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* "Concave" hulls by Glenn Hudson and Matt Duckham
* Source code downloaded from on 3rd November 2021.
* - This software is Copyright (C) 2008 Glenn Hudson released under Gnu Public License (GPL). Under
* GPL you are free to use, modify, and redistribute the software. Please acknowledge Glenn Hudson
* and Matt Duckham as the source of this software if you do use or adapt the code in further research
* or other work. For full details of GPL see
* - This software comes with no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
* A paper with full details of the characteristic hulls algorithm is published in Pattern Recognition.
* Duckham, M., Kulik, L., Worboys, M.F., Galton, A. (2008) Efficient generation of simple polygons for
* characterizing the shape of a set of points in the plane. Pattern Recognition v41, 3224-3236
* The software was developed by Glenn Hudson while working with me as an RA. The characteristic shapes
* algorithm is collaborative work between Matt Duckham, Lars Kulik, Antony Galton, and Mike Worboys.
package signalprocesser.shared;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.FontMetrics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.font.FontRenderContext;
import java.awt.font.TextLayout;
import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
public class TextToolkit {
/* ********************************************************* */
// Constants
private static final int MAX_LINES = 10;
private static final int LENGTH_TO_CUTUP_WORDS = 5;
private static final float DECREASE_FONT_HEIGHT_BY_FACTOR = 0.9f;
private static final String TERMINATE_HALFWORD_WITH = "-";
private static final String TERMINATE_IFMAXLEN_WITH = "...";
private static final FontRenderContext fontrender = new FontRenderContext(null, true, true);
/* ********************************************************* */
// Variables
// Note; as variables are shared for all methods, this makes the
// use of this toolkit single threaded, but this isn't a problem given
// there is only one sitemap and the paint() method is single threaded)
private static String[] lineoftext = new String[MAX_LINES];
/* ********************************************************* */
// Public Methods
// NOTE: the code in the writeFromTop(), writeFromLeft() and writeFromRight()
// methods are essentially duplicated for performance reasons.
static public void writeFromTop(Graphics2D graphic, Font font, Color color, String text, Rectangle textbounds) {
writeFromTop(graphic, font, color, text, textbounds, textbounds.height);
static public void writeFromTop(Graphics2D graphic, Font font, Color color, String text, Rectangle textbounds, int height) {
// Get the metrics for the current font
FontMetrics metrics = graphic.getFontMetrics(font);
// The ascent is the actual height of the text, but decrease it
// by a certain factor to make the text displayed tighter together
int fontheight = (int) ( metrics.getAscent() * DECREASE_FONT_HEIGHT_BY_FACTOR );
// Determine the number of lines that can be displayed
int numberoflines;
int maxnumberoflines = height / fontheight;
if ( maxnumberoflines<=1 ) {
numberoflines = 1;
getSinglelineOfText(text, metrics, textbounds.width);
} else {
if ( maxnumberoflines>MAX_LINES ) {
maxnumberoflines = MAX_LINES;
numberoflines = getMultilineOfText(text, metrics, maxnumberoflines, textbounds.width);
// Print the text
int margin = (height - numberoflines*fontheight)/2 + fontheight - metrics.getDescent()/2;
for ( int line=0 ; lineMAX_LINES ) {
maxnumberoflines = MAX_LINES;
numberoflines = getMultilineOfText(text, metrics, maxnumberoflines, textbounds.height);
// Print the text
int margin = (textbounds.width - numberoflines*fontheight)/2 + fontheight - metrics.getDescent()/2;
for ( int line=0 ; lineMAX_LINES ) {
maxnumberoflines = MAX_LINES;
numberoflines = getMultilineOfText(text, metrics, maxnumberoflines, textbounds.height);
// Print the text
int margin = (textbounds.width - numberoflines*fontheight)/2 + fontheight - metrics.getDescent()/2;
for ( int line=0 ; lineMAX_LINES ) {
maxnumberoflines = MAX_LINES;
numberoflines = getMultilineOfText(text, metrics, maxnumberoflines, textbounds.height);
// Print the text
int margin = (textbounds.width + numberoflines*fontheight)/2 - fontheight + metrics.getDescent()/2;
for ( int line=0 ; line=maxnumberoflines-1 ) {
islastline = true;
iftoolongwidth = metrics.stringWidth(iftoolong);
// Get the text for the next line
currindex = printLine(currline, string, metrics, currindex, maxwidth, islastline, iftoolong, iftoolongwidth);
if ( currindex<0 ) {
return currline + 1;
// If we got this far, we had to terminate before we reached the end
// of the string. Set the maxnumber of lines to the numberoflines
// variable before returning
return maxnumberoflines;
static private int printLine(int currline, String string, FontMetrics metrics, int currindex, int maxwidth, boolean islastline, String iftoolong, int iftoolongwidth) {
// Get the index of the beginning of the line
int linestarts = currindex;
// Get what can be printed on the current line
int width = 0;
int lastspace = -1;
for ( ; currindex (maxwidth-iftoolongwidth) ) {
// Determine if we reached the end of line
if ( currindex>=string.length() ) {
// We can print what is left on the current line, then add
// it to the list and of lines and return
lineoftext[currline] = string.substring(linestarts);
return -1;
} else {
// Otherwise, we may/not not be able to depending on the length of
// the iftolong string; determine if it's getting in the way
int tmpindex = currindex;
for ( ; tmpindex maxwidth ) {
// If the iftoolong string gets in the way, then just print
// the current line and return, otherwise we need to continue
if ( tmpindex>=string.length() ) {
lineoftext[currline] = string.substring(linestarts);
return -1;
} else if ( lastspace>=0 && islastline==false && (currindex-lastspace)