feign.RequestTemplate Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2012-2020 The Feign Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
* is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
* or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package feign;
import feign.Request.HttpMethod;
import feign.template.*;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.net.URI;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import static feign.Util.*;
* Request Builder for an HTTP Target.
* This class is a variation on a UriTemplate, where, in addition to the uri, Headers and Query
* information also support template expressions.
public final class RequestTemplate implements Serializable {
private static final Pattern QUERY_STRING_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(? queries = new LinkedHashMap<>();
private final Map headers = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
private String target;
private String fragment;
private boolean resolved = false;
private UriTemplate uriTemplate;
private BodyTemplate bodyTemplate;
private HttpMethod method;
private transient Charset charset = Util.UTF_8;
private Request.Body body = Request.Body.empty();
private boolean decodeSlash = true;
private CollectionFormat collectionFormat = CollectionFormat.EXPLODED;
private MethodMetadata methodMetadata;
private Target> feignTarget;
* Create a new Request Template.
public RequestTemplate() {
* Create a new Request Template.
* @param fragment part of the request uri.
* @param target for the template.
* @param uriTemplate for the template.
* @param bodyTemplate for the template, may be {@literal null}
* @param method of the request.
* @param charset for the request.
* @param body of the request, may be {@literal null}
* @param decodeSlash if the request uri should encode slash characters.
* @param collectionFormat when expanding collection based variables.
* @param feignTarget this template is targeted for.
* @param methodMetadata containing a reference to the method this template is built from.
private RequestTemplate(String target,
String fragment,
UriTemplate uriTemplate,
BodyTemplate bodyTemplate,
HttpMethod method,
Charset charset,
Request.Body body,
boolean decodeSlash,
CollectionFormat collectionFormat,
MethodMetadata methodMetadata,
Target> feignTarget) {
this.target = target;
this.fragment = fragment;
this.uriTemplate = uriTemplate;
this.bodyTemplate = bodyTemplate;
this.method = method;
this.charset = charset;
this.body = body;
this.decodeSlash = decodeSlash;
this.collectionFormat =
(collectionFormat != null) ? collectionFormat : CollectionFormat.EXPLODED;
this.methodMetadata = methodMetadata;
this.feignTarget = feignTarget;
* Create a Request Template from an existing Request Template.
* @param requestTemplate to copy from.
* @return a new Request Template.
public static RequestTemplate from(RequestTemplate requestTemplate) {
RequestTemplate template =
new RequestTemplate(
if (!requestTemplate.queries().isEmpty()) {
if (!requestTemplate.headers().isEmpty()) {
return template;
* Create a Request Template from an existing Request Template.
* @param toCopy template.
* @deprecated replaced by {@link RequestTemplate#from(RequestTemplate)}
public RequestTemplate(RequestTemplate toCopy) {
checkNotNull(toCopy, "toCopy");
this.target = toCopy.target;
this.fragment = toCopy.fragment;
this.method = toCopy.method;
this.charset = toCopy.charset;
this.body = toCopy.body;
this.decodeSlash = toCopy.decodeSlash;
this.collectionFormat =
(toCopy.collectionFormat != null) ? toCopy.collectionFormat : CollectionFormat.EXPLODED;
this.uriTemplate = toCopy.uriTemplate;
this.bodyTemplate = toCopy.bodyTemplate;
this.resolved = false;
this.methodMetadata = toCopy.methodMetadata;
this.target = toCopy.target;
this.feignTarget = toCopy.feignTarget;
* Resolve all expressions using the variable value substitutions provided. Variable values will
* be pct-encoded, if they are not already.
* @param variables containing the variable values to use when resolving expressions.
* @return a new Request Template with all of the variables resolved.
public RequestTemplate resolve(Map variables) {
StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder();
/* create a new template form this one, but explicitly */
RequestTemplate resolved = RequestTemplate.from(this);
if (this.uriTemplate == null) {
/* create a new uri template using the default root */
this.uriTemplate = UriTemplate.create("", !this.decodeSlash, this.charset);
String expanded = this.uriTemplate.expand(variables);
if (expanded != null) {
* for simplicity, combine the queries into the uri and use the resulting uri to seed the
* resolved template.
if (!this.queries.isEmpty()) {
* since we only want to keep resolved query values, reset any queries on the resolved copy
StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
Iterator queryTemplates = this.queries.values().iterator();
while (queryTemplates.hasNext()) {
QueryTemplate queryTemplate = queryTemplates.next();
String queryExpanded = queryTemplate.expand(variables);
if (Util.isNotBlank(queryExpanded)) {
if (queryTemplates.hasNext()) {
String queryString = query.toString();
if (!queryString.isEmpty()) {
Matcher queryMatcher = QUERY_STRING_PATTERN.matcher(uri);
if (queryMatcher.find()) {
/* the uri already has a query, so any additional queries should be appended */
} else {
/* add the uri to result */
/* headers */
if (!this.headers.isEmpty()) {
* same as the query string, we only want to keep resolved values, so clear the header map on
* the resolved instance
for (HeaderTemplate headerTemplate : this.headers.values()) {
/* resolve the header */
String header = headerTemplate.expand(variables);
if (!header.isEmpty()) {
/* split off the header values and add it to the resolved template */
String headerValues = header.substring(header.indexOf(" ") + 1);
if (!headerValues.isEmpty()) {
/* append the header as a new literal as the value has already been expanded. */
resolved.header(headerTemplate.getName(), Literal.create(headerValues));
if (this.bodyTemplate != null) {
/* mark the new template resolved */
resolved.resolved = true;
return resolved;
* Resolves all expressions, using the variables provided. Values not present in the {@code
* alreadyEncoded} map are pct-encoded.
* @param unencoded variable values to substitute.
* @param alreadyEncoded variable names.
* @return a resolved Request Template
* @deprecated use {@link RequestTemplate#resolve(Map)}. Values already encoded are recognized as
* such and skipped.
RequestTemplate resolve(Map unencoded, Map alreadyEncoded) {
return this.resolve(unencoded);
* Creates a {@link Request} from this template. The template must be resolved before calling this
* method, or an {@link IllegalStateException} will be thrown.
* @return a new Request instance.
* @throws IllegalStateException if this template has not been resolved.
public Request request() {
if (!this.resolved) {
throw new IllegalStateException("template has not been resolved.");
return Request.create(this.method, this.url(), this.headers(), this.body, this);
* Set the Http Method.
* @param method to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
* @deprecated see {@link RequestTemplate#method(HttpMethod)}
public RequestTemplate method(String method) {
checkNotNull(method, "method");
try {
this.method = HttpMethod.valueOf(method);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid HTTP Method: " + method);
return this;
* Set the Http Method.
* @param method to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate method(HttpMethod method) {
checkNotNull(method, "method");
this.method = method;
return this;
* The Request Http Method.
* @return Http Method.
public String method() {
return (method != null) ? method.name() : null;
* Set whether do encode slash {@literal /} characters when resolving this template.
* @param decodeSlash if slash literals should not be encoded.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate decodeSlash(boolean decodeSlash) {
this.decodeSlash = decodeSlash;
this.uriTemplate =
UriTemplate.create(this.uriTemplate.toString(), !this.decodeSlash, this.charset);
if (!this.queries.isEmpty()) {
this.queries.replaceAll((key, queryTemplate) -> QueryTemplate.create(
/* replace the current template with new ones honoring the decode value */
queryTemplate.getName(), queryTemplate.getValues(), charset, collectionFormat,
return this;
* If slash {@literal /} characters are not encoded when resolving.
* @return true if slash literals are not encoded, false otherwise.
public boolean decodeSlash() {
return decodeSlash;
* The Collection Format to use when resolving variables that represent {@link Iterable}s or
* {@link Collection}s
* @param collectionFormat to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate collectionFormat(CollectionFormat collectionFormat) {
this.collectionFormat = collectionFormat;
return this;
* The Collection Format that will be used when resolving {@link Iterable} and {@link Collection}
* variables.
* @return the collection format set
public CollectionFormat collectionFormat() {
return collectionFormat;
* Append the value to the template.
* This method is poorly named and is used primarily to store the relative uri for the request. It
* has been replaced by {@link RequestTemplate#uri(String)} and will be removed in a future
* release.
* @param value to append.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
* @deprecated see {@link RequestTemplate#uri(String, boolean)}
public RequestTemplate append(CharSequence value) {
/* proxy to url */
if (this.uriTemplate != null) {
return this.uri(value.toString(), true);
return this.uri(value.toString());
* Insert the value at the specified point in the template uri.
* This method is poorly named has undocumented behavior. When the value contains a fully
* qualified http request url, the value is always inserted at the beginning of the uri.
* Due to this, use of this method is not recommended and remains for backward compatibility. It
* has been replaced by {@link RequestTemplate#target(String)} and will be removed in a future
* release.
* @param pos in the uri to place the value.
* @param value to insert.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
* @deprecated see {@link RequestTemplate#target(String)}
public RequestTemplate insert(int pos, CharSequence value) {
return target(value.toString());
* Set the Uri for the request, replacing the existing uri if set.
* @param uri to use, must be a relative uri.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate uri(String uri) {
return this.uri(uri, false);
* Set the uri for the request.
* @param uri to use, must be a relative uri.
* @param append if the uri should be appended, if the uri is already set.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate uri(String uri, boolean append) {
/* validate and ensure that the url is always a relative one */
if (UriUtils.isAbsolute(uri)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("url values must be not be absolute.");
if (uri == null) {
uri = "/";
} else if ((!uri.isEmpty() && !uri.startsWith("/") && !uri.startsWith("{")
&& !uri.startsWith("?") && !uri.startsWith(";"))) {
/* if the start of the url is a literal, it must begin with a slash. */
uri = "/" + uri;
* templates may provide query parameters. since we want to manage those explicity, we will need
* to extract those out, leaving the uriTemplate with only the path to deal with.
Matcher queryMatcher = QUERY_STRING_PATTERN.matcher(uri);
if (queryMatcher.find()) {
String queryString = uri.substring(queryMatcher.start() + 1);
/* parse the query string */
this.extractQueryTemplates(queryString, append);
/* reduce the uri to the path */
uri = uri.substring(0, queryMatcher.start());
int fragmentIndex = uri.indexOf('#');
if (fragmentIndex > -1) {
fragment = uri.substring(fragmentIndex);
uri = uri.substring(0, fragmentIndex);
/* replace the uri template */
if (append && this.uriTemplate != null) {
this.uriTemplate = UriTemplate.append(this.uriTemplate, uri);
} else {
this.uriTemplate = UriTemplate.create(uri, !this.decodeSlash, this.charset);
return this;
* Set the target host for this request.
* @param target host for this request. Must be an absolute target.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate target(String target) {
/* target can be empty */
if (Util.isBlank(target)) {
return this;
/* verify that the target contains the scheme, host and port */
if (!UriUtils.isAbsolute(target)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("target values must be absolute.");
if (target.endsWith("/")) {
target = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1);
try {
/* parse the target */
URI targetUri = URI.create(target);
if (Util.isNotBlank(targetUri.getRawQuery())) {
* target has a query string, we need to make sure that they are recorded as queries
this.extractQueryTemplates(targetUri.getRawQuery(), true);
/* strip the query string */
this.target = targetUri.getScheme() + "://" + targetUri.getAuthority() + targetUri.getPath();
if (targetUri.getFragment() != null) {
this.fragment = "#" + targetUri.getFragment();
} catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
/* the uri provided is not a valid one, we can't continue */
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target is not a valid URI.", iae);
return this;
* The URL for the request. If the template has not been resolved, the url will represent a uri
* template.
* @return the url
public String url() {
/* build the fully qualified url with all query parameters */
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(this.path());
if (!this.queries.isEmpty()) {
if (fragment != null) {
return url.toString();
* The Uri Path.
* @return the uri path.
public String path() {
/* build the fully qualified url with all query parameters */
StringBuilder path = new StringBuilder();
if (this.target != null) {
if (this.uriTemplate != null) {
if (path.length() == 0) {
/* no path indicates the root uri */
return path.toString();
* List all of the template variable expressions for this template.
* @return a list of template variable names
public List variables() {
/* combine the variables from the uri, query, header, and body templates */
List variables = new ArrayList<>(this.uriTemplate.getVariables());
/* queries */
for (QueryTemplate queryTemplate : this.queries.values()) {
/* headers */
for (HeaderTemplate headerTemplate : this.headers.values()) {
/* body */
if (this.bodyTemplate != null) {
return variables;
* @see RequestTemplate#query(String, Iterable)
public RequestTemplate query(String name, String... values) {
if (values == null) {
return query(name, Collections.emptyList());
return query(name, Arrays.asList(values));
* Specify a Query String parameter, with the specified values. Values can be literals or template
* expressions.
* @param name of the parameter.
* @param values for this parameter.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate query(String name, Iterable values) {
return appendQuery(name, values, this.collectionFormat);
* Specify a Query String parameter, with the specified values. Values can be literals or template
* expressions.
* @param name of the parameter.
* @param values for this parameter.
* @param collectionFormat to use when resolving collection based expressions.
* @return a Request Template for chaining.
public RequestTemplate query(String name,
Iterable values,
CollectionFormat collectionFormat) {
return appendQuery(name, values, collectionFormat);
* Appends the query name and values.
* @param name of the parameter.
* @param values for the parameter, may be expressions.
* @param collectionFormat to use when resolving collection based query variables.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
private RequestTemplate appendQuery(String name,
Iterable values,
CollectionFormat collectionFormat) {
if (!values.iterator().hasNext()) {
/* empty value, clear the existing values */
return this;
/* create a new query template out of the information here */
this.queries.compute(name, (key, queryTemplate) -> {
if (queryTemplate == null) {
return QueryTemplate.create(name, values, this.charset, collectionFormat, this.decodeSlash);
} else {
return QueryTemplate.append(queryTemplate, values, collectionFormat, this.decodeSlash);
return this;
* Sets the Query Parameters.
* @param queries to use for this request.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate queries(Map> queries) {
if (queries == null || queries.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return this;
* Return an immutable Map of all Query Parameters and their values.
* @return registered Query Parameters.
public Map> queries() {
Map> queryMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.queries.forEach((key, queryTemplate) -> {
List values = new ArrayList<>(queryTemplate.getValues());
/* add the expanded collection, but lock it */
queryMap.put(key, Collections.unmodifiableList(values));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(queryMap);
* @see RequestTemplate#header(String, Iterable)
public RequestTemplate header(String name, String... values) {
return header(name, Arrays.asList(values));
* Add a header using the supplied Chunks.
* @param name of the header.
* @param chunks to add.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
private RequestTemplate header(String name, TemplateChunk... chunks) {
if (chunks == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("chunks are required.");
return appendHeader(name, Arrays.asList(chunks));
* Specify a Header, with the specified values. Values can be literals or template expressions.
* @param name of the header.
* @param values for this header.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate header(String name, Iterable values) {
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is required.");
if (values == null) {
values = Collections.emptyList();
return appendHeader(name, values);
* Clear on reader from {@link RequestTemplate}
* @param name of the header.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate removeHeader(String name) {
if (name == null || name.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("name is required.");
return this;
* Create a Header Template.
* @param name of the header
* @param values for the header, may be expressions.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
private RequestTemplate appendHeader(String name, Iterable values) {
if (!values.iterator().hasNext()) {
/* empty value, clear the existing values */
return this;
this.headers.compute(name, (headerName, headerTemplate) -> {
if (headerTemplate == null) {
return HeaderTemplate.create(headerName, values);
} else {
return HeaderTemplate.append(headerTemplate, values);
return this;
private RequestTemplate appendHeader(String name, List chunks) {
if (chunks.isEmpty()) {
return this;
this.headers.compute(name, (headerName, headerTemplate) -> {
if (headerTemplate == null) {
return HeaderTemplate.from(name, chunks);
} else {
return HeaderTemplate.appendFrom(headerTemplate, chunks);
return this;
* Headers for this Request.
* @param headers to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate headers(Map> headers) {
if (headers != null && !headers.isEmpty()) {
} else {
return this;
* Returns an immutable copy of the Headers for this request.
* @return the currently applied headers.
public Map> headers() {
Map> headerMap = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
this.headers.forEach((key, headerTemplate) -> {
List values = new ArrayList<>(headerTemplate.getValues());
/* add the expanded collection, but only if it has values */
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
headerMap.put(key, Collections.unmodifiableList(values));
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(headerMap);
* Sets the Body and Charset for this request.
* @param data to send, can be null.
* @param charset of the encoded data.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate body(byte[] data, Charset charset) {
this.body(Request.Body.create(data, charset));
return this;
* Set the Body for this request. Charset is assumed to be UTF_8. Data must be encoded.
* @param bodyText to send.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate body(String bodyText) {
this.body(Request.Body.create(bodyText.getBytes(this.charset), this.charset));
return this;
* Set the Body for this request.
* @param body to send.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
* @deprecated use {@link #body(byte[], Charset)} instead.
public RequestTemplate body(Request.Body body) {
this.body = body;
/* body template must be cleared to prevent double processing */
this.bodyTemplate = null;
header(CONTENT_LENGTH, Collections.emptyList());
if (body.length() > 0) {
header(CONTENT_LENGTH, String.valueOf(body.length()));
return this;
* Charset of the Request Body, if known.
* @return the currently applied Charset.
public Charset requestCharset() {
if (this.body != null) {
return this.body.getEncoding()
return this.charset;
* The Request Body.
* @return the request body.
public byte[] body() {
return body.asBytes();
* The Request.Body internal object.
* @return the internal Request.Body.
* @deprecated this abstraction is leaky and will be removed in later releases.
public Request.Body requestBody() {
return this.body;
* Specify the Body Template to use. Can contain literals and expressions.
* @param bodyTemplate to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate bodyTemplate(String bodyTemplate) {
this.bodyTemplate = BodyTemplate.create(bodyTemplate, this.charset);
return this;
* Specify the Body Template to use. Can contain literals and expressions.
* @param bodyTemplate to use.
* @return a RequestTemplate for chaining.
public RequestTemplate bodyTemplate(String bodyTemplate, Charset charset) {
this.bodyTemplate = BodyTemplate.create(bodyTemplate, charset);
this.charset = charset;
return this;
* Body Template to resolve.
* @return the unresolved body template.
public String bodyTemplate() {
if (this.bodyTemplate != null) {
return this.bodyTemplate.toString();
return null;
public String toString() {
return request().toString();
* Return if the variable exists on the uri, query, or headers, in this template.
* @param variable to look for.
* @return true if the variable exists, false otherwise.
public boolean hasRequestVariable(String variable) {
return this.getRequestVariables().contains(variable);
* Retrieve all uri, header, and query template variables.
* @return a List of all the variable names.
public Collection getRequestVariables() {
final Collection variables = new LinkedHashSet<>(this.uriTemplate.getVariables());
this.queries.values().forEach(queryTemplate -> variables.addAll(queryTemplate.getVariables()));
.forEach(headerTemplate -> variables.addAll(headerTemplate.getVariables()));
return variables;
* If this template has been resolved.
* @return true if the template has been resolved, false otherwise.
public boolean resolved() {
return this.resolved;
* The Query String for the template. Expressions are not resolved.
* @return the Query String.
public String queryLine() {
StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder();
if (!this.queries.isEmpty()) {
Iterator iterator = this.queries.values().iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
QueryTemplate queryTemplate = iterator.next();
String query = queryTemplate.toString();
if (query != null && !query.isEmpty()) {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
/* remove any trailing ampersands */
String result = queryString.toString();
if (result.endsWith("&")) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1);
if (!result.isEmpty()) {
result = "?" + result;
return result;
private void extractQueryTemplates(String queryString, boolean append) {
/* split the query string up into name value pairs */
Map> queryParameters =
Collectors.mapping(Entry::getValue, Collectors.toList())));
/* add them to this template */
if (!append) {
/* clear the queries and use the new ones */
private SimpleImmutableEntry splitQueryParameter(String pair) {
int eq = pair.indexOf("=");
final String name = (eq > 0) ? pair.substring(0, eq) : pair;
final String value = (eq > 0 && eq < pair.length()) ? pair.substring(eq + 1) : null;
return new SimpleImmutableEntry<>(name, value);
public RequestTemplate methodMetadata(MethodMetadata methodMetadata) {
this.methodMetadata = methodMetadata;
return this;
public RequestTemplate feignTarget(Target> feignTarget) {
this.feignTarget = feignTarget;
return this;
public MethodMetadata methodMetadata() {
return methodMetadata;
public Target> feignTarget() {
return feignTarget;
* Factory for creating RequestTemplate.
interface Factory {
* create a request template using args passed to a method invocation.
RequestTemplate create(Object[] argv);