testcontainers.containers.NebulaClusterContainer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package testcontainers.containers
import java.util.{ List => JList }
import java.util.concurrent.{ Callable, TimeUnit }
import scala.concurrent.{ Await, Future }
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import org.rnorth.ducttape.unreliables.Unreliables
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.testcontainers.containers.{ GenericContainer, Network }
import org.testcontainers.lifecycle.Startable
import org.testcontainers.shaded.com.google.common.base.Throwables
import org.testcontainers.shaded.org.awaitility.Awaitility.await
import com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.NotFoundException
import com.github.dockerjava.api.model.Network.Ipam
import testcontainers.containers.Nebula.dockerClient
* @author
* 梦境迷离
* @version 1.0,2023/9/18
object NebulaClusterContainer {
private val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(classOf[NebulaClusterContainer])
abstract class NebulaClusterContainer(subnetIp: String) extends Startable {
import NebulaClusterContainer._
protected def gatewayIp: String = {
if (subnetIp == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("subnetIp cannot be null")
if (!subnetIp.contains("/")) {
throw new IllegalStateException("subnetIp is invalid")
val sub = subnetIp.split("/")(0)
increaseLastIp(sub, 1)
protected val nebulaNet: Network =
.createNetworkCmdModifier { cmd =>
new Ipam()
.withConfig(new Ipam.Config().withSubnet(subnetIp).withGateway(gatewayIp))
protected val metaIpPortMapping: List[(String, Int)]
protected val storageIpMapping: List[(String, Int)]
protected val graphIpMapping: List[(String, Int)]
protected lazy val metaAddrs: String = generateIpAddrs(metaIpPortMapping)
protected def generateIpAddrs(ipPortMapping: List[(String, Int)]): String =
ipPortMapping.map(kv => s"${kv._1}:${kv._2}").mkString(",")
private lazy val ryukContainerId: String = {
val containersResponse = Nebula.TestcontainersRyukContainer
protected def increaseLastIp(ip: String, num: Int): String = {
if (ip == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("IPAddress cannot be null!")
val ipSplits = ip.split("\\.").toList
val last = ipSplits.last.toInt
ipSplits.updated(ipSplits.size - 1, last + num).mkString(".")
protected val metads: List[GenericContainer[_]]
protected val storageds: List[GenericContainer[_]]
protected val graphds: List[GenericContainer[_]]
protected val console: NebulaConsoleContainer
def existsRunningContainer: Boolean
private def awaitMappedPort[S <: GenericContainer[S]](container: GenericContainer[S], exposedPort: Int): Int = {
val containerId = await()
new Callable[String] {
override def call(): String =
(id: String) => id != null
if (containerId != null) {
} else
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Mapped port can only be obtained after the container is started, awaitMappedPort failed!"
final override def start(): Unit = {
storageds.foreach { sd =>
() => {
val g = sd.execInContainer("ps", "-ef").getStdout
g != null && g.contains(Nebula.StoragedName)
graphds.foreach { gd =>
() => {
val g = gd.execInContainer("ps", "-ef").getStdout
g != null && g.contains(Nebula.GraphdName)
() => {
// we are waiting to try the storage service online
val g = console.execInContainer(console.showHostsCommand: _*).getStdout
g != null && g.contains("ONLINE") && !g.contains("OFFLINE")
* Copy from ResourceReaper#removeContainer method
private final def stopIfExistsRyukContainer(): Unit = {
var running = false
try {
val containerInfo = dockerClient.inspectContainerCmd(ryukContainerId).exec
running = containerInfo.getState != null && true == containerInfo.getState.getRunning
} catch {
case e: NotFoundException =>
logger.trace(s"Was going to stop container but it apparently no longer exists: ${ryukContainerId}")
case e: Exception =>
s"Error encountered when checking container for shutdown (ID: $ryukContainerId) - it may not have been stopped, or may already be stopped. Root cause: ${Throwables.getRootCause(e).getMessage}"
if (running) try {
logger.trace("Stopping container: ${ryukContainerId}")
logger.trace(s"Stopped container: ${Nebula.Ryuk.stripPrefix("/")}")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
s"Error encountered shutting down container (ID: $ryukContainerId) - it may not have been stopped, or may already be stopped. Root cause: ${Throwables.getRootCause(e).getMessage}"
try dockerClient.inspectContainerCmd(ryukContainerId).exec
catch {
case e: Exception =>
logger.trace(s"Was going to remove container but it apparently no longer exists: $ryukContainerId")
try {
logger.trace(s"Removing container: $ryukContainerId")
logger.debug(s"Removed container and associated volume(s): ${Nebula.Ryuk.stripPrefix("/")}")
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
s"Error encountered shutting down container (ID: $ryukContainerId) - it may not have been stopped, or may already be stopped. Root cause: ${Throwables.getRootCause(e).getMessage}"
final override def stop(): Unit =
try {
val res = Future.sequence(allContainers.map(f => Future(f)).map(_.map(_.stop())))
Await.result(res, Nebula.StopTimeout.seconds)
if (nebulaNet.getId != null) {
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
logger.error("Stopped all containers failed", e)
final def allContainers: List[GenericContainer[_]] = metads ++ storageds ++ graphds ++ List(console)
final def graphdUrlList: List[String] =
graphds.map(gd => s"http://${gd.getHost}:${awaitMappedPort(gd, Nebula.GraphdExposedPort)}")
final def metadUrlList: List[String] =
metads.map(md => s"http://${md.getHost}:${awaitMappedPort(md, Nebula.MetadExposedPort)}")
final def storagedUrlList: List[String] =
storageds.map(sd => s"http://${sd.getHost}:${awaitMappedPort(sd, Nebula.StoragedExposedPort)}")
final def graphdPortList: List[Int] = graphds.map(gd => awaitMappedPort(gd, Nebula.GraphdExposedPort))
final def metadPortList: List[Int] = metads.map(md => awaitMappedPort(md, Nebula.MetadExposedPort))
final def storagedPortList: List[Int] = storageds.map(sd => awaitMappedPort(sd, Nebula.StoragedExposedPort))
final def graphdHostList: List[String] = graphds.map(_.getHost)
final def metadHostList: List[String] = metads.map(_.getHost)
final def storagedHostList: List[String] = storageds.map(_.getHost)
final def metadList: List[GenericContainer[_]] = metads
final def storagedList: List[GenericContainer[_]] = storageds
final def graphdList: List[GenericContainer[_]] = graphds
* *********************Java API**************************
final def getGraphdPortList: JList[Integer] = graphdPortList.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava
final def getMetadPortList: JList[Integer] = metadPortList.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava
final def getStoragedPortList: JList[Integer] = storagedPortList.map(Integer.valueOf).asJava
final def getMetadList: JList[GenericContainer[_]] = metadList.asJava
final def getStoragedList: JList[GenericContainer[_]] = storagedList.asJava
final def getGraphdList: JList[GenericContainer[_]] = graphdList.asJava
final def getGraphdHostList: JList[String] = graphdHostList.asJava
final def getMetadHostList: JList[String] = metadHostList.asJava
final def getStoragedHostList: JList[String] = storagedHostList.asJava
final def getAllContainers: JList[GenericContainer[_]] = allContainers.asJava
final def getGraphdUrlList: JList[String] =
final def getMetadUrlList: JList[String] =
final def getStoragedUrlList: JList[String] =
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