net.MessageSocket.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2018-2021 by Rob Norris
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or
import cats.Applicative
import cats.effect._
import cats.effect.std.Console
import cats.effect.std.Queue
import cats.syntax.all._
import scodec.codecs._
import scodec.interop.cats._
import{ Sync => _, _ }
import skunk.util.Origin
/** A higher-level `BitVectorSocket` that speaks in terms of `Message`. */
trait MessageSocket[F[_]] {
* Receive the next `BackendMessage`, or raise an exception if EOF is reached before a complete
* message arrives.
def receive: F[BackendMessage]
/** Send the specified message. */
def send(message: FrontendMessage): F[Unit]
/** Destructively read the last `n` messages from the circular buffer. */
def history(max: Int): F[List[Either[Any, Any]]]
def expect[B](f: PartialFunction[BackendMessage, B])(implicit or: Origin): F[B]
def flatExpect[B](f: PartialFunction[BackendMessage, F[B]])(implicit or: Origin): F[B]
object MessageSocket {
def fromBitVectorSocket[F[_]: Concurrent: Console](
bvs: BitVectorSocket[F],
debug: Boolean
): F[MessageSocket[F]] =
Queue.circularBuffer[F, Either[Any, Any]](10).map { cb =>
new AbstractMessageSocket[F] with MessageSocket[F] {
* Messages are prefixed with a 5-byte header consisting of a tag (byte) and a length (int32,
* total including self but not including the tag) in network order.
val receiveImpl: F[BackendMessage] = {
val header = (byte.asDecoder, int32.asDecoder).tupled { bits =>
val (tag, len) = header.decodeValue(bits).require
val decoder = BackendMessage.decoder(tag) - 4).map(decoder.decodeValue(_).require)
} .onError {
case t => Console[F].println(s" ← ${AnsiColor.RED}${t.getMessage}${AnsiColor.RESET}").whenA(debug)
override val receive: F[BackendMessage] =
for {
msg <- receiveImpl
_ <- cb.offer(Right(msg))
_ <- Console[F].println(s" ← ${AnsiColor.GREEN}$msg${AnsiColor.RESET}").whenA(debug)
} yield msg
override def send(message: FrontendMessage): F[Unit] =
for {
_ <- Console[F].println(s" → ${AnsiColor.YELLOW}$message${AnsiColor.RESET}").whenA(debug)
_ <- bvs.write(message.encode)
_ <- cb.offer(Left(message))
} yield ()
override def history(max: Int): F[List[Either[Any, Any]]] =
cb.take.flatMap { first =>
def pump(acc: List[Either[Any, Any]]): F[List[Either[Any, Any]]] =
cb.tryTake.flatMap {
case Some(e) => pump(e :: acc)
case None => Applicative[F].pure(acc.reverse)
def apply[F[_]: Concurrent: Console](
host: String,
port: Int,
debug: Boolean,
sg: SocketGroup[F],
sslOptions: Option[SSLNegotiation.Options[F]],
): Resource[F, MessageSocket[F]] =
for {
bvs <- BitVectorSocket(host, port, sg, sslOptions)
ms <- Resource.eval(fromBitVectorSocket(bvs, debug))
} yield ms
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