outwatch.interpreter.ModifierToSnabbdom.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package outwatch.interpreter
import org.scalajs.dom
import outwatch._
import outwatch.helpers.MutableNestedArray
import outwatch.helpers.NativeHelpers._
import colibri._
import snabbdom.{DataObject, Hooks, VNodeProxy}
import scala.scalajs.js
// This file is about interpreting VDomModifiers for building snabbdom virtual nodes.
// We want to convert a div(modifiers) into a VNodeProxy that we can use for patching
// with snabbdom.
// This code is really performance cirtical, because every patch call is preceeded by
// interpreting all VDomModifiers involed. This code is written in a mutable fashion
// using native js types to reduce overhead.
// This represents the structured definition of a VNodeProxy (like snabbdom expects it).
private[outwatch] class SeparatedModifiers {
var hasOnlyTextChildren = true
var nextModifiers: js.UndefOr[js.Array[StaticVDomModifier]] = js.undefined
var proxies: js.UndefOr[js.Array[VNodeProxy]] = js.undefined
var attrs: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[DataObject.AttrValue]] = js.undefined
var props: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[DataObject.PropValue]] = js.undefined
var styles: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[DataObject.StyleValue]] = js.undefined
var emitters: js.UndefOr[js.Dictionary[js.Function1[dom.Event, Unit]]] = js.undefined
var keyOption: js.UndefOr[Key.Value] = js.undefined
var initHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var insertHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var prePatchHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var updateHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var postPatchHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookPairFn] = js.undefined
var destroyHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
var domUnmountHook: js.UndefOr[Hooks.HookSingleFn] = js.undefined
private[outwatch] object SeparatedModifiers {
def from(modifiers: MutableNestedArray[StaticVDomModifier], prependModifiers: js.UndefOr[js.Array[StaticVDomModifier]] = js.undefined, appendModifiers: js.UndefOr[js.Array[StaticVDomModifier]] = js.undefined): SeparatedModifiers = {
val separatedModifiers = new SeparatedModifiers
import separatedModifiers._
@inline def assureProxies() = proxies getOrElse assign(new js.Array[VNodeProxy])(proxies = _)
@inline def assureNextModifiers() = nextModifiers getOrElse assign(new js.Array[StaticVDomModifier])(nextModifiers = _)
@inline def assureEmitters() = emitters getOrElse assign(js.Dictionary[js.Function1[dom.Event, Unit]]())(emitters = _)
@inline def assureAttrs() = attrs getOrElse assign(js.Dictionary[DataObject.AttrValue]())(attrs = _)
@inline def assureProps() = props getOrElse assign(js.Dictionary[DataObject.PropValue]())(props = _)
@inline def assureStyles() = styles getOrElse assign(js.Dictionary[DataObject.StyleValue]())(styles = _)
@inline def setSpecialStyle(styleName: String)(title: String, value: String): Unit = {
val styles = assureStyles()
styles.raw(styleName).fold {
styles(styleName) = js.Dictionary[String](title -> value): DataObject.StyleValue
} { style =>
style.asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[String]](title) = value
@inline def createHooksSingle[T](current: js.UndefOr[js.Function1[T, Unit]], hook: js.Function1[T, Unit]): js.Function1[T, Unit] =
current.fold(hook)(current => { p => current(p); hook(p) })
@inline def createHooksPair[T](current: js.UndefOr[js.Function2[T, T, Unit]], hook: js.Function2[T, T, Unit]): js.Function2[T, T, Unit] =
current.fold(hook)(current => { (o,p) => current(o, p); hook(o, p) })
// append unmount hook for when patching a different proxy out of the dom.
// the proxies will then have different OutwatchStates and we then need to
// call the unmount hook of the oldProxy.
postPatchHook = { (oldProxy, proxy) =>
if (!NativeModifiers.equalsVNodeIds(proxy._id, oldProxy._id)) {
}: Hooks.HookPairFn
def append(mod: StaticVDomModifier): Unit = mod match {
case VNodeProxyNode(proxy) =>
hasOnlyTextChildren = hasOnlyTextChildren && proxy.data.isEmpty && proxy.text.isDefined
val proxies = assureProxies()
proxies += proxy
case a : BasicAttr =>
val attrs = assureAttrs()
attrs(a.title) = a.value
case a : AccumAttr =>
val attrs = assureAttrs()
val attr = attrs.raw(a.title)
attr.fold {
attrs(a.title) = a.value
} { attr =>
attrs(a.title) = a.accum(attr, a.value)
case p : Prop =>
val props = assureProps()
props(p.title) = p.value
case s: BasicStyle =>
val styles = assureStyles()
styles(s.title) = s.value
case s: DelayedStyle =>
setSpecialStyle(StyleKey.delayed)(s.title, s.value)
case s: RemoveStyle =>
setSpecialStyle(StyleKey.remove)(s.title, s.value)
case s: DestroyStyle =>
setSpecialStyle(StyleKey.destroy)(s.title, s.value)
case a: AccumStyle =>
val styles = assureStyles()
val style = styles.raw(a.title)
style.fold {
styles(a.title) = a.value
} { style =>
styles(a.title) = a.accum(style.asInstanceOf[String], a.value): DataObject.StyleValue
case k: Key =>
keyOption = k.value
case e: Emitter =>
val emitters = assureEmitters()
val emitter = emitters.raw(e.eventType)
emitters(e.eventType) = createHooksSingle(emitter, e.trigger)
case h: DomMountHook =>
insertHook = createHooksSingle(insertHook, h.trigger)
postPatchHook = createHooksPair[VNodeProxy](postPatchHook, { (oldproxy, proxy) =>
if (!NativeModifiers.equalsVNodeIds(oldproxy._id, proxy._id)) {
case h: DomUnmountHook =>
destroyHook = createHooksSingle(destroyHook, h.trigger)
domUnmountHook = createHooksSingle(domUnmountHook, h.trigger)
case h: DomUpdateHook =>
postPatchHook = createHooksPair[VNodeProxy](postPatchHook, { (oldproxy, proxy) =>
if (NativeModifiers.equalsVNodeIds(oldproxy._id, proxy._id)) {
h.trigger(proxy, proxy)
case h: DomPreUpdateHook =>
prePatchHook = createHooksPair[VNodeProxy](prePatchHook, { (oldproxy, proxy) =>
if (NativeModifiers.equalsVNodeIds(oldproxy._id, proxy._id)) {
h.trigger(oldproxy, proxy)
case h: InitHook =>
initHook = createHooksSingle(initHook, h.trigger)
case h: InsertHook =>
insertHook = createHooksSingle(insertHook, h.trigger)
case h: PrePatchHook =>
prePatchHook = createHooksPair(prePatchHook, h.trigger)
case h: UpdateHook =>
updateHook = createHooksPair(updateHook, h.trigger)
case h: PostPatchHook =>
postPatchHook = createHooksPair(postPatchHook, h.trigger)
case h: DestroyHook =>
destroyHook = createHooksSingle(destroyHook, h.trigger)
case n: NextVDomModifier =>
val nextModifiers = assureNextModifiers()
nextModifiers += n.modifier
// Each VNode or each streamed CompositeVDomModifier contains static and
// potentially dynamic content (i.e. streams). The contained VDomModifiers
// within this VNode or this CompositeVDomModifier need to be transformed into
// a list of static VDomModifiers (non-dynamic like attributes, vnode proxies,
// ... that can directly be rendered) and a combined observable of all dynamic
// content (like StreamModifier).
// The NativeModifier class represents exactly that: the static and dynamic
// part of a list of VDomModifiers. The static part is an array of all
// modifiers that are to-be-rendered at the current point in time. The dynamic
// part is an observable that changes the previously mentioned array to reflect
// the new state.
// Example
// Input:
// div (
// "a",
// observable
// observable2
// )
// Output:
// - currently active modifiers: Array("a", ?, ?)
// - dynamic changes: collections of callbacks that fill the array of active modifiers
private[outwatch] class NativeModifiers(
val modifiers: MutableNestedArray[StaticVDomModifier],
val subscribables: MutableNestedArray[Subscribable],
val hasStream: Boolean
private[outwatch] class Subscribable(
newCancelable: Observer[Unit] => Cancelable
) {
var subscription: Cancelable = null
def subscribe(sink: Observer[Unit]): Unit = if (subscription == null) {
// this is a weird function, it ignores a subsription, eventhough it does not know
// wether this specific observer is already subscribed. In this case it is okay,
// because this is an internal class that only ever is called with the same observer
val variable = Cancelable.variable()
subscription = variable
variable() = newCancelable(sink)
def unsubscribe(): Unit = if (subscription != null) {
subscription = null
private[outwatch] object NativeModifiers {
def from(appendModifiers: js.Array[_ <: VDomModifier], config: RenderConfig): NativeModifiers = {
val allModifiers = new MutableNestedArray[StaticVDomModifier]()
val allSubscribables = new MutableNestedArray[Subscribable]()
var hasStream = false
def append(subscribables: MutableNestedArray[Subscribable], modifiers: MutableNestedArray[StaticVDomModifier], modifier: VDomModifier, inStream: Boolean): Unit = {
@inline def appendStatic(mod: StaticVDomModifier): Unit = {
@inline def appendStream(mod: StreamModifier): Unit = {
hasStream = true
val streamedModifiers = new MutableNestedArray[StaticVDomModifier]()
val streamedSubscribables = new MutableNestedArray[Subscribable]()
def handleModifier(modifier: VDomModifier) = {
append(streamedSubscribables, streamedModifiers, modifier, inStream = true)
subscribables.push(new Subscribable(
sink => mod.subscription(Observer.create(
{ modifier =>
{ error =>
modifier match {
case EmptyModifier => ()
case c: CompositeModifier => c.modifiers.foreach(append(subscribables, modifiers, _, inStream))
case h: DomHook if inStream => mirrorStreamedDomHook(h).foreach(appendStatic)
case mod: StaticVDomModifier => appendStatic(mod)
case child: VNode => appendStatic(VNodeProxyNode(SnabbdomOps.toSnabbdom(child, config)))
case child: StringVNode => appendStatic(VNodeProxyNode(VNodeProxy.fromString(child.text)))
case m: StreamModifier => appendStream(m)
case s: CancelableModifier => subscribables.push(new Subscribable(_ => s.subscription()))
case m: SyncEffectModifier => append(subscribables, modifiers, m.unsafeRun(), inStream)
case m: ChildCommandsModifier => append(subscribables, modifiers, ChildCommand.stream(m.commands, config), inStream)
appendModifiers.foreach(append(allSubscribables, allModifiers, _, inStream = false))
new NativeModifiers(allModifiers, allSubscribables, hasStream)
// if a dom mount hook is streamed, we want to emulate an intuitive interface as if they were static.
// This means we need to translate the next update to a mount event and an unmount event for the previously
// streamed hooks. the first update event needs to be ignored to emulate static update events.
private def mirrorStreamedDomHook(h: DomHook): js.Array[StaticVDomModifier] = h match {
case h: DomMountHook =>
// trigger once for the next update event and always for each mount event.
// if we are streamed in with an insert event, then ignore all update events.
var triggered = false
InsertHook { p =>
triggered = true
PostPatchHook { (o, p) =>
if (!triggered || !equalsVNodeIds(o._id, p._id)) h.trigger(p)
triggered = true
case h: DomPreUpdateHook =>
// ignore the next pre-update event, we are streamed into the node with this update
// trigger on all succeeding pre-update events. if we are streamed in with an insert
// event, then trigger on next update events as well.
var triggered = false
InsertHook { _ =>
triggered = true
PrePatchHook { (o, p) =>
if (triggered && equalsVNodeIds(o._id, p._id)) h.trigger(o, p)
triggered = true
case h: DomUpdateHook =>
// ignore the next update event, we are streamed into the node with this update
// trigger on all succeeding update events. if we are streamed in with an insert
// event, then trigger on next update events as well.
var triggered = false
InsertHook { _ =>
triggered = true
PostPatchHook { (o, p) =>
if (triggered && equalsVNodeIds(o._id, p._id)) h.trigger(o, p)
triggered = true
case h: DomUnmountHook =>
// we call the unmount hook, whenever this hook is freshly superseded by a new modifier
// in a stream. whenever the node is patched afterwards we check whether we are still
// present in the node. if not, we are unmounted and call the hook. We additionally
// react to the normal unmount event.
var triggered = false
var isOpen = true
InsertHook { _ => triggered = true },
UpdateHook { (o, p) =>
if (triggered && equalsVNodeIds(o._id, p._id)) isOpen = false
triggered = true
NextVDomModifier(UpdateHook { (o, p) =>
if (isOpen && equalsVNodeIds(o._id, p._id)) h.trigger(p)
isOpen = true
@inline def equalsVNodeIds(oid: js.UndefOr[Int], nid: js.UndefOr[Int]): Boolean = {
// Just doing oid == nid in scala does boxes-runtime equals
oid.fold(nid.isEmpty)(oid => nid.fold(false)(_ == oid))
private object StyleKey {
@inline def delayed = "delayed"
@inline def remove = "remove"
@inline def destroy = "destroy"
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