net.protocol.Describe.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2018-2021 by Rob Norris
// This software is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).
// For more information see LICENSE or
import cats._
import cats.effect.Ref
import cats.syntax.all._
import skunk.exception.{ UnexpectedRowsException, ColumnAlignmentException, NoDataException }
import{ Describe => DescribeMessage, _ }
import skunk.util.{ StatementCache, Typer }
import skunk.exception.UnknownOidException
import natchez.Trace
trait Describe[F[_]] {
def apply(cmd: skunk.Command[_], id: StatementId, ty: Typer): F[Unit]
def apply[A](query: skunk.Query[_, A], id: StatementId, ty: Typer): F[TypedRowDescription]
object Describe {
def apply[F[_]: Exchange: MessageSocket: Trace](cache: Cache[F])(
implicit ev: MonadError[F, Throwable]
): Describe[F] =
new Describe[F] {
override def apply(cmd: skunk.Command[_], id: StatementId, ty: Typer): F[Unit] =
exchange("describe") {
OptionT(cache.commandCache.get(cmd)).getOrElseF {
for {
_ <- Trace[F].put("statement-id" -> id.value)
_ <- send(DescribeMessage.statement(id.value))
_ <- send(Flush)
_ <- expect { case ParameterDescription(_) => } // always ok
_ <- flatExpect {
case NoData => ().pure[F]
case rd @ RowDescription(_) =>
rd.typed(ty) match {
// We shouldn't have a row description at all, but if we can't decode its
// types then *that's* the error we will raise; only if we decode it
// successfully we will raise the underlying error. Seems a little confusing
// but it's a very unlikely case so I think we're ok for the time being.
case Left(err) =>
val promoted = skunk.Query(cmd.sql, cmd.origin, cmd.encoder, skunk.Void.codec)
UnknownOidException(promoted, err, ty.strategy).raiseError[F, Unit]
case Right(td) => UnexpectedRowsException(cmd, td).raiseError[F, Unit]
_ <- cache.commandCache.put(cmd, ()) // on success
} yield ()
override def apply[A](query: skunk.Query[_, A], id: StatementId, ty: Typer): F[TypedRowDescription] =
OptionT(cache.queryCache.get(query)).getOrElseF {
exchange("describe") {
for {
_ <- Trace[F].put("statement-id" -> id.value)
_ <- send(DescribeMessage.statement(id.value))
_ <- send(Flush)
_ <- expect { case ParameterDescription(_) => } // always ok
rd <- flatExpect {
case rd @ RowDescription(_) => rd.pure[F]
case NoData => NoDataException(query).raiseError[F, RowDescription]
td <- rd.typed(ty) match {
case Left(err) => UnknownOidException(query, err, ty.strategy).raiseError[F, TypedRowDescription]
case Right(td) =>
Trace[F].put("column-types" ->"[", ", ", "]")).as(td)
_ <- ColumnAlignmentException(query, td).raiseError[F, Unit].unlessA(query.decoder.types === td.types)
_ <- cache.queryCache.put(query, td) // on success
} yield td
/** A cache for the `Describe` protocol. */
final case class Cache[F[_]](
commandCache: StatementCache[F, Unit],
queryCache: StatementCache[F, TypedRowDescription],
) {
def mapK[G[_]](fk: F ~> G): Cache[G] =
Cache(commandCache.mapK(fk), queryCache.mapK(fk))
object Cache {
def empty[F[_]: Functor: Semigroupal: Ref.Make](
commandCapacity: Int,
queryCapacity: Int,
): F[Cache[F]] = (
StatementCache.empty[F, Unit](commandCapacity),
StatementCache.empty[F, TypedRowDescription](queryCapacity)
).mapN(Describe.Cache(_, _))
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