(n)
case (path, n @ KeyPathNode(k)) => path + "." + asNodeKey(n)
* Convert a String key to a Path using `PathParser`
* @param k The String representation of path to convert
* @return a `Path`
def asPath(k: String): Path = PathParser.parse(k) match {
case PathParser.Failure(m, _) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Invalid field name $k: $m")
case PathParser.Error(m, _) => throw new RuntimeException(s"Invalid field name $k: $m")
case PathParser.Success(r, _) => r
* This object provides Rules for Map[String, Seq[String]]
object Rules extends DefaultRules[PM.PM] with ParsingRules {
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.language.higherKinds
import play.api.libs.functional._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import PM._
implicit def mapR[O](implicit r: RuleLike[Seq[String], O]): Rule[PM, Map[String, O]] =
super.mapR[Seq[String], O](r,[PM].fmap { toM(_).toSeq })
private val isEmpty = validateWith[PM]("validation.empty") { pm =>
pm.filter { case (_, vs) => !vs.isEmpty }.isEmpty
implicit def optionR[O](implicit pick: Path => RuleLike[PM, PM], coerce: RuleLike[PM, O]): Path => Rule[PM, Option[O]] =
opt(coerce, isEmpty)
def optionR[J, O](r: => RuleLike[J, O], noneValues: RuleLike[PM, PM]*)(implicit pick: Path => RuleLike[PM, PM], coerce: RuleLike[PM, J]): Path => Rule[UrlFormEncoded, Option[O]] =
path => {
val nones = isEmpty +: noneValues
val o = opt[J, O](r, nones: _*)(pick, coerce)(path)[UrlFormEncoded].fmap(toPM).compose(o)
implicit def parseString[O](implicit r: RuleLike[String, O]): Rule[PM, O] = {
val find = Rule[Option[String], String] { -> Seq(ValidationError("error.required")))))
implicit def inArray[O: scala.reflect.ClassTag](implicit r: RuleLike[Seq[PM], Array[O]]): Path => Rule[PM, Array[O]] =
inT[O, Traversable](Rule.toRule(r).fmap(_.toTraversable))(_).fmap(_.toArray)
implicit def inT[O, T[_] <: Traversable[_]](implicit r: RuleLike[Seq[PM], T[O]]): Path => Rule[PM, T[O]] =
path =>
pickInPM(path)([PM, PM](_ => Success(Map.empty)))
.fmap { pm =>
val (root, others) = pm.partition(_._1 == Path)
val arrays = others.toSeq.flatMap {
case (Path(IdxPathNode(i) :: Nil) \: t, v) => Seq(i -> Map(t -> v))
case _ => Nil
.map {
case (i, pms) =>[Path, String]) { _ ++ _ }
(root +: arrays).filter(!_.isEmpty)
implicit def pickInPM[O](p: Path)(implicit r: RuleLike[PM, O]): Rule[PM, O] =
Rule[PM, PM] { pm =>
// Convert Rules exploring PM, to Rules exploring UrlFormEncoded
implicit def convertToInM[O](p: Path)(implicit r: Path => RuleLike[PM, O]): Rule[UrlFormEncoded, O] =[UrlFormEncoded]
implicit def convertRule[O](implicit r: RuleLike[UrlFormEncoded, O]): Rule[PM, O] =[PM].fmap(toM).compose(r)
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