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io.odysz.transact.sql.Insert Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package io.odysz.transact.sql;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import io.odysz.common.LangExt;
import io.odysz.common.Utils;
import io.odysz.common.dbtype;
import io.odysz.semantics.ISemantext;
import io.odysz.semantics.SemanticObject;
import io.odysz.semantics.meta.TableMeta;
import io.odysz.transact.x.TransException;
* sql: insert into tabl(...) values(...) / select ...
* @since 1.4.40, this class support where clause, which can be helpful when insert or
* update a record. (Not the same usage for different DB)
* @author ody
public class Insert extends Statement {
/**[col-name, col-index] */
protected Map insertCols;
protected Query selectValues;
/**list[ list[Object[n, v], ... ], ... ] */
protected List> valuesNv;
* Current row's nv.
* TODO let's deprecate this - all new nv are appended to last of valuesNv.
private ArrayList currentRowNv;
protected Query existsQuery;
* Insert statement intialization, not come with a post operation for committing SQL.
* So don't confused with DATranscxt#Insert(String tabl, IUser usr), which will instert into
* DB when calling ins().
* @param transc
* @param tabl
protected Insert(Transcxt transc, String tabl) {
super(transc, tabl, null);
public Insert nv(String n, AbsPart v) {
if (currentRowNv == null)
currentRowNv = new ArrayList();
// column names
if (insertCols == null)
insertCols = new HashMap();
if (!insertCols.containsKey(n)) {
insertCols.put(n, insertCols.size());
currentRowNv.add(new Object[] {n, v});
else {
Utils.warn("Insert.nv(): n-v (%s - %s) already exists. Duplicated rows? If using nv(), don't use cols() and value(); If using cols(), don't use nv().",
n, v);
return this;
public Insert nv(String n, Iterable lst) {
nv(n, lst == null ? "null" : String.join(",", lst));
return this;
* Instead of using {@link #nv(String, AbsPart)} to setup columns, sometimes we use insert tabl(col) select ...
* This method is used to setup cols in the latter case.
* @param col0
* @param cols
* @return this
* @throws TransException
public Insert cols(String col0, String... cols) throws TransException {
if (valuesNv != null && valuesNv.size() > 0)
throw new TransException("cols() must been called before any rows' value been added (calling values())");
if (insertCols == null)
insertCols = new HashMap();
// initial columns size
int size0 = insertCols.size();
insertCols.put(col0, size0);
if (cols != null)
for (int c = size0; c < cols.length; c++)
insertCols.put(cols[c], c + 1);
return this;
public Insert cols(String[] cols) throws TransException {
if (cols != null) {
for (String c : cols)
return this;
* Append values (a row) after cols been set (call {@link Insert#cols(String, String...) cols(...)} first):
* [[col1, val1], [col2, val2], ...]
* @param val pairs of col-val
* @return this
* @throws TransException
public Insert value(ArrayList val) throws TransException {
if (val == null)
return this;
if (insertCols == null)
throw new TransException("Insert#value(): value() or values() can't been used before cols() has been called.");
if (insertCols != null && insertCols.size() > 0
&& selectValues != null && selectValues.size() > 0)
throw new TransException("Semantic-Transact only support one of insert-select or insert-values.");
if (insertCols != null && insertCols.size() < val.size())
throw new TransException("columns' number is less than rows field count.");
if (valuesNv == null)
valuesNv = new ArrayList>();
if (currentRowNv != null && currentRowNv.size() > 0) {
// append current row, then append new vals
currentRowNv = null;
boolean notNull = false;
// remember cols to be appended
Set appendings = null;
if (val.size() < insertCols.size())
appendings = new HashSet(insertCols.keySet());
// TableMeta mt = transc.tableMeta(transc.basictx.connId(),;
TableMeta mt = transc.tableMeta(;
for (int i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) {
Object[] nv = val.get(i);
if (nv == null || nv.length == 0)
else if (nv.length >= 2 && LangExt.isblank(nv[0]) && nv[1] == null) {
val.set(i, null);
else if (nv != null && (nv.length != 2 || LangExt.isblank(nv[0]) && nv[1] != null))
throw new TransException("Invalid nv: [%s, %s]",
nv != null ? nv[0] : "",
nv != null && nv.length > 0 ? nv[1] : "");
// now col already known, only care about value
if (nv != null && nv[1] instanceof AbsPart) {
if (appendings != null)
notNull = true;
if (nv != null && nv[1] != null)
notNull = true;
String n = nv[0].toString();
String v = nv[1] == null ? null : nv[1].toString();
// v must be String constant or number, etc.
val.set(i, new Object[] {n, composeVal(v, mt, n)});
if (appendings != null)
// append null value to know cols
if (notNull) {
if (val.size() < insertCols.size())
for (String appcol : appendings) {
val.add(new Object[] {appcol, null});
return this;
* @param nvs a row's n-v pairs, e.g. col-A, val-A, col-B, val-B, ...
* @return
* @throws TransException
public Insert value(Object ... nvs) throws TransException {
if (nvs != null) {
ArrayList row = new ArrayList(nvs.length / 2); // FIXME length?
ArrayList cols = new ArrayList(nvs.length / 2);
for (int i = 0; i < nvs.length; i += 2) {
row.add(new Object[] {nvs[i], nvs[i + 1]});
cols.add((String) nvs[i]);
cols(cols.toArray(new String[0]));
return value(row);
return this;
* Insert a row.
* {@code Example}
* trb
* .insert(entm.tbl, trb.synrobot())
* .cols(rs.getFlatColumns0())
* .row(rs.getColnames(), rs.index0(pk).getRowById(chuids))
* Now {@code row} is ready to be inserted into {@code entm.tbl}.
* @since 1.4.40
* @param colnames
* @param row
* @return this
* @throws TransException
public Insert row(HashMap colnames, ArrayList row) throws TransException {
if (insertCols == null)
throw new TransException("Insert#row(): must call cols() first to set columns.");
if (row != null) {
if (valuesNv == null)
valuesNv = new ArrayList>();
if (currentRowNv != null && currentRowNv.size() > 0) {
// append current row, then append new vals
currentRowNv = null;
TableMeta mt = transc.tableMeta(;
ArrayList nvs = new ArrayList(Collections.nCopies(row.size(), null));
for (String n : insertCols.keySet()) {
int i = insertCols.get(n);
if (i + 1 != (int)colnames.get(n.toUpperCase())[0])
Utils.warnT(new Object() {},
"Expecting column %s at index [%s], but got %s.",
n, i, (int)colnames.get(n.toUpperCase())[0]);
Object v = row.get(i);
nvs.set(i, new Object[] {n, composeVal(v, mt, n)});
return this;
public Insert values(ArrayList> arrayList) throws TransException {
if (arrayList != null)
for (ArrayList> val : arrayList)
return this;
* select clause in sql: insert into tabl() select ...
* e. g.
.select("a_functions", "f")
.cols("f.funcId", "'admin' roleId", "'c,r,u,d'")
.j("a_roles", "r", "r.roleId='%s'", "admin"))
// insert into a_role_funcs
// select f.funcId, 'admin' roleId, 'c,r,u,d' from a_functions f join a_roles r on r.roleId = 'admin'"
* @see {@link TestTransc#testInsertSelectPostUpdate()}
* @param values
* @return this
* @throws TransException
public Insert select(Query values) throws TransException {
if (valuesNv != null && valuesNv.size() > 0)
throw new TransException("Semantic-Transact only support one of insert-select or insert-values.");
selectValues = values;
return this;
* Sql for Oracle:
* update maintbl set ... where exists (select * from maintbl where ...) and and-wheres;
* insert into maintbl (email, campaign_id)
* select '[email protected] ',100 from dual where not exists
* (select * from maintbl where ...);
* See
* StackOverflow: Oracle insert if not exists statement .
* Sql for MySql:
* update maintbl set ... where exists (select * from maintbl where ...) and and-wheres;
* insert into maintbl (name, address, tele)
* select * from (select 'john', 'doe', '022') as tmp
* where not exists (select name from maintbl where ...);
* See
* StackOverflow: MySQL: Insert record if not exists in table [duplicate] .
* Sql for sqlite
* update maintbl set ... where ...(and-wheres) and exists (select 1 from maintbl where ...);
* insert into memos(id,text)
* select 5, 'text to insert'
* where not exists (select 1 from maintbl where ...);
* Sql for ms sql server
* update maintbl ...
* insert maintbl (SoftwareName, SoftwareSystemType)
* select @SoftwareName, @SoftwareType wherenot exists
* select 1 from tblSoftwareTitles
* where softwarename = @softwarename
* and SoftwareSystemType = @Softwaretype);
* The Update statement is not generated by this statement. It's user's responsibility to append this
* Insert to the Update statement.
* It's users' responsibility to make sure the Select query for updating returns 1 row if exists.
* Open an issue if supporting {@code Merge} is necessary. But after tried Upsert by {@link InsertExp}
* Reference
* A performance experiment:
* SQL: Fastest way to insert new records where one doesn’t already exist
* @param select
* @return this
public Insert notExists(Query select) {
existsQuery = select;
return this;
* sql: insert into tabl(...) values(...) / select ...
* @see
public String sql(ISemantext sctx) {
boolean hasVals = valuesNv != null
&& valuesNv.size() > 0
&& valuesNv.get(0) != null
&& valuesNv.get(0).size() > 0;
if (!hasVals && selectValues == null) {
Utils.warn("[Insert#sql()] Trying to stream a Insert statement without values, table %s, conn %s.",, sctx.connId());
return "";
Stream s = Stream.of(
new ExprPart("insert into"),
mainTabl, mainAlias,
// (...)
new ColumnList(insertCols),
// values(...)
? sctx != null && sctx.dbtype() == ?
new InsertValuesOrcl(, insertCols, valuesNv) :
new InsertValues(, insertCols, valuesNv)
: null,
where == null ? null : new ExprPart("where"),
).filter(w -> w != null)
.map(m -> {
try {
return m == null ? "" : m.sql(sctx);
} catch (TransException e) {
return "";
return s.collect(Collectors.joining(" "));
public Map getColumns() { return insertCols; }
/**Use this method to do post operation, a. k. a. for {@link Insert} to get inserted new Ids.
* This method must called after the post operation (lambda expression) been initialized.
* Why rs() must been used after setting lambda expression?
* As Query generated sql, it should be used to get result set - execute the SQL
* select statement.
* But semantic-transact is designed not to depend on any database accessing layer,
* so Query shouldn't access database, although in many case it's very convenient to
* get result set directly.
* This requirements is handled in JDK1.8 lambda expression style:
* User override method {@link Transcxt#select(String, String...)}, which add a lambda
* expression as the post operation for handling execution of the generated SQL statement,
* rs() will call the lambda and return the result set returned by this operation.
* Where is the sample code?
* To see how to extend {@link Transcxt}, see DATranscxt in project semantic-DA.
* To see how to use this method, see io.odysz.semantic.DASemantextTest in project sematic-DA.
* Note: This method shouldn't been used the same time with {@link #commit(ArrayList, io.odysz.semantics.IUser...)}
* because the inserting values will be handled / smirred in both methods.
* @param ctx
* @return results for resolving FK, etc.
* @throws TransException
* @throws SQLException
public Object ins(ISemantext ctx) throws TransException, SQLException {
if (postOp != null) {
ArrayList sqls = new ArrayList();
commit(ctx, sqls);
return postOp.onCommitOk(ctx, sqls);
Utils.warn("On operation for built sqls. Intend to call subclass' Insert(tbl, user)?");
return null;
public Insert commit(ISemantext cxt, ArrayList sqls) throws TransException {
List> values = prepareNv(cxt);
if (cxt != null)
cxt.onInsert(this,, values);
Insert ins = super.commit(cxt, sqls);
if (cxt != null && values != null)
for (ArrayList row : values)
cxt.onPost(this,, row, sqls);
return ins;
List> prepareNv(ISemantext ctx) {
if (currentRowNv != null && currentRowNv.size() > 0) {
if (valuesNv == null) {
valuesNv = new ArrayList>(1);
currentRowNv = null;
return valuesNv;
/**Add multi del insert update for children table
* - a special frequently used case of CRUD, provided as a shortcut of API.
* @param multireq {dels: [condition-strings[]], ins: [nvs[]]}
* @param stcx
* @throws TransException
public void postChildren(SemanticObject multireq, Transcxt stcx) throws TransException {
Delete del = (Delete) multireq.get("dels");
if (del != null) {
if (postate == null)
postate = new ArrayList>();
ArrayList ins = (ArrayList) multireq.get("insert");
if (ins != null) {
if (postate == null)
postate = new ArrayList>();
for (Insert i : ins)