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* Copyright (C) 2016 LibRec
* This file is part of LibRec.
* LibRec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* LibRec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with LibRec. If not, see .
import net.librec.common.LibrecException;
import net.librec.math.structure.SequentialSparseVector;
import net.librec.recommender.MatrixFactorizationRecommender;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
* Nonnegative Matrix Factorization of the item to item purchase matrix
* (currently only implicit or binary input supported)
* NMFItemItem uses as model of the probability distribution P(V) ~ W * H * V
* Where V is the observed purchase user item matrix.
* And W and H are trained matrices.
* H is the matrix for 'analyzing' the current purchase item history and calculates the assumed latent feature vectors.
* W is the matrix for 'estimating' the next item purchased from the latent feature vectors.
* In contrast to this the original Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is a factorization of the item - user matrix.
* - Lee, Daniel D., and H. Sebastian Seung. "Learning the parts of objects by non-negative matrix factorization." Nature 401.6755 (1999): 788.
* - Yuan, Zhijian, and Erkki Oja. "Projective nonnegative matrix factorization for image compression and feature extraction." Image analysis (2005): 333-342.
* - Yang, Zhirong, Zhijian Yuan, and Jorma Laaksonen. "Projective non-negative matrix factorization with applications to facial image processing." International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 21.08 (2007): 1353-1362.
* - Yang, Zhirong, and Erkki Oja. "Unified development of multiplicative algorithms for linear and quadratic nonnegative matrix factorization." IEEE transactions on neural networks 22.12 (2011): 1878-1891.
* - Zhang, He, Zhirong Yang, and Erkki Oja. "Adaptive multiplicative updates for projective nonnegative matrix factorization." International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
* - Kabbur, Santosh, Xia Ning, and George Karypis. "FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for top-n recommender systems." Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2013.
* Item-Item models are much better usable for fast online recommendation with a lot of new or fast changing users.
* (Solves the cold start problem of new users)
* Item-Item models could perhaps suffer from self estimation of the item while training.
* There is a experimental optimization analog to follow research article:
* Kabbur, Santosh, Xia Ning, and George Karypis. "FISM: Factored Item Similarity Models for top-n recommender systems." Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge discovery and data mining. ACM, 2013.
* You can switch this optimization on/off with property
* rec.nmfitemitem.do_not_estimate_yourself=true
* Simply store history of user anywhere else
* and request the recommender with the users item histories instead with the user (or 'user-ID') itself.
* In this Recommender the Divergence D(V || W*H*V) is minimized.
* Since the Divergence is only calculated on non zero elements this results in an algorithm with acceptable training time on big data.
* Some performance optimization is done via parallel computing.
* But until now no SGD is done.
* There is also experimental implementation of adaptive multiplicative update rules.
* Zhang, He, Zhirong Yang, and Erkki Oja. "Adaptive multiplicative updates for projective nonnegative matrix factorization." International Conference on Neural Information Processing. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
* This can be switched on/off with property:
* rec.nmfitemitem.adaptive_update_rules=true
* Both matrices are updated in one iteration step at once.
* There is also no special treatment of over fitting.
* So be careful with to much latent factors on very small training data.
* You can test the recommender with following properties:
* ( I have used movielens csv data for testing )
* data.model.splitter=loocv
* data.splitter.loocv=user
* data.convert.binarize.threshold=0
* rec.eval.classes=auc,ap,arhr,hitrate,idcg,ndcg,precision,recall,rr
* @author Daniel Velten, Karlsruhe, Germany
public class NMFItemItemRecommender extends MatrixFactorizationRecommender{
private double[][] w_reconstruct;
private double[][] h_analyze;
private int numFactors;
private int numIterations;
private double divergenceFromLastStep;
private double exponent = 0.5;
private int parallelizeSplitUserSize = 5000;
private boolean doNotEstimateYourself = true;
private boolean adaptiveUpdateRules = true;
protected void setup() throws LibrecException {
numFactors = conf.getInt("rec.factor.number", 15);
numIterations = conf.getInt("rec.iterator.maximum",100);
doNotEstimateYourself = conf.getBoolean("rec.nmfitemitem.do_not_estimate_yourself", true);
adaptiveUpdateRules = conf.getBoolean("rec.nmfitemitem.adaptive_update_rules", true);
parallelizeSplitUserSize = conf.getInt("rec.nmfitemitem.parallelize_split_user_size", 5000);
w_reconstruct = new double[numFactors][numItems];
h_analyze = new double[numFactors][numItems];
private void initMatrix(double[][] m) {
double initValue = 1d / (numItems * 2d);
Random random = new Random(123456789L);
for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++){
for (int j = 0; j < m[i].length; j++){
m[i][j] = (random.nextDouble() + 1) * initValue;
public void trainModel() {
int availableProcessors = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();"availableProcessors=" + availableProcessors);
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(availableProcessors);
for (int iter = 0; iter <= numIterations; ++iter) {"Starting iteration=" + iter);
train(executorService, iter);
* Only for storing results of the parallel executed tasks
private static class AggResult {
private final double[][] resultNumeratorAnalyze;
private final double[][] resultNumeratorReconstruct;
private final double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff;
private final int boughtItems;
private final double sumLog;
private final int[] countUsersBoughtItem;
private final double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct2;
public AggResult(double[][] resultNumeratorAnalyze, double[][] resultNumeratorReconstruct, double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff, int boughtItems, double sumLog, int[] countUsersBoughtItem, double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct2) {
this.resultNumeratorAnalyze = resultNumeratorAnalyze;
this.resultNumeratorReconstruct = resultNumeratorReconstruct;
this.resultDenominatorReconstructDiff = resultDenominatorReconstructDiff;
this.boughtItems = boughtItems;
this.sumLog = sumLog;
this.countUsersBoughtItem = countUsersBoughtItem;
this.resultDenominatorReconstruct2 = resultDenominatorReconstruct2;
* Task for parallel execution.
* Executes calculations for users between 'fromUser' and 'toUser'.
private class ParallelExecTask implements Callable {
private final int fromUser;
private final int toUser;
public ParallelExecTask(int fromUser, int toUser) {
this.fromUser = fromUser;
this.toUser = toUser;
public AggResult call() throws Exception {
//"ParallelExecTask: Starting fromUser=" + fromUser + " toUser=" + toUser);
double[][] resultNumeratorAnalyze = new double[numFactors][numItems];
double[][] resultNumeratorReconstruct = new double[numFactors][numItems];
double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff = new double[numFactors][numItems]; // Used in denominator
double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct = new double[numFactors]; // Used in denominator
int boughtItems = 0;
double sumLog = 0; // only for calculating divergence for logging/debug
int[] countUsersBoughtItem = new int[numItems]; // Used in denominator
for (int userIdx = fromUser; userIdx < toUser; userIdx++) {
SequentialSparseVector itemRatingsVector = trainMatrix.row(userIdx);
int minCount = doNotEstimateYourself ? 2 : 1;
if (itemRatingsVector.getNumEntries() >= minCount) {
int[] itemIndices = itemRatingsVector.getIndices();
double[] allUserLatentFactors = predictFactors(itemIndices);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
resultDenominatorReconstruct[factorIdx] += allUserLatentFactors[factorIdx];
double[] analyze_numerator = new double[numFactors];
for (int itemIdx : itemIndices) {
double[] thisUserLatentFactors = new double[numFactors];
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
if (doNotEstimateYourself){
resultDenominatorReconstructDiff[factorIdx][itemIdx] += h_analyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
thisUserLatentFactors[factorIdx] = allUserLatentFactors[factorIdx] - h_analyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
} else {
thisUserLatentFactors[factorIdx] = allUserLatentFactors[factorIdx];
double estimate = 0;
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
estimate += thisUserLatentFactors[factorIdx] * w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double estimateFactor = 1d/estimate;
sumLog += Math.log(estimateFactor);
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
double latent = thisUserLatentFactors[factorIdx];
resultNumeratorReconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx] += estimateFactor * latent;
double numerator = estimateFactor * w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
analyze_numerator[factorIdx] += numerator;
if (doNotEstimateYourself){
resultNumeratorAnalyze[factorIdx][itemIdx] -= numerator;
for (int lItemIdx : itemIndices) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
resultNumeratorAnalyze[factorIdx][lItemIdx] += analyze_numerator[factorIdx];
return new AggResult(resultNumeratorAnalyze, resultNumeratorReconstruct, resultDenominatorReconstructDiff, boughtItems, sumLog, countUsersBoughtItem, resultDenominatorReconstruct);
private void train(ExecutorService executorService, int iteration) {
// Creating the parallel execution tasks
List tasks = new ArrayList<>((numUsers / parallelizeSplitUserSize) + 1);
for (int fromUser = 0; fromUser < numUsers; fromUser += parallelizeSplitUserSize) {
int toUserExclusive = Math.min(numUsers, fromUser + parallelizeSplitUserSize);
ParallelExecTask task = new ParallelExecTask(fromUser, toUserExclusive);
try {
// Executing the tasks in parallel
List> results = executorService.invokeAll(tasks);
double[][] resultNumeratorAnalyze = new double[numFactors][numItems];
double[][] resultNumeratorReconstruct = new double[numFactors][numItems];
double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff = new double[numFactors][numItems]; // Used in denominator
double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct2 = new double[numFactors]; // Used in denominator
int boughtItems = 0;
double sumLog = 0; // only for calculating divergence for logging/debug
int[] countUsersBoughtItem = new int[numItems];
// Adding all the AggResults together..
for (Future future: results) {
AggResult result = future.get();
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
resultNumeratorAnalyze[factorIdx][itemIdx] += result.resultNumeratorAnalyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
resultNumeratorReconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx] += result.resultNumeratorReconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
resultDenominatorReconstructDiff[factorIdx][itemIdx] += result.resultDenominatorReconstructDiff[factorIdx][itemIdx];
resultDenominatorReconstruct2[factorIdx] += result.resultDenominatorReconstruct2[factorIdx];
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
countUsersBoughtItem[itemIdx] += result.countUsersBoughtItem[itemIdx];
boughtItems += result.boughtItems;
sumLog += result.sumLog;
// Norms of w are not calculated in parallel (not dependent on user)
double[] wNorm = new double[numFactors];
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
double sum = 0;
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
sum += w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
wNorm[factorIdx] = sum;
// Calculation of Divergence is not needed. Only for debugging/logging purpose
double divergence = calculateDivergence(boughtItems, sumLog, iteration, resultDenominatorReconstruct2, resultDenominatorReconstructDiff);
if (adaptiveUpdateRules){
if (iteration == 0 || divergence > divergenceFromLastStep){"divergence > divergenceFromLastStep. Setting exponent to 0.5.");
exponent = 0.5;
} else {
if (exponent < 1.45){
exponent += 0.1;
}"divergence <= divergenceFromLastStep. Exponent is now: " + exponent);
divergenceFromLastStep = divergence;
* Multiplicative updates are done here
* Look here for explanation:
* "Adaptive multiplicative updates for projective nonnegative matrix factorization."
// We do update of both matrices at once
// Could be changed here:
// if (iteration % 2 ==0){
double[][] new_w_reconstruct = updateReconstruct(resultNumeratorReconstruct, resultDenominatorReconstructDiff, resultDenominatorReconstruct2);
// w_reconstruct = new_w_reconstruct;
// } else {
updateAnalyze(resultNumeratorAnalyze, wNorm, countUsersBoughtItem);
// }
w_reconstruct = new_w_reconstruct;
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) {
LOG.error("", e);
throw new IllegalStateException(e);
private void updateAnalyze(double[][] resultNumeratorAnalyze, double[] wNorm, int[] countUsersBoughtItem) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
double oldValue = h_analyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double numerator = resultNumeratorAnalyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double denominator;
if (doNotEstimateYourself){
denominator = countUsersBoughtItem[itemIdx] * (wNorm[factorIdx] - w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx]);
} else {
denominator = countUsersBoughtItem[itemIdx] * wNorm[factorIdx];
double newValue = oldValue * Math.pow(numerator / denominator, exponent);
//LOG.warn("Analyze Double.isNaN " + numerator + " " + denominator + " " + oldValue + " " + newValue + " " + factorIdx + " " + itemIdx);
if (Double.isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue =0;
// if (newValue<1e-16) {
// newValue =1e-16;
// }
h_analyze[factorIdx][itemIdx] = newValue;
private double[][] updateReconstruct(double[][] resultNumeratorReconstruct, double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff,
double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct2) {
double[][] new_w_reconstruct = new double[numFactors][numItems];
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
double oldValue = w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double numerator = resultNumeratorReconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double denominatorDiff = resultDenominatorReconstructDiff[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double denominator = resultDenominatorReconstruct2[factorIdx];
double newValue = oldValue * Math.pow(numerator / (denominator - denominatorDiff), exponent);
// if (Double.isNaN(newValue)) {
// LOG.warn("Double.isNaN " + numerator + " " + denominator +" " + denominator2 + " " + oldValue + " " + newValue);
// }
// if (newValue<1e-16) {
// newValue =1e-16;
// }
new_w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx] = newValue;
return new_w_reconstruct;
private double calculateDivergence(int countAll, double sumLog, int iteration, double[] resultDenominatorReconstruct, double[][] resultDenominatorReconstructDiff) {
double sumAllEstimate = 0;
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
double denominatorDiff = resultDenominatorReconstructDiff[factorIdx][itemIdx];
double denominator = resultDenominatorReconstruct[factorIdx];
double newValue = denominator - denominatorDiff;
sumAllEstimate += w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx] * newValue;
double divergence = sumLog- countAll + sumAllEstimate;"Divergence (before iteration " + iteration +")=" + divergence + " sumLog=" + sumLog + " countAll=" + countAll + " sumAllEstimate=" + sumAllEstimate);
//"Divergence (before iteration " + iteration +")=" + divergence);
return divergence;
private double predict(SequentialSparseVector itemRatingsVector, int itemIdx) {
double sum = 0;
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
sum += w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx] * predictFactor(itemRatingsVector, factorIdx);
return sum;
private double predictFactor(SequentialSparseVector itemRatingsVector, int factorIdx) {
double sum = 0;
for (int itemIdx : itemRatingsVector.getIndices()) {
sum += w_reconstruct[factorIdx][itemIdx];
return sum;
private double[] predictFactors(int[] itemIndices) {
double[] latentFactors = new double[numFactors];
for (int itemIdx : itemIndices) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {
latentFactors[factorIdx] += h_analyze[factorIdx][itemIdx];
return latentFactors;
* This is not fast if you call for each item from outside
* Calculate factors first and then calculate with factors the prediction of each item
protected double predict(int userIdx, int itemIdx) throws LibrecException {
SequentialSparseVector itemRatingsVector = trainMatrix.row(userIdx);
return predict(itemRatingsVector, itemIdx);
public void saveModel(String directoryPath) {
File dir = new File(directoryPath);
File wFile = new File(dir, "w_reconstruct.csv");"Writing matrix w_reconstruct to file=" + wFile.getAbsolutePath());
saveMatrix(wFile, w_reconstruct);
File hFile = new File(dir, "h_analyze.csv");"Writing matrix h_analyze to file=" + hFile.getAbsolutePath());
saveMatrix(hFile, h_analyze);
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Could not save model", e);
private void saveMatrix(File file, double[][] matrix) throws IOException {
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
for (int i = 0; i < numFactors; i++) {
BiMap items = itemMappingData.inverse();
for (int itemIdx = 0; itemIdx < numItems; itemIdx++) {
for (int factorIdx = 0; factorIdx < numFactors; factorIdx++) {