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Idris.Desugar.idr Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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module Idris.Desugar

import Core.Context
import Core.Context.Log
import Core.Core
import Core.Env
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Options
import Core.TT
import Core.Unify

import Libraries.Data.List.Extra
import Libraries.Data.StringMap
import Libraries.Data.ANameMap
import Libraries.Data.SortedMap

import Idris.Doc.String
import Idris.Error
import Idris.Pretty
import Idris.REPL.Opts
import Idris.Syntax
import Idris.Syntax.Builtin

import Idris.Elab.Implementation
import Idris.Elab.Interface

import Idris.Desugar.Mutual

import Parser.Lexer.Source
import Parser.Support

import TTImp.BindImplicits
import TTImp.Parser
import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Utils

import Libraries.Data.IMaybe
import Libraries.Utils.Shunting
import Libraries.Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.List.Views
import Data.String

-- Convert high level Idris declarations (PDecl from Idris.Syntax) into
-- TTImp, recording any high level syntax info on the way (e.g. infix
-- operators)

-- Desugaring from high level Idris syntax to TTImp involves:

-- * Shunting infix operators into function applications according to precedence
-- * Replacing 'do' notating with applications of (>>=)
-- * Replacing string interpolation with concatenation by (++)
-- * Replacing pattern matching binds with 'case'
-- * Changing tuples to 'Pair/MkPair'
-- * List notation
-- * Replacing !-notation
-- * Dependent pair notation
-- * Idiom brackets

%default covering

public export
data Side = LHS | AnyExpr

Eq Side where
  LHS == LHS = True
  AnyExpr == AnyExpr = True
  _ == _ = False

extendSyn : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
            {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
            SyntaxInfo -> Core ()
extendSyn newsyn
    = do syn <- get Syn
         log "doc.module" 20 $ unlines
           [ "Old (" ++ unwords (map show $ saveMod syn) ++ "): "
              ++ show (modDocstrings syn)
           , "New (" ++ unwords (map show $ saveMod newsyn) ++ "): "
              ++ show (modDocstrings newsyn)

         -- Before we merge the two syntax environement, we remove the
         -- private fixities from the one we are importing.
         -- We keep the local private fixities since they are visible in the
         -- current file.
         let filteredFixities = removePrivate (fixities newsyn)
         put Syn ({ fixities $= merge filteredFixities,
                    ifaces $= merge (ifaces newsyn),
                    modDocstrings $= mergeLeft (modDocstrings newsyn),
                    modDocexports $= mergeLeft (modDocexports newsyn),
                    defDocstrings $= merge (defDocstrings newsyn),
                    bracketholes $= ((bracketholes newsyn) ++) }
    removePrivate : ANameMap FixityInfo -> ANameMap FixityInfo
    removePrivate = fromList . filter ((/= Private) . vis . snd) . toList

mkPrec : Fixity -> Nat -> OpPrec
mkPrec InfixL = AssocL
mkPrec InfixR = AssocR
mkPrec Infix  = NonAssoc
mkPrec Prefix = Prefix

-- Check that an operator does not have any conflicting fixities in scope.
-- Each operator can have its fixity defined multiple times across multiple
-- modules as long as the fixities are consistent. If they aren't, the fixity
-- can be hidden with %hide, this is handled by `removeFixity`.
-- Once conflicts are handled we return the operator precedence we found.
checkConflictingFixities : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                           {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                           (isPrefix : Bool) ->
                           FC -> Name -> Core OpPrec
checkConflictingFixities isPrefix exprFC opn
  = do syn <- get Syn
       let op = nameRoot opn
       let foundFixities : List (Name, FixityInfo) = lookupName (UN (Basic op)) (fixities syn)
       let (pre, inf) = partition ((== Prefix) . fix . snd) foundFixities
       case (isPrefix, pre, inf) of
            -- If we do not find any fixity for this operator we check that it uses operator
            -- characters, if not, it must be a backticked expression.
            (_, [], []) => if any isOpChar (fastUnpack op)
                              then throw (GenericMsg exprFC "Unknown operator '\{op}'")
                              else pure (NonAssoc 1) -- Backticks are non associative by default

            (True, ((fxName, fx) :: _), _) => do
                -- in the prefix case, remove conflicts with infix (-)
                let extraFixities = pre ++ (filter (\(nm, _) => not $ nameRoot nm == "-") inf)
                unless (isCompatible fx extraFixities) $ warnConflict fxName extraFixities
                pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence)
            -- Could not find any prefix operator fixities, there may be infix ones
            (True, [] , _) => throw (GenericMsg exprFC $ "'\{op}' is not a prefix operator")

            (False, _, ((fxName, fx) :: _)) => do
                -- In the infix case, remove conflicts with prefix (-)
                let extraFixities = (filter (\(nm, _) => not $ nm == UN (Basic "-")) pre) ++ inf
                unless (isCompatible fx extraFixities) $ warnConflict fxName extraFixities
                pure (mkPrec fx.fix fx.precedence)
            -- Could not find any infix operator fixities, there may be prefix ones
            (False, _, []) => throw (GenericMsg exprFC $ "'\{op}' is not an infix operator")
    -- Fixities are compatible with all others of the same name that share the same fixity and precedence
    isCompatible :  FixityInfo -> (fixities : List (Name, FixityInfo)) -> Bool
    isCompatible fx
      = all (\fx' => fx.fix == fx'.fix && fx.precedence == fx'.precedence) . map snd

    -- Emits a warning using the fixity that we picked and the list of all conflicting fixities
    warnConflict : (picked : Name) -> (conflicts : List (Name, FixityInfo)) -> Core ()
    warnConflict fxName all =
      recordWarning $ GenericWarn exprFC $ """
                   operator fixity is ambiguous, we are picking \{show fxName} out of :
                   \{unlines $ map (\(nm, fx) => " - \{show nm}, precedence level \{show fx.precedence}") $ toList all}
                   To remove this warning, use `%hide` with the fixity to remove
                   For example: %hide \{show fxName}

toTokList : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
            {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
            PTerm -> Core (List (Tok OpStr PTerm))
toTokList (POp fc opFC opn l r)
    = do precInfo <- checkConflictingFixities False fc opn
         rtoks <- toTokList r
         pure (Expr l :: Op fc opFC opn precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC opn arg)
    = do precInfo <- checkConflictingFixities True fc opn
         rtoks <- toTokList arg
         pure (Op fc opFC opn precInfo :: rtoks)
toTokList t = pure [Expr t]

record BangData where
  constructor MkBangData
  nextName : Int
  bangNames : List (Name, FC, RawImp)
  mbNamespace : Maybe Namespace

initBangs : Maybe Namespace -> BangData
initBangs = MkBangData 0 []

addNS : Maybe Namespace -> Name -> Name
addNS (Just ns) n@(NS _ _) = n
addNS (Just ns) n = NS ns n
addNS _ n = n

bindFun : FC -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindFun fc ns ma f =
  let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
  IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns $ UN $ Basic ">>=")) ma) f

seqFun : FC -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp -> RawImp
seqFun fc ns ma mb =
  let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
  IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc (addNS ns (UN $ Basic ">>"))) ma) mb

bindBangs : List (Name, FC, RawImp) -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp
bindBangs [] ns tm = tm
bindBangs ((n, fc, btm) :: bs) ns tm
    = bindBangs bs ns
    $ bindFun fc ns btm
    $ ILam EmptyFC top Explicit (Just n) (Implicit fc False) tm

idiomise : FC -> Maybe Namespace -> Maybe Namespace -> RawImp -> RawImp
idiomise fc dons mns (IAlternative afc u alts)
  = IAlternative afc (mapAltType (idiomise afc dons mns) u) (idiomise afc dons mns <$> alts)
idiomise fc dons mns (IApp afc f a)
  = let fc  = virtualiseFC fc
        app = UN $ Basic "<*>"
        nm  = maybe app (`NS` app) (mns <|> dons)
     in IApp fc (IApp fc (IVar fc nm) (idiomise afc dons mns f)) a
idiomise fc dons mns fn
  = let fc  = virtualiseFC fc
        pur = UN $ Basic "pure"
        nm  = maybe pur (`NS` pur) (mns <|> dons)
     in IApp fc (IVar fc nm) fn

data Bang : Type where

  desugarB : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
             {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
             {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
             {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
             {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
             {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
             Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
  desugarB side ps (PRef fc x) = do
    let ns = mbNamespace !(get Bang)
    let pur = UN $ Basic "pure"
    case x == pur of -- implicitly add namespace to unqualified occurrences of `pure` in a qualified do-block
      False => pure $ IVar fc x
      True => pure $ IVar fc (maybe pur (`NS` pur) ns)
  desugarB side ps (PPi fc rig p mn argTy retTy)
      = let ps' = maybe ps (:: ps) mn in
            pure $ IPi fc rig !(traverse (desugar side ps') p)
                              mn !(desugarB side ps argTy)
                                 !(desugarB side ps' retTy)
  desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p pat@(PRef prefFC n@(UN nm)) argTy scope)
      =  if isPatternVariable nm
           then do whenJust (isConcreteFC prefFC) $ \nfc
                     => addSemanticDecorations [(nfc, Bound, Just n)]
                   pure $ ILam fc rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
                           (Just n) !(desugarB AnyExpr ps argTy)
                                    !(desugar AnyExpr (n :: ps) scope)
           else pure $ ILam EmptyFC rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
                   (Just (MN "lamc" 0)) !(desugarB AnyExpr ps argTy) $
                 ICase fc [] (IVar EmptyFC (MN "lamc" 0)) (Implicit fc False)
                     [snd !(desugarClause ps True (MkPatClause fc pat scope []))]
  desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p (PRef _ n@(MN _ _)) argTy scope)
      = pure $ ILam fc rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
                           (Just n) !(desugarB AnyExpr ps argTy)
                                    !(desugar AnyExpr (n :: ps) scope)
  desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p (PImplicit _) argTy scope)
      = pure $ ILam fc rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
                           Nothing !(desugarB AnyExpr ps argTy)
                                   !(desugar AnyExpr ps scope)
  desugarB side ps (PLam fc rig p pat argTy scope)
      = pure $ ILam EmptyFC rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p)
                   (Just (MN "lamc" 0)) !(desugarB AnyExpr ps argTy) $
                 ICase fc [] (IVar EmptyFC (MN "lamc" 0)) (Implicit fc False)
                     [snd !(desugarClause ps True (MkPatClause fc pat scope []))]
  desugarB side ps (PLet fc rig (PRef prefFC n) nTy nVal scope [])
      = do whenJust (isConcreteFC prefFC) $ \nfc =>
             addSemanticDecorations [(nfc, Bound, Just n)]
           pure $ ILet fc prefFC rig n !(desugarB side ps nTy) !(desugarB side ps nVal)
                                       !(desugar side (n :: ps) scope)
  desugarB side ps (PLet fc rig pat nTy nVal scope alts)
      = pure $ ICase fc [] !(desugarB side ps nVal) !(desugarB side ps nTy)
                        !(traverse (map snd . desugarClause ps True)
                            (MkPatClause fc pat scope [] :: alts))
  desugarB side ps (PCase fc opts scr cls)
      = do opts <- traverse (desugarFnOpt ps) opts
           scr <- desugarB side ps scr
           let scrty = Implicit (virtualiseFC fc) False
           cls <- traverse (map snd . desugarClause ps True) cls
           pure $ ICase fc opts scr scrty cls
  desugarB side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
      = let ps' = definedIn xs ++ ps in
            pure $ ILocal fc (concat !(traverse (desugarDecl ps') xs))
                             !(desugar side ps' scope)
  desugarB side ps (PApp pfc (PUpdate fc fs) rec)
      = pure $ IUpdate pfc !(traverse (desugarUpdate side ps) fs)
                           !(desugarB side ps rec)
  desugarB side ps (PUpdate fc fs)
      = desugarB side ps
      $ let vfc = virtualiseFC fc in
      PLam vfc top Explicit (PRef vfc (MN "rec" 0)) (PImplicit vfc)
      $ PApp vfc (PUpdate fc fs) (PRef vfc (MN "rec" 0))
  desugarB side ps (PApp fc x y)
      = pure $ IApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) !(desugarB side ps y)
  desugarB side ps (PAutoApp fc x y)
      = pure $ IAutoApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) !(desugarB side ps y)
  desugarB side ps (PWithApp fc x y)
      = pure $ IWithApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) !(desugarB side ps y)
  desugarB side ps (PNamedApp fc x argn y)
      = pure $ INamedApp fc !(desugarB side ps x) argn !(desugarB side ps y)
  desugarB side ps (PDelayed fc r ty)
      = pure $ IDelayed fc r !(desugarB side ps ty)
  desugarB side ps (PDelay fc tm)
      = pure $ IDelay fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PForce fc tm)
      = pure $ IForce fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PEq fc l r)
      = do l' <- desugarB side ps l
           r' <- desugarB side ps r
           pure $ IAlternative fc FirstSuccess
                     [apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "===")) [l', r'],
                      apply (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "~=~")) [l', r']]
  desugarB side ps (PBracketed fc e) = desugarB side ps e
  desugarB side ps (POp fc opFC op l r)
      = do ts <- toTokList (POp fc opFC op l r)
           desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
  desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
      = do ts <- toTokList (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
           desugarTree side ps !(parseOps ts)
  desugarB side ps (PSectionL fc opFC op arg)
      = do syn <- get Syn
           -- It might actually be a prefix argument rather than a section
           -- so check that first, otherwise desugar as a lambda
           case lookupName op (prefixes syn) of
                [] =>
                    desugarB side ps
                        (PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
                            (POp fc opFC op (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) arg))
                (prec :: _) => desugarB side ps (PPrefixOp fc opFC op arg)
  desugarB side ps (PSectionR fc opFC arg op)
      = desugarB side ps
          (PLam fc top Explicit (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0)) (PImplicit fc)
              (POp fc opFC op arg (PRef fc (MN "arg" 0))))
  desugarB side ps (PSearch fc depth) = pure $ ISearch fc depth
  desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (BI x))
      = case !fromIntegerName of
             Nothing =>
                pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IPrimVal fc (BI x)))
                                [IPrimVal fc (BI x),
                                 IPrimVal fc (I (fromInteger x))]
             Just fi =>
               let vfc = virtualiseFC fc in
               pure $ IApp vfc (IVar vfc fi) (IPrimVal fc (BI x))
  desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (Ch x))
      = case !fromCharName of
             Nothing =>
                pure $ IPrimVal fc (Ch x)
             Just f =>
               let vfc = virtualiseFC fc in
               pure $ IApp vfc (IVar vfc f) (IPrimVal fc (Ch x))
  desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc (Db x))
      = case !fromDoubleName of
             Nothing =>
                pure $ IPrimVal fc (Db x)
             Just f =>
               let vfc = virtualiseFC fc in
               pure $ IApp vfc (IVar vfc f) (IPrimVal fc (Db x))
  desugarB side ps (PPrimVal fc x) = pure $ IPrimVal fc x
  desugarB side ps (PQuote fc tm)
      = do let q = IQuote fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
           case side of
                AnyExpr => pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromTTImpName q
                _ => pure q
  desugarB side ps (PQuoteName fc n)
      = do let q = IQuoteName fc n
           case side of
                AnyExpr => pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromNameName q
                _ => pure q
  desugarB side ps (PQuoteDecl fc x)
      = do xs <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) x
           let dls = IQuoteDecl fc (concat xs)
           case side of
                AnyExpr => pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromDeclsName dls
                _ => pure dls
  desugarB side ps (PUnquote fc tm)
      = pure $ IUnquote fc !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PRunElab fc tm)
      = pure $ IRunElab fc True !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PHole fc br holename)
      = do when br $ update Syn { bracketholes $= ((UN (Basic holename)) ::) }
           pure $ IHole fc holename
  desugarB side ps (PType fc) = pure $ IType fc
  desugarB side ps (PAs fc nameFC vname pattern)
      = pure $ IAs fc nameFC UseRight vname !(desugarB side ps pattern)
  desugarB side ps (PDotted fc x)
      = pure $ IMustUnify fc UserDotted !(desugarB side ps x)
  desugarB side ps (PImplicit fc) = pure $ Implicit fc True
  desugarB side ps (PInfer fc)
    = do when (side == LHS) $
           throw (GenericMsg fc "? is not a valid pattern")
         pure $ Implicit fc False
  desugarB side ps (PMultiline fc hashtag indent lines)
      = pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromStringName !(expandString side ps fc hashtag !(trimMultiline fc indent lines))

  -- We only add `fromString` if we are looking at a plain string literal.
  -- Interpolated string literals don't have a `fromString` call since they
  -- are always concatenated with other strings and therefore can never use
  -- another `fromString` implementation that differs from `id`.
  desugarB side ps (PString fc hashtag [])
      = pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromStringName (IPrimVal fc (Str ""))
  desugarB side ps (PString fc hashtag [StrLiteral fc' str])
      = case unescape hashtag str of
             Just str => pure $ maybeIApp fc !fromStringName (IPrimVal fc' (Str str))
             Nothing => throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid escape sequence: \{show str}")
  desugarB side ps (PString fc hashtag strs)
      = expandString side ps fc hashtag strs

  desugarB side ps (PDoBlock fc ns block)
      = expandDo side ps fc ns block
  desugarB side ps (PBang fc term)
      = do itm <- desugarB side ps term
           bs <- get Bang
           let bn = MN "bind" (nextName bs)
           put Bang ({ nextName $= (+1),
                       bangNames $= ((bn, fc, itm) ::)
                     } bs)
           pure (IVar (virtualiseFC fc) bn)
  desugarB side ps (PIdiom fc ns term)
      = do itm <- desugarB side ps term
           logRaw "desugar.idiom" 10 "Desugaring idiom for" itm
           let val = idiomise fc (mbNamespace !(get Bang)) ns itm
           logRaw "desugar.idiom" 10 "Desugared to" val
           pure val
  desugarB side ps (PList fc nilFC args)
      = expandList side ps nilFC args
  desugarB side ps (PSnocList fc nilFC args)
      = expandSnocList side ps nilFC args
  desugarB side ps (PPair fc l r)
      = do l' <- desugarB side ps l
           r' <- desugarB side ps r
           let pval = apply (IVar fc mkpairname) [l', r']
           pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
                  [apply (IVar fc pairname) [l', r'], pval]
  desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC (PRef nameFC n@(UN _)) (PImplicit _) r)
      = do r' <- desugarB side ps r
           let pval = apply (IVar opFC mkdpairname) [IVar nameFC n, r']
           let vfc = virtualiseFC nameFC
           whenJust (isConcreteFC nameFC) $ \nfc =>
             addSemanticDefault (nfc, Bound, Just n)
           pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault pval)
                  [apply (IVar opFC dpairname)
                      [Implicit vfc False,
                       ILam nameFC top Explicit (Just n) (Implicit vfc False) r'],
  desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC (PRef namefc n@(UN _)) ty r)
      = do ty' <- desugarB side ps ty
           r' <- desugarB side ps r
           pure $ apply (IVar opFC dpairname)
                        [ty', ILam namefc top Explicit (Just n) ty' r']
  desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC l (PImplicit _) r)
      = do l' <- desugarB side ps l
           r' <- desugarB side ps r
           pure $ apply (IVar opFC mkdpairname) [l', r']
  desugarB side ps (PDPair fc opFC l ty r)
      = throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid dependent pair type")
  desugarB side ps (PUnit fc)
      = pure $ IAlternative fc (UniqueDefault (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "MkUnit")))
               [IVar fc (UN $ Basic "Unit"),
                IVar fc (UN $ Basic "MkUnit")]
  desugarB side ps (PIfThenElse fc x t e)
      = let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
        pure $ ICase fc [] !(desugarB side ps x) (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "Bool"))
                   [PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "True")) !(desugar side ps t),
                    PatClause fc (IVar fc (UN $ Basic "False")) !(desugar side ps e)]
  desugarB side ps (PComprehension fc ret conds) = do
        let ns = mbNamespace !(get Bang)
        desugarB side ps (PDoBlock fc ns (map (guard ns) conds ++ [toPure ns ret]))
      guard : Maybe Namespace -> PDo -> PDo
      guard ns (DoExp fc tm)
       = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN $ Basic "guard")) tm)
      guard ns d = d

      toPure : Maybe Namespace -> PTerm -> PDo
      toPure ns tm = DoExp fc (PApp fc (PRef fc (mbApplyNS ns $ UN $ Basic "pure")) tm)
  desugarB side ps (PRewrite fc rule tm)
      = pure $ IRewrite fc !(desugarB side ps rule) !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PRange fc start next end)
      = let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
        desugarB side ps $ case next of
           Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromTo")) [start,end]
           Just n  => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromThenTo")) [start, n, end]
  desugarB side ps (PRangeStream fc start next)
      = let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
        desugarB side ps $ case next of
           Nothing => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFrom")) [start]
           Just n  => papply fc (PRef fc (UN $ Basic "rangeFromThen")) [start, n]
  desugarB side ps (PUnifyLog fc lvl tm)
      = pure $ IUnifyLog fc lvl !(desugarB side ps tm)
  desugarB side ps (PPostfixApp fc rec projs)
      = desugarB side ps
      $ foldl (\x, (fc, proj) => PApp fc (PRef fc proj) x) rec projs
  desugarB side ps (PPostfixAppPartial fc projs)
      = do let vfc = virtualiseFC fc
           let var = PRef vfc (MN "paRoot" 0)
           desugarB side ps $
             PLam fc top Explicit var (PImplicit vfc) $
               foldl (\r, (fc, proj) => PApp fc (PRef fc proj) r) var projs
  desugarB side ps (PWithUnambigNames fc ns rhs)
      = IWithUnambigNames fc ns <$> desugarB side ps rhs

  desugarUpdate : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                  {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
                  {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                  {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                  {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                  {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                  Side -> List Name -> PFieldUpdate -> Core IFieldUpdate
  desugarUpdate side ps (PSetField p v)
      = pure (ISetField p !(desugarB side ps v))
  desugarUpdate side ps (PSetFieldApp p v)
      = pure (ISetFieldApp p !(desugarB side ps v))

  expandList : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
               {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
               {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
               {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
               {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
               {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
               Side -> List Name ->
               (nilFC : FC) -> List (FC, PTerm) -> Core RawImp
  expandList side ps nilFC [] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN $ Basic "Nil"))
  expandList side ps nilFC ((consFC, x) :: xs)
      = pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN $ Basic "::"))
                [!(desugarB side ps x), !(expandList side ps nilFC xs)]

             : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
               {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
               {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
               {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
               {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
               {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
               Side -> List Name -> (nilFC : FC) ->
               SnocList (FC, PTerm) -> Core RawImp
  expandSnocList side ps nilFC [<] = pure (IVar nilFC (UN $ Basic "Lin"))
  expandSnocList side ps nilFC (xs :< (consFC, x))
      = pure $ apply (IVar consFC (UN $ Basic ":<"))
                [!(expandSnocList side ps nilFC xs) , !(desugarB side ps x)]

  maybeIApp : FC -> Maybe Name -> RawImp -> RawImp
  maybeIApp fc nm tm
      = case nm of
             Nothing => tm
             Just f =>
               let fc = virtualiseFC fc in
               IApp fc (IVar fc f) tm

  expandString : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                 {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
                 {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                 {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                 {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                 {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                 Side -> List Name -> FC -> Nat -> List PStr -> Core RawImp
  expandString side ps fc hashtag xs
    = do xs <- traverse toRawImp (filter notEmpty $ mergeStrLit xs)
         pure $ case xs of
           [] => IPrimVal fc (Str "")
           (_ :: _) =>
             let vfc = virtualiseFC fc in
             IApp vfc
               (INamedApp vfc
                 (IVar vfc (NS preludeNS $ UN $ Basic "concat"))
                 (UN $ Basic "t")
                 (IVar vfc (NS preludeNS $ UN $ Basic "List")))
               (strInterpolate xs)
      toRawImp : PStr -> Core RawImp
      toRawImp (StrLiteral fc str) =
        case unescape hashtag str of
             Just str => pure $ IPrimVal fc (Str str)
             Nothing => throw (GenericMsg fc "Invalid escape sequence: \{show str}")
      toRawImp (StrInterp fc tm) = desugarB side ps tm

      -- merge neighbouring StrLiteral
      mergeStrLit : List PStr -> List PStr
      mergeStrLit xs = case List.spanBy isStrLiteral xs of
        ([], []) => []
        ([], x::xs) => x :: mergeStrLit xs
        (lits@(_::_), xs) =>
          -- TODO: merge all the FCs of the merged literals!
          let fc  = fst $ head lits in
          let lit = fastConcat $ snd <$> lits in
          StrLiteral fc lit :: mergeStrLit xs

      notEmpty : PStr -> Bool
      notEmpty (StrLiteral _ str) = str /= ""
      notEmpty (StrInterp _ _) = True

      strInterpolate : List RawImp -> RawImp
      strInterpolate []
        = IVar EmptyFC nilName
      strInterpolate (x :: xs)
        = let xFC = virtualiseFC (getFC x) in
          apply (IVar xFC consName)
          [ IApp xFC (IVar EmptyFC interpolateName)
          , strInterpolate xs

  trimMultiline : FC -> Nat -> List (List PStr) -> Core (List PStr)
  trimMultiline fc indent lines
      = do lines <- trimLast fc lines
           lines <- traverse (trimLeft indent) lines
           pure $ concat $ dropLastNL lines

      trimLast : FC -> List (List PStr) -> Core (List (List PStr))
      trimLast fc lines with (snocList lines)
        trimLast fc [] | Empty = throw $ BadMultiline fc "Expected new line"
        trimLast _ (initLines `snoc` []) | Snoc [] initLines _ = pure lines
        trimLast _ (initLines `snoc` [StrLiteral fc str]) | Snoc [(StrLiteral _ _)] initLines _
            = if any (not . isSpace) (fastUnpack str)
                     then throw $ BadMultiline fc "Closing delimiter of multiline strings cannot be preceded by non-whitespace characters"
                     else pure initLines
        trimLast _ (initLines `snoc` xs) | Snoc xs initLines _
            = let fc = fromMaybe fc $ findBy isStrInterp xs in
                  throw $ BadMultiline fc "Closing delimiter of multiline strings cannot be preceded by non-whitespace characters"

      trimLeft : Nat -> List PStr -> Core (List PStr)
      trimLeft indent [] = pure []
      trimLeft indent [StrLiteral fc str]
          = let (trimed, rest) = splitAt indent (fastUnpack str) in
            if any (not . isSpace) trimed
              then throw $ BadMultiline fc "Line is less indented than the closing delimiter"
              else let str = if null rest then "\n" else fastPack rest in
                   pure [StrLiteral fc str]
      trimLeft indent (StrLiteral fc str :: xs)
          = let (trimed, rest) = splitAt indent (fastUnpack str) in
            if any (not . isSpace) trimed || length trimed < indent
              then throw $ BadMultiline fc "Line is less indented than the closing delimiter"
             else pure $ (StrLiteral fc (fastPack rest))::xs
      trimLeft indent xs = throw $ BadMultiline fc "Line is less indented than the closing delimiter"

      mapLast : (a -> a) -> List a -> List a
      mapLast f [] = []
      mapLast f [x] = [f x]
      mapLast f (x :: xs) = x :: mapLast f xs

      dropLastNL : List (List PStr) -> List (List PStr)
          = mapLast $ mapLast $
              \case StrLiteral fc str => StrLiteral fc (fst $ break isNL str)
                    other => other

  expandDo : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
             {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
             {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
             {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
             {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
             Side -> List Name -> FC -> Maybe Namespace -> List PDo -> Core RawImp
  expandDo side ps fc ns [] = throw (GenericMsg fc "Do block cannot be empty")
  expandDo side ps _ ns [DoExp fc tm] = desugarDo side ps ns tm
  expandDo side ps fc ns [e]
      = throw (GenericMsg (getLoc e)
                  "Last statement in do block must be an expression")
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoExp fc tm :: rest)
      = do tm' <- desugarDo side ps ns tm
           rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc ns rest
           pure $ seqFun fc ns tm' rest'
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoBind fc nameFC n tm :: rest)
      = do tm' <- desugarDo side ps ns tm
           rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc ns rest
           whenJust (isConcreteFC nameFC) $ \nfc => addSemanticDecorations [(nfc, Bound, Just n)]
           pure $ bindFun fc ns tm'
                $ ILam nameFC top Explicit (Just n)
                       (Implicit (virtualiseFC fc) False) rest'
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoBindPat fc pat exp alts :: rest)
      = do pat' <- desugarDo LHS ps ns pat
           (newps, bpat) <- bindNames False pat'
           exp' <- desugarDo side ps ns exp
           alts' <- traverse (map snd . desugarClause ps True) alts
           let ps' = newps ++ ps
           rest' <- expandDo side ps' topfc ns rest
           let fcOriginal = fc
           let fc = virtualiseFC fc
           let patFC = virtualiseFC (getFC bpat)
           pure $ bindFun fc ns exp'
                $ ILam EmptyFC top Explicit (Just (MN "_" 0))
                          (Implicit fc False)
                          (ICase fc [] (IVar patFC (MN "_" 0))
                               (Implicit fc False)
                               (PatClause fcOriginal bpat rest'
                                  :: alts'))
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoLet fc lhsFC n rig ty tm :: rest)
      = do b <- newRef Bang (initBangs ns)
           tm' <- desugarB side ps tm
           ty' <- desugarDo side ps ns ty
           rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc ns rest
           whenJust (isConcreteFC lhsFC) $ \nfc =>
             addSemanticDecorations [(nfc, Bound, Just n)]
           let bind = ILet fc lhsFC rig n ty' tm' rest'
           bd <- get Bang
           pure $ bindBangs (bangNames bd) ns bind
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoLetPat fc pat ty tm alts :: rest)
      = do b <- newRef Bang (initBangs ns)
           pat' <- desugarDo LHS ps ns pat
           ty' <- desugarDo side ps ns ty
           (newps, bpat) <- bindNames False pat'
           tm' <- desugarB side ps tm
           alts' <- traverse (map snd . desugarClause ps True) alts
           let ps' = newps ++ ps
           rest' <- expandDo side ps' topfc ns rest
           bd <- get Bang
           let fc = virtualiseFC fc
           pure $ bindBangs (bangNames bd) ns $
                    ICase fc [] tm' ty'
                       (PatClause fc bpat rest'
                                  :: alts')
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoLetLocal fc decls :: rest)
      = do rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc ns rest
           decls' <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) decls
           pure $ ILocal fc (concat decls') rest'
  expandDo side ps topfc ns (DoRewrite fc rule :: rest)
      = do rest' <- expandDo side ps topfc ns rest
           rule' <- desugarDo side ps ns rule
           pure $ IRewrite fc rule' rest'

  desugarTree : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                {auto b : Ref Bang BangData} ->
                {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                Side -> List Name -> Tree OpStr PTerm -> Core RawImp
  desugarTree side ps (Infix loc eqFC (UN $ Basic "=") l r) -- special case since '=' is special syntax
      = do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
           r' <- desugarTree side ps r
           pure (IAlternative loc FirstSuccess
                     [apply (IVar eqFC eqName) [l', r'],
                      apply (IVar eqFC heqName) [l', r']])
  desugarTree side ps (Infix loc _ (UN $ Basic "$") l r) -- special case since '$' is special syntax
      = do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
           r' <- desugarTree side ps r
           pure (IApp loc l' r')
  desugarTree side ps (Infix loc opFC op l r)
      = do l' <- desugarTree side ps l
           r' <- desugarTree side ps r
           pure (IApp loc (IApp loc (IVar opFC op) l') r')

  -- negation is a special case, since we can't have an operator with
  -- two meanings otherwise
  -- Note: In case of negated signed integer literals, we apply the
  -- negation directly. Otherwise, the literal might be
  -- truncated to 0 before being passed on to `negate`.
  desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") $ Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
    = let newFC    = fromMaybe EmptyFC (mergeFC loc fc)
          continue = desugarTree side ps . Leaf . PPrimVal newFC
       in case c of
            I   x => continue $ I (-x)
            I8  x => continue $ I8 (-x)
            I16 x => continue $ I16 (-x)
            I32 x => continue $ I32 (-x)
            I64 x => continue $ I64 (-x)
            BI  x => continue $ BI (-x)

            -- not a signed integer literal. proceed by desugaring
            -- and applying to `negate`.
            _     => do arg' <- desugarTree side ps (Leaf $ PPrimVal fc c)
                        pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')

  desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC (UN $ Basic "-") arg)
    = do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
         pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC (UN $ Basic "negate")) arg')

  desugarTree side ps (Pre loc opFC op arg)
      = do arg' <- desugarTree side ps arg
           pure (IApp loc (IVar opFC op) arg')
  desugarTree side ps (Leaf t) = desugarB side ps t

  desugarType : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                List Name -> PTypeDecl -> Core ImpTy
  desugarType ps (MkPTy fc nameFC n d ty)
      = do addDocString n d
           syn <- get Syn
           pure $ MkImpTy fc nameFC n !(bindTypeNames fc (usingImpl syn)
                                               ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps ty))

  -- Attempt to get the function name from a function pattern. For example,
  --   - given the pattern 'f x y', getClauseFn would return 'f'.
  --   - given the pattern 'x == y', getClausefn would return '=='.
  getClauseFn : RawImp -> Core Name
  getClauseFn (IVar _ n) = pure n
  getClauseFn (IApp _ f _) = getClauseFn f
  getClauseFn (IAutoApp _ f _) = getClauseFn f
  getClauseFn (INamedApp _ f _ _) = getClauseFn f
  getClauseFn tm = throw $ GenericMsg (getFC tm) "Head term in pattern must be a function name"

  desugarLHS : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
               {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
               {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
               {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
               {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
               List Name -> (arg : Bool) -> PTerm ->
               Core (IMaybe (not arg) Name, List Name, RawImp)
                  -- ^ we only look for the head name of the expression...
                  --   if we are actually looking at a headed thing!
  desugarLHS ps arg lhs =
    do rawlhs <- desugar LHS ps lhs
       inm <- iunless arg $ getClauseFn rawlhs
       (bound, blhs) <- bindNames arg rawlhs
       log "desugar.lhs" 10 "Desugared \{show lhs} to \{show blhs}"
       iwhenJust inm $ \ nm =>
         when (nm `elem` bound) $ do
           let fc = getPTermLoc lhs
           throw $ GenericMsg fc $ concat $ the (List String)
             [ "Declaration name ("
             , show nm
             , ") shadowed by a pattern variable."

       pure (inm, bound, blhs)

  desugarWithProblem :
    {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
    {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
    {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
    {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
    {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
    List Name -> PWithProblem ->
    Core (RigCount, RawImp, Maybe Name)
  desugarWithProblem ps (MkPWithProblem rig wval mnm)
    = (rig,,mnm) <$> desugar AnyExpr ps wval

  desugarClause : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                  {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                  {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                  {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                  {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                  List Name -> (arg : Bool) -> PClause ->
                  Core (IMaybe (not arg) Name, ImpClause)
  desugarClause ps arg (MkPatClause fc lhs rhs wheres)
      = do ws <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) wheres

           (nm, bound, lhs') <- desugarLHS ps arg lhs

           -- desugar rhs, putting where clauses as local definitions
           rhs' <- desugar AnyExpr (bound ++ ps) rhs
           let rhs' = case ws of
                        [] => rhs'
                        _ => ILocal fc (concat ws) rhs'

           pure (nm, PatClause fc lhs' rhs')

  desugarClause ps arg (MkWithClause fc lhs wps flags cs)
      = do cs' <- traverse (map snd . desugarClause ps arg) cs
           (nm, bound, lhs') <- desugarLHS ps arg lhs
           wps' <- traverseList1 (desugarWithProblem (bound ++ ps)) wps
           pure (nm, mkWithClause fc lhs' wps' flags cs')

  desugarClause ps arg (MkImpossible fc lhs)
      = do (nm, _, lhs') <- desugarLHS ps arg lhs
           pure (nm, ImpossibleClause fc lhs')

  desugarData : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                List Name -> (doc : String) ->
                PDataDecl -> Core ImpData
  desugarData ps doc (MkPData fc n tycon opts datacons)
      = do addDocString n doc
           syn <- get Syn
           pure $ MkImpData fc n
                   !(flip traverseOpt tycon $ \ tycon => do
                      tycon <- desugar AnyExpr ps tycon
                      bindTypeNames fc (usingImpl syn) ps tycon)
                   !(traverse (desugarType ps) datacons)
  desugarData ps doc (MkPLater fc n tycon)
      = do addDocString n doc
           syn <- get Syn
           pure $ MkImpLater fc n !(bindTypeNames fc (usingImpl syn)
                                                  ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps tycon))

  desugarField : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                 {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                 {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                 {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                 {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                 List Name -> Namespace -> PField ->
                 Core IField
  desugarField ps ns (MkField fc doc rig p n ty)
      = do addDocStringNS ns n doc
           addDocStringNS ns (toRF n) doc
           syn <- get Syn
           pure (MkIField fc rig !(traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) p )
                          n !(bindTypeNames fc (usingImpl syn)
                          ps !(desugar AnyExpr ps ty)))
          toRF : Name -> Name
          toRF (UN (Basic n)) = UN (Field n)
          toRF n = n

  desugarFnOpt : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                 {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                 {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                 {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                 {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                 List Name -> PFnOpt -> Core FnOpt
  desugarFnOpt ps (IFnOpt f) = pure f
  desugarFnOpt ps (PForeign tms)
      = do tms' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) tms
           pure (ForeignFn tms')
  desugarFnOpt ps (PForeignExport tms)
      = do tms' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) tms
           pure (ForeignExport tms')

  mapDesugarPiInfo : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                     {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                     {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                     {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                     {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                     List Name -> PiInfo PTerm -> Core (PiInfo RawImp)
  mapDesugarPiInfo ps = PiInfo.traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps)

  -- Given a high level declaration, return a list of TTImp declarations
  -- which process it, and update any necessary state on the way.
  desugarDecl : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
                {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
                {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
                {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
                {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
                List Name -> PDecl -> Core (List ImpDecl)
  desugarDecl ps (PClaim fc rig vis fnopts ty)
      = do opts <- traverse (desugarFnOpt ps) fnopts
           pure [IClaim fc rig vis opts !(desugarType ps ty)]
          isTotalityOption : FnOpt -> Bool
          isTotalityOption (Totality _) = True
          isTotalityOption _            = False

  desugarDecl ps (PDef fc clauses)
  -- The clauses won't necessarily all be from the same function, so split
  -- after desugaring, by function name, using collectDefs from RawImp
      = do ncs <- traverse (desugarClause ps False) clauses
           defs <- traverse (uncurry $ toIDef . fromJust) ncs
           pure (collectDefs defs)
      toIDef : Name -> ImpClause -> Core ImpDecl
      toIDef nm (PatClause fc lhs rhs)
          = pure $ IDef fc nm [PatClause fc lhs rhs]
      toIDef nm (WithClause fc lhs rig rhs prf flags cs)
          = pure $ IDef fc nm [WithClause fc lhs rig rhs prf flags cs]
      toIDef nm (ImpossibleClause fc lhs)
          = pure $ IDef fc nm [ImpossibleClause fc lhs]

  desugarDecl ps (PData fc doc vis mbtot ddecl)
      = pure [IData fc vis mbtot !(desugarData ps doc ddecl)]

  desugarDecl ps (PParameters fc params pds)
      = do pds' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ map fst params)) pds
           params' <- traverse (\(n, rig, i, ntm) => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps ntm
                                                        i' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) i
                                                        pure (n, rig, i', tm')) params
           -- Look for implicitly bindable names in the parameters
           pnames <- ifThenElse (not !isUnboundImplicits) (pure [])
             $ map concat
             $ for (map (Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd . Builtin.snd) params')
             $ findUniqueBindableNames fc True (ps ++ map Builtin.fst params) []

           let paramsb = map (\(n, rig, info, tm) =>
                                 (n, rig, info, doBind pnames tm)) params'
           pure [IParameters fc paramsb (concat pds')]
  desugarDecl ps (PUsing fc uimpls uds)
      = do syn <- get Syn
           let oldu = usingImpl syn
           uimpls' <- traverse (\ ntm => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps (snd ntm)
                                            btm <- bindTypeNames fc oldu ps tm'
                                            pure (fst ntm, btm)) uimpls
           put Syn ({ usingImpl := uimpls' ++ oldu } syn)
           uds' <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) uds
           update Syn { usingImpl := oldu }
           pure (concat uds')
  desugarDecl ps (PInterface fc vis cons_in tn doc params det conname body)
      = do addDocString tn doc
           let paramNames = map fst params

           let cons = concatMap expandConstraint cons_in
           cons' <- traverse (\ ntm => do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr (ps ++ paramNames)
                                                         (snd ntm)
                                          pure (fst ntm, tm')) cons
           params' <- traverse (\ (nm, (rig, tm)) =>
                         do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
                            pure (nm, (rig, tm')))
           -- Look for bindable names in all the constraints and parameters
           let mnames = map dropNS (definedIn body)
           bnames <- ifThenElse (not !isUnboundImplicits) (pure [])
             $ map concat
             $ for (map Builtin.snd cons' ++ map (snd . snd) params')
             $ findUniqueBindableNames fc True (ps ++ mnames ++ paramNames) []

           let paramsb = map (\ (nm, (rig, tm)) =>
                                 let tm' = doBind bnames tm in
                                 (nm, (rig, tm')))
           let consb = map (\ (nm, tm) => (nm, doBind bnames tm)) cons'

           body' <- traverse (desugarDecl (ps ++ mnames ++ paramNames)) body
           pure [IPragma fc (maybe [tn] (\n => [tn, snd n]) conname)
                            (\nest, env =>
                              elabInterface fc vis env nest consb
                                            tn paramsb det conname
                                            (concat body'))]
      -- Turns pairs in the constraints to individual constraints. This
      -- is a bit of a hack, but it's necessary to build parent constraint
      -- chasing functions correctly
      pairToCons : PTerm -> List PTerm
      pairToCons (PPair _ l r) = pairToCons l ++ pairToCons r
      pairToCons t = [t]

      expandConstraint : (Maybe Name, PTerm) -> List (Maybe Name, PTerm)
      expandConstraint (Just n, t) = [(Just n, t)]
      expandConstraint (Nothing, p)
          = map (\x => (Nothing, x)) (pairToCons p)

  desugarDecl ps (PImplementation fc vis fnopts pass is cons tn params impln nusing body)
      = do opts <- traverse (desugarFnOpt ps) fnopts
           is' <- for is $ \ (fc, c, n, pi, tm) =>
                     do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
                        pi' <- mapDesugarPiInfo ps pi
                        pure (fc, c, n, pi', tm')
           cons' <- for cons $ \ (n, tm) =>
                     do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
                        pure (n, tm')
           params' <- traverse (desugar AnyExpr ps) params
           let _ = the (List RawImp) params'
           -- Look for bindable names in all the constraints and parameters
           bnames <- ifThenElse (not !isUnboundImplicits) (pure [])
             $ map concat
             $ for (map snd cons' ++ params')
             $ findUniqueBindableNames fc True ps []

           let paramsb = map (doBind bnames) params'
           let isb = map (\ (info, r, n, p, tm) => (info, r, n, p, doBind bnames tm)) is'
           let consb = map (\(n, tm) => (n, doBind bnames tm)) cons'

           body' <- maybe (pure Nothing)
                          (\b => do b' <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) b
                                    pure (Just (concat b'))) body
           -- calculate the name of the implementation, if it's not explicitly
           -- given.
           let impname = maybe (mkImplName fc tn paramsb) id impln

           pure [IPragma fc [impname]
                            (\nest, env =>
                               elabImplementation fc vis opts pass env nest isb consb
                                                  tn paramsb (isNamed impln)
                                                  impname nusing
      isNamed : Maybe a -> Bool
      isNamed Nothing = False
      isNamed (Just _) = True

  desugarDecl ps (PRecord fc doc vis mbtot (MkPRecordLater tn params))
      = desugarDecl ps (PData fc doc vis mbtot (MkPLater fc tn (mkRecType params)))
      mkRecType : List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo PTerm, PTerm) -> PTerm
      mkRecType [] = PType fc
      mkRecType ((n, c, p, t) :: ts) = PPi fc c p (Just n) t (mkRecType ts)
  desugarDecl ps (PRecord fc doc vis mbtot (MkPRecord tn params opts conname_in fields))
      = do addDocString tn doc
           params' <- traverse (\ (n,c,p,tm) =>
                          do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
                             p'  <- mapDesugarPiInfo ps p
                             pure (n, c, p', tm'))
           let _ = the (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp)) params'
           let fnames = map fname fields
           let _ = the (List Name) fnames
           -- Look for bindable names in the parameters

           let bnames = if !isUnboundImplicits
                        then concatMap (findBindableNames True
                                         (ps ++ fnames ++ map fst params) [])
                                       (map (\(_,_,_,d) => d) params')
                        else []
           let _ = the (List (String, String)) bnames

           let paramsb = map (\ (n, c, p, tm) => (n, c, p, doBind bnames tm)) params'
           let _ = the (List (Name, RigCount, PiInfo RawImp, RawImp)) paramsb
           let recName = nameRoot tn
           fields' <- traverse (desugarField (ps ++ map fname fields ++
                                              map fst params) (mkNamespace recName))
           let _ = the (List IField) fields'
           let conname = maybe (mkConName tn) snd conname_in
           whenJust (fst <$> conname_in) (addDocString conname)
           let _ = the Name conname
           pure [IRecord fc (Just recName)
                         vis mbtot (MkImpRecord fc tn paramsb opts conname fields')]
      fname : PField -> Name
      fname (MkField _ _ _ _ n _) = n

      mkConName : Name -> Name
      mkConName (NS ns (UN n))
        = let str = displayUserName n in
          NS ns (DN str (MN ("__mk" ++ str) 0))
      mkConName n = DN (show n) (MN ("__mk" ++ show n) 0)

  desugarDecl ps (PFixity fc vis fix prec opName)
      = do ctx <- get Ctxt
           -- We update the context of fixities by adding a namespaced fixity
           -- given by the current namespace and its fixity name.
           -- This allows fixities to be stored along with the namespace at their
           -- declaration site and detect and handle ambiguous fixities
           let updatedNS = NS (mkNestedNamespace (Just ctx.currentNS) (show fix))
                              (UN $ Basic $ nameRoot opName)

           update Syn { fixities $= addName updatedNS (MkFixityInfo fc vis fix prec) }
           pure []
  desugarDecl ps d@(PFail fc mmsg ds)
      = do -- save the state: the content of a failing block should be discarded
           ust <- get UST
           md <- get MD
           opts <- get ROpts
           syn <- get Syn
           defs <- branch
           log "desugar.failing" 20 $ "Desugaring the block:\n" ++ show d
           -- See whether the desugaring phase fails and return
           -- * Right ds                            if the desugaring succeeded
           --                                       the error will have to come later in the pipeline
           -- * Left Nothing                        if the block correctly failed
           -- * Left (Just (FailingWrongError err)) if the block failed with the wrong error
           result <- catch
             (do -- run the desugarer
                 ds <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) ds
                 pure (Right (concat ds)))
             (\err => do -- no message: any error will do
                         let Just msg = mmsg
                             | _ => pure (Left Nothing)
                         -- otherwise have a look at the displayed message
                         log "desugar.failing" 10 $ "Failing block based on \{show msg} failed with \{show err}"
                         test <- checkError msg err
                         pure $ Left $ do
                              -- Unless the error is the expected one
                              guard (not test)
                              -- We should complain we had the wrong one
                              pure (FailingWrongError fc msg (err ::: [])))
           -- Reset the state
           put UST ust
           md' <- get MD
           put MD ({ semanticHighlighting := semanticHighlighting md'
                   , semanticAliases := semanticAliases md'
                   , semanticDefaults := semanticDefaults md'
                   } md)
           put Syn syn
           put Ctxt defs
           -- either fail or return the block that should fail during the elab phase
           case the (Either (Maybe Error) (List ImpDecl)) result of
             Right ds => [IFail fc mmsg ds] <$ log "desugar.failing" 20 "Success"
             Left Nothing => [] <$ log "desugar.failing" 20 "Correctly failed"
             Left (Just err) => throw err
  desugarDecl ps (PMutual fc ds)
      = do let (tys, defs) = splitMutual ds
           mds' <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) (tys ++ defs)
           pure (concat mds')
  desugarDecl ps (PNamespace fc ns decls)
      = withExtendedNS ns $ do
           ds <- traverse (desugarDecl ps) decls
           pure [INamespace fc ns (concat ds)]
  desugarDecl ps (PTransform fc n lhs rhs)
      = do (bound, blhs) <- bindNames False !(desugar LHS ps lhs)
           rhs' <- desugar AnyExpr (bound ++ ps) rhs
           pure [ITransform fc (UN $ Basic n) blhs rhs']
  desugarDecl ps (PRunElabDecl fc tm)
      = do tm' <- desugar AnyExpr ps tm
           pure [IRunElabDecl fc tm']
  desugarDecl ps (PDirective fc d)
      = case d of
             Hide (HideName n) => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => hide fc n)]
             Hide (HideFixity fx n) => pure [IPragma fc [] (\_, _ => removeFixity fx n)]
             Unhide n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => unhide fc n)]
             Logging i => pure [ILog ((\ i => (topics i, verbosity i)) <$> i)]
             LazyOn a => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => lazyActive a)]
             UnboundImplicits a => do
               setUnboundImplicits a
               pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setUnboundImplicits a)]
             PrefixRecordProjections b => do
               pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setPrefixRecordProjections b)]
             AmbigDepth n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setAmbigLimit n)]
             AutoImplicitDepth n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setAutoImplicitLimit n)]
             NFMetavarThreshold n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setNFThreshold n)]
             SearchTimeout n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setSearchTimeout n)]
             PairNames ty f s => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setPair fc ty f s)]
             RewriteName eq rw => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setRewrite fc eq rw)]
             PrimInteger n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromInteger n)]
             PrimString n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromString n)]
             PrimChar n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromChar n)]
             PrimDouble n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromDouble n)]
             PrimTTImp n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromTTImp n)]
             PrimName n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromName n)]
             PrimDecls n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setFromDecls n)]
             CGAction cg dir => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => addDirective cg dir)]
             Names n ns => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => addNameDirective fc n ns)]
             StartExpr tm => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => throw (InternalError "%start not implemented"))] -- TODO!
             Overloadable n => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setNameFlag fc n Overloadable)]
             Extension e => pure [IPragma fc [] (\nest, env => setExtension e)]
             DefaultTotality tot => pure [IPragma fc [] (\_, _ => setDefaultTotalityOption tot)]
  desugarDecl ps (PBuiltin fc type name) = pure [IBuiltin fc type name]

  desugarDo : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
              {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
              {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
              {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
              {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
              Side -> List Name -> Maybe Namespace -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
  desugarDo s ps doNamespace tm
      = do b <- newRef Bang (initBangs doNamespace)
           tm' <- desugarB s ps tm
           bd <- get Bang
           pure $ bindBangs (bangNames bd) doNamespace tm'

  desugar : {auto s : Ref Syn SyntaxInfo} ->
            {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
            {auto m : Ref MD Metadata} ->
            {auto u : Ref UST UState} ->
            {auto o : Ref ROpts REPLOpts} ->
            Side -> List Name -> PTerm -> Core RawImp
  desugar s ps tm = desugarDo s ps Nothing tm

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