net.kender.MCutils.players.worlds.World Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package net.kender.MCutils.players.worlds;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.ByteTag;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.CompoundTag;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.DoubleTag;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.IntTag;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.StringTag;
import net.kender.nbt.tag.Tag;
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class World {
private Vmc compatibleVersionMinimum;
private IntTag WanderingTraderSpawnChance;
private DoubleTag BorderCenterZ;
private ByteTag Difficulty;
public Path world;
private Seed seed = null;
private CompoundTag tree;
public boolean corrupt = false;
public World(Path World){
world = World;
// Create Generic Named Tag
NamedTag levelData = new NamedTag("Test", new StringTag("This is Test"));
// create generic compound tag
CompoundTag levelDataTag = new CompoundTag();
// try catch to handle io errors
try {
// read in level.dat file (returns named tag with a blank name and a compound tag)
levelData = File(world + "/level.dat"));
System.out.println(new File(world + "/level.dat"));
//System.out.println(new File("C:/Users/krist/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/saves/redst/level.dat").exists());
// double check the tag in main tag is a compound tag (not all nbt files have a top level compound tag, and if they dont this will go very badly
if (levelData.getTag() instanceof CompoundTag) {
// cast the tag in named tag to a compound tag (if we are in the if block this should succeed)
levelDataTag = (CompoundTag) levelData.getTag();
tree = levelDataTag;
// work our way down through the tree of compound tags until we got the compound tag that holds the compound tag with settings we need
CompoundTag generatorTag = levelDataTag.getCompoundTag("Data").getCompoundTag("WorldGenSettings");
CompoundTag generatorTagVersion = levelDataTag.getCompoundTag("Data").getCompoundTag("Version");
if(generatorTag == null){
System.out.println("corrupt or not generated file");
corrupt = true;
Tag> seeds = generatorTag.get("seed");
Tag> version = generatorTagVersion.get("Name");
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
JsonNode seed = mapper.readTree(seeds.toString());
JsonNode vers = mapper.readTree(version.toString());
this.seed = new Seed(seed.get("value").asText());
this.compatibleVersionMinimum = new Manifest().getVersion(vers.get("value").asText());
} catch (IOException e) {
// prints error (i think) if a problem goes wrong with file io (i think)
public boolean isCompatible(Vmc vers){
return compatibleVersionMinimum.getID().equals(vers.getID());
public Seed getSeed(){
return this.seed;
public File getIcon(){
return new File("file:///" + world + "\\icon.png");
public String getName(){
return world.getFileName().toString();
public CompoundTag getTree(){
return tree;
public List getDataPacks(){
Path directorio = Paths.get(world + "\\datapacks");
List list = new ArrayList();
// Utiliza el objeto Files para obtener un Stream de Paths
try (DirectoryStream stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(directorio)) {
// Itera sobre los Paths e imprime sus nombres
for (Path archivo : stream) {
DataPack a = new DataPack(archivo.toFile());
} catch (Exception e) {
return list;
public Vmc getVersionMinimum(){
return compatibleVersionMinimum;
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