Get the source code for AppiumPinchZoom.jar and start testing your mobile apps
Welcome to the download page for AppiumPinchZoom.jar! Here, you can get the source code for the AppiumPinchZoom library and start enhancing your mobile app testing with zoom and pinch gestures. AppiumPinchZoom is a useful tool for Appium automation testing that provides additional functionality for simulating pinch and zoom gestures on mobile devices. By incorporating this library into your testing framework, you can ensure comprehensive and accurate testing of your mobile applications. To download the AppiumPinchZoom.jar file, simply click on the provided link and save it to your desired location. Once downloaded, you can easily integrate the library into your existing Appium project and begin utilizing its feature-rich functionality. Don't miss out on this valuable resource! Enhance your mobile app testing capabilities with the AppiumPinchZoom.jar file today!
Files of the artifact AppiumPinchZoom version 1.0.5 from the group io.github.nikunj1312.