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com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.common.schemas.ConverterUtil.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 *  * Copyright 2020
 *  *
 *  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 *  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 *  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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 *  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 *  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.common.schemas

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
import io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroConverter
import io.confluent.connect.avro.AvroData
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericRecord
import org.apache.kafka.connect.connector.ConnectRecord
import org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonDeserializer
import org.apache.kafka.connect.sink.SinkRecord
import org.json4s._
import org.json4s.jackson.JsonMethods._
import StructHelper._
import com.datamountaineer.streamreactor.connect.json.SimpleJsonConverter
import org.apache.kafka.connect.errors.ConnectException

import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.immutable.HashMap
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}

  * Created by [email protected] on 22/02/16.
  * stream-reactor
trait ConverterUtil {
  type avroSchema = org.apache.avro.Schema

  lazy val simpleJsonConverter = new SimpleJsonConverter()
  lazy val deserializer = new JsonDeserializer()
  lazy val avroConverter = new AvroConverter()
  lazy val avroData = new AvroData(100)

  //for converting json to
  def connectSchemaTypeToSchema(schemaType: Schema.Type, value: Any): Schema = {
    schemaType match {
      case Schema.Type.INT8           => Schema.OPTIONAL_INT8_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.INT16          => Schema.OPTIONAL_INT16_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.INT32          => Schema.OPTIONAL_INT32_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.INT64          => Schema.OPTIONAL_INT64_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.FLOAT32        => Schema.OPTIONAL_FLOAT32_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.FLOAT64        => Schema.OPTIONAL_FLOAT64_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.BOOLEAN        => Schema.OPTIONAL_BOOLEAN_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.STRING         => Schema.OPTIONAL_STRING_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.BYTES          => Schema.OPTIONAL_BYTES_SCHEMA
      case Schema.Type.STRUCT         => value.asInstanceOf[Struct].schema()
      case Schema.Type.ARRAY =>
        val first = value.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[Any]].asScala
        if (first.nonEmpty) {
          val schemaType = connectSchemaTypeToSchema(ConnectSchema.schemaType(first.head.getClass), first.head)
        } else {

      case Schema.Type.MAP =>
        val first = value.asInstanceOf[Map[Any, Any]].head
        val keySchema = connectSchemaTypeToSchema(ConnectSchema.schemaType(first._1.getClass), first._1)
        val valueSchema = connectSchemaTypeToSchema(ConnectSchema.schemaType(first._2.getClass), first._2), valueSchema).build()

    * For a schemaless payload when used for a json the connect JsonConverter will provide a Map[_,_] instance as it deserializes
    * the payload
    * @param record       - The connect record to extract the fields from
    * @param fields       - A map of fields alias
    * @param ignoreFields - The list of fields to leave out
    * @param key          - if true it will use record.key to do the transformation; if false will use record.value
    * @return
  @deprecated("Consolidated into SinkRecord.newFilteredRecord", "3.0")
  def convertSchemalessJson(
      record: SinkRecord,
      fields: Map[String, String],
      ignoreFields: Set[String] = Set.empty[String],
      key: Boolean = false,
      includeAllFields: Boolean = true): java.util.Map[String, Any] = {
    val value: java.util.Map[String, Any] =
      (if (key) record.key() else record.value()) match {
        case s: java.util.Map[_, _] =>
          s.asInstanceOf[java.util.Map[String, Any]]
        case other =>
          throw new ConnectException(
            s"${other.getClass} is not valid. Expecting a Struct")

    if (!includeAllFields) {

      .filter { case (field, alias) => field != alias }
      .foreach {
        case (field, alias) =>
          Option(value.get(field)).foreach { v =>
            value.put(alias, v)

    * Handles scenarios where the sink record schema is set to string and the payload is json
    * @param record              - the sink record instance
    * @param fields              - fields to include/select
    * @param ignoreFields        - fields to ignore/remove
    * @param key                 -if true it targets the sinkrecord key; otherwise it uses the sinkrecord.value
    * @param includeAllFields    - if false it will remove the fields not present in the fields parameter
    * @param ignoredFieldsValues - We need to retain the removed fields; in influxdb we might choose to set tags from ignored fields
    * @return
  @deprecated("Consolidated into SinkRecord.newFilteredRecord", "3.0")
  def convertFromStringAsJson(record: SinkRecord,
                              fields: Map[String, String],
                              ignoreFields: Set[String] = Set.empty[String],
                              key: Boolean = false,
                              includeAllFields: Boolean = true,
                              ignoredFieldsValues: Option[mutable.Map[String, Any]] = None): Either[String, ConversionResult] = {

    val schema = if (key) record.keySchema() else record.valueSchema()
    val expectedInput = schema != null && schema.`type`() == Schema.STRING_SCHEMA.`type`()
    if (!expectedInput) Left(s"[$schema] is not handled. Expecting Schema.String")
    else {
      (if (key) record.key() else record.value()) match {
        case s: String =>
          Try(parse(s)) match {
            case Success(json) =>
              val withFieldsRemoved = ignoreFields.foldLeft(json) { case (j, ignored) =>
                j.removeField {
                  case (`ignored`, v) =>
                    ignoredFieldsValues.foreach { map =>
                      val value = v match {
                        case JString(s) => s
                        case JDouble(d) => d
                        case JInt(i) => i
                        case JLong(l) => l
                        case JDecimal(d) => d
                        case _ => null
                      map += ignored -> value
                  case _ => false

              val jvalue = if (!includeAllFields) {
                withFieldsRemoved.removeField { case (field, _) => !fields.contains(field) }
              } else withFieldsRemoved

              val converted = fields.filter { case (field, alias) => field != alias }
                .foldLeft(jvalue) { case (j, (field, alias)) =>
                  j.transformField {
                    case JField(`field`, v) => (alias, v)
                    case other: JField => other
              Right(ConversionResult(json, converted))
            case Failure(_) => Left(s"Invalid json with the record on topic [${record.topic}], partition [${record.kafkaPartition()}] and offset [${record.kafkaOffset()}]")
        case other => Left(s"${other.getClass} is not valid. Expecting a Struct")

  case class ConversionResult(original: JValue, converted: JValue)

    * Create a Struct based on a set of fields to extract from a ConnectRecord
    * @param record       The connectRecord to extract the fields from.
    * @param fields       The fields to extract.
    * @param ignoreFields Fields to ignore from the sink records.
    * @param key          Extract the fields from the key or the value of the ConnectRecord.
    * @return A new Struct with the fields specified in the fieldsMappings.
    * */
  @deprecated("Consolidated into SinkRecord.newFilteredRecord", "3.0")
  def convert(record: SinkRecord,
              fields: Map[String, String],
              ignoreFields: Set[String] = Set.empty[String],
              key: Boolean = false): SinkRecord = {

    if ((fields.isEmpty && ignoreFields.isEmpty) || (ignoreFields.isEmpty && fields
          .contains("*"))) {
    } else {
      val struct = if (key) record.key() else record.value()
      val schema = if (key) record.keySchema() else record.valueSchema()

      struct match {
        case s: Struct =>
          // apply ignore only on value
          val newStruct = s.reduceSchema(
            if (!key) ignoreFields else Set.empty)
          new SinkRecord(

        case other =>
          new ConnectException(
            s"[${other.getClass}] is not valid. Expecting a Struct.")

    * Convert a ConnectRecord value to a Json string using Kafka Connects deserializer
    * @param record A ConnectRecord to extract the payload value from
    * @return A json string for the payload of the record
    * */
  def convertValueToJson[T <: ConnectRecord[T]](
      record: ConnectRecord[T]): JsonNode = {
    simpleJsonConverter.fromConnectData(record.valueSchema(), record.value())

    * Convert a ConnectRecord key to a Json string using Kafka Connects deserializer
    * @param record A ConnectRecord to extract the payload value from
    * @return A json string for the payload of the record
    * */
  def convertKeyToJson[T <: ConnectRecord[T]](
      record: ConnectRecord[T]): JsonNode = {
    simpleJsonConverter.fromConnectData(record.keySchema(), record.key())

    * Deserialize Byte array for a topic to json
    * @param topic   Topic name for the byte array
    * @param payload Byte Array payload
    * @return A JsonNode representing the byte array
    * */
  def deserializeToJson(topic: String, payload: Array[Byte]): JsonNode = {
    val json = deserializer.deserialize(topic, payload).get("payload")

    * Configure the converter
    * @param converter The Converter to configure
    * @param props     The props to configure with
    * */
  def configureConverter(converter: Converter,
                         props: HashMap[String, String] =
                           new HashMap[String, String]): Unit = {
    converter.configure(props.asJava, false)

    * Convert SinkRecord to GenericRecord
    * @param record ConnectRecord to convert
    * @return a GenericRecord
    * */
  def convertValueToGenericAvro[T <: ConnectRecord[T]](
      record: ConnectRecord[T]): GenericRecord = {
    val avro = avroData.fromConnectData(record.valueSchema(), record.value())

  def convertAvroToConnect(topic: String, obj: Array[Byte]): SchemaAndValue =
    avroConverter.toConnectData(topic, obj)

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