Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Set;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import soot.ArrayType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.PrimType;
import soot.RefLikeType;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.SootField;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.ArrayRef;
import soot.jimple.FieldRef;
import soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowConfiguration;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowConfiguration.AccessPathConfiguration;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.collect.ConcurrentHashSet;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.collect.MyConcurrentHashMap;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.util.TypeUtils;
public class AccessPathFactory {
protected final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AccessPathFactory.class);
private final InfoflowConfiguration config;
* Specialized pair class for field bases
* @author Steven Arzt
public static class BasePair {
private final SootField[] fields;
private final Type[] types;
private int hashCode = 0;
private BasePair(SootField[] fields, Type[] types) {
this.fields = fields;
this.types = types;
// Check whether this base makes sense
if (fields == null || fields.length == 0)
throw new RuntimeException("A base must contain at least one field");
public SootField[] getFields() {
return this.fields;
public Type[] getTypes() {
return this.types;
public int hashCode() {
if (hashCode == 0) {
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(fields);
result = prime * result + Arrays.hashCode(types);
hashCode = result;
return hashCode;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (obj == null)
return false;
if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;
BasePair other = (BasePair) obj;
if (!Arrays.equals(fields, other.fields))
return false;
if (!Arrays.equals(types, other.types))
return false;
return true;
public String toString() {
return Arrays.toString(fields);
* Creates a new instance of the {@link AccessPathFactory} class
* @param config The FlowDroid configuration object
public AccessPathFactory(InfoflowConfiguration config) {
this.config = config;
private MyConcurrentHashMap> baseRegister = new MyConcurrentHashMap>();
public AccessPath createAccessPath(Value val, boolean taintSubFields) {
return createAccessPath(val, (SootField[]) null, null, (Type[]) null, taintSubFields, false, true,
public AccessPath createAccessPath(Value val, Type valType, boolean taintSubFields, ArrayTaintType arrayTaintType) {
return createAccessPath(val, null, valType, null, taintSubFields, false, true, arrayTaintType);
public AccessPath createAccessPath(Value val, SootField[] appendingFields, boolean taintSubFields) {
return createAccessPath(val, appendingFields, null, null, taintSubFields, false, true,
public AccessPath createAccessPath(Value val, SootField[] appendingFields, Type valType, Type[] appendingFieldTypes,
boolean taintSubFields, boolean cutFirstField, boolean reduceBases, ArrayTaintType arrayTaintType) {
return createAccessPath(val, appendingFields, valType, appendingFieldTypes, taintSubFields, cutFirstField,
reduceBases, arrayTaintType, false);
public AccessPath createAccessPath(Value val, SootField[] appendingFields, Type valType, Type[] appendingFieldTypes,
boolean taintSubFields, boolean cutFirstField, boolean reduceBases, ArrayTaintType arrayTaintType,
boolean canHaveImmutableAliases) {
// Make sure that the base object is valid
if (val != null && !AccessPath.canContainValue(val)) {
logger.error("Access paths cannot be rooted in values of type {}", val.getClass().getName());
return null;
// Make sure that we have data for an access path at all
if (val == null && (appendingFields == null || appendingFields.length == 0))
return null;
final AccessPathConfiguration accessPathConfig = config.getAccessPathConfiguration();
// Do we track types?
if (!config.getEnableTypeChecking()) {
valType = null;
appendingFieldTypes = null;
// Initialize the field type information if necessary
if (appendingFields != null && appendingFieldTypes == null) {
appendingFieldTypes = new Type[appendingFields.length];
for (int i = 0; i < appendingFields.length; i++)
appendingFieldTypes[i] = appendingFields[i].getType();
Local value;
Type baseType;
SootField[] fields;
Type[] fieldTypes;
boolean cutOffApproximation;
// Get the base object, field and type
if (val instanceof FieldRef) {
FieldRef ref = (FieldRef) val;
// Set the base value and type if we have one
if (val instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
InstanceFieldRef iref = (InstanceFieldRef) val;
value = (Local) iref.getBase();
baseType = value.getType();
} else {
value = null;
baseType = null;
// Handle the fields
fields = new SootField[(appendingFields == null ? 0 : appendingFields.length) + 1];
fields[0] = ref.getField();
if (appendingFields != null)
System.arraycopy(appendingFields, 0, fields, 1, appendingFields.length);
fieldTypes = new Type[(appendingFieldTypes == null ? 0 : appendingFieldTypes.length) + 1];
fieldTypes[0] = valType != null ? valType : fields[0].getType();
if (appendingFieldTypes != null)
System.arraycopy(appendingFieldTypes, 0, fieldTypes, 1, appendingFieldTypes.length);
} else if (val instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ref = (ArrayRef) val;
value = (Local) ref.getBase();
baseType = valType == null ? value.getType() : valType;
// Copy the arrays to not destroy other APs
fields = appendingFields == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(appendingFields, appendingFields.length);
fieldTypes = appendingFieldTypes == null ? null
: Arrays.copyOf(appendingFieldTypes, appendingFieldTypes.length);
} else {
value = (Local) val;
baseType = valType == null ? (value == null ? null : value.getType()) : valType;
// Copy the arrays to not destroy other APs
fields = appendingFields == null ? null : Arrays.copyOf(appendingFields, appendingFields.length);
fieldTypes = appendingFieldTypes == null ? null
: Arrays.copyOf(appendingFieldTypes, appendingFieldTypes.length);
// If we don't want to track fields at all, we can cut the field
// processing short
if (accessPathConfig.getAccessPathLength() == 0) {
fields = null;
fieldTypes = null;
// Cut the first field if requested
if (cutFirstField && fields != null && fields.length > 0) {
SootField[] newFields = new SootField[fields.length - 1];
Type[] newTypes = new Type[newFields.length];
System.arraycopy(fields, 1, newFields, 0, newFields.length);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, 1, newTypes, 0, newTypes.length);
fields = newFields.length > 0 ? newFields : null;
fieldTypes = newTypes.length > 0 ? newTypes : null;
// If we have a chain of fields that reduces to itself, we can throw
// away the recursion. Example:
// *
if (config.getAccessPathConfiguration().getUseSameFieldReduction() && fields != null && fields.length > 1) {
for (int bucketStart = fields.length - 2; bucketStart >= 0; bucketStart--) {
// Check if we have a repeating field
int repeatPos = -1;
for (int i = bucketStart + 1; i < fields.length; i++)
if (fields[i] == fields[bucketStart]) {
repeatPos = i;
int repeatLen = repeatPos - bucketStart;
if (repeatPos < 0)
// Check that everything between bucketStart and repeatPos
// really repeats after bucketStart
boolean matches = true;
for (int i = 0; i < repeatPos - bucketStart; i++)
matches &= (repeatPos + i < fields.length) && fields[bucketStart + i] == fields[repeatPos + i];
if (matches) {
SootField[] newFields = new SootField[fields.length - repeatLen];
Type[] newTypes = new Type[fields.length - repeatLen];
System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields, 0, bucketStart + 1);
System.arraycopy(fields, repeatPos + 1, newFields, bucketStart + 1, fields.length - repeatPos - 1);
fields = newFields;
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, bucketStart + 1);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, repeatPos + 1, newTypes, bucketStart + 1,
fieldTypes.length - repeatPos - 1);
fieldTypes = newTypes;
// Make sure that the actual types are always as precise as the declared
// ones. If types become incompatible, we drop the whole access path.
if (config.getEnableTypeChecking()) {
if (value != null && value.getType() != baseType) {
baseType = TypeUtils.getMorePreciseType(baseType, value.getType());
if (baseType == null)
return null;
// If we have a more precise base type in the first field, we
// take that
if (fields != null && fields.length > 0 && !(baseType instanceof ArrayType))
baseType = TypeUtils.getMorePreciseType(baseType, fields[0].getDeclaringClass().getType());
if (baseType == null)
return null;
if (fields != null && fieldTypes != null)
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
fieldTypes[i] = TypeUtils.getMorePreciseType(fieldTypes[i], fields[i].getType());
if (fieldTypes[i] == null)
return null;
// If we have a more precise base type in the next field, we
// take that
if (fields.length > i + 1 && !(fieldTypes[i] instanceof ArrayType))
fieldTypes[i] = TypeUtils.getMorePreciseType(fieldTypes[i],
fields[i + 1].getDeclaringClass().getType());
if (fieldTypes[i] == null)
return null;
// Make sure that only heap objects may have fields. Primitive arrays
// with fields may occur on impossible type casts in the target program.
if (value != null && value.getType() instanceof ArrayType) {
ArrayType at = (ArrayType) value.getType();
if (!(at.getArrayElementType() instanceof RefLikeType) && fields != null && fields.length > 0)
return null;
// We can always merge a.inner.this$0.c to a.c. We do this first so that
// we don't create recursive bases for stuff we don't need anyway.
if (accessPathConfig.getUseThisChainReduction() && reduceBases && fields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
// Is this a reference to an outer class?
if (fields[i].getName().startsWith("this$")) {
// Get the name of the outer class
String outerClassName = ((RefType) fields[i].getType()).getClassName();
// Check the base object
int startIdx = -1;
if (value != null && value.getType() instanceof RefType
&& ((RefType) value.getType()).getClassName().equals(outerClassName)) {
startIdx = 0;
} else {
// Scan forward to find the same reference
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (fields[j].getType() instanceof RefType
&& ((RefType) fields[j].getType()).getClassName().equals(outerClassName)) {
startIdx = j;
if (startIdx >= 0) {
SootField[] newFields = new SootField[fields.length - (i - startIdx) - 1];
Type[] newFieldTypes = new Type[fieldTypes.length - (i - startIdx) - 1];
System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields, 0, startIdx);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, 0, newFieldTypes, 0, startIdx);
System.arraycopy(fields, i + 1, newFields, startIdx, fields.length - i - 1);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, i + 1, newFieldTypes, startIdx, fieldTypes.length - i - 1);
fields = newFields;
fieldTypes = newFieldTypes;
// Check for recursive data structures. If a last field maps back to
// something we already know, we build a repeatable component from it
boolean recursiveCutOff = false;
if (accessPathConfig.getUseRecursiveAccessPaths() && reduceBases && fields != null) {
// references an object of type T, look for an extension
// that also references an object of type T
int ei = val instanceof StaticFieldRef ? 1 : 0;
while (ei < fields.length) {
final Type eiType = ei == 0 ? baseType : fieldTypes[ei - 1];
int ej = ei;
while (ej < fields.length) {
if (fieldTypes[ej] == eiType || fields[ej].getType() == eiType) {
// The types match, maps back to an object of the same type as
// We must thus convert the access path to[]fj+1
SootField[] newFields = new SootField[fields.length - (ej - ei) - 1];
Type[] newTypes = new Type[newFields.length];
System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields, 0, ei);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, ei);
if (fields.length > ej) {
System.arraycopy(fields, ej + 1, newFields, ei, fields.length - ej - 1);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, ej + 1, newTypes, ei, fieldTypes.length - ej - 1);
// Register the base
SootField[] base = new SootField[ej - ei + 1];
Type[] baseTypes = new Type[ej - ei + 1];
System.arraycopy(fields, ei, base, 0, base.length);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, ei, baseTypes, 0, base.length);
registerBase(eiType, base, baseTypes);
fields = newFields;
fieldTypes = newTypes;
recursiveCutOff = true;
} else
// Cut the fields at the maximum access path length. If this happens,
// we must always add a star
if (fields != null) {
final int maxAccessPathLength = accessPathConfig.getAccessPathLength();
if (maxAccessPathLength >= 0) {
int fieldNum = Math.min(maxAccessPathLength, fields.length);
if (fields.length > fieldNum) {
taintSubFields = true;
cutOffApproximation = true;
} else {
cutOffApproximation = recursiveCutOff;
if (fieldNum == 0) {
fields = null;
fieldTypes = null;
} else {
SootField[] newFields = new SootField[fieldNum];
Type[] newFieldTypes = new Type[fieldNum];
System.arraycopy(fields, 0, newFields, 0, fieldNum);
System.arraycopy(fieldTypes, 0, newFieldTypes, 0, fieldNum);
fields = newFields;
fieldTypes = newFieldTypes;
} else
cutOffApproximation = recursiveCutOff;
} else {
cutOffApproximation = false;
fields = null;
fieldTypes = null;
// Type checks
assert value == null || !(!(baseType instanceof ArrayType) && !TypeUtils.isObjectLikeType(baseType)
&& value.getType() instanceof ArrayType);
assert value == null || !(baseType instanceof ArrayType && !(value.getType() instanceof ArrayType)
&& !TypeUtils.isObjectLikeType(value.getType()))
: "Type mismatch. Type was " + baseType + ", value was: " + (value == null ? null : value.getType());
if ((fields == null && fieldTypes != null) || (fields != null && fieldTypes == null))
throw new RuntimeException("When there are fields, there must be field types and vice versa");
if (fields != null && fields.length != fieldTypes.length)
throw new RuntimeException("Field and field type arrays must be of equal length");
// Sanity check
if (baseType instanceof PrimType) {
if (fields != null) {
logger.warn("Primitive types cannot have fields: baseType={} fields={}", baseType,
return null;
if (fields != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < fields.length - 2; i++) {
SootField f = fields[i];
Type fieldType = f.getType();
if (fieldType instanceof PrimType) {
logger.warn("Primitive types cannot have fields: field={} type={}", f, fieldType);
return null;
return new AccessPath(value, fields, baseType, fieldTypes, taintSubFields, cutOffApproximation, arrayTaintType,
private void registerBase(Type eiType, SootField[] base, Type[] baseTypes) {
// Check whether we can further normalize the base
assert base.length == baseTypes.length;
for (int i = 0; i < base.length; i++)
if (baseTypes[i] == eiType) {
SootField[] newBase = new SootField[i + 1];
Type[] newTypes = new Type[i + 1];
System.arraycopy(base, 0, newBase, 0, i + 1);
System.arraycopy(baseTypes, 0, newTypes, 0, i + 1);
base = newBase;
baseTypes = newTypes;
Set bases = baseRegister.putIfAbsentElseGet(eiType, new ConcurrentHashSet());
bases.add(new BasePair(base, baseTypes));
public Collection getBaseForType(Type tp) {
return baseRegister.get(tp);
* Copies the given access path with a new base value, but retains the base type
* @param original The original access path
* @param val The new value
* @return The new access path with the exchanged value
public AccessPath copyWithNewValue(AccessPath original, Value val) {
return copyWithNewValue(original, val, original.getBaseType(), false);
* value val gets new base, fields are preserved.
* @param original The original access path
* @param val The new base value
* @return This access path with the base replaced by the value given in the val
* parameter
public AccessPath copyWithNewValue(AccessPath original, Value val, Type newType, boolean cutFirstField) {
return copyWithNewValue(original, val, newType, cutFirstField, true);
* value val gets new base, fields are preserved.
* @param original The original access path
* @param val The new base value
* @param reduceBases True if circular types shall be reduced to bases
* @return This access path with the base replaced by the value given in the val
* parameter
public AccessPath copyWithNewValue(AccessPath original, Value val, Type newType, boolean cutFirstField,
boolean reduceBases) {
return copyWithNewValue(original, val, newType, cutFirstField, reduceBases, original.getArrayTaintType());
* value val gets new base, fields are preserved.
* @param original The original access path
* @param val The new base value
* @param reduceBases True if circular types shall be reduced to bases
* @param arrayTaintType The way a tainted array shall be handled
* @return This access path with the base replaced by the value given in the val
* parameter
public AccessPath copyWithNewValue(AccessPath original, Value val, Type newType, boolean cutFirstField,
boolean reduceBases, ArrayTaintType arrayTaintType) {
// If this copy would not add any new information, we can safely use the
// old
// object
if (original.getPlainValue() != null && original.getPlainValue().equals(val)
&& original.getBaseType().equals(newType) && original.getArrayTaintType() == arrayTaintType)
return original;
// Create the new access path
AccessPath newAP = createAccessPath(val, original.getFields(), newType, original.getFieldTypes(),
original.getTaintSubFields(), cutFirstField, reduceBases, arrayTaintType,
// Again, check whether we can do without the new object
if (newAP != null && newAP.equals(original))
return original;
return newAP;
* Merges the two given access paths , i.e., adds the fields of ap2 to ap1.
* @param ap1 The access path to which to append the fields
* @param ap2 The access path whose fields to append to ap1
* @return The new access path
public AccessPath merge(AccessPath ap1, AccessPath ap2) {
return appendFields(ap1, ap2.getFields(), ap2.getFieldTypes(), ap2.getTaintSubFields());
* Appends additional fields to the given access path
* @param original The original access path to which to append the fields
* @param apFields The fields to append
* @param apFieldTypes The types of the fields to append
* @param taintSubFields True if the new access path shall taint all objects
* reachable through it, false if it shall only point to
* precisely one object
* @return The new access path
public AccessPath appendFields(AccessPath original, SootField[] apFields, Type[] apFieldTypes,
boolean taintSubFields) {
int offset = original.getFields() == null ? 0 : original.getFields().length;
SootField[] fields = new SootField[offset + (apFields == null ? 0 : apFields.length)];
Type[] fieldTypes = new Type[offset + (apFields == null ? 0 : apFields.length)];
if (original.getFields() != null) {
System.arraycopy(original.getFields(), 0, fields, 0, original.getFields().length);
System.arraycopy(original.getFieldTypes(), 0, fieldTypes, 0, original.getFieldTypes().length);
if (apFields != null && apFields.length > 0) {
System.arraycopy(apFields, 0, fields, offset, apFields.length);
System.arraycopy(apFieldTypes, 0, fieldTypes, offset, apFieldTypes.length);
return createAccessPath(original.getPlainValue(), fields, original.getBaseType(), fieldTypes, taintSubFields,
false, true, original.getArrayTaintType());
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