outwatch.util.LocalStorage.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package outwatch.util
import cats.effect.IO
import monix.execution.Scheduler
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.StorageEvent
import org.scalajs.dom.window.localStorage
import org.scalajs.dom.window.sessionStorage
import outwatch.dom.Observable
import outwatch.dom.dsl.events
import cats.implicits._
import outwatch.Handler
class Storage(domStorage: dom.Storage) {
private def handlerWithTransform(key: String, transform: Observable[Option[String]] => Observable[Option[String]])(implicit scheduler: Scheduler) = {
val storage = new dom.ext.Storage(domStorage)
for {
h <- Handler.create[Option[String]](storage(key))
} yield {
// We execute the write-action to the storage
// and pass the written value through to the underlying handler h
h.transformHandler(o => transform(o).distinctUntilChanged) { input =>
input.foreach {
case Some(data) => storage.update(key, data)
case None => storage.remove(key)
def handlerWithoutEvents(key: String)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): IO[Handler[Option[String]]] = {
handlerWithTransform(key, identity)
def handler(key: String)(implicit scheduler: Scheduler): IO[Handler[Option[String]]] = {
// StorageEvents are only fired if the localStorage was changed in another window
val storageEvents: Observable[Option[String]] = events.window.onStorage
.collect {
case e: StorageEvent if e.storageArea == domStorage && e.key == key =>
// newValue is either String or null if removed or cleared
// Option() transformes this to Some(string) or None
Option(e.newValue.asInstanceOf[String]) //TODO: https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js-dom/pull/308
case e: StorageEvent if e.storageArea == domStorage && e.key == null =>
// storage.clear() emits an event with key == null
handlerWithTransform(key, Observable.merge(_, storageEvents))
object LocalStorage extends Storage(localStorage)
object SessionStorage extends Storage(sessionStorage)