Maven / Gradle / Ivy
Copyright (c) 2013 eBay, Inc.
This program is licensed under the terms of the eBay Common Development and
Distribution License (CDDL) Version 1.0 (the "License") and any subsequent version
thereof released by eBay. The then-current version of the License can be found
at and in the eBaySDKLicense file that
is under the eBay SDK ../docs directory.
import com.ebay.sdk.*;
import com.ebay.soap.eBLBaseComponents.*;
* Wrapper class of the GetSellerDashboard call of eBay SOAP API.
* Title: SOAP API wrapper library.
* Description: Contains wrapper classes for eBay SOAP APIs.
* Copyright: Copyright (c) 2009
* Company: eBay Inc.
Output property: ReturnedSearchStanding
- Provides information about the visibility level you have earned for your
* listings. The higher your search standing rating, the higher your items
* will be placed in search results sorted by Best Match. Because your search
* standing rating is directly tied to your customer service record, this
* rating is an important way that eBay rewards you as a good seller--it
* encourages you to give buyers the best possible shopping experience.
* This field is returned only for the following sites.
* Site Id
* AU 15
* BEFR 23
* BENL 123
* CA 2
* ES 186
* FR 71
* IN 203
* IT 101
* MOTORS 100
* NL 146
* PL 212
Output property: ReturnedSellerFeeDiscount
- This container provides the percentage discount that the seller is eligible to receive on the Final Value Fee for each order line item. Top-Rated Sellers may be eligible for Final Value Fee discounts if their listings meet all requirements for the discount.
Output property: ReturnedPowerSellerStatus
- This container provides the seller's PowerSeller status, as well as any informational alerts related to the seller's PowerSeller status. If the seller has not achieved Power Seller status, a value of None
will be returned in the PowerSellerStatus.Level field. A PowerSellerStatus.Alert container will only be returned if there is an alert/message related to the seller's PowerSeller status.
* For eBay Germany and France, you must be a registered business seller to
* see your Power Seller status.
Output property: ReturnedPolicyCompliance
- This container is no longer returned in GetSellerDashboard.
Output property: ReturnedBuyerSatisfaction
- This container provides the seller's Buyer Satisfaction status, as well as any informational alerts related to the seller's Buyer Satisfaction status. A BuyerSatisfaction.Alert container will only be returned if there is an alert/message related to the seller's Buyer Satisfaction status.
* This field is not returned for all sites.
Output property: ReturnedSellerAccount
- This container provides the seller's account status, as well as any informational alerts related to the seller's account status. A seller's account status can either be 'current' (all selling fees paid), 'past due' (seller is late paying selling fees), or 'on hold' (seller will be blocked from listing and is in danger of being suspended until selling fees are brought current). A SellerAccount.Alert container will only be returned if there is an alert/message related to the seller's account status.
Output property: ReturnedPerformance
- This container provides the seller's performance level, as well as any informational alerts related to the seller's performance level. A Performance.Alert container will only be returned if there is an alert/message related to the seller's performance level.
* @author Ron Murphy
* @version 1.0
public class GetSellerDashboardCall extends com.ebay.sdk.ApiCall
private SearchStandingDashboardType returnedSearchStanding=null;
private SellerFeeDiscountDashboardType returnedSellerFeeDiscount=null;
private PowerSellerDashboardType returnedPowerSellerStatus=null;
private PolicyComplianceDashboardType returnedPolicyCompliance=null;
private BuyerSatisfactionDashboardType returnedBuyerSatisfaction=null;
private SellerAccountDashboardType returnedSellerAccount=null;
private PerformanceDashboardType[] returnedPerformance=null;
* Constructor.
public GetSellerDashboardCall() {
* Constructor.
* @param apiContext The ApiContext object to be used to make the call.
public GetSellerDashboardCall(ApiContext apiContext) {
* The base request type for the GetSellerDashboard call. This call retrieves seller performance data, including seller standards level, Power Seller status, Buyer Satisfaction status, eBay Search standing, and any seller fee discounts.
* @throws ApiException
* @throws SdkException
* @throws Exception
* @return The SearchStandingDashboardType object.
public SearchStandingDashboardType getSellerDashboard()
throws com.ebay.sdk.ApiException, com.ebay.sdk.SdkException, java.lang.Exception
GetSellerDashboardRequestType req;
req = new GetSellerDashboardRequestType();
GetSellerDashboardResponseType resp = (GetSellerDashboardResponseType) execute(req);
this.returnedSearchStanding = resp.getSearchStanding();
this.returnedSellerFeeDiscount = resp.getSellerFeeDiscount();
this.returnedPowerSellerStatus = resp.getPowerSellerStatus();
this.returnedPolicyCompliance = resp.getPolicyCompliance();
this.returnedBuyerSatisfaction = resp.getBuyerSatisfaction();
this.returnedSellerAccount = resp.getSellerAccount();
this.returnedPerformance = resp.getPerformance();
return this.getReturnedSearchStanding();
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedBuyerSatisfaction.
* @return BuyerSatisfactionDashboardType
public BuyerSatisfactionDashboardType getReturnedBuyerSatisfaction()
return this.returnedBuyerSatisfaction;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedPerformance.
* @return PerformanceDashboardType[]
public PerformanceDashboardType[] getReturnedPerformance()
return this.returnedPerformance;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedPolicyCompliance.
* @return PolicyComplianceDashboardType
public PolicyComplianceDashboardType getReturnedPolicyCompliance()
return this.returnedPolicyCompliance;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedPowerSellerStatus.
* @return PowerSellerDashboardType
public PowerSellerDashboardType getReturnedPowerSellerStatus()
return this.returnedPowerSellerStatus;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedSearchStanding.
* @return SearchStandingDashboardType
public SearchStandingDashboardType getReturnedSearchStanding()
return this.returnedSearchStanding;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedSellerAccount.
* @return SellerAccountDashboardType
public SellerAccountDashboardType getReturnedSellerAccount()
return this.returnedSellerAccount;
* Valid after executing the API.
* Gets the returned GetSellerDashboardResponseType.returnedSellerFeeDiscount.
* @return SellerFeeDiscountDashboardType
public SellerFeeDiscountDashboardType getReturnedSellerFeeDiscount()
return this.returnedSellerFeeDiscount;