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Core.TT.Term.idr Maven / Gradle / Ivy

The newest version!
module Core.TT.Term

import Algebra

import Core.FC

import Core.Name
import Core.Name.Scoped
import Core.TT.Binder
import Core.TT.Primitive
import Core.TT.Var

import Data.List

%default total

-- Name types
-- This information is cached in Refs (global variables) so as to avoid
-- too many lookups

public export
data NameType : Type where
     Bound   : NameType
     Func    : NameType
     DataCon : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType
     TyCon   : (tag : Int) -> (arity : Nat) -> NameType

%name NameType nt

Show NameType where
  showPrec d Bound = "Bound"
  showPrec d Func = "Func"
  showPrec d (DataCon tag ar) = showCon d "DataCon" $ showArg tag ++ showArg ar
  showPrec d (TyCon tag ar) = showCon d "TyCon" $ showArg tag ++ showArg ar

isCon : NameType -> Maybe (Int, Nat)
isCon (DataCon t a) = Just (t, a)
isCon (TyCon t a) = Just (t, a)
isCon _ = Nothing

-- Typechecked terms
-- These are guaranteed to be well-scoped wrt local variables, because they are
-- indexed by the names of local variables in scope
public export
data LazyReason = LInf | LLazy | LUnknown

%name LazyReason lz

-- For as patterns matching linear arguments, select which side is
-- consumed
public export
data UseSide = UseLeft | UseRight

%name UseSide side

public export
data WhyErased a
  = Placeholder
  | Impossible
  | Dotted a

Show a => Show (WhyErased a) where
  show Placeholder = "placeholder"
  show Impossible = "impossible"
  show (Dotted x) = "dotted \{show x}"

%name WhyErased why

Functor WhyErased where
  map f Placeholder = Placeholder
  map f Impossible = Impossible
  map f (Dotted x) = Dotted (f x)

Foldable WhyErased where
  foldr c n (Dotted x) = c x n
  foldr c n _ = n

Traversable WhyErased where
  traverse f Placeholder = pure Placeholder
  traverse f Impossible = pure Impossible
  traverse f (Dotted x) = Dotted <$> f x

-- Core Terms

public export
data Term : Scoped where
     Local : FC -> (isLet : Maybe Bool) ->
             (idx : Nat) -> (0 p : IsVar name idx vars) -> Term vars
     Ref : FC -> NameType -> (name : Name) -> Term vars
     -- Metavariables and the scope they are applied to
     Meta : FC -> Name -> Int -> List (Term vars) -> Term vars
     Bind : FC -> (x : Name) ->
            (b : Binder (Term vars)) ->
            (scope : Term (x :: vars)) -> Term vars
     App : FC -> (fn : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
     -- as patterns; since we check LHS patterns as terms before turning
     -- them into patterns, this helps us get it right. When normalising,
     -- we just reduce the inner term and ignore the 'as' part
     -- The 'as' part should really be a Name rather than a Term, but it's
     -- easier this way since it gives us the ability to work with unresolved
     -- names (Ref) and resolved names (Local) without having to define a
     -- special purpose thing. (But it'd be nice to tidy that up, nevertheless)
     As : FC -> UseSide -> (as : Term vars) -> (pat : Term vars) -> Term vars
     -- Typed laziness annotations
     TDelayed : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
     TDelay : FC -> LazyReason -> (ty : Term vars) -> (arg : Term vars) -> Term vars
     TForce : FC -> LazyReason -> Term vars -> Term vars
     PrimVal : FC -> (c : Constant) -> Term vars
     Erased : FC -> WhyErased (Term vars) -> -- True == impossible term, for coverage checker
              Term vars
     TType : FC -> Name -> -- universe variable
             Term vars

%name Term t, u

public export
ClosedTerm : Type
ClosedTerm = Term []

-- Weakening

export covering
insertNames : GenWeakenable Term
insertNames out ns (Local fc r idx prf)
   = let MkNVar prf' = insertNVarNames out ns (MkNVar prf) in
     Local fc r _ prf'
insertNames out ns (Ref fc nt name) = Ref fc nt name
insertNames out ns (Meta fc name idx args)
    = Meta fc name idx (map (insertNames out ns) args)
insertNames out ns (Bind fc x b scope)
    = Bind fc x (assert_total (map (insertNames out ns) b))
           (insertNames (suc out) ns scope)
insertNames out ns (App fc fn arg)
    = App fc (insertNames out ns fn) (insertNames out ns arg)
insertNames out ns (As fc s as tm)
    = As fc s (insertNames out ns as) (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (insertNames out ns ty)
insertNames out ns (TDelay fc r ty tm)
    = TDelay fc r (insertNames out ns ty) (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (TForce fc r tm) = TForce fc r (insertNames out ns tm)
insertNames out ns (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
insertNames out ns (Erased fc Impossible) = Erased fc Impossible
insertNames out ns (Erased fc Placeholder) = Erased fc Placeholder
insertNames out ns (Erased fc (Dotted t)) = Erased fc (Dotted (insertNames out ns t))
insertNames out ns (TType fc u) = TType fc u

compatTerm : CompatibleVars xs ys -> Term xs -> Term ys
compatTerm compat tm = believe_me tm -- no names in term, so it's identity
-- This is how we would define it:
-- compatTerm CompatPre tm = tm
-- compatTerm prf (Local fc r idx vprf)
--     = let MkVar vprf' = compatIsVar prf vprf in
--           Local fc r _ vprf'
-- compatTerm prf (Ref fc x name) = Ref fc x name
-- compatTerm prf (Meta fc n i args)
--     = Meta fc n i (map (compatTerm prf) args)
-- compatTerm prf (Bind fc x b scope)
--     = Bind fc x (map (compatTerm prf) b) (compatTerm (CompatExt prf) scope)
-- compatTerm prf (App fc fn arg)
--     = App fc (compatTerm prf fn) (compatTerm prf arg)
-- compatTerm prf (As fc s as tm)
--     = As fc s (compatTerm prf as) (compatTerm prf tm)
-- compatTerm prf (TDelayed fc r ty) = TDelayed fc r (compatTerm prf ty)
-- compatTerm prf (TDelay fc r ty tm)
--     = TDelay fc r (compatTerm prf ty) (compatTerm prf tm)
-- compatTerm prf (TForce fc r x) = TForce fc r (compatTerm prf x)
-- compatTerm prf (PrimVal fc c) = PrimVal fc c
-- compatTerm prf (Erased fc i) = Erased fc i
-- compatTerm prf (TType fc) = TType fc

  shrinkPi : Shrinkable (PiInfo . Term)
  shrinkPi pinfo th
    = assert_total
    $ traverse (\ t => shrinkTerm t th) pinfo

  shrinkBinder : Shrinkable (Binder . Term)
  shrinkBinder binder th
    = assert_total
    $ traverse (\ t => shrinkTerm t th) binder

  shrinkTerms : Shrinkable (List . Term)
  shrinkTerms ts th
    = assert_total
    $ traverse (\ t => shrinkTerm t th) ts

  shrinkTerm : Shrinkable Term
  shrinkTerm (Local fc r idx loc) prf
    = do MkVar loc' <- shrinkIsVar loc prf
         pure (Local fc r _ loc')
  shrinkTerm (Ref fc x name) prf = Just (Ref fc x name)
  shrinkTerm (Meta fc x y xs) prf
     = do Just (Meta fc x y !(shrinkTerms xs prf))
  shrinkTerm (Bind fc x b scope) prf
     = Just (Bind fc x !(shrinkBinder b prf) !(shrinkTerm scope (Keep prf)))
  shrinkTerm (App fc fn arg) prf
     = Just (App fc !(shrinkTerm fn prf) !(shrinkTerm arg prf))
  shrinkTerm (As fc s as tm) prf
     = Just (As fc s !(shrinkTerm as prf) !(shrinkTerm tm prf))
  shrinkTerm (TDelayed fc x y) prf
     = Just (TDelayed fc x !(shrinkTerm y prf))
  shrinkTerm (TDelay fc x t y) prf
     = Just (TDelay fc x !(shrinkTerm t prf) !(shrinkTerm y prf))
  shrinkTerm (TForce fc r x) prf
     = Just (TForce fc r !(shrinkTerm x prf))
  shrinkTerm (PrimVal fc c) prf = Just (PrimVal fc c)
  shrinkTerm (Erased fc Placeholder) prf = Just (Erased fc Placeholder)
  shrinkTerm (Erased fc Impossible) prf = Just (Erased fc Impossible)
  shrinkTerm (Erased fc (Dotted t)) prf = Erased fc . Dotted <$> shrinkTerm t prf
  shrinkTerm (TType fc u) prf = Just (TType fc u)

  thinPi : Thinnable (PiInfo . Term)
  thinPi pinfo th = assert_total $ map (\ t => thinTerm t th) pinfo

  thinBinder : Thinnable (Binder . Term)
  thinBinder binder th = assert_total $ map (\ t => thinTerm t th) binder

  thinTerms : Thinnable (List . Term)
  thinTerms ts th = assert_total $ map (\ t => thinTerm t th) ts

  thinTerm : Thinnable Term
  thinTerm (Local fc x idx y) th
      = let MkVar y' = thinIsVar y th in Local fc x _ y'
  thinTerm (Ref fc x name) th = Ref fc x name
  thinTerm (Meta fc x y xs) th
      = Meta fc x y (thinTerms xs th)
  thinTerm (Bind fc x b scope) th
      = Bind fc x (thinBinder b th) (thinTerm scope (Keep th))
  thinTerm (App fc fn arg) th
      = App fc (thinTerm fn th) (thinTerm arg th)
  thinTerm (As fc s nm pat) th
      = As fc s (thinTerm nm th) (thinTerm pat th)
  thinTerm (TDelayed fc x y) th = TDelayed fc x (thinTerm y th)
  thinTerm (TDelay fc x t y) th
      = TDelay fc x (thinTerm t th) (thinTerm y th)
  thinTerm (TForce fc r x) th = TForce fc r (thinTerm x th)
  thinTerm (PrimVal fc c) th = PrimVal fc c
  thinTerm (Erased fc Impossible) th = Erased fc Impossible
  thinTerm (Erased fc Placeholder) th = Erased fc Placeholder
  thinTerm (Erased fc (Dotted t)) th = Erased fc (Dotted (thinTerm t th))
  thinTerm (TType fc u) th = TType fc u

GenWeaken Term where
  genWeakenNs = assert_total $ insertNames

WeakenTerm : Weaken Term
WeakenTerm = GenWeakenWeakens

FreelyEmbeddable Term where

IsScoped Term where
  shrink = shrinkTerm
  thin = thinTerm
  compatNs = compatTerm

-- Smart constructors

apply : FC -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> Term vars
apply loc fn [] = fn
apply loc fn (a :: args) = apply loc (App loc fn a) args

-- Creates a chain of `App` nodes, each with its own file context
applySpineWithFC : Term vars -> SnocList (FC, Term vars) -> Term vars
applySpineWithFC fn [<] = fn
applySpineWithFC fn (args :< (fc, arg)) = App fc (applySpineWithFC fn args) arg

-- Creates a chain of `App` nodes, each with its own file context
applyStackWithFC : Term vars -> List (FC, Term vars) -> Term vars
applyStackWithFC fn [] = fn
applyStackWithFC fn ((fc, arg) :: args) = applyStackWithFC (App fc fn arg) args

-- Build a simple function type
fnType : {vars : _} -> FC -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
fnType fc arg scope = Bind emptyFC (MN "_" 0) (Pi fc top Explicit arg) (weaken scope)

linFnType : {vars : _} -> FC -> Term vars -> Term vars -> Term vars
linFnType fc arg scope = Bind emptyFC (MN "_" 0) (Pi fc linear Explicit arg) (weaken scope)

getFnArgs : Term vars -> (Term vars, List (Term vars))
getFnArgs tm = getFA [] tm
    getFA : List (Term vars) -> Term vars ->
            (Term vars, List (Term vars))
    getFA args (App _ f a) = getFA (a :: args) f
    getFA args tm = (tm, args)

getFn : Term vars -> Term vars
getFn (App _ f a) = getFn f
getFn tm = tm

getArgs : Term vars -> (List (Term vars))
getArgs = snd . getFnArgs

-- Namespace manipulations

-- Remove/restore the given namespace from all Refs. This is to allow
-- writing terms and case trees to disk without repeating the same namespace
-- all over the place.
public export
interface StripNamespace a where
  trimNS : Namespace -> a -> a
  restoreNS : Namespace -> a -> a

StripNamespace Name where
  trimNS ns nm@(NS tns n)
    = if ns == tns then NS emptyNS n else nm
      -- ^ A blank namespace, rather than a UN, so we don't catch primitive
      -- names which are represented as UN.
  trimNS ns nm = nm

  restoreNS ns nm@(NS tns n)
      = if isNil (unsafeUnfoldNamespace tns)
            then NS ns n
            else nm
  restoreNS ns nm = nm

export covering
StripNamespace (Term vars) where
  trimNS ns (Ref fc x nm)
      = Ref fc x (trimNS ns nm)
  trimNS ns (Meta fc x y xs)
      = Meta fc x y (map (trimNS ns) xs)
  trimNS ns (Bind fc x b scope)
      = Bind fc x (map (trimNS ns) b) (trimNS ns scope)
  trimNS ns (App fc fn arg)
      = App fc (trimNS ns fn) (trimNS ns arg)
  trimNS ns (As fc s p tm)
      = As fc s (trimNS ns p) (trimNS ns tm)
  trimNS ns (TDelayed fc x y)
      = TDelayed fc x (trimNS ns y)
  trimNS ns (TDelay fc x t y)
      = TDelay fc x (trimNS ns t) (trimNS ns y)
  trimNS ns (TForce fc r y)
      = TForce fc r (trimNS ns y)
  trimNS ns tm = tm

  restoreNS ns (Ref fc x nm)
      = Ref fc x (restoreNS ns nm)
  restoreNS ns (Meta fc x y xs)
      = Meta fc x y (map (restoreNS ns) xs)
  restoreNS ns (Bind fc x b scope)
      = Bind fc x (map (restoreNS ns) b) (restoreNS ns scope)
  restoreNS ns (App fc fn arg)
      = App fc (restoreNS ns fn) (restoreNS ns arg)
  restoreNS ns (As fc s p tm)
      = As fc s (restoreNS ns p) (restoreNS ns tm)
  restoreNS ns (TDelayed fc x y)
      = TDelayed fc x (restoreNS ns y)
  restoreNS ns (TDelay fc x t y)
      = TDelay fc x (restoreNS ns t) (restoreNS ns y)
  restoreNS ns (TForce fc r y)
      = TForce fc r (restoreNS ns y)
  restoreNS ns tm = tm

isErased : Term vars -> Bool
isErased (Erased _ _) = True
isErased _ = False

getLoc : Term vars -> FC
getLoc (Local fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (Ref fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (Meta fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (Bind fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (App fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (As fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelayed fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (TDelay fc _ _ _) = fc
getLoc (TForce fc _ _) = fc
getLoc (PrimVal fc _) = fc
getLoc (Erased fc i) = fc
getLoc (TType fc _) = fc

Eq LazyReason where
  (==) LInf LInf = True
  (==) LLazy LLazy = True
  (==) LUnknown LUnknown = True
  (==) _ _ = False

Show LazyReason where
    show LInf = "Inf"
    show LLazy = "Lazy"
    show LUnknown = "Unkown"

compatible : LazyReason -> LazyReason -> Bool
compatible LUnknown _ = True
compatible _ LUnknown = True
compatible x y = x == y

Eq a => Eq (WhyErased a) where
  Placeholder == Placeholder = True
  Impossible == Impossible = True
  Dotted t == Dotted u = t == u
  _ == _ = False

eqWhyErasedBy : (a -> b -> Bool) -> WhyErased a -> WhyErased b -> Bool
eqWhyErasedBy eq Impossible Impossible = True
eqWhyErasedBy eq Placeholder Placeholder = True
eqWhyErasedBy eq (Dotted t) (Dotted u) = eq t u
eqWhyErasedBy eq _ _ = False

eqTerm : Term vs -> Term vs' -> Bool
eqTerm (Local _ _ idx _) (Local _ _ idx' _) = idx == idx'
eqTerm (Ref _ _ n) (Ref _ _ n') = n == n'
eqTerm (Meta _ _ i args) (Meta _ _ i' args')
    = i == i' && assert_total (all (uncurry eqTerm) (zip args args'))
eqTerm (Bind _ _ b sc) (Bind _ _ b' sc')
    = assert_total (eqBinderBy eqTerm b b') && eqTerm sc sc'
eqTerm (App _ f a) (App _ f' a') = eqTerm f f' && eqTerm a a'
eqTerm (As _ _ a p) (As _ _ a' p') = eqTerm a a' && eqTerm p p'
eqTerm (TDelayed _ _ t) (TDelayed _ _ t') = eqTerm t t'
eqTerm (TDelay _ _ t x) (TDelay _ _ t' x') = eqTerm t t' && eqTerm x x'
eqTerm (TForce _ _ t) (TForce _ _ t') = eqTerm t t'
eqTerm (PrimVal _ c) (PrimVal _ c') = c == c'
eqTerm (Erased _ i) (Erased _ i') = assert_total (eqWhyErasedBy eqTerm i i')
eqTerm (TType _ _) (TType _ _) = True
eqTerm _ _ = False

Eq (Term vars) where
  (==) = eqTerm

-- Scope checking


  resolveNamesBinder : (vars : List Name) -> Binder (Term vars) -> Binder (Term vars)
  resolveNamesBinder vars b = assert_total $ map (resolveNames vars) b

  resolveNamesTerms : (vars : List Name) -> List (Term vars) -> List (Term vars)
  resolveNamesTerms vars ts = assert_total $ map (resolveNames vars) ts

  -- Replace any Ref Bound in a type with appropriate local
  resolveNames : (vars : List Name) -> Term vars -> Term vars
  resolveNames vars (Ref fc Bound name)
      = case isNVar name vars of
             Just (MkNVar prf) => Local fc (Just False) _ prf
             _ => Ref fc Bound name
  resolveNames vars (Meta fc n i xs)
      = Meta fc n i (resolveNamesTerms vars xs)
  resolveNames vars (Bind fc x b scope)
      = Bind fc x (resolveNamesBinder vars b) (resolveNames (x :: vars) scope)
  resolveNames vars (App fc fn arg)
      = App fc (resolveNames vars fn) (resolveNames vars arg)
  resolveNames vars (As fc s as pat)
      = As fc s (resolveNames vars as) (resolveNames vars pat)
  resolveNames vars (TDelayed fc x y)
      = TDelayed fc x (resolveNames vars y)
  resolveNames vars (TDelay fc x t y)
      = TDelay fc x (resolveNames vars t) (resolveNames vars y)
  resolveNames vars (TForce fc r x)
      = TForce fc r (resolveNames vars x)
  resolveNames vars tm = tm

-- Showing

withPiInfo : Show t => PiInfo t -> String -> String
withPiInfo Explicit tm = "(" ++ tm ++ ")"
withPiInfo Implicit tm = "{" ++ tm ++ "}"
withPiInfo AutoImplicit tm = "{auto " ++ tm ++ "}"
withPiInfo (DefImplicit t) tm = "{default " ++ show t ++ " " ++ tm ++ "}"

{vars : _} -> Show (Term vars) where
  show tm = let (fn, args) = getFnArgs tm in showApp fn args
      showApp : {vars : _} -> Term vars -> List (Term vars) -> String
      showApp (Local _ c idx p) []
         = show (nameAt p) ++ "[" ++ show idx ++ "]"

      showApp (Ref _ _ n) [] = show n
      showApp (Meta _ n _ args) []
          = "?" ++ show n ++ "_" ++ show args
      showApp (Bind _ x (Lam _ c info ty) sc) []
          = "\\" ++ withPiInfo info (showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
            " => " ++ show sc
      showApp (Bind _ x (Let _ c val ty) sc) []
          = "let " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
            " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
      showApp (Bind _ x (Pi _ c info ty) sc) []
          = withPiInfo info (showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
            " -> " ++ show sc
      showApp (Bind _ x (PVar _ c info ty) sc) []
          = withPiInfo info ("pat " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty) ++
            " => " ++ show sc
      showApp (Bind _ x (PLet _ c val ty) sc) []
          = "plet " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
            " = " ++ show val ++ " in " ++ show sc
      showApp (Bind _ x (PVTy _ c ty) sc) []
          = "pty " ++ showCount c ++ show x ++ " : " ++ show ty ++
            " => " ++ show sc
      showApp (App _ _ _) [] = "[can't happen]"
      showApp (As _ _ n tm) [] = show n ++ "@" ++ show tm
      showApp (TDelayed _ _ tm) [] = "%Delayed " ++ show tm
      showApp (TDelay _ _ _ tm) [] = "%Delay " ++ show tm
      showApp (TForce _ _ tm) [] = "%Force " ++ show tm
      showApp (PrimVal _ c) [] = show c
      showApp (Erased _ (Dotted t)) [] = ".(" ++ show t ++ ")"
      showApp (Erased _ _) [] = "[__]"
      showApp (TType _ u) [] = "Type"
      showApp _ [] = "???"
      showApp f args = "(" ++ assert_total (show f) ++ " " ++
                        assert_total (showSep " " (map show args))
                     ++ ")"

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