snabbdom.Snabbdom.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package snabbdom
import org.scalajs.dom._
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.JSImport
import scala.scalajs.js.|
trait Hooks extends js.Object {
var init: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var insert: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var prepatch: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var update: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var postpatch: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var destroy: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
object Hooks {
type HookSingleFn = js.Function1[VNodeProxy, Unit]
type HookPairFn = js.Function2[VNodeProxy, VNodeProxy, Unit]
def empty: Hooks = new Hooks {}
trait DataObject extends js.Object {
import DataObject._
var attrs: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[AttrValue]] = js.undefined
var props: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[PropValue]] = js.undefined
var style: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[StyleValue]] = js.undefined
var on: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[js.Function1[Event, Unit]]] = js.undefined
var hook: js.UndefOr[Hooks] = js.undefined
var key: js.UndefOr[KeyValue] = js.undefined
var ns: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
object DataObject {
type PropValue = Any
type AttrValue = String | Boolean | Double | Int
type StyleValue = String | js.Dictionary[String]
type KeyValue = String | Double | Int //
def empty: DataObject = new DataObject {}
// These are the original facades for snabbdom thunk. But we implement our own, so that for equality checks, the equals method is used.
// @js.native
// @JSImport("snabbdom/thunk", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "thunk")
// object thunkProvider extends js.Object {
// val default: thunkFunction = js.native
// }
// @js.native
// trait thunkFunction extends js.Any {
// def apply(selector: String, renderFn: js.Function, argument: js.Array[Any]): VNodeProxy = js.native
// def apply(selector: String, key: String, renderFn: js.Function, argument: js.Array[Any]): VNodeProxy = js.native
// }
object thunk {
// own implementation of
// does respect equality via the equals method. snabbdom thunk uses reference equality:
private def initThunk(fn: () => VNodeProxy)(thunk: VNodeProxy): Unit = {
for {
_ <-
} {
VNodeProxy.updateInto(source = fn(), target = thunk)
private def prepatchArray(fn: () => VNodeProxy)(oldProxy: VNodeProxy, thunk: VNodeProxy): Unit = {
for {
newArgs <- thunk._args.asInstanceOf[js.UndefOr[js.Array[Any]]]
} {
val oldArgs = oldProxy._args.asInstanceOf[js.UndefOr[js.Array[Any]]]
val isDifferent = oldArgs.fold(true) { oldArgs =>
(oldArgs.length != newArgs.length) || existsIndexWhere(oldArgs.length)(i => oldArgs(i) != newArgs(i))
thunkPrepatch(fn, isDifferent, oldProxy, thunk)
}, thunk))))
private def prepatchBoolean(fn: () => VNodeProxy)(oldProxy: VNodeProxy, thunk: VNodeProxy): Unit = {
for {
shouldRender <- thunk._args.asInstanceOf[js.UndefOr[Boolean]]
} {
thunkPrepatch(fn, shouldRender, oldProxy, thunk)
}, thunk))))
@inline private def thunkPrepatch(
fn: () => VNodeProxy,
shouldRender: Boolean,
oldProxy: VNodeProxy,
thunk: VNodeProxy,
): Unit = {
if (shouldRender) VNodeProxy.updateInto(source = fn(), target = thunk)
else VNodeProxy.updateInto(source = oldProxy, target = thunk)
@inline private def existsIndexWhere(maxIndex: Int)(predicate: Int => Boolean): Boolean = {
var i = 0
while (i < maxIndex) {
if (predicate(i)) return true
i += 1
private def createProxy(
namespace: js.UndefOr[String],
selector: String,
keyValue: DataObject.KeyValue,
renderArgs: js.Array[Any] | Boolean,
initHook: Hooks.HookSingleFn,
prepatchHook: Hooks.HookPairFn,
): VNodeProxy = {
val proxy = new VNodeProxy {
sel = selector
data = new DataObject {
hook = new Hooks {
init = initHook
insert = { (p: VNodeProxy) => }: Hooks.HookSingleFn
prepatch = prepatchHook
update = { (o: VNodeProxy, p: VNodeProxy) =>, p))))
}: Hooks.HookPairFn
postpatch = { (o: VNodeProxy, p: VNodeProxy) =>, p))))
}: Hooks.HookPairFn
destroy = { (p: VNodeProxy) => }: Hooks.HookSingleFn
key = keyValue
ns = namespace
_args = renderArgs
key = keyValue
proxy._update = { newProxy => VNodeProxy.copyInto(newProxy, proxy) }: js.Function1[VNodeProxy, Unit]
@inline def apply(
namespace: js.UndefOr[String],
selector: String,
keyValue: DataObject.KeyValue,
renderFn: js.Function0[VNodeProxy],
renderArgs: js.Array[Any],
): VNodeProxy =
createProxy(namespace, selector, keyValue, renderArgs, initThunk(renderFn) _, prepatchArray(renderFn) _)
@inline def conditional(
namespace: js.UndefOr[String],
selector: String,
keyValue: DataObject.KeyValue,
renderFn: js.Function0[VNodeProxy],
shouldRender: Boolean,
): VNodeProxy =
createProxy(namespace, selector, keyValue, shouldRender, initThunk(renderFn) _, prepatchBoolean(renderFn) _)
object patch {
private val p = Snabbdom.init(
def apply(firstNode: VNodeProxy, vNode: VNodeProxy): VNodeProxy = p(firstNode, vNode)
def apply(firstNode: Element, vNode: VNodeProxy): VNodeProxy = p(firstNode, vNode)
trait VNodeProxy extends js.Object {
var sel: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var data: js.UndefOr[DataObject] = js.undefined
var children: js.UndefOr[js.Array[VNodeProxy]] = js.undefined
var elm: js.UndefOr[Element] = js.undefined
var text: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
var key: js.UndefOr[DataObject.KeyValue] = js.undefined
var listener: js.UndefOr[js.Any] = js.undefined
var _id: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined
var _unmount: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var _update: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[VNodeProxy, Unit]] = js.undefined
var _args: js.UndefOr[js.Array[Any] | Boolean] = js.undefined
object VNodeProxy {
def fromString(string: String): VNodeProxy = new VNodeProxy {
text = string
def updateInto(source: VNodeProxy, target: VNodeProxy): Unit = if (source ne target) {
target.sel = source.sel
target.key = source.key =
target.children = source.children
target.text = source.text
target.elm = source.elm
target.listener = source.listener
target._id = source._id
target._unmount = source._unmount
def copyInto(source: VNodeProxy, target: VNodeProxy): Unit = if (source ne target) {
updateInto(source, target)
target._update = source._update
target._args = source._args
@JSImport("snabbdom", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom")
object Snabbdom extends js.Object {
def init(@annotation.unused args: js.Array[Any]): js.Function2[Node | VNodeProxy, VNodeProxy, VNodeProxy] = js.native
@annotation.nowarn("msg=dead code")
@JSImport("snabbdom/modules/class", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom_class")
object SnabbdomClass extends js.Object {
val default: js.Any = js.native
@annotation.nowarn("msg=dead code")
@JSImport("snabbdom/modules/eventlisteners", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom_eventlisteners")
object SnabbdomEventListeners extends js.Object {
val default: js.Any = js.native
@annotation.nowarn("msg=dead code")
@JSImport("snabbdom/modules/attributes", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom_attributes")
object SnabbdomAttributes extends js.Object {
val default: js.Any = js.native
@annotation.nowarn("msg=dead code")
@JSImport("snabbdom/modules/props", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom_props")
object SnabbdomProps extends js.Object {
val default: js.Any = js.native
@annotation.nowarn("msg=dead code")
@JSImport("snabbdom/modules/style", JSImport.Namespace, globalFallback = "snabbdom_style")
object SnabbdomStyle extends js.Object {
val default: js.Any = js.native
@JSImport("snabbdom/tovnode", JSImport.Default)
object tovnode extends js.Function1[Element, VNodeProxy] {
def apply(element: Element): VNodeProxy = js.native
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