soot.jimple.infoflow.problems.BackwardsInfoflowProblem Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2012 Secure Software Engineering Group at EC SPRIDE.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License v2.1
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* Contributors: Christian Fritz, Steven Arzt, Siegfried Rasthofer, Eric
* Bodden, and others.
package soot.jimple.infoflow.problems;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import heros.FlowFunction;
import heros.FlowFunctions;
import heros.flowfunc.Identity;
import heros.flowfunc.KillAll;
import heros.solver.PathEdge;
import soot.ArrayType;
import soot.Local;
import soot.PrimType;
import soot.RefType;
import soot.SootMethod;
import soot.Type;
import soot.Unit;
import soot.Value;
import soot.jimple.ArrayRef;
import soot.jimple.AssignStmt;
import soot.jimple.BinopExpr;
import soot.jimple.CastExpr;
import soot.jimple.Constant;
import soot.jimple.DefinitionStmt;
import soot.jimple.FieldRef;
import soot.jimple.IdentityStmt;
import soot.jimple.InstanceFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.InstanceInvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.InstanceOfExpr;
import soot.jimple.InvokeExpr;
import soot.jimple.LengthExpr;
import soot.jimple.NewArrayExpr;
import soot.jimple.ReturnStmt;
import soot.jimple.StaticFieldRef;
import soot.jimple.Stmt;
import soot.jimple.UnopExpr;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowConfiguration.StaticFieldTrackingMode;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.InfoflowManager;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.aliasing.Aliasing;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.collect.MutableTwoElementSet;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.handlers.TaintPropagationHandler.FlowFunctionType;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.functions.SolverCallFlowFunction;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.functions.SolverCallToReturnFlowFunction;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.functions.SolverNormalFlowFunction;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.solver.functions.SolverReturnFlowFunction;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.taintWrappers.ITaintPropagationWrapper;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.util.BaseSelector;
import soot.jimple.infoflow.util.TypeUtils;
* class which contains the flow functions for the backwards solver. This is
* required for on-demand alias analysis.
public class BackwardsInfoflowProblem extends AbstractInfoflowProblem {
public void setTaintWrapper(ITaintPropagationWrapper wrapper) {
taintWrapper = wrapper;
public BackwardsInfoflowProblem(InfoflowManager manager) {
public FlowFunctions createFlowFunctionsFactory() {
return new FlowFunctions() {
private Abstraction checkAbstraction(Abstraction abs) {
if (abs == null)
return null;
// Primitive types and strings cannot have aliases and thus
// never need to be propagated back
if (!abs.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()) {
if (abs.getAccessPath().getBaseType() instanceof PrimType)
return null;
} else {
if (abs.getAccessPath().getFirstFieldType() instanceof PrimType)
return null;
return abs;
* Computes the aliases for the given statement
* @param def The definition statement from which to extract the alias
* information
* @param leftValue The left side of def. Passed in to allow for caching, no
* need to recompute this for every abstraction being
* processed.
* @param d1 The abstraction at the method's start node
* @param source The source abstraction of the alias search from before the
* current statement
* @return The set of abstractions after the current statement
private Set computeAliases(final DefinitionStmt defStmt, Value leftValue, Abstraction d1,
Abstraction source) {
assert !source.getAccessPath().isEmpty();
// A backward analysis looks for aliases of existing taints and
// thus cannot create new taints out of thin air
if (source == getZeroValue())
return null;
final Set res = new MutableTwoElementSet();
// Check whether the left side of the assignment matches our
// current taint abstraction
final boolean leftSideMatches = Aliasing.baseMatches(leftValue, source);
if (!leftSideMatches)
else {
// The left side is overwritten completely
// If we have an assignment to the base local of the current
// taint, all taint propagations must be below that point,
// so this is the right point to turn around.
for (Unit u : interproceduralCFG().getPredsOf(defStmt))
manager.getForwardSolver().processEdge(new PathEdge(d1, u, source));
// We only handle assignments and identity statements
if (defStmt instanceof IdentityStmt) {
return res;
if (!(defStmt instanceof AssignStmt))
return res;
// Get the right side of the assignment
final Value rightValue = BaseSelector.selectBase(defStmt.getRightOp(), false);
// Is the left side overwritten completely?
if (leftSideMatches) {
// Termination shortcut: If the right side is a value we do
// not track, we can stop here.
if (!(rightValue instanceof Local || rightValue instanceof FieldRef)) {
return res;
// If we assign a constant, there is no need to track the right
// side any further or do any forward propagation since constants
// cannot carry taint.
if (rightValue instanceof Constant)
return res;
// If this statement creates a new array, we cannot track
// upwards the size
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof NewArrayExpr)
return res;
// We only process heap objects. Binary operations can only
// be performed on primitive objects.
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof BinopExpr)
return res;
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof UnopExpr)
return res;
// If we have a = x with the taint "x" being inactive,
// we must not taint the left side. We can only taint
// the left side if the tainted value is some "x.y".
boolean aliasOverwritten = Aliasing.baseMatchesStrict(rightValue, source)
&& rightValue.getType() instanceof RefType && !source.dependsOnCutAP();
if (!aliasOverwritten && !(rightValue.getType() instanceof PrimType)) {
// If the tainted value 'b' is assigned to variable 'a' and
// 'b' is a heap object, we must also look for aliases of
// 'a' upwards from the current statement.
Abstraction newLeftAbs = null;
if (rightValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
InstanceFieldRef ref = (InstanceFieldRef) rightValue;
if (source.getAccessPath().isInstanceFieldRef()
&& ref.getBase() == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()
&& source.getAccessPath().firstFieldMatches(ref.getField())) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
leftValue, source.getAccessPath().getFirstFieldType(), true);
newLeftAbs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, defStmt));
} else if (manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() != StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& rightValue instanceof StaticFieldRef) {
StaticFieldRef ref = (StaticFieldRef) rightValue;
if (source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()
&& source.getAccessPath().firstFieldMatches(ref.getField())) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
leftValue, source.getAccessPath().getBaseType(), true);
newLeftAbs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, defStmt));
} else if (rightValue == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
Type newType = source.getAccessPath().getBaseType();
if (leftValue instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef arrayRef = (ArrayRef) leftValue;
newType = TypeUtils.buildArrayOrAddDimension(newType, arrayRef.getType().getArrayType());
} else if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof ArrayRef) {
if (newType instanceof ArrayType)
newType = ((ArrayType) newType).getElementType();
newType = null;
} else {
// Type check
if (!manager.getTypeUtils().checkCast(source.getAccessPath(), leftValue.getType()))
return null;
// If the cast was realizable, we can assume that we had
// the type to which we cast. Do not loosen types,
// though.
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof CastExpr) {
CastExpr ce = (CastExpr) defStmt.getRightOp();
if (!manager.getHierarchy().canStoreType(newType, ce.getCastType()))
newType = ce.getCastType();
// Special type handling for certain operations
else if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof LengthExpr) {
// ignore. The length of an array is a primitive and
// thus cannot have aliases
return res;
} else if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof InstanceOfExpr) {
// ignore. The type check of an array returns a
// boolean which is a primitive and thus cannot
// have aliases
return res;
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
leftValue, newType, false);
newLeftAbs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, defStmt));
if (newLeftAbs != null) {
// If we ran into a new abstraction that points to a
// primitive value, we can remove it
if (newLeftAbs.getAccessPath().getLastFieldType() instanceof PrimType)
return res;
if (!newLeftAbs.getAccessPath().equals(source.getAccessPath())) {
// Propagate the new alias upwards
// Inject the new alias into the forward solver
for (Unit u : interproceduralCFG().getPredsOf(defStmt))
.processEdge(new PathEdge(d1, u, newLeftAbs));
// If we have the tainted value on the left side of the
// assignment, we also have to look or aliases of the value on
// the right side of the assignment.
if ((rightValue instanceof Local || rightValue instanceof FieldRef)
&& !(leftValue.getType() instanceof PrimType)) {
boolean addRightValue = false;
boolean cutFirstField = false;
Type targetType = null;
// if both are fields, we have to compare their fieldName
// via equals and their bases via PTS
if (leftValue instanceof InstanceFieldRef) {
if (source.getAccessPath().isInstanceFieldRef()) {
InstanceFieldRef leftRef = (InstanceFieldRef) leftValue;
if (leftRef.getBase() == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
if (source.getAccessPath().firstFieldMatches(leftRef.getField())) {
targetType = source.getAccessPath().getFirstFieldType();
addRightValue = true;
cutFirstField = true;
// indirect taint propagation:
// if leftValue is local and source is instancefield of
// this local:
} else if (leftValue instanceof Local && source.getAccessPath().isInstanceFieldRef()) {
Local base = source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue();
if (leftValue == base) {
targetType = source.getAccessPath().getBaseType();
addRightValue = true;
} else if (leftValue instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef ar = (ArrayRef) leftValue;
Local leftBase = (Local) ar.getBase();
if (leftBase == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
addRightValue = true;
targetType = source.getAccessPath().getBaseType();
// generic case, is true for Locals, ArrayRefs that are
// equal etc..
} else if (leftValue == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
// If this is an unrealizable cast, we can stop
// propagating
if (!manager.getTypeUtils().checkCast(source.getAccessPath(), defStmt.getRightOp().getType()))
return null;
addRightValue = true;
targetType = source.getAccessPath().getBaseType();
// if one of them is true -> add rightValue
if (addRightValue) {
if (targetType != null) {
// Special handling for some operations
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof ArrayRef) {
ArrayRef arrayRef = (ArrayRef) defStmt.getRightOp();
targetType = TypeUtils.buildArrayOrAddDimension(targetType,
} else if (leftValue instanceof ArrayRef) {
// If we have a type of java.lang.Object, we try
// to tighten it
if (TypeUtils.isObjectLikeType(targetType))
targetType = rightValue.getType();
else if (targetType instanceof ArrayType)
targetType = ((ArrayType) targetType).getElementType();
targetType = null;
// If the types do not match, the right side
// cannot be an alias
if (targetType != null
&& !manager.getTypeUtils().checkCast(rightValue.getType(), targetType))
addRightValue = false;
// Special type handling for certain operations
if (defStmt.getRightOp() instanceof LengthExpr)
targetType = null;
// We do not need to handle casts. Casts only make
// types more imprecise when going backwards.
// If the source has fields, we may not have a primitive
// type
if (targetType instanceof PrimType || (targetType instanceof ArrayType
&& ((ArrayType) targetType).getElementType() instanceof PrimType))
if (!source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef() && !source.getAccessPath().isLocal())
return null;
if (rightValue.getType() instanceof PrimType || (rightValue.getType() instanceof ArrayType
&& ((ArrayType) rightValue.getType()).getElementType() instanceof PrimType))
if (!source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef() && !source.getAccessPath().isLocal())
return null;
// If the right side's type is not compatible with our
// current type, this cannot be an alias
if (addRightValue) {
if (!manager.getTypeUtils().checkCast(rightValue.getType(), targetType))
addRightValue = false;
// Make sure to only track static fields if it has been
// enabled
if (addRightValue && rightValue instanceof StaticFieldRef
&& manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() == StaticFieldTrackingMode.None)
addRightValue = false;
if (addRightValue) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
rightValue, targetType, cutFirstField);
Abstraction newAbs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, defStmt));
if (newAbs != null && !newAbs.getAccessPath().equals(source.getAccessPath())) {
// Do we treat static fields outside of IFDS?
if (rightValue instanceof StaticFieldRef && manager.getConfig()
.getStaticFieldTrackingMode() == StaticFieldTrackingMode.ContextFlowInsensitive) {
} else {
// Inject the new alias into the forward solver
for (Unit u : interproceduralCFG().getPredsOf(defStmt))
.processEdge(new PathEdge(d1, u, newAbs));
return res;
public FlowFunction getNormalFlowFunction(final Unit src, final Unit dest) {
if (src instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
final DefinitionStmt defStmt = (DefinitionStmt) src;
final Value leftValue = BaseSelector.selectBase(defStmt.getLeftOp(), true);
final DefinitionStmt destDefStmt = dest instanceof DefinitionStmt ? (DefinitionStmt) dest : null;
final Value destLeftValue = destDefStmt == null ? null
: BaseSelector.selectBase(destDefStmt.getLeftOp(), true);
return new SolverNormalFlowFunction() {
public Set computeTargets(Abstraction d1, Abstraction source) {
if (source == getZeroValue())
return null;
assert source.isAbstractionActive() || manager.getConfig().getFlowSensitiveAliasing();
// Notify the handler if we have one
if (taintPropagationHandler != null)
taintPropagationHandler.notifyFlowIn(src, source, manager,
Set res = computeAliases(defStmt, leftValue, d1, source);
if (destDefStmt != null && res != null && !res.isEmpty()
&& interproceduralCFG().isExitStmt(destDefStmt)) {
for (Abstraction abs : res)
computeAliases(destDefStmt, destLeftValue, d1, abs);
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(src, d1, source, res, FlowFunctionType.NormalFlowFunction);
return Identity.v();
public FlowFunction getCallFlowFunction(final Unit src, final SootMethod dest) {
if (!dest.isConcrete())
return KillAll.v();
final Stmt stmt = (Stmt) src;
final InvokeExpr ie = (stmt != null && stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) ? stmt.getInvokeExpr() : null;
final boolean isReflectiveCallSite = interproceduralCFG().isReflectiveCallSite(ie);
final Value[] paramLocals = new Value[dest.getParameterCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < dest.getParameterCount(); i++)
paramLocals[i] = dest.getActiveBody().getParameterLocal(i);
final boolean isSource = manager.getSourceSinkManager() != null
? manager.getSourceSinkManager().getSourceInfo((Stmt) src, manager) != null
: false;
final boolean isSink = manager.getSourceSinkManager() != null
? manager.getSourceSinkManager().getSinkInfo(stmt, manager, null) != null
: false;
// This is not cached by Soot, so accesses are more expensive
// than one might think
final Local thisLocal = dest.isStatic() ? null : dest.getActiveBody().getThisLocal();
// Android executor methods are handled specially.
// getSubSignature()
// is slow, so we try to avoid it whenever we can
final boolean isExecutorExecute = interproceduralCFG().isExecutorExecute(ie, dest);
return new SolverCallFlowFunction() {
public Set computeTargets(Abstraction d1, Abstraction source) {
if (source == getZeroValue())
return null;
assert source.isAbstractionActive() || manager.getConfig().getFlowSensitiveAliasing();
// Notify the handler if we have one
if (taintPropagationHandler != null)
taintPropagationHandler.notifyFlowIn(stmt, source, manager,
// if we do not have to look into sources or sinks:
if (!manager.getConfig().getInspectSources() && isSource)
return null;
if (!manager.getConfig().getInspectSinks() && isSink)
return null;
// Do not propagate in inactive taints that will be
// activated there since they already came out of the
// callee
if (isCallSiteActivatingTaint(stmt, source.getActivationUnit()))
return null;
// Do not analyze static initializers if static field
// tracking is disabled
if (manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() == StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& dest.isStaticInitializer())
return null;
// taint is propagated in CallToReturnFunction, so we do
// not need any taint here if the taint wrapper is
// exclusive:
if (taintWrapper != null && taintWrapper.isExclusive(stmt, source))
return null;
// Do not propagate into Soot library classes if that
// optimization is enabled
if (isExcluded(dest))
return null;
// Only propagate the taint if the target field is
// actually read
if (manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() != StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()) {
if (!interproceduralCFG().isStaticFieldRead(dest, source.getAccessPath().getFirstField()))
return null;
Set res = new HashSet();
// if the returned value is tainted - taint values from
// return statements
if (src instanceof DefinitionStmt) {
DefinitionStmt defnStmt = (DefinitionStmt) src;
Value leftOp = defnStmt.getLeftOp();
if (leftOp == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
// look for returnStmts:
for (Unit u : dest.getActiveBody().getUnits()) {
if (u instanceof ReturnStmt) {
ReturnStmt rStmt = (ReturnStmt) u;
if (rStmt.getOp() instanceof Local || rStmt.getOp() instanceof FieldRef)
if (manager.getTypeUtils().checkCast(source.getAccessPath(),
rStmt.getOp().getType())) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(
source.getAccessPath(), rStmt.getOp(), null, false);
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(
source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, (Stmt) src));
if (abs != null)
// easy: static
if (manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() != StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()) {
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(
source.deriveNewAbstraction(source.getAccessPath(), stmt));
if (abs != null)
// checks: this/fields
Value sourceBase = source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue();
if (!isExecutorExecute && !source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef() && !dest.isStatic()) {
InstanceInvokeExpr iIExpr = (InstanceInvokeExpr) stmt.getInvokeExpr();
Value callBase = isReflectiveCallSite ? iIExpr.getArg(0) : iIExpr.getBase();
if (callBase == sourceBase && manager.getTypeUtils()
.hasCompatibleTypesForCall(source.getAccessPath(), dest.getDeclaringClass())) {
boolean param = false;
// check if it is not one of the params (then we
// have already fixed it)
if (!isReflectiveCallSite) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest.getParameterCount(); i++) {
if (stmt.getInvokeExpr().getArg(i) == sourceBase) {
param = true;
// Map the base local into the callee
if (!param) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory()
.copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(), thisLocal);
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, (Stmt) src));
if (abs != null)
// Map the parameter values into the callee
if (isExecutorExecute) {
if (ie.getArg(0) == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, stmt));
if (abs != null)
} else if (ie != null && dest.getParameterCount() > 0) {
assert dest.getParameterCount() == ie.getArgCount();
// check if param is tainted:
for (int i = isReflectiveCallSite ? 1 : 0; i < ie.getArgCount(); i++) {
if (ie.getArg(i) == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
if (isReflectiveCallSite) {
// If we have a reflective method call
// and the argument array is
// tainted, we taint all parameters
for (int j = 0; i < paramLocals.length; i++) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(
source.getAccessPath(), paramLocals[j], null, false);
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, stmt));
if (abs != null)
} else {
// Taint the respective parameter local
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory()
.copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(), paramLocals[i]);
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, stmt));
if (abs != null)
// Inject our calling context into the other solver
if (res != null && !res.isEmpty())
for (Abstraction d3 : res)
manager.getForwardSolver().injectContext(solver, dest, d3, src, source, d1);
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(src, d1, source, res, FlowFunctionType.CallFlowFunction);
public FlowFunction getReturnFlowFunction(final Unit callSite, final SootMethod callee,
final Unit exitStmt, final Unit retSite) {
final Value[] paramLocals = new Value[callee.getParameterCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < callee.getParameterCount(); i++)
paramLocals[i] = callee.getActiveBody().getParameterLocal(i);
final Stmt stmt = (Stmt) callSite;
final InvokeExpr ie = (stmt != null && stmt.containsInvokeExpr()) ? stmt.getInvokeExpr() : null;
final boolean isReflectiveCallSite = interproceduralCFG().isReflectiveCallSite(ie);
// This is not cached by Soot, so accesses are more expensive
// than one might think
final Local thisLocal = callee.isStatic() ? null : callee.getActiveBody().getThisLocal();
// Android executor methods are handled specially.
// getSubSignature()
// is slow, so we try to avoid it whenever we can
final boolean isExecutorExecute = interproceduralCFG().isExecutorExecute(ie, callee);
return new SolverReturnFlowFunction() {
public Set computeTargets(Abstraction source, Abstraction d1,
Collection callerD1s) {
if (source == getZeroValue())
return null;
assert source.isAbstractionActive() || manager.getConfig().getFlowSensitiveAliasing();
// If we have no caller, we have nowhere to propagate.
// This can happen when leaving the main method.
if (callSite == null)
return null;
// Notify the handler if we have one
if (taintPropagationHandler != null)
taintPropagationHandler.notifyFlowIn(stmt, source, manager,
// easy: static
if (manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() != StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()) {
registerActivationCallSite(callSite, callee, source);
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(exitStmt, d1, source, Collections.singleton(source),
final Value sourceBase = source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue();
Set res = new HashSet();
// Since we return from the top of the callee into the
// caller, return values cannot be propagated here. They
// don't yet exist at the beginning of the callee.
if (isExecutorExecute) {
// Map the "this" object to the first argument of
// the call site
if (source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue() == thisLocal) {
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(source.getAccessPath(),
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, (Stmt) exitStmt));
if (abs != null) {
registerActivationCallSite(callSite, callee, abs);
} else {
boolean parameterAliases = false;
// check one of the call params are tainted (not if
// simple type)
for (int i = 0; i < paramLocals.length; i++) {
if (paramLocals[i] == sourceBase) {
parameterAliases = true;
if (callSite instanceof Stmt) {
Value originalCallArg = ie.getArg(isReflectiveCallSite ? 1 : i);
// If this is a constant parameter, we
// can safely ignore it
if (!AccessPath.canContainValue(originalCallArg))
if (!isReflectiveCallSite && !manager.getTypeUtils()
.checkCast(source.getAccessPath(), originalCallArg.getType()))
// Primitive types and strings cannot
// have aliases and thus
// never need to be propagated back
if (source.getAccessPath().getBaseType() instanceof PrimType)
if (TypeUtils.isStringType(source.getAccessPath().getBaseType())
&& !source.getAccessPath().getCanHaveImmutableAliases())
// If the variable was overwritten
// somewehere in the callee, we assume
// it to overwritten on all paths (yeah,
// I know ...) Otherwise, we need SSA
// or lots of bookkeeping to avoid FPs
// (BytecodeTests.flowSensitivityTest1).
if (interproceduralCFG().methodWritesValue(callee, paramLocals[i]))
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(
source.getAccessPath(), originalCallArg,
isReflectiveCallSite ? null : source.getAccessPath().getBaseType(),
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(
source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, (Stmt) exitStmt));
if (abs != null) {
registerActivationCallSite(callSite, callee, abs);
// Map the "this" local
if (!callee.isStatic()) {
if (thisLocal == sourceBase && manager.getTypeUtils().hasCompatibleTypesForCall(
source.getAccessPath(), callee.getDeclaringClass())) {
// check if it is not one of the params
// (then we have already fixed it)
if (!parameterAliases) {
if (callSite instanceof Stmt) {
Stmt stmt = (Stmt) callSite;
if (stmt.getInvokeExpr() instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
InstanceInvokeExpr iIExpr = (InstanceInvokeExpr) stmt.getInvokeExpr();
Value callerBaseLocal = interproceduralCFG().isReflectiveCallSite(
iIExpr) ? iIExpr.getArg(0) : iIExpr.getBase();
AccessPath ap = manager.getAccessPathFactory().copyWithNewValue(
source.getAccessPath(), callerBaseLocal,
isReflectiveCallSite ? null
: source.getAccessPath().getBaseType(),
Abstraction abs = checkAbstraction(
source.deriveNewAbstraction(ap, (Stmt) exitStmt));
if (abs != null) {
registerActivationCallSite(callSite, callee, abs);
for (Abstraction abs : res)
if (abs != source)
abs.setCorrespondingCallSite((Stmt) callSite);
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(exitStmt, d1, source, res, FlowFunctionType.ReturnFlowFunction);
public FlowFunction getCallToReturnFlowFunction(final Unit call, final Unit returnSite) {
final Stmt iStmt = (Stmt) call;
final InvokeExpr invExpr = iStmt.getInvokeExpr();
final Value[] callArgs = new Value[iStmt.getInvokeExpr().getArgCount()];
for (int i = 0; i < iStmt.getInvokeExpr().getArgCount(); i++)
callArgs[i] = iStmt.getInvokeExpr().getArg(i);
final SootMethod callee = invExpr.getMethod();
final DefinitionStmt defStmt = iStmt instanceof DefinitionStmt ? (DefinitionStmt) iStmt : null;
return new SolverCallToReturnFlowFunction() {
public Set computeTargets(Abstraction d1, Abstraction source) {
if (source == getZeroValue())
return null;
assert source.isAbstractionActive() || manager.getConfig().getFlowSensitiveAliasing();
// Notify the handler if we have one
if (taintPropagationHandler != null)
taintPropagationHandler.notifyFlowIn(call, source, manager,
// Compute wrapper aliases
if (taintWrapper != null) {
Set wrapperAliases = taintWrapper.getAliasesForMethod(iStmt, d1, source);
if (wrapperAliases != null && !wrapperAliases.isEmpty()) {
Set passOnSet = new HashSet<>(wrapperAliases.size());
for (Abstraction abs : wrapperAliases) {
if (defStmt == null || defStmt.getLeftOp() != abs.getAccessPath().getPlainValue())
// Do not pass on this taint, but
// trigger the forward analysis
for (Unit u : interproceduralCFG().getPredsOf(call))
.processEdge(new PathEdge(d1, u, abs));
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(call, d1, source, passOnSet,
// Additional check: If all callees are library classes, we pass it on as well
boolean mustPropagate = isExcluded(callee);
// If we don't know what we're calling, we just keep the original taint alive
mustPropagate |= interproceduralCFG().getCalleesOfCallAt(call).isEmpty();
// If the callee does not read the given value, we also need to pass it on since
// we do not propagate it into the callee.
if (!mustPropagate
&& manager.getConfig().getStaticFieldTrackingMode() != StaticFieldTrackingMode.None
&& source.getAccessPath().isStaticFieldRef()) {
if (interproceduralCFG().isStaticFieldUsed(callee, source.getAccessPath().getFirstField()))
return null;
// We may not pass on a taint if it is overwritten by this call
if (iStmt instanceof DefinitionStmt
&& ((DefinitionStmt) iStmt).getLeftOp() == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()) {
return null;
// If the base local of the invocation is tainted, we do not pass on the taint
if (!mustPropagate && iStmt.getInvokeExpr() instanceof InstanceInvokeExpr) {
InstanceInvokeExpr iinv = (InstanceInvokeExpr) iStmt.getInvokeExpr();
if (iinv.getBase() == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue()
&& !interproceduralCFG().getCalleesOfCallAt(call).isEmpty())
return null;
// We do not pass taints on parameters over the call-to-return edge
if (!mustPropagate) {
for (int i = 0; i < callArgs.length; i++)
if (callArgs[i] == source.getAccessPath().getPlainValue())
return null;
return notifyOutFlowHandlers(call, d1, source, Collections.singleton(source),
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