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io.github.lab515.qray.runtime.Remoto Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.github.lab515.qray.runtime;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
// as base, we didn't specify the remotetype, only provide a annoation tag
public abstract class Remoto implements Remotee {
public static final int C_RESULTS = 3;
// solve the ctor issue, and make sure getVar can be used as early as we can
private static ThreadLocal _q_cxt = new ThreadLocal(); // me,. bind, varMethod, that
// chekc if it's in remote mode, the lifecycle started at Remotee.execute method
public static boolean isRemoteMode(){ return _q_cxt.get() != null;}
// for any thread, getRemoto will give the current remoting object
public static Remotee getRemotee(){
Object[] cxt = _q_cxt.get();
return cxt != null ? (Remotee)cxt[0] : null;
public static Remoto getRemoto() {
Remotee remotee = getRemotee();
return remotee != null ? remotee.getStub() : null;
// get properties as object
public static T getObject(String vName) throws Exception {
Remotee rm = getRemoto();
return rm != null ? (T)rm.getStub().getBindObject(vName) : null;
// get property as string
public static String getVar(String vName) throws Exception {
Remotee rm = getRemoto();
return rm != null ? rm.getStub().getBindVar(vName) : null;
// main entry for qray
public static String execute(Object that, Object bind, String data) {
Remotee target = null;
ArrayList remotees = null;
try {
// me,. bind, var, that, as step 1.
new Object[]{
bind.getClass().getMethod("getVariable", String.class),
that}); // no getDeclaredMethod
String[] segs = unpackData(data); // pd 0: methods, 1: files, 2:
// object fields info!!!
String[] methods = segs[0].split("\n"); // awesome
LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap();
Class clz = null;
clz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass(methods[0].trim());
}catch(ClassNotFoundException e){
clz = that.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(methods[0].trim()); // this is the class
if (!Remotee.class.isAssignableFrom(clz)) return "Error: remote object must always implement Remoto interface!";
remotees = new ArrayList();
target = unpackBase(segs.length > 2 ? segs[2] : null,clz, null, null, remotees);
return target.getStub().executeInternal(that, bind, segs, methods, remotees);
} catch (Exception e) {
return "Exception during initiate remote object from remote: " + e.getClass().getCanonicalName() + "/" + e.getMessage();
if(target != null)target.getStub().uninitContext();
if(remotees != null) remotees.clear();
// NOTE: all Remotee's fields are not remotable!!!!!, starts with _q_!!
private String[] _q_data = null; // remote
private String[] _q_addFiles = null; // local, thread safe (owned by user)
private String[] _q_addClses = null; // local, owned by user
private ArrayList _q_fields = null; // local. only in packeMe unPackMe (synchronized)
//private ArrayList _q_runners = null; // remote is safe, local need sync
private String _q_provider = null; // should be safe, inited in early stage
private String _q_nonProviders = null; // same
private Object _q_binds = null;
private Method _q_getVar = null;
private Object _q_that = null;
private ArrayList _q_threads = null; // this will mark all threads who owns this Remotee
private Remotee _q_target = null;
private boolean _q_rollback = false; // added: but never used, it's more application related
//public abstract void onTestDone(Method m); // callback before each test case run
public Remoto getStub(){return this;}
//public abstract String onError(Throwable e) throws Exception;
public abstract Object onResult(Method m, Object ret, Exception e) throws Exception;
public abstract void onTestRun(Method m) throws Exception;
public abstract void onRemoting(Method[] ms) throws Exception;
public abstract void onRemoted(Method[] ms) throws Exception;
public abstract void onReturning(Method[] ms) throws Exception;
public abstract void onArrived(Method[] ms) throws Exception;
public abstract Object getDryReturn(Method method); // this is for the dryrun return results
public abstract String getConfig(String name);
// object de-serialization/serialization
public abstract T unpack(String packedData, Class optionalClazz) throws Exception;
public abstract String pack(Object t)throws Exception;
// dryrun return object if necessary
public abstract String getOutput() throws Exception;
public abstract String zip(String data) throws Exception;
public abstract String zip2(byte[] data) throws Exception;
public abstract String unzip(String data) throws Exception;
public abstract void output(String info);
public String getProvider(){
return _q_provider;
public boolean isRollback(){
return _q_rollback;
public synchronized void initContext(){
Object[] cxt = _q_cxt.get();
if((_q_getVar != null) == (cxt != null))return;
Remotee rmt = null;
if(_q_getVar == null) {
_q_binds = cxt[1];
_q_getVar = (Method) cxt[2];
if(cxt[0] == null)cxt[0] = _q_target;
else rmt = (Remotee)cxt[0];
String p = null;
p = (String)_q_getVar.invoke(_q_binds,"_provider");
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} // normally it won't be a issue
if (p != null) p = p.trim();
if (p == null || p.length() < 1) p = null; // hard set
_q_provider = p;
try {
p = (String) _q_getVar.invoke(_q_binds, "_nonProviders"); // hard set
}catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
if (p != null && (p = p.trim()).length() < 1) p = null;
else p = "," + p + ",";
_q_nonProviders = p;
p = (String)_q_getVar.invoke(_q_binds,"_rollback");
}catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();} // normally it won't be a issue
if (p != null && p.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("true"))_q_rollback = true;
_q_that = cxt[3];
new Object[]{
_q_that}); // no getDeclaredMethod
if(rmt == null)rmt = _q_target;
if(rmt.getStub()._q_threads == null)rmt.getStub()._q_threads = new ArrayList();
if(rmt.getStub()._q_threads.indexOf(Thread.currentThread()) < 0)rmt.getStub()._q_threads.add(Thread.currentThread());
private void uninitContext(){
// we need to get the current threads, for each threads
Object[] cxt = _q_cxt.get();
if(cxt != null) {
for(int i =0; i < cxt.length;i++)cxt[0] = null;
_q_cxt.remove(); // remove the refer
// loop through all the threads
if(_q_threads == null || _q_threads.size() < 1)return;
try {
Field f = Thread.class.getDeclaredField("threadLocals");
Method m = null;
for (Thread t : _q_threads) {
if (t == null) continue;
Object map = f.get(t);
if (map == null) continue;
if (m == null){
m = map.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("remove", ThreadLocal.class);
cxt = (Object[]) m.invoke(map, _q_cxt);
if (cxt != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < cxt.length; i++) cxt[0] = null;
cxt = null;
}catch (Exception e){
_q_threads = null;
boolean canPack(Class cz, Remotable fieldAnno, boolean paraMode){
if(fieldAnno != null)return fieldAnno.type() == Remotype.UNDEFINED || fieldAnno.type() == Remotype.REMOTE; // SKIP, LOCAL
return paraMode ? canPack(cz.getComponentType(),null,true) : false;
if(cz.isPrimitive() || Remotee.class.isAssignableFrom(cz))return true;
String c = cz.getCanonicalName();
if(c.startsWith("java.lang.") && ".Integer.Double.Long.Float.String.Boolean.Short.Character.Byte.".indexOf(c.substring(9) + ".") >= 0)return true;
fieldAnno = (Remotable)cz.getAnnotation(Remotable.class);
if(fieldAnno == null)return false;
return fieldAnno.type() == Remotype.REMOTE || fieldAnno.type() == Remotype.UNDEFINED;
int hasPacked(Remotee that, ArrayList remotees) throws Exception{
int ret = remotees.indexOf(that);
if(remotees.size() < 1 && that != _q_target) throw new Exception("packing object first one must be Remotee object itself!");
if(ret < 0) remotees.add(that);
return ret;
synchronized String packMe(boolean staticOnly, boolean pack, ArrayList remotees) throws Exception{
int has = hasPacked(_q_target, remotees);
if(!pack)return null;
if(has >= 0)return "#" + has; // a ref no
if(_q_fields == null) {
_q_fields = new ArrayList();
Class cc = _q_target.getClass();
HashSet checker = new HashSet();
while (cc != null && cc != Remotee.class && cc != Remoto.class) {
for (Field fld : cc.getDeclaredFields()) {
if (Modifier.isFinal(fld.getModifiers()))
continue; // final is not easy to set, and we don't support
// no package
if (!canPack(fld.getType(), fld.getAnnotation(Remotable.class), false)) continue;
if (checker.contains(fld.getName())) continue; // child > parent
cc = cc.getSuperclass();
if(_q_fields.size() < 1)return null;
ArrayList ret = new ArrayList();
//String[] ret = new String[_q_fields.size() * 2];
for(int i =0; i < _q_fields.size();i++){
Field f = _q_fields.get(i);
if(!Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) && staticOnly)continue;
ret.add(f.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "." + f.getName());
// find the object
Object t = f.get(Modifier.isStatic(f.getModifiers()) ? null : _q_target);
if(t == null)ret.add(null);
else if(t instanceof Remotee)ret.add(((Remotee)t).getStub().packMe(false, true, remotees));
else ret.add(pack(t));
if(ret.size() < 1)return null;
String[] rr = new String[ret.size()];
return "#" + _q_target.getClass().getName() + "#" + packData(rr);
// remote only, thread safe
static Remotee unpackBase(String packedMe, Class clz, Remoto packer, Remotee target, ArrayList remotees) throws Exception{
String rc = null;
if(packedMe != null && packedMe.length() > 0){
if(!packedMe.startsWith("#"))throw new Exception("invalid RunBase package, should starts with #clazz#data, or #index");
int p = packedMe.indexOf('#',1);
if(p < 0){
return remotees.get(Integer.parseInt(packedMe.substring(1)));
rc = packedMe.substring(1,p);
packedMe = packedMe.substring(p+1);
if(target == null){
if(rc != null && !clz.getName().equals(rc)){
clz = clz.getClassLoader().loadClass(rc);
Constructor ctor = clz.getConstructor();
target = (Remotee) ctor.newInstance();
target.getStub()._q_target = target;
if(target == null)throw new Exception("failed initiate Remotee Object: " + clz.getCanonicalName());
if(packer == null)packer = target.getStub();
packer.hasPacked(target, remotees);
// first of all, let's pack it
target.getStub().unpackMe(packedMe, remotees);
return target;
synchronized void unpackMe(String packedData,ArrayList remotees) throws Exception{
if(_q_fields == null) _q_fields = new ArrayList();
if (packedData == null || packedData.length() < 1)return;
String[] arr = unpackData(packedData);
if(arr.length > 1 && _q_fields.size() == 0){
// initiate the stuff
Class m = _q_target.getClass();
for(int i = 0; i remotees) {
initContext(); // just in case, actually it's already called in ctor
// // pd 0: methods, 1: files, 2: object fields info!!!
// set the transferred files
_q_data = unpackData(segs[1]);
LinkedHashMap map = new LinkedHashMap();
Class cclz = _q_target.getClass();
LinkedList clses = new LinkedList();
//Method errorHandler = null;
while (cclz != null && cclz != Remotee.class && cclz != Remoto.class && cclz != Object.class) {
// FIX for ADF, this is a hard coded stuff
// QInvoker regression, add a special logic to check Remotable annoation
//if(cclz.getName().indexOf(".saf.") < 0) {
for (Method m : cclz.getDeclaredMethods()) {
map.put(m.toGenericString(), m);
//if (m.getName().equals("onError") && Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) && !Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) && m.getReturnType() != null && m.getReturnType().equals(String.class)) {
// Class[] ss = m.getParameterTypes();
// if (ss != null && ss.length == 1 && ss[0].equals(Throwable.class)) {
// errorHandler = m;
// }
}catch(Throwable t){}
cclz = cclz.getSuperclass();
// set object attrs
//unpackMe(segs.length > 2 ? segs[2] : null);
// put order
ArrayList finalList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList finalPs = new ArrayList();
int testMethod = -1;
for (int i = 1; i < methods.length; i++) {
String m = methods[i].trim();
if (m.length() < 1)
if (m.startsWith("#")) {
testMethod = finalList.size();
m = m.substring(1);
// add: final change: add parameters
int p = m.indexOf('@');
String ps = null;
if(p > 0){
ps = m.substring(p+1).trim();
m = m.substring(0,p).trim(); // the real method
if (map.containsKey(m)){
}else {
return "method: " + m + " is not defined in class: " + methods[0];
if (finalList.size() < 1 || testMethod < 0)
return "there is no test method defined in method list";
// ok, we need to execute method based on the order, and catch exception
// as needed
boolean stop = false;
Method[] mtds = new Method[finalList.size()];
String[] result = new String[mtds.length * C_RESULTS + 1]; // exception,
// log, added:
// return object
// the last one
// will be the
// object
// attributes
Object[] rets = new Object[mtds.length];
}catch(Exception e){
// we do nothing, but just print
for (int i = 0; i < mtds.length; i++) {
if (i <= testMethod && stop) {
Method m = mtds[i];
try {
// do the parameters
String ps = finalPs.get(i);
Object [] ops = null;
Class[] tps = m.getParameterTypes();
if(ps != null && ps.length() > 0){
String[] pss = unpackData(unzip(finalPs.get(i)));
ops = new Object[pss.length];
if(ops.length == tps.length){
for(int p =0; p < ops.length; p++){
if(Remotee.class.isAssignableFrom(tps[p]) ||
(tps[p] == Object.class && pss[p] != null && pss[p].startsWith("#")))ops[p] = unpackBase(pss[p],tps[p],this, null, remotees);
else if(pss[p] != null)ops[p] = unpack(pss[p], tps[p]);
if((tps != null ? tps.length : 0) == (ops != null ? ops.length : 0)){
Object ret = m.invoke(Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) ? null : _q_target,ops);
if(m.getReturnType() != Void.class && ret != null){
// serailzie it
rets[i] = ret;
//result[i * C_RESULTS + 2] = pack(ret);
result[i * C_RESULTS] = "invalid parameters number to call!";
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (e.getCause() != null)
e = e.getCause();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = null;
PrintStream ps = null;
try {
//if (errorHandler != null)
result[i * C_RESULTS] = pack(e);
//+ errorHandler.invoke(Modifier.isStatic(errorHandler.getModifiers()) ? null : _q_target, e);
} catch (Exception e2) {
baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ps = new PrintStream(baos);
result[i * C_RESULTS] = baos.toString("utf-8");
//result[i * C_RESULTS] = "handling exception: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + e.getMessage() + " failed: " + e2.getClass().getSimpleName() + ":" + e2.getMessage();
} finally {
try {
if (ps != null)ps.close();
} catch (Exception ee) {}
try {
if (baos != null)baos.close();
} catch (Exception ee) {}
if (result[i * C_RESULTS] == null || result[i * C_RESULTS].length() < 1)
result[i * C_RESULTS] = "unknown exception";
stop = true;
// add: also we handle the log info
String log = getOutput();
if (log == null)log = "";
result[i * C_RESULTS + 1] = log;
}catch(Exception e){
// we do nothing, but just print
//clean up!!
// step1, pack me
result[result.length - 1] = packMe(false,true, remotees);
// pack all rest stuff
for(int i =0; i < rets.length;i++){
if(rets[i] != null && result[i * C_RESULTS] == null){ // no exception
result[i * C_RESULTS + 2] = (rets[i] instanceof Remotee) ? ((Remotee)rets[i]).getStub().packMe(false, true, remotees) : pack(rets[i]);
return "#" + zip(packData(result));
}catch(Exception e){
return "unexpected runtime error: " + e.getMessage() + (e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause().getMessage() : "");
* Simple format of data packing
* @param arr
* array of string
* @return string
static String packData(String[] arr) {
return packData(arr, -1);
* Simple format of data packing
* @param arr
* array of string
* @param max
* the max items to pack
* @return string
static String packData(String[] arr, int max) {
if (arr == null || arr.length < 1) {
return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length && (max < 1 || i < max); i++) {
if (arr[i] == null) {
} else {
String s = sb.toString();
return s;
static String[] unpackData(String value) {
if (value == null || value.length() < 1) {
return null;
int len = value.length();
if (len < 2) {
return null;
int pos = 0;
List ret = new ArrayList();
int segLen = 0;
int startPos = 0;
while (pos < len - 1) {
// try to get the next index
segLen = value.indexOf(":", pos);
if (segLen <= pos) {
startPos = segLen + 1;
segLen = Integer.parseInt(value.substring(pos, segLen));
if (segLen >= 0 && startPos + segLen <= len) {
ret.add(value.substring(startPos, startPos + segLen));
pos = startPos + segLen;
} else if (segLen == -1) {
pos = startPos;
} else {
if (pos != len || ret.size() < 1) {
return null;
String[] rets = new String[ret.size()];
return rets;
protected T getBindObject(String vName) throws Exception {
if(vName == null || vName.length() < 1)return (T)null;
if (_q_getVar == null)
throw new Exception("bind properties not initiated, contact amdin!");
T ret = null;
if(_q_provider != null &&
!(vName.equals("_provider") || vName.equals("_nonProviders"))){
if(_q_nonProviders == null || _q_nonProviders.indexOf( "," + vName + ",") < 0){
ret = (T)_q_getVar.invoke(_q_binds, _q_provider + "." + vName);
if(ret != null)return ret;
return (T) _q_getVar.invoke(_q_binds, vName);
protected String getBindVar(String vName) throws Exception {
// there are certain keys
Object t = getBindObject(vName);
if (t instanceof String)
return (String) t;
return t != null ? t.toString() : null;
public String readFileEncoded(String name) throws Exception {
if (name == null || name.length() < 1)
return null;
if (_q_data == null)
throw new Exception("no files transfered to server, please use anno Remotable(resources=)!");
String hit = null;
String hitName = null;
for (int i = 0; i < _q_data.length - 1; i += 2) {
if(_q_data[i] == null || _q_data[i].length() < 1)continue;
if (hit == null && _q_data[i].equals(name)) {
hit = _q_data[i + 1];
hitName = _q_data[i];
} else if (hit == null && _q_data[i].indexOf(name) >= 0) {
hit = _q_data[i + 1];
hitName = _q_data[i];
if(hitName == null)throw new Exception("file " + name + " is not present, please include it in Remotable resources");
else if(hit == null){
throw new Exception(
(hitName.equals(name) ?
"file " + name : "file " + name +"'s matcher " + hitName) + " is not transfered, please check your local data folder for existence!");
// return hit.length() > 0 ?
// ExUtils.inflateDataBlock(QRUtils.decodeBase64(hit)) : new byte[0];
return hit;
public void setExtraDataRetention(String[] fileNames){
_q_addFiles = fileNames;
public void setExtraDependentClasses(String[] clses){
_q_addClses = clses;
public String[] getExtraDataRetention(){
return _q_addFiles;
public String[] getExtraDependentClasses(){
return _q_addClses;