Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012 Secure Software Engineering Group at EC SPRIDE.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: Christian Fritz, Steven Arzt, Siegfried Rasthofer, Eric
* Bodden, and others.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import gnu.trove.set.hash.TCustomHashSet;
import gnu.trove.strategy.HashingStrategy;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowConfiguration;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.collect.AtomicBitSet;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.cfg.IInfoflowCFG.UnitContainer;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.fastSolver.FastSolverLinkedNode;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.sourcesSinks.definitions.ISourceSinkDefinition;
* The abstraction class contains all information that is necessary to track the
* taint.
* @author Steven Arzt
* @author Christian Fritz
public class Abstraction implements Cloneable, FastSolverLinkedNode {
protected static boolean flowSensitiveAliasing = true;
* the access path contains the currently tainted variable or field
protected AccessPath accessPath;
protected Abstraction predecessor = null;
protected volatile Set neighbors = null;
protected Stmt currentStmt = null;
protected Stmt correspondingCallSite = null;
protected SourceContext sourceContext = null;
* Unit/Stmt which activates the taint when the abstraction passes it
protected Unit activationUnit = null;
* taint is thrown by an exception (is set to false when it reaches the
* catch-Stmt)
protected boolean exceptionThrown = false;
protected int hashCode = 0;
protected int neighborHashCode = 0;
* The postdominators we need to pass in order to leave the current conditional
* branch. Do not use the synchronized Stack class here to avoid deadlocks.
protected List postdominators = null;
protected boolean isImplicit = false;
* Only valid for inactive abstractions. Specifies whether an access paths has
* been cut during alias analysis.
protected boolean dependsOnCutAP = false;
protected AtomicBitSet pathFlags = null;
protected int propagationPathLength = 0;
public static class NeighborHashingStrategy implements HashingStrategy {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4836518478381414909L;
private static final NeighborHashingStrategy INSTANCE = new NeighborHashingStrategy();
public int computeHashCode(Abstraction abs) {
if (abs.neighborHashCode != 0)
return abs.neighborHashCode;
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + abs.hashCode();
result = prime * result + ((abs.accessPath == null) ? 0 : abs.accessPath.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((abs.predecessor == null) ? 0 : abs.predecessor.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((abs.currentStmt == null) ? 0 : abs.currentStmt.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((abs.sourceContext == null) ? 0 : abs.sourceContext.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((abs.activationUnit == null) ? 0 : abs.activationUnit.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((abs.postdominators == null) ? 0 : abs.postdominators.hashCode());
abs.neighborHashCode = result;
return result;
public boolean equals(Abstraction abs1, Abstraction abs2) {
if (abs1 == abs2)
return true;
if (abs1 == null || abs2 == null || abs1.getClass() != abs2.getClass())
return false;
// If we have already computed hash codes, we can use them for
// comparison
int hashCode1 = abs1.neighborHashCode;
int hashCode2 = abs2.neighborHashCode;
if (hashCode1 != 0 && hashCode2 != 0 && hashCode1 != hashCode2)
return false;
if (abs1.accessPath == null) {
if (abs2.accessPath != null)
return false;
} else if (!abs1.accessPath.equals(abs2.accessPath))
return false;
if (abs1.predecessor == null) {
if (abs2.predecessor != null)
return false;
} else if (!abs1.predecessor.equals(abs2.predecessor))
return false;
if (abs1.currentStmt == null) {
if (abs2.currentStmt != null)
return false;
} else if (!abs1.currentStmt.equals(abs2.currentStmt))
return false;
return abs1.localEquals(abs2);
public Abstraction(ISourceSinkDefinition definition, AccessPath sourceVal, Stmt sourceStmt, Object userData,
boolean exceptionThrown, boolean isImplicit) {
this(sourceVal, new SourceContext(definition, sourceVal, sourceStmt, userData), exceptionThrown, isImplicit);
Abstraction(AccessPath apToTaint, SourceContext sourceContext, boolean exceptionThrown, boolean isImplicit) {
this.sourceContext = sourceContext;
this.accessPath = apToTaint;
this.activationUnit = null;
this.exceptionThrown = exceptionThrown;
this.neighbors = null;
this.isImplicit = isImplicit;
this.currentStmt = sourceContext == null ? null : sourceContext.getStmt();
* Creates an abstraction as a copy of an existing abstraction, only exchanging
* the access path. -> only used by AbstractionWithPath
* @param p The access path for the new abstraction
* @param original The original abstraction to copy
protected Abstraction(AccessPath p, Abstraction original) {
if (original == null) {
sourceContext = null;
exceptionThrown = false;
activationUnit = null;
isImplicit = false;
} else {
sourceContext = original.sourceContext;
exceptionThrown = original.exceptionThrown;
activationUnit = original.activationUnit;
assert activationUnit == null || flowSensitiveAliasing;
postdominators = original.postdominators == null ? null
: new ArrayList(original.postdominators);
dependsOnCutAP = original.dependsOnCutAP;
isImplicit = original.isImplicit;
accessPath = p;
neighbors = null;
currentStmt = null;
* Initializes the configuration for building new abstractions
* @param config The configuration of the data flow solver
public static void initialize(InfoflowConfiguration config) {
flowSensitiveAliasing = config.getFlowSensitiveAliasing();
public Abstraction deriveInactiveAbstraction(Stmt activationUnit) {
if (!flowSensitiveAliasing) {
assert this.isAbstractionActive();
return this;
// If this abstraction is already inactive, we keep it
if (!this.isAbstractionActive())
return this;
Abstraction a = deriveNewAbstractionMutable(accessPath, null);
if (a == null)
return null;
a.postdominators = null;
a.activationUnit = activationUnit;
a.dependsOnCutAP |= a.getAccessPath().isCutOffApproximation();
return a;
public Abstraction deriveNewAbstraction(AccessPath p, Stmt currentStmt) {
return deriveNewAbstraction(p, currentStmt, isImplicit);
public Abstraction deriveNewAbstraction(AccessPath p, Stmt currentStmt, boolean isImplicit) {
// If the new abstraction looks exactly like the current one, there is
// no need to create a new object
if (this.accessPath.equals(p) && this.currentStmt == currentStmt && this.isImplicit == isImplicit)
return this;
Abstraction abs = deriveNewAbstractionMutable(p, currentStmt);
if (abs == null)
return null;
abs.isImplicit = isImplicit;
return abs;
protected Abstraction deriveNewAbstractionMutable(AccessPath p, Stmt currentStmt) {
// An abstraction needs an access path
if (p == null)
return null;
if (this.accessPath.equals(p) && this.currentStmt == currentStmt) {
Abstraction abs = clone();
abs.currentStmt = currentStmt;
return abs;
Abstraction abs = new Abstraction(p, this);
abs.predecessor = this;
abs.currentStmt = currentStmt;
abs.propagationPathLength = propagationPathLength + 1;
if (!abs.getAccessPath().isEmpty())
abs.postdominators = null;
if (!abs.isAbstractionActive())
abs.dependsOnCutAP = abs.dependsOnCutAP || p.isCutOffApproximation();
abs.sourceContext = null;
return abs;
* Derives a new abstraction that models the current local being thrown as an
* exception
* @param throwStmt The statement at which the exception was thrown
* @return The newly derived abstraction
public Abstraction deriveNewAbstractionOnThrow(Stmt throwStmt) {
Abstraction abs = clone();
abs.currentStmt = throwStmt;
abs.sourceContext = null;
abs.exceptionThrown = true;
return abs;
* Derives a new abstraction that models the current local being caught as an
* exception
* @param ap The access path in which the tainted exception is stored
* @return The newly derived abstraction
public Abstraction deriveNewAbstractionOnCatch(AccessPath ap) {
assert this.exceptionThrown;
Abstraction abs = deriveNewAbstractionMutable(ap, null);
if (abs == null)
return null;
abs.exceptionThrown = false;
return abs;
public boolean isAbstractionActive() {
return activationUnit == null;
public boolean isImplicit() {
return isImplicit;
public String toString() {
return (isAbstractionActive() ? "" : "_") + accessPath.toString() + " | "
+ (activationUnit == null ? "" : activationUnit.toString()) + ">>";
public AccessPath getAccessPath() {
return accessPath;
public Unit getActivationUnit() {
return this.activationUnit;
public Abstraction getActiveCopy() {
if (this.isAbstractionActive())
return this;
Abstraction a = clone();
a.sourceContext = null;
a.activationUnit = null;
return a;
* Gets whether this value has been thrown as an exception
* @return True if this value has been thrown as an exception, otherwise false
public boolean getExceptionThrown() {
return this.exceptionThrown;
public Abstraction deriveConditionalAbstractionEnter(UnitContainer postdom, Stmt conditionalUnit) {
assert this.isAbstractionActive();
if (postdominators != null && postdominators.contains(postdom))
return this;
Abstraction abs = deriveNewAbstractionMutable(AccessPath.getEmptyAccessPath(), conditionalUnit);
if (abs == null)
return null;
if (abs.postdominators == null)
abs.postdominators = Collections.singletonList(postdom);
abs.postdominators.add(0, postdom);
return abs;
public Abstraction deriveConditionalAbstractionCall(Unit conditionalCallSite) {
assert this.isAbstractionActive();
assert conditionalCallSite != null;
Abstraction abs = deriveNewAbstractionMutable(AccessPath.getEmptyAccessPath(), (Stmt) conditionalCallSite);
if (abs == null)
return null;
// Postdominators are only kept intraprocedurally in order to not
// mess up the summary functions with caller-side information
abs.postdominators = null;
return abs;
public Abstraction dropTopPostdominator() {
if (postdominators == null || postdominators.isEmpty())
return this;
Abstraction abs = clone();
abs.sourceContext = null;
return abs;
public UnitContainer getTopPostdominator() {
if (postdominators == null || postdominators.isEmpty())
return null;
return this.postdominators.get(0);
public boolean isTopPostdominator(Unit u) {
UnitContainer uc = getTopPostdominator();
if (uc == null)
return false;
return uc.getUnit() == u;
public boolean isTopPostdominator(SootMethod sm) {
UnitContainer uc = getTopPostdominator();
if (uc == null)
return false;
return uc.getMethod() == sm;
public Abstraction clone() {
Abstraction abs = new Abstraction(accessPath, this);
abs.predecessor = this;
abs.neighbors = null;
abs.currentStmt = null;
abs.correspondingCallSite = null;
abs.propagationPathLength = propagationPathLength + 1;
assert abs.equals(this);
return abs;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
Abstraction other = (Abstraction) obj;
// If we have already computed hash codes, we can use them for
// comparison
if (this.hashCode != 0 && other.hashCode != 0 && this.hashCode != other.hashCode)
return false;
if (accessPath == null) {
if (other.accessPath != null)
return false;
} else if (!accessPath.equals(other.accessPath))
return false;
return localEquals(other);
* Checks whether this object locally equals the given object, i.e. the both are
* equal modulo the access path
* @param other The object to compare this object with
* @return True if this object is locally equal to the given one, otherwise
* false
private boolean localEquals(Abstraction other) {
// deliberately ignore prevAbs
if (sourceContext == null) {
if (other.sourceContext != null)
return false;
} else if (!sourceContext.equals(other.sourceContext))
return false;
if (activationUnit == null) {
if (other.activationUnit != null)
return false;
} else if (!activationUnit.equals(other.activationUnit))
return false;
if (this.exceptionThrown != other.exceptionThrown)
return false;
if (postdominators == null) {
if (other.postdominators != null)
return false;
} else if (!postdominators.equals(other.postdominators))
return false;
if (this.dependsOnCutAP != other.dependsOnCutAP)
return false;
if (this.isImplicit != other.isImplicit)
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
if (this.hashCode != 0)
return hashCode;
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
// deliberately ignore prevAbs
result = prime * result + ((sourceContext == null) ? 0 : sourceContext.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((accessPath == null) ? 0 : accessPath.hashCode());
result = prime * result + ((activationUnit == null) ? 0 : activationUnit.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (exceptionThrown ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + ((postdominators == null) ? 0 : postdominators.hashCode());
result = prime * result + (dependsOnCutAP ? 1231 : 1237);
result = prime * result + (isImplicit ? 1231 : 1237);
this.hashCode = result;
return this.hashCode;
* Checks whether this abstraction entails the given abstraction, i.e. this
* taint also taints everything that is tainted by the given taint.
* @param other The other taint abstraction
* @return True if this object at least taints everything that is also tainted
* by the given object
public boolean entails(Abstraction other) {
if (accessPath == null) {
if (other.accessPath != null)
return false;
} else if (!accessPath.entails(other.accessPath))
return false;
return localEquals(other);
* Gets the context of the taint, i.e. the statement and value of the source
* @return The statement and value of the source
public SourceContext getSourceContext() {
return sourceContext;
public boolean dependsOnCutAP() {
return dependsOnCutAP;
public Abstraction getPredecessor() {
return this.predecessor;
public Set getNeighbors() {
return this.neighbors;
public Stmt getCurrentStmt() {
return this.currentStmt;
public boolean addNeighbor(Abstraction originalAbstraction) {
// We should not register ourselves as a neighbor
if (originalAbstraction == this)
return false;
// We should not add identical nodes as neighbors
if (this.predecessor == originalAbstraction.predecessor && this.currentStmt == originalAbstraction.currentStmt
&& this.predecessor == originalAbstraction.predecessor)
return false;
synchronized (this) {
if (neighbors == null)
neighbors = new TCustomHashSet(NeighborHashingStrategy.INSTANCE);
else if (InfoflowConfiguration.getMergeNeighbors()) {
// Check if we already have an identical neighbor
for (Abstraction nb : neighbors) {
if (nb == originalAbstraction)
return false;
if (originalAbstraction.predecessor == nb.predecessor
&& originalAbstraction.currentStmt == nb.currentStmt
&& originalAbstraction.correspondingCallSite == nb.correspondingCallSite) {
return false;
return this.neighbors.add(originalAbstraction);
public void setCorrespondingCallSite(Stmt callSite) {
this.correspondingCallSite = callSite;
public Stmt getCorrespondingCallSite() {
return this.correspondingCallSite;
public static Abstraction getZeroAbstraction(boolean flowSensitiveAliasing) {
Abstraction zeroValue = new Abstraction(AccessPath.getZeroAccessPath(), null, false, false);
Abstraction.flowSensitiveAliasing = flowSensitiveAliasing;
return zeroValue;
public void setPredecessor(Abstraction predecessor) {
this.predecessor = predecessor;
assert this.predecessor != this;
this.neighborHashCode = 0;
* Only use this method if you really need to fake a source context and know
* what you are doing.
* @param sourceContext The new source context
public void setSourceContext(SourceContext sourceContext) {
this.sourceContext = sourceContext;
this.hashCode = 0;
this.neighborHashCode = 0;
* Registers that a worker thread with the given ID has already processed this
* abstraction
* @param id The ID of the worker thread
* @return True if the worker thread with the given ID has not been registered
* before, otherwise false
public boolean registerPathFlag(int id, int maxSize) {
if (pathFlags == null || pathFlags.size() < maxSize) {
synchronized (this) {
if (pathFlags == null) {
// Make sure that the field is set only after the
// constructor
// is done and the object is fully usable
AtomicBitSet pf = new AtomicBitSet(maxSize);
pathFlags = pf;
} else if (pathFlags.size() < maxSize) {
AtomicBitSet pf = new AtomicBitSet(maxSize);
for (int i = 0; i < pathFlags.size(); i++) {
if (pathFlags.get(i))
pathFlags = pf;
return pathFlags.set(id);
public Abstraction injectSourceContext(SourceContext sourceContext) {
if (this.sourceContext != null && this.sourceContext.equals(sourceContext))
return this;
Abstraction abs = clone();
abs.predecessor = null;
abs.neighbors = null;
abs.sourceContext = sourceContext;
abs.currentStmt = this.currentStmt;
return abs;
* For internal use by memory manager only
void setAccessPath(AccessPath accessPath) {
this.accessPath = accessPath;
this.hashCode = 0;
this.neighborHashCode = 0;
void setCurrentStmt(Stmt currentStmt) {
this.currentStmt = currentStmt;
public int getNeighborCount() {
return neighbors == null ? 0 : neighbors.size();
public int getPathLength() {
return propagationPathLength;
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