Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import io.microsphere.lang.Prioritized;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import static io.microsphere.collection.SetUtils.of;
import static io.microsphere.constants.SymbolConstants.COLON_CHAR;
import static io.microsphere.constants.SymbolConstants.DOT_CHAR;
import static io.microsphere.constants.SymbolConstants.QUERY_STRING;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static io.microsphere.util.StringUtils.isBlank;
import static io.microsphere.util.StringUtils.split;
import static;
import static java.util.Collections.sort;
* Extendable Protocol {@link URLStreamHandler} class supports the sub-protocols,
* like "{protocol}:{sub-protocols[0]}: ... :{sub-protocols[n]}://...",
* - {protocol} : The protocol of {@link URLStreamHandler URLStreamHandler} is recognized by {@link URL} (required)
* - {sub-protocols} : the list of sub-protocols that is {@link #resolveSubProtocols(URL) resolved} from {@link URL} (optional)
* The method {@link #initSubProtocolURLConnectionFactories(List)} that is overridden allows the sub-protocols to be extended,
* the prerequisite is the method {@link #init() being invoked later.
* If no {@link SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory} initialized or {@link URLConnection} open,
* the {@link #openFallbackConnection(URL, Proxy) fallback strategy} will be applied.
* If there is no requirement to support the sub-protocol, the subclass only needs to override {@link #openConnection(URL, Proxy)} method.
* If an instance is instantiated by the default constructor, the implementation class must the obey conventions as follow:
* - The class must be the top level
* - The simple class name must be "Handler"
* - The class must not be present in the "default" or builtin package({@linkURLUtils #DEFAULT_HANDLER_PACKAGE_PREFIX ""})
* A new instance also can specify some protocol via {@link #ExtendableProtocolURLStreamHandler(String) the constructor with the protocol argument}.
* Node: these methods are overridden making final:
* - {@link #openConnection(URL)}
* - {@link #parseURL(URL, String, int, int)}
* - {@link #equals(URL, URL)}
* - {@link #hostsEqual(URL, URL)}
* - {@link #hashCode(URL)}
* - {@link #toExternalForm(URL)}
* @author Mercy
* @see SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory
* @see URLStreamHandler
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract class ExtendableProtocolURLStreamHandler extends URLStreamHandler {
private final String protocol;
private final List factories = new ArrayList<>();
* The default constructor must obey the following conventions:
* - The class must be the top level
* - The simple class name must be "Handler"
* - The class must not be present in the "default" or builtin package({@link URLUtils#DEFAULT_HANDLER_PACKAGE_PREFIX ""})
public ExtendableProtocolURLStreamHandler() {
Class> currentClass = getClass();
String packageName = appendHandlerPackage(currentClass);
this.protocol = resolveConventionProtocol(packageName);
public ExtendableProtocolURLStreamHandler(String protocol) {
this.protocol = protocol;
public static Set getHandlePackages() {
String value = getHandlePackagesPropertyValue();
String[] packages = split(value, HANDLER_PACKAGES_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
return of(packages);
* Get the {@link System} property value of the packages of {@link URLStreamHandler URLStreamHandlers}.
* @return null
if absent
public static String getHandlePackagesPropertyValue() {
return System.getProperty(HANDLER_PACKAGES_PROPERTY_NAME);
public void init() {
// register self
private void initSubProtocolURLConnectionFactories() {
List factories = this.factories;
sort(factories, Prioritized.COMPARATOR);
* Initialize {@link SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory SubProtocolURLConnectionFactories}
* @param factories the collection of {@link SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory SubProtocolURLConnectionFactories}
protected void initSubProtocolURLConnectionFactories(List factories) {
protected final URLConnection openConnection(URL u) throws IOException {
return openConnection(u, NO_PROXY);
protected URLConnection openConnection(URL u, Proxy p) throws IOException {
List subProtocols = resolveSubProtocols(u);
URLConnection urlConnection = null;
int size = factories.size();
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory factory = factories.get(i);
if (factory.supports(u, subProtocols)) {
urlConnection = factory.create(u, subProtocols, p);
if (urlConnection != null) {
return urlConnection == null ? openFallbackConnection(u, p) : urlConnection;
* The subclass can override this method to open the fallback {@link URLConnection} if
* any {@link SubProtocolURLConnectionFactory} does not create the {@link URLConnection}.
* @param url the URL that this connects to
* @param proxy {@link Proxy} the proxy through which the connection will be made. If direct connection is desired, Proxy.NO_PROXY should be specified.
* @return null
as default
* @throws IOException
protected URLConnection openFallbackConnection(URL url, Proxy proxy) throws IOException {
return null;
protected final boolean equals(URL u1, URL u2) {
return Objects.equals(toExternalForm(u1), toExternalForm(u2));
protected final int hashCode(URL u) {
return toExternalForm(u).hashCode();
protected final boolean hostsEqual(URL u1, URL u2) {
return Objects.equals(u1.getHost(), u2.getHost());
* Reuses the algorithm of {@link URLStreamHandler#toExternalForm(URL)} using the {@link StringBuilder} to
* the {@link StringBuilder}.
* @param u the URL.
* @return a string representation of the URL argument.
protected final String toExternalForm(URL u) {
return URLUtils.toExternalForm(u);
protected final void parseURL(URL u, String spec, int start, int limit) {
int end = spec.indexOf("://", start);
if (end > start) { // The sub-protocol was found
String actualSpec = reformSpec(u, spec, start, end, limit);
super.parseURL(u, actualSpec, start, actualSpec.length());
} else {
super.parseURL(u, spec, start, limit);
* Reform the string of specified {@link URL} if its' scheme presents the sub-protocol, e,g.
* A string representing the URL is "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3307/mydb?charset=UTF-8#top", its'
* - scheme : "jdbc:mysql"
* - host : "localhost"
* - port : 3307
* - path : "/mydb"
* - query : "charset=UTF-8"
* - ref : "top"
* This scheme contains two parts, the former is "jdbc" as the protocol, the later is "mysql" called sub-protocol
* which is convenient to extend the fine-grain {@link URLStreamHandler}.
* In this case, the reformed string of specified {@link URL} will be "jdbc://localhost:3307/mydb;_sp=mysql?charset=UTF-8#top".
* @param url the {@code URL} to receive the result of parsing
* the spec.
* @param spec the {@code String} representing the URL that
* must be parsed.
* @param start the character index at which to begin parsing. This is
* just past the '{@code :}' (if there is one) that
* specifies the determination of the protocol name.
* @param end the index of the string "://" present in the URL from the
* start
index, its' value is greater or equal 0.
* @param limit the character position to stop parsing at. This is the
* end of the string or the position of the
* "{@code #}" character, if present. All information
* after the sharp sign indicates an anchor.
* @return reformed the string of specified {@link URL} if the suffix o
protected String reformSpec(URL url, String spec, int start, int end, int limit) {
String protocol = url.getProtocol();
String subProtocol = spec.substring(start, end);
String[] subProtocols = split(subProtocol, COLON_CHAR);
String matrix = buildMatrixString(SUB_PROTOCOL_MATRIX_NAME, subProtocols);
String suffix = spec.substring(end, limit);
int capacity = protocol.length() + matrix.length() + suffix.length();
StringBuilder newSpecBuilder = new StringBuilder(capacity);
int insertIndex = newSpecBuilder.indexOf(QUERY_STRING, end);
if (insertIndex > end) {
newSpecBuilder.insert(insertIndex, matrix);
} else {
return newSpecBuilder.toString();
* Get the sub-protocols from the specified {@link URL}
* @param url {@link URL}
* @return non-null
protected List resolveSubProtocols(URL url) {
return URLUtils.resolveSubProtocols(url);
protected String resolveAuthority(URL url) {
return URLUtils.resolveAuthority(url);
protected String resolvePath(URL url) {
return URLUtils.resolvePath(url.getPath());
public final String getProtocol() {
return protocol;
public String toString() {
String sb = getClass().getName() + "{defaultPort=" + getDefaultPort() +
",protocol=" + getProtocol() +
return sb;
private static String resolveConventionProtocol(String packageName) {
int lastIndex = packageName.lastIndexOf(DOT_CHAR);
return packageName.substring(lastIndex + 1);
private static void assertConventions(Class> type) {
private static void assertClassTopLevel(Class> type) {
if (type.isLocalClass() || type.isAnonymousClass() || type.isMemberClass()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The implementation " + type + " must be the top level");
private static void assertClassName(Class> type) {
String simpleClassName = type.getSimpleName();
if (!Objects.equals(className, simpleClassName)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The implementation class must name '" + className + "', actual : '" + simpleClassName + "'");
private static void assertPackage(Class> type) {
String className = type.getName();
if (className.indexOf(DOT_CHAR) < 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Handler class must not be present at the top package!");
if (className.startsWith(packagePrefix)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The Handler class must not be present in the builtin package : '" + packagePrefix + "'");
private static String appendHandlerPackage(Class> type) {
String packageName = type.getPackage().getName();
return packageName;
static void appendHandlePackage(String packageName) {
String handlePackage = packageName.substring(0, packageName.lastIndexOf('.'));
Set packages = getHandlePackages();
if (packages.contains(handlePackage)) {
String currentHandlerPackages = getHandlePackagesPropertyValue();
String handlePackages = null;
if (isBlank(currentHandlerPackages)) {
handlePackages = handlePackage;
} else {
handlePackages = currentHandlerPackages + HANDLER_PACKAGES_SEPARATOR_CHAR + handlePackage;
System.setProperty(HANDLER_PACKAGES_PROPERTY_NAME, handlePackages);