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 * (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020, 2022
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;

import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.CE;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.CWE;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.DT;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.DTM;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.PPN;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.TS;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.datatype.XCN;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.v26.segment.OBX;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HL7Exception;
import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Varies;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.BooleanUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.math.NumberUtils;
import org.hl7.fhir.dstu3.model.codesystems.MedicationRequestCategory;
import org.hl7.fhir.exceptions.FHIRException;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.AllergyIntolerance.AllergyIntoleranceCategory;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.AllergyIntolerance.AllergyIntoleranceCriticality;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.DiagnosticReport.DiagnosticReportStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Enumerations.AdministrativeGender;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.MedicationRequest;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Observation.ObservationStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.ServiceRequest.ServiceRequestStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.Specimen.SpecimenStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.V3ActCode;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.V3MaritalStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.ConditionCategory;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.MessageReasonEncounter;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.NameUse;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.SubscriberRelationship;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.V3ReligiousAffiliation;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.V3RoleCode;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.DiagnosisRole;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.ConditionClinical;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.ConditionVerStatus;
import org.hl7.fhir.r4.model.codesystems.CompositionStatus;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import io.github.linuxforhealth.api.ResourceValue;
import io.github.linuxforhealth.core.terminology.Hl7v2Mapping;
import io.github.linuxforhealth.core.terminology.SimpleCode;
import io.github.linuxforhealth.core.terminology.TerminologyLookup;
import io.github.linuxforhealth.core.terminology.UrlLookup;

public class SimpleDataValueResolver {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleDataValueResolver.class);
    private static final String INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_FULL = "Invalid input: code '%s' could not be mapped to values in system '%s' with original display '%s' and version '%s'.";
    private static final String INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_SHORT = "Invalid input: code '%s' could not be mapped to values in system '%s'.";

    public static final ValueExtractor DATE = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (val != null) {
            return DateUtil.formatToDate(val);
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor STRING = (Object value) -> {
        return Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);

    public static final ValueExtractor STRING_ALL = (Object value) -> {
        return Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value, true);

    public static final ValueExtractor VALID_ID = (Object value) -> {
        String strValue = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (strValue != null) {
            strValue = strValue.toLowerCase();
            return strValue.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9.]", "-");
        return null;

    // Clean up of SSN currently removes any dashes.
    public static final ValueExtractor CLEAN_SSN = (Object value) -> {
        String strValue = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (strValue != null) {
            return strValue.replaceAll("\\-", "");
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor URI_VAL = (Object value) -> {
        try {
            String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
            if (val != null && isValidUUID(val)) {
                return new URI("urn", "uuid", val);
            } else {
                return null;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | URISyntaxException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Value not valid URI, value: {}", value);
            return null;

    // Creates a display name; currently only handles XCN and PPN as input
    public static final ValueExtractor PERSON_DISPLAY_NAME = (Object value) -> {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        String valprefix = null;
        String valfirst = null;
        String valmiddle = null;
        String valfamily = null;
        String valsuffix = null;

        if (value instanceof XCN) {
            XCN xcn = (XCN) value;
            valprefix = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(xcn.getPrefixEgDR());
            valfirst = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(xcn.getGivenName());
            valmiddle = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(xcn.getSecondAndFurtherGivenNamesOrInitialsThereof());
            valfamily = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(xcn.getFamilyName());
            valsuffix = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(xcn.getSuffixEgJRorIII());

        } else if (value instanceof PPN) {
            PPN ppn = (PPN) value;
            valprefix = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(ppn.getPrefixEgDR());
            valfirst = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(ppn.getGivenName());
            valmiddle = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(ppn.getSecondAndFurtherGivenNamesOrInitialsThereof());
            valfamily = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(ppn.getFamilyName());
            valsuffix = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(ppn.getSuffixEgJRorIII());

        if (valprefix != null) {
            sb.append(valprefix).append(" ");
        if (valfirst != null) {
            sb.append(valfirst).append(" ");
        if (valmiddle != null) {
            sb.append(valmiddle).append(" ");
        if (valfamily != null) {
            sb.append(valfamily).append(" ");
        if (valsuffix != null) {
            sb.append(valsuffix).append(" ");
        String name = sb.toString();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(name)) {
            return name.trim();
        } else
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor ADMINISTRATIVE_GENDER_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, AdministrativeGender.class);
        if (code != null) {
            return code;
        } else if (val == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return AdministrativeGender.UNKNOWN.toCode();

    public static final ValueExtractor MEDREQ_STATUS_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, MedicationRequest.MedicationRequestStatus.class);
        if (code != null) {
            return code;
        return "unknown"; // when the HL7 status codes get mapped in v2toFhirMapping, we will return code. "unknown" is being returned because the hl7 message is not mapped to fhir yet.

    public static final ValueExtractor MEDREQ_CATEGORY_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, MedicationRequestCategory.class);
        if (code != null) {
            MedicationRequestCategory category = MedicationRequestCategory.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, "",
                    category.getDisplay()); // category.getSystem() returns which is invalid so we hardcode the system with the proper url
        } else
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor OBSERVATION_STATUS_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, ObservationStatus.class);

    // Handlers for searching siblings.
    public static final ValueExtractor FIND_EDUCATION_REFERENCE_TEXT = (Object value) -> {
        return getSelectedSiblingObservationTEXTfromObxGroup(value, "30956-7");

    public static final ValueExtractor FIND_EDUCATION_DOCUMENT_TYPE_TEXT = (Object value) -> {
        return getSelectedSiblingObservationTEXTfromObxGroup(value, "69764-9");

    public static final ValueExtractor FIND_EDUCATION_PUBLICATION_DATE = (Object value) -> {
        return getSelectedSiblingObservationDATEfromObxGroup(value, "29768-9");

    public static final ValueExtractor FIND_EDUCATION_PRESENTATION_DATE = (Object value) -> {
        return getSelectedSiblingObservationDATEfromObxGroup(value, "29769-7");

    // Typed handler for CE & CWE return values from siblings
    private static final String getSelectedSiblingObservationTEXTfromObxGroup(Object valueObx, String siblingCode) {
        Object obj = getSelectedSiblingObservationVALUEfromObxGroup(valueObx, siblingCode);
        // If we got an object, tease out the text value
        if (obj != null) {
            String returnVal = null;
            if (obj instanceof CE) {
                returnVal = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(((CE) obj).getText());
            if (obj instanceof CWE) {
                returnVal = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(((CWE) obj).getText());
            // If there was no text value in the object, or the object was not an expected type default to "unspecified"
            return returnVal != null ? returnVal : "unspecified";
        // If no object was found, return null 
        return null;

    // Typed handler for DT & TS return values from siblings
    private static final String getSelectedSiblingObservationDATEfromObxGroup(Object valueObx, String siblingCode) {
        Object obj = getSelectedSiblingObservationVALUEfromObxGroup(valueObx, siblingCode);
        if (obj instanceof DT) {
            return DateUtil.formatToDate(((DT)obj).getValue());
        if (obj instanceof TS) {
            return DateUtil.formatToDate(((TS)obj).getTime().toString());
        if (obj instanceof DTM) {
            String dateString = ((DTM)obj).getValue();
            // DTMs potentially have more information than we need.  Truncate after day, or return null.
            return dateString.length() > 7 ? DateUtil.formatToDate(dateString.substring(0,8)) : null;
        return null;

    // Common handler for searching siblings.  Used for immunization records where the 
    // immunization, the publication, and presentation are in different sibling OBX's grouped together by OBX.4.
    // This special purpose routine finds the grandparent object, so we can search the correct sibling objects,
    // which prevents search overreach and datableed.
    // The return value is an unformatted object. It is up to the caller to check type and extract content to string.
    private static final Object getSelectedSiblingObservationVALUEfromObxGroup(Object valueObx, String siblingCode) {
        if (valueObx instanceof OBX) {
            try {
                OBX obx = (OBX) valueObx;
                // Get the group number from OBX.4
                String obx4GroupNum = obx.getObx4_ObservationSubID().getValueOrEmpty();
                // OBX is contained in an OBSERVATION. Get the OBSERVATION by requesting the parent.  
                VXU_V04_OBSERVATION containingObservation = (VXU_V04_OBSERVATION) obx.getParent();
                // The parent of the OBSERVATION is a VXU_V04_ORDER
                VXU_V04_ORDER containingOrder = (VXU_V04_ORDER) containingObservation.getParent();
                // Get the repeating 'sibling' OBSERVATION objects
                List observations = containingOrder.getOBSERVATIONAll();
                for (VXU_V04_OBSERVATION obsIter : observations) {
                    // For each OBSERVATION, get the OBX
                    OBX obsIterObx = obsIter.getOBX();
                    // If OBX.4 is the same group AND OBX.3.1 matches the siblingCode we want 
                    if (obx4GroupNum.equals(obsIterObx.getObx4_ObservationSubID().getValueOrEmpty()) &&
                                    .equals(siblingCode)) {
                        if (obsIterObx.getObservationValueReps() > 0) {
                            return obsIterObx.getObservationValue(0).getData();
                        return null;
            } catch (HL7Exception e) {
                return null; // If something fails
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor OBSERVATION_STATUS_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, ObservationStatus.class);
        if (code != null) {
            ObservationStatus status = ObservationStatus.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, status.getSystem(), status.getDisplay());
        } else {
            // If code is null, it means the code wasn't known in our table, and can't be looked up.
            // Make a message in the display.
            String theSystem = ObservationStatus.REGISTERED.getSystem();
            return new SimpleCode(null, theSystem, String.format(INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_SHORT, val, theSystem));

    public static final ValueExtractor SERVICE_REQUEST_STATUS = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, ServiceRequestStatus.class);

    public static final ValueExtractor CONDITION_CATEGORY_CODES = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (val != null) {
            ConditionCategory status = ConditionCategory.fromCode(val);
            return new SimpleCode(val, status.getSystem(), status.getDisplay());
        } else {
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor RELIGIOUS_AFFILIATION_FHIR_CC = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, V3ReligiousAffiliation.class);
        String text = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getOriginalDisplayText(value);
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);

        if (code != null) {
            V3ReligiousAffiliation status = V3ReligiousAffiliation.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, status.getSystem(), status.getDisplay());
        } else {
            // // If code is null, it means the code wasn't known in our table, and can't be looked up.
            // // Make a message in the display.
            String religionSystem = V3ReligiousAffiliation._1028.getSystem();
            return new SimpleCode(null, religionSystem,
                    String.format(INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_FULL, val, religionSystem, text, version));

    // Diagnosis Use needs special handling because the three input codes, A, F, and W
    // need different systems because FHIR has a system for A, but not F and W.
    // We check the value and based on the value, do the lookup in the right system.
    // Note: values that come in know the table based on the field position.
    public static final ValueExtractor DIAGNOSIS_USE = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (val != null && (val.equals("F") || val.equals("W"))) {
            // Process as table v2-0052
            String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getTableNumber(value);
            if (table != null && val != null) {
                // Found table and a code. Try looking it up.
                SimpleCode coding = TerminologyLookup.lookup(table, val);
                // A non-null, non-empty value in display means a good code from lookup.
                if (coding != null && coding.getDisplay() != null && !coding.getDisplay().isEmpty()) {
                    return coding;
                // Without a good table lookup, falls through to simple code handling below
        // Otherwise process as a DiagnosisRole mapping (handles unknown codes)
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, DiagnosisRole.class);
        if (code != null) {
            DiagnosisRole use = DiagnosisRole.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, use.getSystem(), use.getDisplay());
        } else {
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null);

    public static final ValueExtractor CONDITION_CLINICAL_STATUS_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);

        //Test to see if val is a valid code.
        ConditionClinical use = null;
        try {
            use = ConditionClinical.fromCode(val);
  "Found ConditionClinical code for '{}'.", val);
        } catch (FHIRException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not find ConditionClinical code for '{}'.", val);

        if (use != null) { // if it is then setup the simple code
            return new SimpleCode(val, use.getSystem(), use.getDisplay());
        } else { // otherwise we don't want the code at all
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor CONDITION_VERIFICATION_STATUS_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);

        //Test to see if val is a valid code.
        ConditionVerStatus use = null;
        try {
            use = ConditionVerStatus.fromCode(val);
  "Found ConditionVerStatus code for '{}'.", val);
        } catch (FHIRException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not find ConditionVerStatus code for '{}'.", val);
        if (use != null) { // if it is then setup the simple code
            return new SimpleCode(val, use.getSystem(), use.getDisplay());
        } else { // otherwise we don't want the code at all
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor ACT_ENCOUNTER_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, V3ActCode.class);
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            V3ActCode act = V3ActCode.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, act.getSystem(), act.getDisplay(), version);
        } else if (val != null) { // if code does not map but is present, use the "val" as the code
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null);
        } else
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor SPECIMEN_STATUS_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, SpecimenStatus.class);

    public static final ValueExtractor DOC_REF_DOC_STATUS_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, CompositionStatus.class);

    public static final ValueExtractor NAME_USE_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, NameUse.class);

    public static final ValueExtractor ENCOUNTER_MODE_ARRIVAL_DISPLAY = (Object value) -> {
        return getFHIRCode(Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value), "EncounterModeOfArrivalDisplay");

    // Relationships are coded, mapped, and recoded in two different DIRECTIONS.  
    // See detailed notes in v2ToFhirMapping maps of V3RoleCode and SubscriberRelationship

    // Maps from IN1.17 to
    // Used for Coverage.relationship
    public static final ValueExtractor POLICYHOLDER_RELATIONSHIP_IN117 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, "PolicyholderRelationshipIN117");
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            V3RoleCode relationship = V3RoleCode.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, relationship.getSystem(), relationship.getDisplay(), version);
        } else {
            // If code is not found in our mapping, return the code itself with no system or display. 
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null, null);

    // Maps from IN2.72 to
    // Used for Coverage.relationship
    public static final ValueExtractor POLICYHOLDER_RELATIONSHIP_IN272 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, "PolicyholderRelationshipIN272");
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            V3RoleCode relationship = V3RoleCode.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, relationship.getSystem(), relationship.getDisplay(), version);
        } else {
            // If code is not found in our mapping, return the code itself with no system or display. 
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null, null);

    // Maps from IN1.17 to
    // Used for RelatedPerson.relationship.
    public static final ValueExtractor SUBSCRIBER_RELATIONSHIP_IN117 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, "SubscriberRelationshipIN117");
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            SubscriberRelationship relationship = SubscriberRelationship.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, relationship.getSystem(), relationship.getDisplay(), version);
        } else {
            // If code is not found in our mapping, return the code itself with no system or display. 
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null, null);

    // Maps from IN2.72 to
    // Used for RelatedPerson.relationship.
    public static final ValueExtractor SUBSCRIBER_RELATIONSHIP_IN272 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, "SubscriberRelationshipIN272");
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            SubscriberRelationship relationship = SubscriberRelationship.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, relationship.getSystem(), relationship.getDisplay(), version);
        } else {
            // If code is not found in our mapping, return the code itself with no system or display. 
            return new SimpleCode(val, null, null, null);

    // Maps from IN1.17 or IN2.72 to a boolean string TRUE if RelatedPerson should be created
    public static final ValueExtractor RELATED_PERSON_NEEDED_IN117 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, "RelatedPersonNeededIN117");

    // Maps from IN1.17 or IN2.72 to a boolean string TRUE if RelatedPerson should be created
    public static final ValueExtractor RELATED_PERSON_NEEDED_IN272 = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, "RelatedPersonNeededIN272");

    public static final ValueExtractor MARITAL_STATUS = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String text = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getOriginalDisplayText(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, V3MaritalStatus.class);
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        if (code != null) {
            V3MaritalStatus mar = V3MaritalStatus.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, mar.getSystem(), mar.getDisplay(), version);
        } else {
            // If code is null, it means the code wasn't known in our table, and can't be looked up.
            // Make a message in the display.
            String theSystem = V3MaritalStatus.M.getSystem();
            return new SimpleCode(null, theSystem,
                    String.format(INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_FULL, val, theSystem, text, version));

    public static final ValueExtractor BOOLEAN = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (null == val) {
            return false;
        return BooleanUtils.toBoolean(val);


    public static final ValueExtractor INTEGER = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (null == val) {
            return null;
        if (NumberUtils.isCreatable(val)) {
            return NumberUtils.createInteger(val);
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("Value {} for INTEGER is not a valid number so returning null.", value);
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor FLOAT = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (null == val) {
            return null;
        if (NumberUtils.isCreatable(val)) {
            return NumberUtils.createFloat(val);
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("Value {} for DECIMAL is not a valid number so returning null.", value);
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor UUID_VAL = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getUUID(val);

    public static final ValueExtractor BASE64_BINARY = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(val.getBytes());

    public static final ValueExtractor OBJECT = (Object value) -> {
        return value;

    // Special case of a SYSTEM V2.  Identifiers allow unknown codes.
    // When an unknown code is detected, return a null so that the text is displayed instead.
    // Only a known code returns a coding.
    public static final ValueExtractor CODING_SYSTEM_V2_IDENTIFIER = (Object value) -> {
        value = checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(value);
        String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getTableNumber(value);
        String code = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (table != null && code != null) {
            // Found table and a code. Try looking it up.
            SimpleCode coding = TerminologyLookup.lookup(table, code);
            // A non-null, non-empty value in display means a good code from lookup.
            if (coding != null && coding.getDisplay() != null && !coding.getDisplay().isEmpty()) {
                return coding;
        // All other situations return null.  
        return null;

    // Special case of a SYSTEM V2.  User-defined tables IS allow unknown codes.
    // When an unknown code is detected, return a coding with the code but no system, 
    // so the code is retained. Only a known code returns a system.
    // Compare function CODING_SYSTEM_V2_IDENTIFIER for slightly different behavior 
    public static final ValueExtractor CODING_SYSTEM_V2_IS_USER_DEFINED_TABLE = (Object value) -> {
        value = checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(value);
        String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getTableNumber(value);
        String code = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (table != null && code != null) {
            // Found table and a code. Try looking it up.
            SimpleCode coding = TerminologyLookup.lookup(table, code);
            // A non-null, non-empty value in display means a good code from lookup.
            if (coding != null && coding.getDisplay() != null && !coding.getDisplay().isEmpty()) {
                return coding;
            } else {
                // Otherwise, must be a user-defined code, so return the code without a system
                return new SimpleCode(code, null, null, null);
        } else if (table == null && code != null) {
            // Handle a code with unknown table
            return new SimpleCode(code, null, null, null);
        // All other situations return null.  
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor CODING_SYSTEM_V2_ALTERNATE = (Object value) -> {
        value = checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(value);
        // ensure we have a CWE
        if (value instanceof CWE) {
            CWE cwe = (CWE) value;
            String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(cwe.getCwe6_NameOfAlternateCodingSystem());
            String code = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(cwe.getCwe4_AlternateIdentifier());
            String text = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(cwe.getCwe5_AlternateText());
            String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(cwe.getCwe8_AlternateCodingSystemVersionID());
            return commonCodingSystemV2(table, code, text, version);
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor CODING_SYSTEM_V2 = (Object value) -> {
        value = checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(value);
        String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getTableNumber(value);
        String code = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String text = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getOriginalDisplayText(value);
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);
        return commonCodingSystemV2(table, code, text, version);

    public static final ValueExtractor UNIT_SYSTEM = (Object value) -> {
        value = checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(value);
        String table = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getTableNumber(value);
        String code = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String text = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getOriginalDisplayText(value);
        String version = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getVersion(value);

        SimpleCode codingSystem = commonCodingSystemV2(table, code, text, version);
        if (codingSystem.getSystem() != null) {
            return codingSystem.getSystem();
        return "";


    // For OBX.5 and other dynamic encoded fields, the real class is wrapped in the Varies class, and must be extracted from data
    private static final Object checkForAndUnwrapVariesObject(Object value) {
        if (value instanceof Varies) {
            Varies v = (Varies) value;
            value = v.getData();
        return value;

    private static final SimpleCode commonCodingSystemV2(String table, String code, String text, String version) {
        if (table != null && code != null) {
            // Found table and a code. Try looking it up.
            SimpleCode coding = TerminologyLookup.lookup(table, code);
            if (coding != null) {
                String display = coding.getDisplay();
                // Successful display confirms a valid code and system 
                if (display != null) {

                    if (display.isEmpty()) {
                        // We have a table, code, but unknown display, so we can't tell if it's good, use the original display text
                        coding = new SimpleCode(coding.getCode(), coding.getSystem(), text, version);
                    // We have a table, code, and display, so code was valid
                    return coding;
                } else {
                    // Display was not found; create an error message in the display text
                    return new SimpleCode(null, coding.getSystem(),
                            String.format(INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_FULL, code, coding.getSystem(), text, version));
            } else {
                // No success looking up the code, build our own fall-back system using table name
                return new SimpleCode(code, "urn:id:" + table, text, version);
        } else if (code != null) {
            // A code but no system: build a simple systemless code
            return new SimpleCode(code, null, text);
        } else {
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor BUILD_IDENTIFIER_FROM_CWE = (Object value) -> {
        if (value instanceof Varies) {
            Varies variesValue = ((Varies) value);
            if (variesValue.getData() instanceof CWE) {
                value = (CWE) variesValue.getData();
        if (value instanceof CWE) {
            CWE newValue = ((CWE) value);
            String identifier = newValue.getCwe1_Identifier().toString();
            String text = newValue.getCwe2_Text().toString();
            String codingSystem = newValue.getCwe3_NameOfCodingSystem().toString();
            if (identifier != null) {
                if (codingSystem != null) {
                    String join = identifier + "-" + codingSystem;
                    return join;
                } else {
                    return identifier;
            } else
                return text;

        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_CRITICALITY_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, AllergyIntoleranceCriticality.class);
        if (code != null) {
            return code;
        } else {
            return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor ALLERGY_INTOLERANCE_CATEGORY_CODE_FHIR = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return getFHIRCode(val, AllergyIntoleranceCategory.class);

    public static final ValueExtractor DOSE_VALUE = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);

        if (val.startsWith("999")) {
            // 999 is used when the vaccination is refused. In this case we should return null.
            return null;
        } else
            return val;


    public static final ValueExtractor DOSE_SYSTEM = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String url = UrlLookup.getAssociatedUrl(val);
        if (url != null) {
            return url;
        } else {
            if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
                return "urn:id:" + val.replace(" ", "_");
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor SYSTEM_URL = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        return UrlLookup.getAssociatedUrl(val);

    // Convert an authority string to a valid system value
    // Prepend "urn:id:"; convert any spaces to underscores
    public static final ValueExtractor SYSTEM_ID = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (val != null && val.length() > 0) {
            return "urn:id:" + val.replace(" ", "_");
        } else {
            return null;


    public static final ValueExtractor> ARRAY = (Object value) -> {
        if (value != null) {
            List list = new ArrayList<>();
            return list;
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor RELATIVE_REFERENCE = (Object value) -> {
        Map mapValue = null;
        if (value instanceof Map) {
            mapValue = (Map) value;
        } else if (value instanceof ResourceValue) {
            ResourceValue rv = (ResourceValue) value;
            mapValue = rv.getResource();
        if (mapValue != null) {
            String type = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(mapValue.get("resourceType"));
            String refId = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(mapValue.get("id"));
            if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(type) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(refId)) {
                return type + "/" + refId;
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor DIAGNOSTIC_REPORT_STATUS_CODES = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, DiagnosticReportStatus.class);
        if (code != null) {
            return code;
        } else {
            return DiagnosticReportStatus.UNKNOWN.toCode();

    public static final ValueExtractor NAMED_UUID = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(val)) {
            return UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(val.getBytes());
        return null;

    public static final ValueExtractor MESSAGE_REASON_ENCOUNTER = (Object value) -> {
        String val = Hl7DataHandlerUtil.getStringValue(value);
        String code = getFHIRCode(val, MessageReasonEncounter.class);
        if (code != null) {
            MessageReasonEncounter en = MessageReasonEncounter.fromCode(code);
            return new SimpleCode(code, en.getSystem(), en.getDisplay());
        } else {
            // If code is null, it means the code wasn't known in our table, and can't be looked up.
            // Make a message in the display.
            String theSystem = MessageReasonEncounter.ADMIT.getSystem();
            return new SimpleCode(null, theSystem, String.format(INVALID_CODE_MESSAGE_SHORT, val, theSystem));

    public static final ValueExtractor PATIENT_INSTRUCTION = (Object value) -> {
        if (value instanceof CWE) {
            CWE cwe = (CWE) value;
            String cwe1 = cwe.getCwe1_Identifier().toString();
            String cwe2 = cwe.getCwe2_Text().toString();
            if (cwe1 != null) {
                if (cwe2 != null) {
                    return cwe1 + ":" + cwe2;
            } else if (cwe1 == null) {
                return cwe2;
        return null;

    private SimpleDataValueResolver() {

    private static UUID getUUID(String value) {
        if (value != null) {
            try {
                return UUID.fromString(value);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                LOGGER.warn("Value not valid UUID");
                return null;
        } else {
  "Value for UUID is null");
            return null;

    private static boolean isValidUUID(String val) {
        try {
            return true;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            LOGGER.warn("Could not extract valid UUID - not a valid UUID");
            return false;

    public static String getFHIRCode(String hl7Value, Class fhirConceptClassName) {
        return getFHIRCode(hl7Value, fhirConceptClassName.getSimpleName());

    public static String getFHIRCode(String hl7Value, String fhirMappingConceptName) {
        if (hl7Value != null) {
            Map mapping = Hl7v2Mapping.getMapping(fhirMappingConceptName);
            if (mapping != null && !mapping.isEmpty()) {
                return mapping.get(StringUtils.upperCase(hl7Value, Locale.ENGLISH));
            } else {
                return null;
        } else {
            return null;

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