Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2021 IceRock MAG Inc. Use of this source code is governed by the Apache 2.0 license.
package dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex
import com.ionspin.kotlin.bignum.integer.BigInteger
import com.ionspin.kotlin.bignum.integer.toBigInteger
import dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex.internal.hexBytesFillToSizedHex
import dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex.internal.hexStringAddLeadingZeroIfNeed
import dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex.internal.hexStringFillToSizedHex
import dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex.internal.hexStringToByteArray
import dev.icerock.moko.web3.hex.internal.toHex
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
object StrictHexStringSerializer : ParametrizedHexStringSerializer(HexString.Strict)
object LenientHexStringSerializer : ParametrizedHexStringSerializer(HexString.Lenient)
// Extending allowed only for making new types
@Serializable(with = StrictHexStringSerializer::class)
open class HexString {
// This variable used to not store ByteArray, BigInteger, String simultaneously independent on source type,
// but use getters instead
private val source: Source
// value that was used for hex creation
val sourceType: SourceType get() = source.type
// create from string
constructor(string: String, strict: Boolean = true) {
source = object : Source {
override val withoutPrefix = string.removePrefix(HEX_PREFIX)
override val BigInteger get() = withoutPrefix.toBigInteger(RADIX)
override val byteArray get() = withoutPrefix.hexStringToByteArray(unsafe = true)
override val size get() = withoutPrefix.length / 2
override val type get() = SourceType.String
override fun fastEquals(other: HexString): Boolean? = when (other.sourceType) {
SourceType.String -> withoutPrefix == other.withoutPrefix
else -> null
require(withoutPrefix.matches(Regex("[0-9a-fA-F]*"))) { "Hex string contains not hexadecimal characters" }
require(!strict || withoutPrefix.length % 2 == 0) { "Hex string should have an odd length" }
constructor(string: String, size: Int) : this(string, strict = true) {
require(this.size == size) { "Hex string should have an $size bytes size, but was ${this.size}" }
constructor(BigInteger: BigInteger, size: Int? = null) {
source = object : Source {
override val withoutPrefix get() = BigInteger
.run {
when (size) {
null -> this
else -> hexStringFillToSizedHex(size)
override val BigInteger = BigInteger
override val byteArray get() = withoutPrefix
.run {
when (size) {
null -> this
else -> hexBytesFillToSizedHex(size)
override val size get() = size ?: (withoutPrefix.length / 2)
override val type = SourceType.BigInteger
override fun fastEquals(other: HexString): Boolean? = when (other.sourceType) {
SourceType.BigInteger -> BigInteger == other.BigInteger
else -> null
// we trigger withoutPrefix here, so this will check if BigInteger overflows the size
if (size != null) try {
} catch (_: IllegalStateException) {
error("Source BigInteger overflows the size. (BigInteger=$BigInteger,size=$size)")
constructor(byteArray: ByteArray, size: Int? = null) {
source = object : Source {
override val withoutPrefix get() = byteArray.toHex()
override val BigInteger get() = withoutPrefix.toBigInteger(RADIX)
override val byteArray = byteArray
override val size get() = byteArray.size
override val type = SourceType.ByteArray
override fun fastEquals(other: HexString): Boolean? = when (other.sourceType) {
SourceType.ByteArray -> byteArray.contentEquals(other.byteArray)
else -> null
require(size == null || byteArray.size == size) { "ByteArray should have an $size bytes size, but was ${this.size}" }
val withoutPrefix: String get() = source.withoutPrefix
val BigInteger: BigInteger get() = source.BigInteger
val byteArray: ByteArray get() = source.byteArray
// hex size in bytes (if not strict, it will return amount of "strict" bytes)
val size: Int get() = source.size
val prefixed: String get() = "0x$withoutPrefix"
// strict hex string should have an odd length, may be false only for HexString created from String
val strict: Boolean get() = withoutPrefix.length % 2 == 0
final override fun toString() = prefixed
final override fun hashCode(): Int = withoutPrefix.hashCode()
final override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = other is HexString &&
(source.fastEquals(other) ?: (size == other.size && withoutPrefix == other.withoutPrefix))
private interface Source {
val withoutPrefix: String
val BigInteger: BigInteger
val byteArray: ByteArray
val size: Int
val type: SourceType
// check if equals may be fast-pathed or return null
fun fastEquals(other: HexString): Boolean?
enum class SourceType {
String, ByteArray, BigInteger
interface Factory {
fun createInstance(value: String): T
fun createInstance(value: ByteArray): T = createInstance(HexString(value).prefixed)
fun createInstance(value: BigInteger): T = createInstance(HexString(value).prefixed)
interface SizedFactory : Factory {
val size: Int
override fun createInstance(value: ByteArray): T = HexString(value)
.fillToSizedHex(typeclass = this)
override fun createInstance(value: BigInteger): T = HexString(value)
.fillToSizedHex(typeclass = this)
object Strict : Factory {
override fun createInstance(value: String): HexString = HexString(value)
override fun createInstance(value: ByteArray): HexString = HexString(value)
override fun createInstance(value: BigInteger): HexString = HexString(value)
object Lenient : Factory by Strict {
override fun createInstance(value: String): HexString = HexString(value, strict = false)
companion object {
const val HEX_PREFIX = "0x"
const val RADIX = 16
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