com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq.examples.ConfirmsExample.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.thenewmotion.akka.rabbitmq
package examples
import akka.actor.{ ActorRef, ActorSystem }
import akka.pattern.ask
import akka.util.Timeout
import com.rabbitmq.client.{ MessageProperties, ConfirmListener }
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.concurrent.duration._
* The ConfirmTrackLostMessages application shows how you can use publisher confirms to detect if a message is not
* successfully delivered to RabbitMQ. See https://www.rabbitmq.com/confirms.html for more information on publisher
* confirms.
object ConfirmsExample extends App {
/* --- Some things shared by publisher and consumer --- */
val system = ActorSystem()
implicit val timeout = Timeout(2.seconds)
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContext = system.dispatcher
val queueName = "test-messages"
/* A set of all messages that we've tried to publish but have not yet been confirmed */
val unconfirmed = mutable.Set.empty[Long]
/* A variable to keep track of the latest sequence number that has been explicitly confirmed or disconfirmed */
var confirmedUpTo: Long = -1
/* --- Setting up the publisher --- */
val connFactory = new ConnectionFactory()
val pubConnActor = system.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props(connFactory), "publisher-connection")
/* Method to be used by the publishing ChannelActor to set up the channel */
def setupConfirmingPublisher(ch: Channel, self: ActorRef) {
ch.queueDeclare(queueName, true, false, true, null)
System.out.println("Publisher channel set up")
/* Tries to publish the given message to RabbitMQ and stores the message ID RabbitMQ will use to confirm it received
* the message */
def tryPublish(ch: Channel, message: String) = {
val seqNo = ch.getNextPublishSeqNo
ch.basicPublish("", queueName, MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_BASIC, message.getBytes("UTF-8"))
unconfirmed += seqNo
System.out.println(s"Published message $seqNo")
(pubConnActor ? CreateChannel(ChannelActor.props(setupConfirmingPublisher), Some("channel"))).mapTo[ChannelCreated] map {
case ChannelCreated(chActor) =>
System.out.println("Publisher channel created")
system.scheduler.schedule(0.seconds, 2.millis, chActor, ChannelMessage {
ch =>
tryPublish(ch, "nop")
/* --- Setting up the consumer --- */
/* A ConfirmListener that will be called every time RabbitMQ confirms that it received one or more of our messages */
val confirmListener = new ConfirmListener {
override def handleAck(seqNo: Long, multiple: Boolean) =
if (!multiple) {
System.out.println(s"Message with ID $seqNo acknowledged")
unconfirmed -= seqNo
} else {
System.out.println(s"Messages with IDs up to $seqNo acknowledged")
unconfirmed --= unconfirmed.filter(elem => elem <= seqNo && elem > confirmedUpTo)
confirmedUpTo = seqNo
// RabbitMQ documentation is itself unclear here on the meaning of the 'multiple' parameter, but we
// can be conservative and see all messages up to N as not confirmed if message N gets NACK'ed.
override def handleNack(seqNo: Long, multiple: Boolean) = {
System.out.println(s"Message(s) with ID(s up to) $seqNo not handled")
confirmedUpTo = seqNo
val consumerConnActor = system.actorOf(ConnectionActor.props(connFactory), "consumer-connection")
/* Method to be used by the consumer channel actor to set up the channel */
def setupConsumer(ch: Channel, self: ActorRef): Unit = {
ch.queueDeclare(queueName, true, false, true, null)
ch.basicConsume(queueName, false /* no autoack */ , new DefaultConsumer(ch) {
override def handleDelivery(tag: String, env: Envelope, props: BasicProperties, body: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
System.out.println(s"Consuming msg ${body.map(_.toInt).mkString(",")} with tag $tag")
ch.basicAck(env.getDeliveryTag, false /* just this one message */ )
consumerConnActor ! CreateChannel(ChannelActor.props(setupConsumer), Some("channel"))
/* --- Letting the app run --- */
System.out.println(s"Unconfirmed messages: ${unconfirmed.mkString(", ")}")
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