com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelActor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq
import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, FSM, Props }
import com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.BlockedConnectionHandler.{ QueueBlocked, QueueUnblocked }
import com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ConnectionActor.ProvideChannel
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
* @author Yaroslav Klymko
object ChannelActor {
private[rabbitmq] sealed trait State
private[rabbitmq] case object Disconnected extends State
private[rabbitmq] case object Connected extends State
private[rabbitmq] case object Blocked extends State
private[rabbitmq] sealed trait Data
private[rabbitmq] case class InMemory(queue: Queue[OnChannel] = Queue()) extends Data
private[rabbitmq] case class Connected(channel: Channel) extends Data
private[rabbitmq] case class Blocked(channel: Channel, waiting: Queue[OnChannel] = Queue()) extends Data
@deprecated("Use com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelMessage instead", "0.3")
type ChannelMessage = com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelMessage
@deprecated("Use com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelMessage instead", "0.3")
val ChannelMessage = com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.ChannelMessage
trait MessageQueued
trait FailureQueued extends MessageQueued
case object SuccessfullyQueued extends MessageQueued
case object NotQueued extends FailureQueued
case object ConnectionIsBlocked extends FailureQueued
def props(setupChannel: (Channel, ActorRef) => Any = (_, _) => ()): Props =
Props(classOf[ChannelActor], setupChannel)
class ChannelActor(setupChannel: (Channel, ActorRef) => Any)
extends RabbitMqActor
with FSM[ChannelActor.State, ChannelActor.Data] {
import ChannelActor._
type ThisState = FSM.State[ChannelActor.State, Data]
def sendQueuedMsgs(channel: Channel)(xs: List[OnChannel]): State = xs match {
case Nil => goto(Connected) using Connected(channel)
case (h :: t) => safe(h(channel)) match {
case Some(_) => sendQueuedMsgs(channel)(t)
case None =>
goto(Disconnected) using InMemory(Queue(t: _*))
startWith(Disconnected, InMemory())
when(Disconnected) {
case Event(channel: Channel, InMemory(queue)) =>
if (queue.nonEmpty) log.debug("processing queued messages {}", queue.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))
case Event(ChannelMessage(onChannel, dropIfNoChannel), InMemory(queue)) =>
if (dropIfNoChannel) {
log.debug("dropping message {} in disconnected state", onChannel)
} else {
log.debug("queueing message {} in disconnected state", onChannel)
stay using InMemory(queue enqueue onChannel)
case Event(_: ShutdownSignal, _) => stay()
when(Connected) {
case Event(newChannel: Channel, Connected(channel)) =>
log.debug("closing unexpected channel {}", channel)
stay using Connected(setup(newChannel))
case Event(_: ShutdownSignal, Connected(channel)) =>
goto(Disconnected) using InMemory()
case Event(ChannelMessage(f, _), Connected(channel)) =>
safe(f(channel)) match {
case None =>
// Note that we do *not* retry f in this case because its failure might be due to some inherent problem with
// f itself, and in that case a whole application might get stuck in a retry loop.
goto(Disconnected) using InMemory()
case _ => stay()
case Event(blocked: QueueBlocked, Connected(channel)) =>
log.warning(s"connection is blocked")
goto(Blocked) using Blocked(channel)
when(Blocked) {
case Event(QueueUnblocked, Blocked(channel, waiting)) =>
log.info(s"connection is unblocked")
if (waiting.nonEmpty) log.debug("processing queued messages {}", waiting.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))
case Event(ChannelMessage(f, _), Blocked(channel, waiting)) =>
stay() using Blocked(channel, waiting enqueue f)
// new state will be Connected => after queuing some messages message, rabbit executes block callback
case Event(newChannel: Channel, Blocked(channel, waiting)) =>
log.debug("closing unexpected channel {}", channel)
case Event(_: ShutdownSignal, Blocked(channel, waiting)) =>
goto(Disconnected) using InMemory(waiting)
onTransition {
case Disconnected -> Connected => log.info("{} connected", self.path)
case Connected -> Disconnected => log.warning("{} disconnected", self.path)
onTermination {
case StopEvent(_, Connected, Connected(channel)) =>
log.debug("closing channel {}", channel)
def setup(channel: Channel): Channel = {
log.debug("setting up new channel {}", channel)
setupChannel(channel, self)
def reconnect(broken: Channel) {
log.debug("closing broken channel {}", broken)
def askForChannel() {
log.debug("asking for new channel")
connectionActor ! ProvideChannel
def connectionActor = context.parent
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