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it.unive.lisa.analysis.string.fsa.FSA Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package it.unive.lisa.analysis.string.fsa;

import it.unive.lisa.analysis.Lattice;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticException;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.SemanticOracle;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.lattices.Satisfiability;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.nonrelational.value.BaseNonRelationalValueDomain;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.numeric.Interval;
import it.unive.lisa.analysis.string.ContainsCharProvider;
import it.unive.lisa.program.cfg.ProgramPoint;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.Constant;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.operator.binary.BinaryOperator;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.operator.binary.StringConcat;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.operator.binary.StringContains;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.operator.ternary.StringReplace;
import it.unive.lisa.symbolic.value.operator.ternary.TernaryOperator;
import it.unive.lisa.util.collections.workset.FIFOWorkingSet;
import it.unive.lisa.util.collections.workset.WorkingSet;
import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.automaton.CyclicAutomatonException;
import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.automaton.State;
import it.unive.lisa.util.datastructures.automaton.Transition;
import it.unive.lisa.util.numeric.IntInterval;
import it.unive.lisa.util.numeric.MathNumber;
import it.unive.lisa.util.numeric.MathNumberConversionException;
import it.unive.lisa.util.representation.StringRepresentation;
import it.unive.lisa.util.representation.StructuredRepresentation;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

 * A class that represent the Finite State Automaton domain for strings,
 * exploiting a {@link SimpleAutomaton}.
 * @author Simone Leoni
 * @author Vincenzo Arceri
public class FSA implements BaseNonRelationalValueDomain, ContainsCharProvider {

	 * Top element of the domain
	private static final FSA TOP = new FSA(new SimpleAutomaton("").unknownString());

	 * The parameter used for the widening operator.
	public static final int WIDENING_TH = 5;

	 * Used to store the string representation
	private final SimpleAutomaton a;

	 * Creates a new FSA object representing the TOP element.
	public FSA() {
		// we use the empty language as it is memory-efficient
		this.a = new SimpleAutomaton("").emptyLanguage();

	 * Creates a new FSA object using a {@link SimpleAutomaton}.
	 * @param a the {@link SimpleAutomaton} used for object construction.
	public FSA(
			SimpleAutomaton a) {
		this.a = a;

	public FSA lubAux(
			FSA other)
			throws SemanticException {
		return new FSA(this.a.union(other.a).minimize());

	public FSA glbAux(
			FSA other)
			throws SemanticException {
		return new FSA(this.a.intersection(other.a).minimize());

	public FSA wideningAux(
			FSA other)
			throws SemanticException {
		return new FSA(this.a.union(other.a).widening(getSizeDiffCapped(other)));

	 * Yields the size of this string, that is, the number of states of the
	 * underlying automaton.
	 * @return the size of this string
	public int size() {
		return a.getStates().size();

	private int getSizeDiffCapped(
			FSA other) {
		int size = size();
		int otherSize = other.size();
		if (size > otherSize)
			return Math.min(size - otherSize, WIDENING_TH);
		else if (size < otherSize)
			return Math.min(otherSize - size, WIDENING_TH);
			return WIDENING_TH;

	public boolean lessOrEqualAux(
			FSA other)
			throws SemanticException {
		return this.a.isContained(other.a);

	public boolean equals(
			Object o) {
		if (this == o)
			return true;
		if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass())
			return false;
		FSA fsa = (FSA) o;
		return Objects.equals(a, fsa.a);

	public int hashCode() {
		return Objects.hash(a);

	public FSA top() {
		return TOP;

	public boolean isBottom() {
		return !isTop() && this.a.acceptsEmptyLanguage();

	public FSA bottom() {
		SortedSet states = new TreeSet<>();
		states.add(new State(0, true, false));
		return new FSA(new SimpleAutomaton(states, new TreeSet<>()));

	public StructuredRepresentation representation() {
		if (isBottom())
			return Lattice.bottomRepresentation();
		else if (isTop())
			return Lattice.topRepresentation();

		return new StringRepresentation(this.a.toRegex().simplify());

	public FSA evalNonNullConstant(
			Constant constant,
			ProgramPoint pp,
			SemanticOracle oracle)
			throws SemanticException {
		if (constant.getValue() instanceof String) {
			return new FSA(new SimpleAutomaton((String) constant.getValue()));
		return top();

	// TODO unary and ternary and all other binary
	public FSA evalBinaryExpression(
			BinaryOperator operator,
			FSA left,
			FSA right,
			ProgramPoint pp,
			SemanticOracle oracle)
			throws SemanticException {
		if (operator == StringConcat.INSTANCE)
			return new FSA(left.a.concat(right.a));
		return top();

	public FSA evalTernaryExpression(
			TernaryOperator operator,
			FSA left,
			FSA middle,
			FSA right,
			ProgramPoint pp,
			SemanticOracle oracle)
			throws SemanticException {
		if (operator == StringReplace.INSTANCE)
			try {
				return new FSA(left.a.replace(middle.a, right.a));
			} catch (CyclicAutomatonException e) {
				return TOP;
		return TOP;

	public Satisfiability satisfiesBinaryExpression(
			BinaryOperator operator,
			FSA left,
			FSA right,
			ProgramPoint pp,
			SemanticOracle oracle)
			throws SemanticException {
		if (operator == StringContains.INSTANCE) {
			return left.contains(right);
		return Satisfiability.UNKNOWN;

	 * Yields the FSA automaton corresponding to the substring of this FSA
	 * automaton abstract value between two indexes.
	 * @param begin where the substring starts
	 * @param end   where the substring ends
	 * @return the FSA automaton corresponding to the substring of this FSA
	 *             automaton between two indexes
	 * @throws CyclicAutomatonException when the automaton is cyclic and its
	 *                                      language is accessed
	public FSA substring(
			long begin,
			long end)
			throws CyclicAutomatonException {
		if (isTop() || isBottom())
			return this;

		if (!a.hasCycle()) {
			SimpleAutomaton result = this.a.emptyLanguage();
			for (String s : a.getLanguage()) {
				if (begin < s.length() && end < s.length())
					result = result.union(new SimpleAutomaton(s.substring((int) begin, (int) end)));
					result = result.union(new SimpleAutomaton(""));

				return new FSA(result);

		SimpleAutomaton[] array = this.a.toRegex().substring((int) begin, (int) end)
				.map(s -> new SimpleAutomaton(s.toString())).toArray(SimpleAutomaton[]::new);

		SimpleAutomaton result = this.a.emptyLanguage();

		for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
			result = result.union(array[i]);
		return new FSA(result);

	 * Yields the {@link IntInterval} containing the minimum and maximum length
	 * of this abstract value.
	 * @return the minimum and maximum length of this abstract value
	public IntInterval length() {
		return new IntInterval(a.toRegex().minLength(), a.lenghtOfLongestString());

	 * Yields the {@link IntInterval} containing the minimum and maximum index
	 * of {@code s} in {@code this}.
	 * @param s the string to be searched
	 * @return the minimum and maximum index of {@code s} in {@code this}
	 * @throws CyclicAutomatonException when the automaton is cyclic and its
	 *                                      language is accessed
	public IntInterval indexOf(
			FSA s)
			throws CyclicAutomatonException {
		if (a.hasCycle())
			return mkInterval(-1, null);

		if (!a.hasCycle() && !s.a.hasCycle()) {
			Set first = a.getLanguage();
			Set second = s.a.getLanguage();

			IntInterval result = null;
			for (String f1 : first) {
				for (String f2 : second) {
					IntInterval partial;

					if (f1.contains(f2)) {
						int i = f1.indexOf(f2);
						partial = mkInterval(i, i);
					} else {
						partial = mkInterval(-1, -1);
					result = result == null ? partial : mkInterval(partial, result);

			return result;

		HashSet indexesOf = new HashSet<>();
		for (State q : a.getStates()) {
			SimpleAutomaton build = a.factorsChangingInitialState(q);
			if (!build.intersection(s.a).acceptsEmptyLanguage())
				indexesOf.add(a.maximumPath(q, q).size() - 1);

		// No state in the automaton can read search
		if (indexesOf.isEmpty())
			return mkInterval(-1, -1);
		else if (s.a.recognizesExactlyOneString() && a.recognizesExactlyOneString())
			return mkInterval( -> i).min().getAsInt(), -> i).max().getAsInt());
			return mkInterval(-1, -> i).max().getAsInt());

	 * Yields the concatenation between two automata.
	 * @param other the other automaton
	 * @return the concatenation between two automata
	public FSA concat(
			FSA other) {
		return new FSA(this.a.concat(other.a));

	private IntInterval mkInterval(
			Integer min,
			Integer max) {
		return new IntInterval(min, max);

	private IntInterval mkInterval(
			IntInterval first,
			IntInterval second) {
		MathNumber newLow = first.getLow().min(second.getLow());
		MathNumber newHigh = first.getHigh().max(second.getHigh());
		return new IntInterval(newLow, newHigh);

	 * Yields if this automaton recognizes strings recognized by the other
	 * automaton.
	 * @param other the other automaton
	 * @return if this automaton recognizes strings recognized by the other
	 *             automaton
	public Satisfiability contains(
			FSA other) {

		if (other.a.isEqualTo(a.emptyString()))
			return Satisfiability.SATISFIED;
		else if (this.a.factors().intersection(other.a).acceptsEmptyLanguage())
			return Satisfiability.NOT_SATISFIED;
			try {
				Set rightLang = other.a.getLanguage();
				Set leftLang = a.getLanguage();
				// right accepts only the empty string
				if (rightLang.size() == 1 && rightLang.contains(""))
					return Satisfiability.SATISFIED;

				// we can compare languages
				boolean atLeastOne = false, all = true;
				for (String a : leftLang)
					for (String b : rightLang) {
						boolean cont = a.contains(b);
						atLeastOne = atLeastOne || cont;
						all = all && cont;

				if (all)
					return Satisfiability.SATISFIED;
				if (atLeastOne)
					return Satisfiability.UNKNOWN;
				return Satisfiability.NOT_SATISFIED;
			} catch (CyclicAutomatonException e) {
				return Satisfiability.UNKNOWN;

	 * Yields the replacement of occurrences of {@code search} inside
	 * {@code this} with {@code repl}.
	 * @param search the domain instance containing the automaton to search
	 * @param repl   the domain instance containing the automaton to use as
	 *                   replacement
	 * @return the domain instance containing the replaced automaton
	public FSA replace(
			FSA search,
			FSA repl) {
		try {
			return new FSA(this.a.replace(search.a, repl.a));
		} catch (CyclicAutomatonException e) {
			return TOP;

	public Satisfiability containsChar(
			char c)
			throws SemanticException {
		if (isTop())
			return Satisfiability.UNKNOWN;
		if (isBottom())
			return Satisfiability.BOTTOM;
		if (!a.hasCycle()) {
			Satisfiability sat = Satisfiability.BOTTOM;
			try {
				for (String s : a.getLanguage())
					if (s.contains(String.valueOf(c)))
						sat = sat.lub(Satisfiability.SATISFIED);
						sat = sat.lub(Satisfiability.NOT_SATISFIED);
			} catch (CyclicAutomatonException e) {
				// can ignore thanks to the guard
			return sat;

		WorkingSet ws =;
		Set visited = new TreeSet<>();

		for (State q : a.getInitialStates())

		while (!ws.isEmpty()) {
			State top = ws.pop();
			for (Transition tr : a.getOutgoingTransitionsFrom(top)) {
				if (tr.getSymbol().getSymbol().equals(String.valueOf(c)))
					return Satisfiability.SATISFIED;

			for (Transition tr : a.getOutgoingTransitionsFrom(top))
				if (visited.contains(tr.getDestination()))
					return Satisfiability.UNKNOWN;

		return Satisfiability.NOT_SATISFIED;

	 * Yields a new FSA where trailing and leading whitespaces have been removed
	 * from {@code this}.
	 * @return a new FSA where trailing and leading whitespaces have been
	 *             removed from {@code this}
	public FSA trim() {
		if (isBottom() || isTop())
			return this;
		return new FSA(this.a.trim());

	 * Yields a new FSA instance recognizing each string of {@code this}
	 * automaton repeated k-times, with k belonging to {@code intv}.
	 * @param i the interval
	 * @return a new FSA instance recognizing each string of {@code this}
	 *             automaton repeated k-times, with k belonging to {@code intv}
	 * @throws MathNumberConversionException if {@code intv} is iterated but is
	 *                                           not finite
	public FSA repeat(
			Interval i)
			throws MathNumberConversionException {
		if (isBottom() || isTop())
			return this;
		return new FSA(this.a.repeat(i));

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